Time flies by, and two hours fly by.

Luo Ji was wearing a formal suit, with a serious face, and he walked step by step from the foot of Mount Tai. Climbing to the top of Mount Tai, I came to the main altar of the altar.

He stared at the extremely huge altar, and at the cattle, sheep, and pigs piled up in cages. There was an inexplicable luster in his eyes,"Everything is ready! All that's left is the east wind." He took a deep breath, Under the camera's camera, and under the gaze of billions of viewers around the world, he walked to the main altar, but at the moment when he was about to officially start... suddenly, a bright eye appeared in the sky. The water droplet was aimed at Luo Ji.

There was a brief silence, and then people all over the world who saw this scene through the video were in an uproar.

"It's water droplets...the aliens' ultimate weapon!"

"Damn it, at this time... you really can't get past him?!"

"Oh my god! Isn't this the liar's death struggle? Why would you summon something like that?"

"What the enemy opposes is what we should firmly do! Although I don't know what Mr. Luo Ji is doing to deceive...he must have caught the Trisolaran's fate."

"Damn it, it’s obviously only one step away from success! But now that the water droplets appear, everything is over... No matter what the plan is, it will be ruined."

Some people are happy, some are furious, and some 163 have faces full of despair at this moment...

Yes, no matter what kind of salvation plan there is, water droplets are always a huge barrier that is difficult to overcome on the road ahead for people.

This was cast by the Trisolaran civilization. The detector is the ultimate weapon that dominates all countries!

Before the arrival of the Trisolaran fleet, it firmly locked the throat of mankind, and could only make mankind approach death step by step in despair.

"Phew, it seems you have discovered it after all! Luo Ji looked calm. Even though the water droplets were aimed at him and could penetrate his body at any time, he remained so calm.

Luo Ji put a hand into the inside of his Zhongshan uniform, then took out a gun. Putting the gun against his temple, he raised his other hand and showed the watch on it.

He whispered,"My heartbeat is connected to the watch at this moment. Once I commit suicide, the many human ultimate weapons surrounding the sun will completely explode. At that time, the flickering sun will be equivalent to sending a signal to the universe."

"Not only did I expose the location of the Earth! At the same time, the positions of your three bodies are also exposed. At this moment, I will become the biggest sinner and destroyer of two civilizations!"

"Now," Luo Ji stared at the water droplets with burning eyes,"get out of the way, don't disturb me, don't cause damage. Let me complete the sacrifice safely...or let the two civilizations die together."

The scene was completely silent.

Whether it was the soldiers maintaining order, the photographers, or everyone on earth who saw this scene... they were all stunned, looking at the man who died calmly..

A faint brilliance flickered, and the water droplets projected Yanhuang characters in the mid-air.-."stop!!!".2. Don’t commit suicide, don’t make sacrifices, we can talk about everything! Talk slowly."Of.

"Step aside."Luo Ji's voice was as cold as ever.

"No sacrifices...please! Really please."

Looking at the image projected by the water droplets, Luo Ji was silent for a moment and then suddenly smiled,"It seems that you have someone dedicated to analyzing the sacrificial inscriptions! Has anyone even done the chanting?"

At this moment, everyone on the earth who saw this scene realized something, and their expressions changed drastically.

Leaders from all over the world issued orders at the first moment.

"There's something wrong with that sacrificial article...! Big problem"

"Now give me the translation of that sacrificial article right away...what? No, because I think this is just a cover for a real big move, and time is really tight, so no? This critical moment? Why the hell don't you go eat shit? You're fired... No, you start cleaning toilets from today on! Shit, I want you┛Sweep until you retire"

"Damn you, tell me, it takes at least half an hour to translate now? You are a sinner, a sinner of our old European Union!"

"Translate it now... and have it analyzed by all the experts in our country! It is important to determine why the Trisolarans are so afraid of Luo Ji chanting."

At the foot of Mount Tai, the old man who still hadn't left watched the live broadcast, with relief and worry on his face,"Sure enough... he has planned everything! Worthy of being a wall-facer……"

"But what happened to that memorial? How could mere words make Trisolarans so frightened?"

Suddenly, a man with a majestic face quickly walked in from outside and came to the old man's side.

His voice was extremely serious, with a certain kind of horror that has not dissipated yet,"Just now, someone of ours tentatively conducted Recite the sacrificial method... to prepare for the official sacrifice!"

"However, after reciting that thing... we discovered that what Luo Ji said was true, and we could indeed see a real God through that thing! And get real feedback to make yourself stronger."

The old man stayed where he was. Even though he had experienced countless major events and had developed a heart as strong as steel, he still looked at the majestic man with a confused look on his face. He almost wondered if he had heard wrong.

What the hell? ?What Luo Ji said before was true. It was not a cover-up, nor was it a big interlocking plan. What he wanted to do was what he said... sacrifice to the gods and defend civilization?!

There are actually things in this world God! And he is also a god who can make the Trisolaran civilization feel fear.

"How can this be?"The old man murmured. After a moment of silence, he turned to look at the video again with an incomprehensible expression. The majestic man did not speak. He knew very well that the old man had actually believed it.

After all, the water droplets of the three-body system were still hanging there... …

Many things are added together, no matter how incredible the final conclusion is, it must be true.

In fact, at this moment on the Internet, there are also many people who have recited the memorial inscriptions and found something wrong. Then they spoke like crazy on the Internet, Proclaiming that the God of Creation is real.

On the top of Mount Tai.

Luo Ji suddenly said,"You don't know what will happen if I choose to sacrifice, so you can take a gamble!" But if you don’t bet, I choose death, and the two civilizations will accompany me to the abyss together! Countdown to ten seconds"

"ten, nine, eight……"

Luo Ji's countdown sounded not only in the hearts of the Trisolarans, but also in the hearts of the people on Earth.

There were many people with fear on their faces. Although they didn't know what Luo Ji's death meant, they at least knew that once Luo Ji died, the Earth and the Three-Body Problem would start playing together. However, no matter how noisy they were on the Internet, it was very quiet on the top of Mount Tai to prevent Luo Ji from dying.

Neither the soldiers nor the photographers moved. Quietly waiting for the moment that will decide the fate of the two civilizations.

Finally, when Luo Ji reached level three. The water droplets illuminated the projection,"We will not stop you! Please offer sacrifices. Let us witness... what God means." The

Trisolaran civilization surrendered!

Although they had a very bad premonition, when faced with the options of dying on the spot or possibly dying later... they could only choose the latter option, even if they knew it might contain fatal toxins.

Luo Ji breathed a sigh of relief. He thought for a while, still holding the gun against his temple. On top of the main altar, he turned his head, faced the camera, and said to the audience watching the live broadcast around the world,"Everyone who wants to Those who want to live! All those who still have hope for the future... Now, I implore you to recite the sacrificial text with me!"

"This is the most critical time! please."

After that, Luo Ji turned his head again. He took a deep breath, calmed down his mood, looked serious, and recited the sacrificial words loudly._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel APP!

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