Legend of the Condor Heroes, Lin'an, the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Huang Rong opened her eyes and took a long breath. She sensed it for a moment and found that the weapons sent by Zhu Gaochi were placed in the chat group system. If she wanted to, she could take them all out with just one thought.

"……fair enough."Huang Rong thought for a moment and then said immediately,"Third Elder."

Suddenly, the door opened with a bang. An old woman in beggar's clothes walked in from the door. She suddenly knelt on the ground and said with a fervent expression,"Your Majesty, the God of Creation... Sir, what do you want me to do? ?"

"I have collected enough weapons here! You began to summon the prime ministers of our Creation God Cult in the Lin'an City area, and started distributing weapons three hours later.……"

The old woman's eyes suddenly widened. She realized something at this moment. She took a deep breath and calmed down her mood."I understand."

The old woman retreated and closed the door. She clasped her hands together and murmured. She muttered,"For the spread of God's faith in this land! For the bright and beautiful future."

Immediately, her eyes became serious and fanatical, and she rushed out quickly.

In the room, Huang Rong's expression was a little complicated. She murmured,"The day has finally come."

When she was 13, she joined the chat group. Huang Rong was determined to believe in God... and then she also prepared to perform sacrifices in her own world and even develop her faith...

However, Huang Rong could only afford three animals, six animals and five grains at that time. And this has already been sacrificed by Ying Zheng...

Sacrificing the same thing to God inevitably feels a bit perfunctory. Therefore, after long consideration, Huang Rong made the decision to establish a religion first, spread the belief in the gods, and then pacify the Southern Song Dynasty in one fell swoop, become the emperor, and then offer sacrifices to the gods as emperor and leader.

Of course, although the fighting power of the Southern Song Dynasty was exhausted, it has to be said that the life of the people of the Southern Song Dynasty was still quite prosperous... at least not to the point where they could not survive...

Generally speaking... this kind of situation was that the people could still survive.丅, it is not easy to preach.

But there was no way, who made Huang Rong believe in the true God? Once the sacrifice method is recited, one can truly obtain divine grace, make the body healthy, and make oneself stronger...

No one can refuse the divine grace of the God of Creation!

Huang Rong also relied on the high-grade sacrificial method to continuously develop believers, one by two, two by four...

Until now, Lin'an, the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty, which she focused on developing, has 100,000 believers...

Believers in other places, because of connections She lacked means, so she had no specific statistics... But based on rough calculations, it was definitely not less than half a million... There was a sudden knock on the door, and Huang Rong came to her senses and said please come in. Then the gloomy-looking Huang Yaoshi walked in from the door.

"Father."Huang Rong's eyes lit up instantly.

"Ronger," Huang Yaoshi's face changed. Although he tried his best to maintain that gloomy expression, he was too doting on his daughter, and in the end his face fell and he said helplessly,"You Do you want to do that? There is still room for redemption now!"

"When you really raise the banner, you will definitely become an official, and even become a thorn in the side of the entire Southern Song Dynasty court. By then, even if we return to Peach Blossom Island... we may not be able to enjoy peace!"

Huang Yaoshi was really amazed at his daughter's talent. Really, he raised Huang Rong with one hand, but he didn't realize that his daughter was actually gifted in preaching...

That night, Huang Rong came to chat with him specifically. , said that he had received divine enlightenment, and asked him to recite a sacrificial method for the deceased... He thought his daughter was joking. However

, Huang Rong was too determined. Even if Huang Yaoshi didn't believe it at all and even lost his temper, No matter how she said it, she did not recite any sacrificial rituals... She was also determined to go out to preach.

Huang Yaoshi was not allowed to do so. But no matter what, Huang Rong tried to escape again and again... Huang Yaoshi, who really doted on her, was forced to have no choice but to He could only leave with Huang Rong...

Then, Huang Yaoshi saw his daughter's mythical journey.

Wherever Huang Rong went, the missionary spread! Obviously she could only stay in one place for a day or two at most, but the strange thing was The reason is that in just one or two days, she was able to develop hundreds of believers... and even if she left, these believers would remain fanatical and spread wildly outward.

In the end, Huang Rong took root in Lin'an City, Kyoto in the Southern Song Dynasty. And try their best to preach here.

How long has it been in Lin'an? Already a wave of terror has spread, and hundreds of thousands of believers have developed... What the heck, Zhang Jiao was not as strong as you at the end of the Han Dynasty.

However , , the talent of the surprised daughter is the gift of the surprised daughter. Huang Yaoshi also sincerely wants his daughter to settle down...

Once he embarks on this road, there is no turning back... It's not that he has no ambition, it's just that he simply doesn't want his daughter to step on it. The road to hegemony filled with blood and bones……

"I have decided."Huang Rong stared at Huang Yaoshi with burning eyes.

"That’s fine!"After a brief silence, Huang Yaoshi's eyes became firm. Since Huang Rong has determined the path he will take in the future, he will burn his old bones again and continue to use a little more heat to help Huang Rong go. Live the most important journey in life……

"By the way," Huang Yaoshi suddenly thought of something, patted his head, and immediately walked forward to pull up Huang Rong's sleeves,"Hide with me for a while first. When it is certain that the uprising is about to begin, you show up again. Huang

Rong was pulled out of the room by Huang Yaoshi. She looked confused and said,"Father, what happened?" You should make it clearer! Isn’t it possible that the government discovered the uprising and now wants to send troops to besiege us?"

"It would be great if they were soldiers from the Southern Song Dynasty."Huang Yaoshi rolled his eyes, his words revealing his disdain for the soldiers of the Southern Song Dynasty.

He paused for a moment and sighed,"What a pity...it is Hong Qigong who comes to trouble you this time. I'm not afraid of him! But his target is you... fighting him will make it really difficult for me to protect you."

"Hong Qigong, one of the five unique beggars? I didn't provoke him!"Huang Rong was even more confused. Is Hong Qigong sick? He was causing trouble for her inexplicably.

"Didn't you offend him? Huang Yaoshi glanced at Huang Rong with an incomprehensible expression,"You really didn't offend him. You just developed the followers and hollowed out all the members of the Beggar Clan."……"

"Tsk, you are really able to 433 develop ordinary beggars into believers. Even the headquarters set up by the beggar gang in Lin'an City, all the elders there have also believed in your god."

Huang Yaoshi sighed,"Even if I've been watching what you did... Thinking about it now, it's still incredible."

Huang Rong then realized something and looked a little embarrassed.

Yes, the foundation of the Creation God Sect is the beggar gang.

But there is nothing to be done about it. The beggars are all poor. The poor are more likely to believe in God than the rich. There are more people...after all, because they are poor, they have nothing to lose.……

"……This doesn't make sense. I didn't force the Beggar Gang to join. Why should he cause trouble for me? Huang Rong was a little depressed, and then her cheeks bulged again,"And, Dad!" Since you are so curious about how I preach? Why not just recite the sacrificial method? Once you recite it, everything will become clear. Huang Rong vowed,"

The reason why I spread the word so quickly is because God is real.""

"OK OK!"Huang Yaoshi agreed with a doting look on his face. But it's just superficial skills, what's the reality? He'll fight to death!

Believe in God? I'm one of the five great masters in the world, a master of both civil and military skills, and a profound family background. I don't know. God is fake?

You want to trick me into believing in religion! Even if you are my daughter, there is no way.

And when the father and daughter passed through the back door of the courtyard, a cold voice mixed with some murderous intent sounded,"Okay, It's you, a crooked little girl, who ruined the atmosphere of our beggar gang...suffer death!"

"Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms! A proud dragon has regrets."_To read the uncrossed version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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