In the realm of God.

Su Han returned to the Central Heavenly Palace. He took a long breath and said,"I've done everything I can do... Now it's up to Xiaoyu."

If Xiaoyu works hard, he can gain a lot of weight in one day. Hundreds of millions of believers, it’s all easy. And next, like the wandering earth, it will fall into a period of rapid growth of believers.

Of course, even if Xiaoyu's preaching is not effective... the news of pure gods will naturally ferment through the Internet, then Su Han can gain tens of millions more believers in a day……

"Next, just wait and hope."Su Han narrowed his eyes slightly, and he made calculations silently in his mind. If everything goes well, in a week or so, he will be able to gather one billion followers... Of course, considering that new people are added to the chat group from time to time, there may be people behind the new people. In a densely populated world... it may be possible that he actually gathered one billion followers earlier than he estimated.

"Then, there is Taishan Fengchan on the Zulong side."Su Han rubbed his brows, feeling a little troubled.

Although he understood that the Grand Priest of the Country was busy, he still wanted to say that Zulong's movements were really slow.

Suddenly, the Divine Realm began to tremble.

At this moment, In the sky of the divine world, eight suns seemed to appear out of thin air, and the extremely brilliant brilliance scattered in all directions.

In the heavenly palace, the expressions of Medusa, Xun'er, Yukina Uzumaki, Mikoto Uchiha and others who were training hard With a slight change, they walked out of the heavenly palace one by one, looking up at the sky.

On the earth, Yun Yun and others were sowing seeds, and the many holy beasts and spirit beasts who were either busy or idle... their expressions also changed. Change, staring at the sky with a very tacit understanding.

The brilliance on the eight-wheeled sun suddenly exploded, and the eight halos of light spread in all directions with the eight suns themselves as the center... Of course, from the perspective of the entire divine realm, there are eight brilliant brilliance. Spreading from the center of the divine realm to the edge of the divine realm……

"Has it started yet?"Su Han looked above the heaven, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

He could feel that the divine power in his body was increasing, and it increased by 10% in a few breaths...

What does this mean?

This represents the divine realm. The overall aura concentration has increased by another 10%!

You must know what level the aura concentration of the Divine Realm itself has reached? 10% to this level is undoubtedly an astronomical figure.

Moreover, after an increase of 10%, it does not mean that there is no improvement. , but the speed of improvement has slowed down.

After calculating these gains, Su Han was silent for a long time. Finally, he said with emotion,"Suppress the luck and integrate with the vast divine realm. This is just a short sentence in books, but in reality... it is an earth-shaking change."

It's not just Su Han...

On the ground, many ninth-level spirit beasts roared, and they felt the heat surging in their bodies...

Immediately, with a crisp sound... they broke through!

Blood Qi As they surged, their bodies continued to expand. Eventually, they transformed into a powerful sacred beast as huge as a mountain. Yun Yun on the ground, Yao Ye and others, Medusa in the heavenly palace, Uzumaki Yukina and others...all felt that their bodies were transforming and their cultivation levels were improving...especially Meidu and Xun'er...their minds were clear and their cultivation levels had risen sharply again, reaching the peak of the emperor. -Feng...

But the improvement in cultivation is not what they are happiest about...

What they are happy about is the secret given by God... Finally, they have touched the secret of a higher level... They have broken through! Success! They transformed the secret into a great avenue.

They lived up to God's gift... and thus broke the barrier that prevented the emperor from going to a higher level... As long as they accumulated enough cultivation, they could use the formed avenue to break through to the emperor. above……

"very good! really good."Su Han naturally got the feedback, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised... He found several more ways.

Although this did not help much in improving his strength, it was not something he had worked hard to cultivate... He came here in vain. Things, no matter expensive or cheap, can always make people feel happy

"However, Medusa and Xun'er broke through to the Emperor's Land... Is this the Dominion Realm in the Dominion World?"Su Han fell into thinking.

Based on the information he read in his previous life, he inferred that if the emperor's realm is placed in the world of domination... there is a high probability that it is the Heavenly Supreme. Even if it is not, then it is at least the quasi-Celestial Supreme, right?

Medusa and Xun Son, they have never been to the Dominion World, so they evaluate the speed of their cultivation improvement based on the nine levels of saints... If the Emperor is considered the Heavenly Supreme, then after nine breakthroughs... they can only break through again. It's the master...

Of course, even if the emperor is at the quasi-heavenly supreme level... they break through to the emperor's base, which is at least half a step to the master.……

"There is a high probability that he is the master!"Su Han nodded slightly, with an inexplicable luster in his eyes,"But the details will not be known until Yao Lao, Gu Tianyuan and the others ascend... But it seems that they will not be able to ascend in a short time. of."

Shaking his head, Su Han threw away the messy thoughts in his mind. Anyway, it was not a big deal.

Next, Su Han lightly tapped his finger. Suddenly, the eight divine weapons of luck made a buzzing sound. There was a crisp sound, and then they each chose a direction and shot away.

In just a few breaths, the divine soldiers of destiny crossed a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers and arrived at the edge of the divine domain.

They suddenly guarded this place!

The borderland of God's Domain has always been a very embarrassing place. Because the essence of Su Han's God's Domain is actually the center of God's Domain...

Here stands the Heavenly Court, and there areThe Wisdom Bodhi Tree is towering, and the concentration of spiritual energy is terrifying. There are medicine kings and sacred treasures everywhere, and holy beasts and spiritual beasts also gather here...

However, the further away from the center of the divine domain, the more desolate the land becomes.

Although these areas also have a large number of spiritual flowers, plants and trees, as well as lakes formed by the aura turning into liquid... In the eyes of people from those worlds in the chat group, they can be regarded as sacred lands... But just look at the comparison.

These frontier areas are far behind compared to the elite areas...

Yun Yun and the others have been developing, but the development is also slowly opening up from the center outwards.

If the number of divine servants in the Divine Realm does not increase in the future... Even if the area of ​​the Divine Realm does not increase, they may not be able to open up the frontiers for hundreds of millions of years...

However, the arrival of the Eight Divine Luck Divine Soldiers has changed everything..

The Divine Weapon of Luck, although it also contains extremely strong offensive power. But their more important function is to integrate with the divine realm, absorb the outside world's luck, and absorb a huge amount of void spiritual energy... at the same time, suppress the divine realm itself, so that the divine realm's own fate and spiritual energy will not be left through the borderlands of the divine realm. To the outside world...

After they settle in the borderlands, the eight zones where they are located can naturally develop under the catharsis of surging void spiritual energy and the blessing of terrifying luck...!

Even if time goes by, we may not be able to catch up with the prosperity of the central area.

"If all eight border areas can reach the center... hiss! It feels unlikely. After all, I sit here and the blessing I bring to the center is too great."Thoughts flashed in Su Han's mind.

But taking a few steps back... Even if the eight frontier areas were only developed as much as 10% of the central area, the eight combined would equal the creation of a prosperous center of the divine domain....

What's more, Su Han estimated that they could at least catch up to 30% of the prosperity in the center of the God's Domain...

Su Han suddenly laughed,"This time on Xiaoyu's side, a miracle was revealed... The 30 billion faith power spent, So worth it."

Thirty billion, on average, each Yanhuang person is equivalent to a person receiving twenty rays. For ordinary people, this is already a huge amount... Only then will they feel that there are obvious changes in their bodies......

Of course, although the power of 30 billion beliefs may not be able to be collected even if the gods spend all their money... But for Su Han, sprinkle water!

Su Han even dared to say that he was more confident than those main gods and god kings. What is not lacking is the power of faith.

Even if we don’t mention the gains from the Eight Divine Soldiers, the power of faith he gained from the world of Jackie Chan’s Adventures alone is 230 billion... 30 billion? Just a fraction..With a thousand-fold increase, no matter how much Su Han spends his money, the power of his faith will only spend more and more!

"The life of rich people is so simple and boring!"After sighing, Su Han focused his attention in his mind,"That's all, it's not a gain... Let's take a look at the current situation of the chat group."_

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