Wanjie chat group.

Ye Hei:"???"

Ye Hei:"Oh my god... are you Pei Ju? Oh my, my history teacher in junior high school didn't tell me that Pei Ju is actually a top martial arts master!"

Ye Hei:"Oh no, I almost forgot... ours There is no martial arts in the world. That's okay."

Great Qin Zulong:"Yes, there is no martial arts in your world...but there are practitioners who can split mountains and overturn mountains and seas. Do you dare to say that Pei Ju in your world is really an ordinary person? ?"

Ye Hei:"……"

Immortal Evil King:"……"

Immortal Evil King:"May I ask, what are you two talking about?!"

Shi Zhixuan's expression changed slightly. He was keenly aware that the words of this group of people revealed extremely terrifying information.

Ye Hei:"The era I live in is the 21st century! In other words, I am about 1,400 years after your era? It's not much different... So, the experience of your era is not the same as mine. This era is just part of the history books."

Ye Hei:"I know you were an important minister in the Sui and Tang Dynasties... He died in 627 AD at the age of 80! After his death, he was awarded the title of Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the governor of Jiangzhou, with the posthumous title of Respect."

Ye Hei:"One more thing...after the Sui Dynasty is the Tang Dynasty! You know the royal family of the Tang Dynasty, the Li Clan of Longxi! The first emperor of the Tang Dynasty was Li Yuan, and the second emperor was Li Shimin."

Immortal Evil King:"!!!"

16 Shi Zhixuan once again stirred up huge waves in his heart.

This information was too terrifying. The shock it brought to him was second only to the glimpse of God through reciting the sacrificial ritual method...

He did not doubt that Li Shimin would become the emperor in the future...

After all, the group of Cihang Jingzhai now The nuns seemed to be building momentum for Li Shimin... Those nuns bet on the emperor's proficiency! There is nothing to say if it succeeds.

What shocked him was... Ye Hei was now in his future more than a thousand years later!

Liu Peiqiang:"Don't listen to his nonsense! Although Ye Hei told the truth, he selectively told part of the truth.……"

Moon Worshiping Leader:"Yes... Ye Hei, if you have been with him for a long time, you will know that he has an extremely bad character! His heart, liver, intestines and lungs are all black."

Liu Peiqiang:"Well, newcomer, let me give you the simplest analogy. Right. In Ye Hei's world, there are beings who can easily lift mountains and refine oceans... Are there such powerful people in your world?"

Immortal Evil King:"……"

Immortal Evil King:"There is indeed no one on my side...but, except for the strong, the future development of the world is indeed……"

Shi Zhixuan still couldn't let go.

Liu Peiqiang:"Have you ever heard of the parallel world theory? Well, I'm stupid. You, a person from the Sui and Tang Dynasties, have never heard of this theory.……"

Liu Peiqiang:"Well, let's use me as an analogy... The world I live in is not the same as Ye Hei's, but the historical trajectories of mine and his world are also very similar... Of course, the time I live in is different from his. Fifty or sixty years later. However, although my world and his have similar histories, there are also differences."

Liu Peiqiang:"The sun in my world has gone out! The world is on the verge of destruction... And that guy Ye Hei, The world is still fine. And there are no cultivators in my world, and his world exists!"

Immortal Evil King:"I see, I have completely understood."

Shi Zhixuan organized his thoughts, and after combining his previous judgments, his eyes Suddenly it lit up, and he suddenly thought of a reasonable explanation.

Immortal Evil King:"God is the creator of the world. He has created many worlds...but it is very laborious to live in different worlds created by God. So He simply got lazy and used the same method in many worlds. destiny……"コ.Immortal Evil King:"This is the fundamental reason why the history of each world is similar but not the same." As soon as these words came out, the entire chat group fell into a dead silence.

Su Han's expression became very wonderful.

He's not, he doesn't, don't talk nonsense.

Where the hell did you come to this conclusion?!

Su Han was in a very subtle mood. But many members of the chat group were shaken at this moment and suddenly realized.

Great Qin Zulong:"I see... I have thought wrongly! The Lord of Creation, the Lord of Creation, it turns out that He created not other worlds... but our world!" The strongest man's deputy:"This, I have already made a guess. If God hadn't created us, how could He be so kind to us? And God had already revealed this information when he joined the chat group." The Strongest

Man Deputy:"The world was born from me, and everything is my son... Do you think that God is just joking?!"

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"……"

Moon worshipper:"……When God said it, I didn't believe it at the time. But after truly feeling the power of God, I had forgotten this sentence."

Moon Worshiping Leader:"Now that I think about it, everything is integrated... I gradually understand everything!"

Seeing this scene, Su Han said:"……"

But then, Su Han suddenly thought that they had such a misunderstanding. Seems like it’s good for strengthening your faith?

After thinking for a while, Su Han simply pretended that he didn't see the exchange between these guys and ignored it.

"No matter so much."Su Han stood up slowly. He stretched his body and bones, and his whole body made a crackling sound."Next, why don't you go to class for a while?"

"After coming to Jinling Divine Academy for so long, I have never taken any other courses except the library."

Su Han is actually quite curious about what the university teaches.

Strictly speaking, the knowledge he learned in high school is very useful to him...

It can even be said that he can be so important in developing followers in the chat group, and as the As time passed, the group members became more and more respectful and obedient to him... Part of the reason for this was that he made good use of the knowledge he learned in high school.……

"Then go and try it."Su Han came directly to the real world. But before he officially started, he suddenly noticed a pious prayer sound, and sensed that the coordinates of another new world appeared.

"……Gudazi?"Su Han stopped. After a brief silence, he laughed,"After Shi Zhixuan, did Gudazi also start praying? What a surprise."

Immediately, Su Han gave up the idea of ​​going to school. He lay on the sofa and projected a ray of thought into the world of Xingyue along with the prayer sound.


FGO world, Chaldea.

This special institution funded by countries around the world and located on the Antarctic continent to ensure the continuation of humanity... was attacked on this day!

Fires radiated... Many qualified souls endured this terrifying explosion head-on.

Among them, even those who survived had to be forcibly transferred to the frozen state to extend their lifespan.

In the burning control room.

Gudazi covered her nose and rushed in. She shouted loudly,"Ma Xiu!"

However, there was no response.

There was a mess in front of him, with nothing but flames and smoke.

However, Gudazi did not give up, and she tried her best to search. Finally, she heard a weak voice,"Senior!"

Her eyes suddenly widened, and Gudazi rushed over in the direction of the voice. Then she saw the girl who was crushed under the boulder and covered with bruises.

"……how come?"Gudazi's body was trembling. She rushed forward and held the burned red stone with both hands. She resisted the pain caused by the burn and tried to move it away. But her The power is too weak to even shake its 783 bit.

"Senior... give up."Ma Xiu's voice was very weak, but an unabashed and pure smile appeared on her face,"Being able to see senior at this time... I am very happy, very happy! Don't save me, senior, run out quickly……"

With a loud bang, the collapsed building and the spreading flames cut off Gudazi's retreat.

"Not anymore!"Gudazi shrugged and sat next to Ma Xiu with a calm expression, leaning against the big burning red stone.

"Matthew...are you a pity? Just die here?"Gudazi said softly

"No...I am very happy to have senior with me. However, I still really want to see the real sky outside!"Ma Xiu's eyes were shining with brilliance like stars.

"……Yeah?"Gudazi closed her eyes, and she saw the interface that suddenly appeared in her mind again.

She was very wary of the interface that suddenly appeared in her mind.

Although she is not a qualified magician, she has also experienced Having passed the most basic magic training... she naturally knows that any opportunity that comes from the sky in the mysterious world may contain deadly poison bait...

Therefore, she has not spoken in it.

Therefore, although she quit the chat As for the members of the group, she downloaded things like sacrificial methods, but never thought about reciting them...

But now, she doesn't care anymore

"If the chat group appears in my mind, what is said is true! If there really is a benevolent and generous god in this world. Please save her, save this child who just wants to see the sky outside!"

"Even if I have to sacrifice my soul for this, I am willing to do so."Gu Dazi's eyes gradually became firm.

She spoke... her voice was fast and firm! She recited the Thousand-Word Sacrifice._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!

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