A few hours later.

In a slum in Lin'an Prefecture.

Lin'an in the Southern Song Dynasty was the capital of the dynasty and was famous for its wealth. But this does not mean that there are no poor people here... or on the contrary, the number of poor people here is terrifying, which is one of the key reasons why Huang Rong is so comfortable here.

Huang Rong, Huang Yaoshi, Hong Qigong, and a group of elders from the Creation God Sect arrived here.

The idlers in the slums have been cleared away.

All the young men were neatly arranged. They were solemn and silent. They all stared at Huang Rong, with respect and enthusiasm in their eyes.

"……These guys."Hong Qigong's brows twitched several times.

He was keenly aware that these densely packed young men had plenty of energy and blood in their bodies, and there were muscles on their exposed arms. They were not at all like the people in the slums who didn't even have enough to eat....More like those heroes walking around the world...

Wait a minute...I suddenly remembered the divine grace I had received from reciting the sacrificial words before. Hong Qigong understood something, and a huge wave of emotions arose in his heart... actually...all Will all the people who recite that passage be bestowed with divine grace? Is that why their bodies are so healthy and strong? He initially thought that only he or those with cultivation abilities such as the elders of the Beggar Clan would be blessed with divine grace. God's favor...

No, this is natural.

Hong Qigong suddenly smiled bitterly. He suddenly realized that in front of that majestic and incomprehensible god. He, Huang Yaoshi, might be different from the ordinary people in front of him. There is no difference between people

"Everyone, today is the time to realize our great ideals! Today is the time for the grace of the God of Creation to shine on the Yanhuang Earth!"

Huang Rong's voice was clear, but she revealed a kind of determination. She looked at everyone present,"Let us, under the gaze of the gods, create a future where everyone can have enough to eat, and create a world far beyond the Han and Tang Dynasties. of prosperity."

After the words fell, Huang Rong waved her sleeves.

She took out the red envelope she received from Zhu Gaochi from the system warehouse.

Suddenly, thousands of armored stomachs, together with cold swords and spears... appeared out of thin air.

There was silence at the scene, and then there was an uproar.

In the eyes of many people, this was already equivalent to a miracle, and they immediately became even more enthusiastic and excited.

"The heads of each hall came forward. Huang Rong gave the order. Immediately, hundreds of people walked forward.

She ordered the people who came out in an orderly manner,"Let the strong men from their respective departments, wearing armor and stomach, pick up swords... those who can use bows and arrows, come forward." Come and get the bow and arrow"

"As for the spears, they were assigned to the old, weak, sick and disabled who were placed in their homes.……"

After a pause, Huang Rong said seriously,"If we successfully capture the palace and change the dynasty, there will be chaos in Lin'an City."

"When the time comes, please trouble them to come out and maintain the most basic order!"

Although he is old, weak, sick and disabled, under God's grace... his physical condition is not weaker than those of poor people who don't even have enough to eat.……

"Obey the Lord’s orders!"Everyone spoke enthusiastically.

Hong Qigong looked at this scene with a complicated expression. He looked at the people who were divided into different teams under Huang Rong's order, lining up one by one to receive their weapons... without any hesitation. The turbulent army... yes, in his eyes, this was already a qualified army. He couldn't believe how Huang Rong managed to recruit such a handful of elite troops under the eyes of the officials of the Song Dynasty.

Here. But doesn’t the Kyoto factory official even have a thorough grasp of the news in Kyoto?! Although he had already known that the official was not a powerful figure, but now that he saw how useless the official was, he still felt sincerely shocked. He felt relieved. Hong Qigong said softly,"……Old evil thing, you have a good daughter."

Huang Yaoshi didn't speak. He stared at the group of people with a complicated expression. It turned out that he was also shocked. Why did these illiterate, rude and arrogant poor people obey Huang Rong's words so much... and even trained this kind of people in a short period of time? Military-level obedience...

But after praying to God, he understood. True belief in a god, a living, supreme god! Let them really see hope.

It is this hope, Only then did we create this group of capable people in front of us in a short period of time, allowing them to transform themselves!

It was God who created this miracle, and it was also they themselves who created this miracle!

"So, Leader, who are we next?"The third elder asked respectfully.

"Call him directly! Huang Rong turned her head and seemed to be able to see the palace in the distance through the many houses.

She was stunned for a moment, and the third elder nodded seriously,"Yes!""

The war has begun.

Many of the Imperial Guards of the Southern Song Dynasty, who have been at peace for a long time, are not even in the military camp. Instead, they choose to go out to drink and have fun...

They were killed without thinking... The war did not break out first in the Southern Song Dynasty and Jin Dynasty. The border of the country. Instead, it broke out in Kyoto... the most prosperous city in the Southern Song Dynasty!

They were retreating steadily... No, it can even be said that the troops of the Southern Song Dynasty did not resist at all.

When they saw those wearing armor and stomach , warriors holding sharp knives, they surrendered one after another. The believers of the Creation God Religion almost pushed them to the front of the palace, and many people had anger in their hearts.

So that’s it! It turns out that the army of the Southern Song Dynasty has already So unbearable.

No wonder, facing the Liao and Jin Kingdoms that were once just in a corner, the Song Dynasty was also vulnerable, and even lost a lot of land and huddled in the south

"Leader," Hong Qigong stared at the high inner city wall and suddenly laughed,"Let the old beggar be the vanguard."

"It doesn’t have to be this way!"Huang Rong shook her head. She raised her palms high above her head and patted them gently. Even though there were thousands of troops behind her, the sound of clapping her palms was still clearly audible and spread far away. The next moment, that high The towering palace gate suddenly opened.

Many guards walked out of it, with pious expressions on their faces. They knelt on one knee on the ground, lowered their heads, and almost said in unison,"God of Creation." above!"

Hong Qigong:"?"

Huang Yaoshi:"……"

Let alone Hong Qigong, Huang Yaoshi was stunned. Hasn't he been staying with Huang Rong during this time? Why can't he remember when Huang Rong developed followers in the Royal Palace Guards?

"All it takes is one Guardsman to become a believer! Then he will soon be able to lead many people to become believers of the God. Huang Rong spoke calmly,"No one can reject the powerful, majestic, gentle, and supreme God of Creation.""

"Father, you and Qi Gong can't refuse, and they can't refuse either."

Huang Yaoshi was speechless.

Under the leadership of the Guards, the internal battle ended not long after.

Today, the Southern Song Dynasty official family, Zhao Kuo, together with the Crown Prince Zhao Hong, Empress Yang, and a group of noble concubines , all were caught……

"Let me go! Damn it, why did you all betray? Bastards, Song Ting has raised you for decades, is this how you give back to Song Dynasty?"

"I want to see your leader!"

"Emperor Zhao, I am the person you want to see."Suddenly, a calm voice sounded. Huang Rong walked in slowly from outside the palace door.

"……What?"The first time Zhao Kuo saw Huang Rong, he stared blankly. This girl is really beautiful and beautiful.

But then, Zhao Kuo reacted and his face turned red,"I didn't expect you all to fight. Entering the palace...your leader still doesn't dare to show up, and even introduces a young girl!"

"No cowards. Praetorian Guards, think about it, is this cowardly person worthy of your allegiance?"

No one spoke. Their expressions were extremely calm. They looked at Zhao Kuo as if they were watching a joke. They slowly came to Zhao Kuo and looked him over. Huang Rong was so calm that he said,"The God of Creation is here. On... As of today, the Southern Song Dynasty is destroyed!"

"Come on, make an altar in the palace now!"Huang Rong's eyes were as clear as springs, and she had a beautiful appearance.

She scanned the crowd and said word by word,"Tomorrow morning, I want to sacrifice to the God of Heaven."

"yes! Others shouted in response.

But Huang Yaoshi's brows furrowed for a moment. After thinking for a moment, he asked,"What about the sacrifices?""

"Father, you said……"Huang Rong paused and said with a smile,"What could be more suitable as a sacrifice than the previous emperor?"

Huang Yaoshi was silent for a long time, and sighed with joy or melancholy, not knowing whether it was joy or melancholy."……You've grown up!"_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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