Su Han stared at the situation in the God's Domain. After realizing that everything was going well with Zhao Ling'er, he nodded slightly, and then opened the system prompt interface again.

"Interesting... There are now more than 700 million people from Trisolaris who have prayed to me sincerely. More than three-quarters of them are Yanhuang people... huh?"

Su Han felt a little strange immediately. He directed his attention to the three-body world. He soon understood what happened, and his expression became subtle.

"It turns out that on the Three-Body Earth side, Luo Ji only announced the Yanhuang version of the sacrificial method. The reason why there are not a large number of people in foreign countries who believe in it is mainly because it is still in the translation stage."

Although in the Three-Body era, there were already intelligent translations. But it is very obvious that when it comes to gods, every grammar needs to be carefully studied, not as much as possible, but to restore it 100%...

This is doomed. A thousand-word document can only be translated bit by bit by humans, and the efficiency will not be too high.

"Next, Luo JiyingWill the Creation Cult be established? However, those who have recited the sacrificial method may not necessarily join in!"Su Han rubbed his brows with a headache.

Just talking about the method of sacrifice... there are nine or one billion people in the world of Wandering Earth. Logically speaking, even without the Three Body, he should be able to start to break through. God.

But the key problem is that without joining the Creation God Cult, Su Han asked them in the group to sacrifice at the same time during a certain time period... It would be difficult for them to be notified by the radiation during that time period and then chant together...

So Su Han Han can only count the people who may sacrifice to him when he breaks through to the God of Creation based on the people who joined the Creation God Religion.

After 543 thinking for a moment, Su Han smiled hoarsely,"But no matter what, the total number of worlds in the current group is more than one billion There is no problem for believers to worship together."

Suddenly, Su Han saw something and his brows twitched,"What is this?!"

Su Han saw the interface of the amplification system, a series of names that were neither Yanhuang script nor foreigners, and these names were very difficult to pronounce. He looked strange, and immediately sensed the situation through these names, and then knew that this was a Trisolaran person. sacrifice

"……Things are getting interesting! There are actually over a million people from the Trisolaris worshiping me now? And it's still growing rapidly."

After thinking about it for a moment, Su Han had an idea and turned his attention to the Trisolaris. Then, he understood what was going on.

"It turns out that the Trisolarans can use my feedback to effectively resist the harsh environment by reciting sacrificial incantations... Well, their leader is a bit interesting. Although he is trying his best to promote the sacrificial method, he strictly restricts the people under him and does not allow it. A true sacrifice."

Su Han looked incomprehensible. The reason for this is because the Trisolaran leaders believed that they had bad intentions towards the earth. If they really sacrificed and let Su Han come, who can guarantee that this supreme god will Because they didn't like it, they conveniently destroyed the Trisolaran civilization?

Although, maybe they themselves knew that if the Creator God wanted to destroy them, it didn't matter whether they offered sacrifices or not... But they still did this kind of self-deception..

Everything is for the continuation of civilization! Everything is to reduce the possibility of civilization’s destruction!"Boring. @Su Han showed a noncommittal look, but he did not perform any divine revelation on any Trisolaris leader. The Trisolaris was willing to offer sacrifices. He was not shy about granting divine favors. If he was not willing to offer sacrifices, it didn't matter!

-Anyway, his base is the chat group. And, again, he has always been in the stage of digesting the harvest of sacrifices and is not insistent on sacrifices.

Shaking his head, Su Han thought for a moment and turned his attention to the chat group.

Gudazi:"Today, we successfully penetrated the singularity of the Hundred Years' War between Evil Dragons. We also successfully dragged Mary, as well as Bai Zhen, Hei Zhen and other servants back to Chaldea. (Happy.jpg)"

Guda Zi:"It will be the second singularity point soon... When I penetrate all the singularity points, I will ask if there are any servants around me who are willing to serve the god! Then I will bring them together with the dead demon pillar. Let’s offer it to God together."

Gudazi:"I think by that time, God will be in a very good mood! If God is in a good mood, then my mood will also become super good. (Envision. jpg)"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Terrible."

Ye Hei:"Why does it smell like dog licking for no reason!"

Liu Peiqiang:"God's things! Can it be called licking? That's called... devout faith!"

Prince Zhu:"Then the question comes... Are you sure there are people with destiny among these servants?"

Zhu Gaochi's eyes suddenly became sharp... If he can figure out the characteristics of people with destiny, then he will look for this type of people in the future. It will be much easier.

Gudazi:"I'm not sure! However, those who can become heroic spirits are heroes or protagonists of an era! Again, they are also people with great luck, right?"

Gudazi:"Besides, even if there are none! Anyway, They went to heaven willingly... My main thoughts are still on the Demonic Pillar."

Miaomushan Immortal:"I see."

Prince Zhu:"Originally I thought... forget it, it's natural. (Decadent.jpg)"

Wall-Facing Man:"The God of Creation is above! Thank God for saving my world and saving tens of billions of people on earth. It also frees us from that sad fate and no longer needs to be trapped in the dark forest of the universe. Troubled by the law. (Crying with gratitude.jpg)"

Luo Ji posted a photo of himself kneeling on the ground crying.

Su Han's expression became very exciting... Damn it, you are so cruel, even yourself is being blamed!

Prince Zhu family:"???"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"It seems that the newcomer's sacrifice has been successful? And... emmm. It seems that a crisis of annihilation has been solved?"

Ye Hei:"Another world has encountered a crisis of annihilation... Alas, I How could you say it again? (In deep thought.jpg)"

Ye Hei:"Whatever... Anyway, there will be no problems in my world! The strong are like the forest. They are very stable."

You are so naughty, Su Han said twitch. He knew very well that Ye Hei's world was no safer than Luo Ji's.

Luo Ji has the Dark Forest Law, and Ye Hei also has dark turmoil. What's more, unfortunately, many forbidden areas of life are on Beidou...

But after thinking about it, there is still a long way to go before the dark turmoil starts. It's been a long time, so Ye Hei can indeed live a peaceful life now.

Liu Peiqiang:" are indeed from Earth too! Great, am I, so is Ye Hei, and so is Chen Xiaoyu...In fact, Ying Zheng, Huang Rong, and Zhu Gaochi are also from ancient times.……"

Liu Peiqiang:"But speaking of this issue, what era are you in now? The 21st century?"

Gudazi:"? Am I expelled from the earth?"

The Immortal Evil King:"I don't accept it! How can I Are they not from Earth? If you join a chat group, you don’t have the human rights you mentioned?"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Actually, Mr. Liu, I think... you should say, who in the chat group are not from Earth?"

Ye Hei:" Yao Lao silently gave a thumbs up."

Wall-Facing Man:"……"

Wall-Facing Man:"If we calculate according to the Gregorian place should be the twenty-third century! The year 2208."

As soon as these words came out, the chat group became quiet for a while. There was an uproar immediately.

Ye Hei:"???"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Hey! It's 2208?! Then aren't you the most future person in the chat group now?"

Liu Peiqiang:"Afraid.jpg"

Wall-Facing Man:"Of course... Strictly speaking, I actually He was a person born in the late twentieth century... He just used freezing technology and had a special mission to come to the future."

Wall-facer:"It sounds amazing, but it's actually not a big deal! Chat group The 21st century people inside can help me communicate as my contemporaries... there will be no barriers."_

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