Soon, Xiaoyu and his party were taken to another room in the office. In this room, they used a video phone to meet an old man

"You actually made this call to us yourself."Chen Long was quite uneasy. After all, this old man has a very high reputation even in the world.

"After all, you have brought extremely important news, and I should thank you." The old man smiled gently, and then he moved his eyes to Xiaoyu,"Okay, time is tight now, let's not be polite, let's get straight to the point."

"Little one, you say your God! Able to save the world... So, can we know the identity of your god?"

"He is the God of creation, He is the Lord of creation, and He is the Father and Lord of all living things!"Xiaoyu said very solemnly

"……Sounds like the God of the Bible."The old man's eyes twitched inaudibly. In so many years, this is the first time in front of him.The person who said this……

"Not that kind of false god!"Xiaoyu was a little angry.

"it is true!"Dad suddenly spoke, and he explained very seriously,"Because that god does not exist in our world! And it is very likely that it is the supreme existence of another world"

"Moreover, that god is most likely a good god!"

"evidence! You should know that I can't believe you just because of a few words."The old man frowned tightly.

"Because Xiaoyu has become the holy spirit of that god, in other words, that god can come to this world if he wants. If he were an evil god, perhaps his life would be in ruins by now.

Dad paused and continued,"As for the evidence?" Is it really necessary? The devil has already appeared... Build an altar and conduct nationwide prayers... Is it really difficult?"

"If it really doesn’t work, just use it as a backup plan! Anyway, the mystery is real... Even if something goes wrong by then, it can be said that this plan was implemented, but it was of no use to the devil!"Dad spread his hands, looking a bit old-fashioned.

There was dense cold sweat on Chen Long's forehead. He looked at dad blankly. You should know the identity of the old man... Are you sure your tone is consistent with his? Is there really no problem with talking?!

The old man was silent for a long time, then took a long breath and said,"You are right! It's just an extra layer of insurance... Compared to the possible casualties, this is nothing at all."

"Tell me," the old man looked at Xiaoyu,"What do you need? As long as the bottom line is not involved, I can totally agree with it."

"First, the altar! It is best to be made of white jade. The quality of the white jade does not matter... Of course, if white jade is not good, it can be made of stone.……"

"White jade is white jade!"The old man spoke without pause. It's just an altar made of white jade. It's not like running away with the white jade and recycling it later. Moreover, making the white jade into an's not a simple matter to run away with it.……

"Second, sacrifice! It is best to be the destined daughter of a world... But we don’t know who the destined daughter of our world is? So we can only compromise. Has our world ever had such a magical thing? Best, related to containing the devil"

"I probably know what you are talking about. The old man thought for a moment and nodded slightly,"That's fine, that thing has already been transferred. There is no problem in giving it to you for sacrifice.……"."If the devil can be solved, everyone will be happy! But if it is not solved, I hope you will return those few things. We still need to use those few things... to implement our other plans"

"Okay," Xiaoyu nodded, hesitated, and then spoke cautiously,"The next step is to pray... The more people who pray, the better."

"Let me read you a prayer... This is also a manifestation of God's favor! As long as you recite it once, you will receive divine grace and make your body strong and healthy."

"……"The old man was silent. Why is it getting more and more mysterious the more you talk about it? Can you make your body healthy just by reading it once? Why don't you say that just one word can kill that devil?

"it is true! We have all read it. The father thought for a while and added,"Besides, if we want to lie to you, we can't tell you something that can be revealed at a glance, right?""

"……good."After confirming that there were no other requirements, the old man asked someone to write down the sacrificial words that Xiaoyu said. Then he asked again about the time when someone should recite the sacrificial words... and determined that the reciting time was in line with the sacrificial time. After the same moment, he immediately turned off the video call.

There was a knock on the door, and a majestic man walked in from the door. He saluted these people,"I have issued a notice... I will take this time." Cooperate with your work!"

Xiaoyu naturally would not shirk. She directly stated various requirements for setting up the altar. The location for setting up the altar has also been determined, and it is not far away from the palace ruins that the Holy Lord is looking for. Kilometers away.

At night.

Not far away, Fragrant City is brightly lit and extremely prosperous.

But here, fully armed soldiers stand quietly. Their faces are calm and firm, like monuments, ready to give everything. awareness

"It’s almost time!"The majestic man looked at Xiaoyu. He waved his palms, and eight people came from the side. They all held trays covered with red cloth. The majestic man uncovered the red cloths one by one. These The things were: drum, fan, castanets, lotus, flowers, flute, gourd, and sword.

Dad was stunned for a moment, then realized something, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face,"This is... a token of the immortal god?"

"Wait, it's not just a token, this kind of fairy spirit...are these the eight items in the hands of the ancient Eight Immortals?! Oh my god, you actually have the authentic version of this Eight Immortal weapons?!"Dad's heart stirred up a huge wave.

According to the knowledge he acquired, these weapons can be called fairy weapons... their value is inestimable.

".You know, we in the East have a little longer history."The majestic man shrugged,"So there are naturally a lot more gadgets with mythological backgrounds..."

"……"Dad doesn't want to talk, he just wants to be quiet now

"Well...I believe God will like these things very much."Xiaoyu didn't care much. She picked them up one by one and placed them on the altar with her own hands.

"sorry to bother you!"The majestic man looked serious. He and many other soldiers saluted Xiaoyu.

"give it to me!"Xiaoyu spoke very solemnly.

She turned around and came to the altar step by step...

She looked a thousand meters away, where the figure of the Holy Lord was already emerging, and he was laughing wildly. He used magic power to wake up his palace.

He didn't look at Xiaoyu and Chen Long at all...

In other words, the Holy Lord, who has now been resurrected, regarded Xiaoyu, Chen Long and others, and even all the soldiers on the scene, as moles ( Okay) ant, and then ignored it

"Please," Xiaoyu raised her head and stared at the sky, silently reciting in her heart,"The God I admire!"

Lowering her head, Xiaoyu looked at the watch in her hand. At this moment, many soldiers also took out the mobile phones deliberately issued above in a tacit understanding and stared at the time.

When the time came to the agreed time, Xiaoyu said loudly at this moment,"The sacrifice begins!"

The ancient sacrificial words were spat out from her mouth one by one. Moreover, it was not just her, but many soldiers at the scene were also reciting the sacrificial words stored in their mobile phones loudly. In fact, it was not just the ones at the scene. These warriors. There are millions of warriors in the entire East... and as many as 200 million students in the East... Whether they are in universities, high schools, junior high schools or elementary schools... the schools have organized them and started to recite the rites handed down.

This For a moment, in every corner of the Eastern World, Yanhuang... there was this chanting sound!

This is a manifestation of the organizational power of the Eastern World...

This is a power that is enough to make the world tremble! _

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