Su Han raised his eyebrows and said with a dumb smile,"This little girl."

After shaking his head, Su Han did not answer. Although he didn't hate Huang Rong's Aite, he still wanted to maintain his dignity and mystery as a god.

Ye Hei:"!!!"

Great Qin Zulong:"……"

The deputy of the strongest man:"I suddenly discovered that the young master of Peach Blossom Island is the god of Aite, the person who worships Aite most frequently."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Yes, you are really bold. Anyway, if it were me, I would be I don’t dare."

Yao Lao:"What don’t dare? That’s called respect! Reverence! Can reverence for gods be called daring to Aite?"

Miaomushan Immortal:"……Wait, look at your people, your kingdom?"

Jiraiya immediately noticed something was wrong.

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Yes, I have successfully ascended the throne! And reestablished a new dynasty and became emperor. Just now...I completed a sacrifice! And God has given me immeasurable grace."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"I'm really touched! I am not moved by God for giving me strength, but I am moved by God for giving us this world... hope for the future!"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"?"

Prince Zhu family:"?"

The strongest man’s deputy:"……this."

Great Qin Zulong:"Hope? What hope? What hope has God given? Ye Hei:"

Wait a minute... the new dynasty?" emperor? groove! Why do you want to establish a new dynasty? Do you want to be the second Wang Mang? The name of this dynasty sounds very unlucky, right?"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"……My new dynasty is based on religion, and the religion is the religion of creation! Do you want me to establish a divine dynasty?"

The young master of Peach Blossom 810 Island:"However, the name of the dynasty has the word"god" added to it, which is inevitably a bit disrespectful."

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"Think about it again, our new dynasty is the first to build a country based on religion! It was considered a new example in the past... so it was called a new dynasty. As for good luck or bad luck, well, I believe in the gods in the new dynasty and have the protection of the gods, so what else do I need to worry about?"

Liu Peiqiang:"……"

The prince of the Zhu family:"This……"

Liu Peiqiang:"There is some truth unexpectedly! Having God's protection is the greatest auspiciousness."

Great Qin Zulong:"So, I still want to know what kind of hope God has given me."

Ying Zheng Just struggle with this. What the Young Master of Peach Blossom Island said is that there is hope for the future, which shows that this affects the entire country...

As the same emperor, he is naturally very keen on this aspect...

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"It is too troublesome to explain in detail! I will upload it directly Movie and TV bar"

"Ding! The young master of Peach Blossom Island has uploaded a video, please download it and watch it."

In just an instant, everyone finished downloading.

Even Su Han silently clicked the download, and then opened it to watch.

The videos Huang Rong uploaded this time were full of weight. It started when she decided to revolt... and then , she defeated the army of the Southern Song Dynasty, entered the imperial court, ascended the throne in the early morning, and offered sacrifices to the gods.

In general, it must be passionate, the pictures must be pictures, and the special effects must be special effects...

Uh, okay, Su Han is in my heart Silently complaining, the scene of his own action is not a special effect."Having said that, this was considered a very classic palace drama in the previous life." Su Han looked puzzled,"With just three to five episodes, it will probably set off a craze on the Internet."

Immediately, he shook his head. He glanced at the chat group again and found that the chat group exploded..Ye Hei:"!!!Grow@

Great Qin Zulong:"……this."

The strongest man's deputy:"For a moment, I didn't even know what expression to show. The deputy of the strongest man:"

Miss Huang Rong, are you too strong?"!"

Yue Worshiping Leader:"Yes, I've heard of dynasty changes... But this kind of dynasty-changing wars are basically calculated based on ten years or even decades! It is really unbelievable to change the dynasty in one day."

Yao Lao:"……But didn’t she only occupy Kyoto? Is this considered a change of dynasty? Liu

Peiqiang:"No, no, no, the key is the miracle of God!" Do you know what such a miracle symbolized in the feudal era? Not to mention that Huang Rong has now ascended to Dabao, even if she is an ordinary person, she is favored by the gods! Then with a wave of his hand, he could recruit hundreds of thousands of people and start a turmoil.

Liu Peiqiang:"Even in the prosperous times...such as the Tang Dynasty or the Han Dynasty, they couldn't withstand such a construction."

Ye Hei:"But the Song Dynasty is completely different from the Tang Dynasty and Han Dynasty." Although this dynasty has a high reputation in history and is one of the orthodox dynasties. It is known as open-minded, wealthy people, and technologically advanced... But I still hate him. Ye Hei:"

In the final analysis, food is the original sin." Because he was afraid of the military attaches and suppressed them, he was eventually driven into the Central Plains by the barbarians... Haha, it's really ridiculous.

Prince Zhu:"Although I have learned from historical records that the Song Dynasty's army was very weak... But when I saw the Xiang army that retreated without a fight, I still didn't know what to say.""

Chen Xiaoyu:"It's so true... It's a miracle to be so weak."

Miaomushan Immortal:"Wait a minute, Mr. Liu Peiqiang... I read your words repeatedly and feel that the logic in your words is not right."

Miaomushan Immortal:"Such a miracle can cause turmoil in the world... Is there any inevitable connection between this and how Miss Huang Rong can conquer the world by only occupying Kyoto?

Liu Peiqiang:"No... no?""

Prince Zhu family:"???"

Yao Lao:"It seems...not really."

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Don't panic, my problem is indeed not big. Now...more than half of the former important ministers in the Southern Song Dynasty have directly defected to me. The new dynasty."

The young master of Taohua Island:"In fact, they swore that they would definitely be able to return the Southern Song Dynasty to the rule of the new dynasty." The young master of Taohua Island:"Of course, even if they mess up, It doesn't matter if various prefectures have rebelled! I will just fight them when the time comes. Whoever rebels, I will kill."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult said:"!!!"

The second-in-command of the strongest man:"It can be said to be very simple and crude."

Ye Hei:"But I have to say, it is indeed very useful. When an emperor has a fighting power that is unmatched in the world, like a land god... then there is no People can check and balance him."

Great Qin Zulong:"One volume of Three Thousand Heavenly Books... It's really exciting! I wonder if I will receive such a gift from God in the future when I become a Zen monk on Mount Tai?"

Ye Hei:"……"

Ye Hei:"Damn, I feel so rough when I say this. This god is obviously mysterious, but he actually stretched out his hand and threw out the heavenly book containing all the information about the third industrial revolution.……"

Ye Hei:"Everyone present... I think you can't even imagine how much information has been preserved by human civilization since the industrial revolution! It is no exaggeration to say that it is tens of millions of times the entire collection of books in one dynasty."

Great Qin Zulong:"???"

Prince Zhu family:"……Ten million times? Brother Ye, are you sure you didn't type an extra thousand words? Do you know how many books there are in our time? Ye Hei:"

It's because you don't know the situation of our time!" The population of my earth alone is seven billion! Moreover, the people in the most powerful countries in the world are basically literate... Among other things, there are 1.4 billion people in Yanhuang... In your time, they were all scholars.

Ye Hei:"If you think about it carefully, how many things could be written by billions of scholars who spent one or two hundred years?" The prince of the Zhu family:"


Great Qin Zulong:"!!!"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"It's too powerful... I don't dare to think about it."

Ye Hei:"Just that small volume of heavenly book... can carry such an astronomical amount of information, it is the black technology among black technologies.. Throwing it to the earth where I am, it will probably make the world's top powers go crazy."

Liu Peiqiang:"If we put it here, it can be regarded as a black technology!"

Liu Peiqiang:"But then again, God Performed a miracle! You are actually using science to analyze? Why don't you use science to analyze your cultivation system?"

Liu Peiqiang:"Why don't you use science to analyze why God sprinkled the essence of the sun and moon? Zhu Gaochi's side just Is there an extra divine treasure out of thin air?"

Liu Peiqiang said, you are so good at raising objections, why don't you go to the construction site to raise them?

Ye Hei:"What you said makes sense... I can't refute it at all."

Ye Hei was trembling with fear.

Su Han showed a noncommittal look, and his eyes shone with an inexplicable luster.

In fact, Su Han had his own considerations as to why he gave the Three Thousand Heavenly Books.

After all, once the industrial revolution breaks out. In such a short period of time, the country's population will also increase dramatically...

ThisWhat does it mean?

This means that the number of Su Han's followers will also increase in the future.

Although this time is calculated in decades...

As a god, the last thing Su Han lacks is lifespan, and he said he can afford to wait. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - hiding, recommending and sharing!

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