Then those who rushed in were the top masters from the three major families.

They all stopped and stared at the mythical scene in the sky. After a brief silence, they all knelt on the ground with a very unified plop.

You Chuhong's body suddenly trembled, and she no longer looked old. She kept kowtowing to the sky with a trembling voice,"God, please forgive me! God, please have mercy... I don't know that you are manifesting miracles, which conflicts with the emperor's manifestation." , heinous."

Yuwen Shang's eyes were sharp. He saw Yu Wenhuaji in the distance among the palace guards, kowtowing constantly... Now he had the urge to cut that guy into pieces with a thousand knives.

What a beast! The Emperor of Heaven appears, the Heavenly Court descends into the world... You should at least tell them!

Are you okay now? After offending the Emperor of Heaven, I'm afraid that after their entire family dies, they will all have to go to the 18th floor of hell to atone for their sins...

At this moment, Yu Wenshang, who is so filled with grief and anger, has completely forgotten that he led people in with the purpose of saving Yu Wenji.…As a prisoner, how could Yu Wenhua and others get useful information from them?!

Of course, it wasn't just them who saw it at this moment... the entire city of Chang'an, and even hundreds of kilometers around, could clearly see the magnificent scene above the sky that was beyond imagination. I don't know how many people were excited at this moment, kneeling on the ground and kowtowing.

A calm and gentle voice suddenly spoke. Like a thunderbolt from the blue, it sounded in the ears of more than 40 million people throughout the Sui Dynasty

"Shi Zhixuan, a devout believer, will be rewarded with ten thousand years of immortal power if he performs sacrifices successfully!"

Suddenly, several fairy flowers that were constantly circulating in the vast world came through the air. They suddenly merged into Shi Zhixuan's body.

His aura increased by leaps and bounds at this moment, although it was far less than the two holy spirits in the sky. But I also think it can be called a terrifying sound.

Shi Zhixuan naturally floated in mid-air, and when his aura was revealed, dense cracks appeared in the void.

"What kind of mythical scene is this?!"Zhu Yuyan first glanced at Shi Zhixuan in shock, and then stared at the Sky God Realm with a fervent and horrified expression.

How many immortal flowers are there in that world? It's impossible to count them, because they are all over the sky...

Where are the immortal flowers ? The world is as numerous as weeds in the wilderness...

However, this does not mean that the immortal flowers are not strong... It's just that a few immortal flowers cross the border, giving Shi Zhixuan more than ten thousand years of immortal power. Really Zhenghua has become a man among gods... Who can calm down after seeing this scene? Who won't go crazy after seeing this scene?!

"Shi Zhixuan thanked God for his grace!"Shi Zhixuan knelt on the ground respectfully and kowtowed to the sky. He was so excited that he could not control himself.

A hundred years of immortal power had transformed him, and his cultivation level was even vaguely higher than that of Shattered Void... Thousands of years of immortal power allowed him to How strong has he become?!

Shi Zhixuan didn't dare to judge... because he couldn't confirm it himself.

He even felt that the world he lived in now was as fragile as a piece of paper... If he didn't contain the breath in his body, then he would Any movement he made would penetrate the void.

But soon, Shi Zhixuan knew that he had thanked him too early... because the calm voice in the sky never stopped.

"Enjoy the opportunity to upgrade the world!"

At this moment, there seemed to be endless chaotic energy surging across the vast heaven.

It was as if there was an existence so majestic that even the vast divine world could not bear it. He stood up at this moment... The world moved because of him! Tremble because of Him!"I say, world promotion!"". The words were followed. Densely large traces suddenly appeared in the void, so much so that they could be touched... However, no one dared to move. They stared at these traces... As soon as they merged with the void.

Shi Zhixuan's brows jumped a few times, because he suddenly found that it was difficult for him to penetrate the void at this moment. The world has been strengthened, and the void has become more tenacious.

"I say, when the spiritual energy of the land of China revives, when sacred trees grow, when sacred mines are born... it should be suitable for spiritual practice!"

The vast divine world shook slightly, and some cracks appeared in the void. And these cracks seemed to truly connect this world with that divine world... The surging spiritual energy that was difficult to describe in words crashed to the ground, Sweeping across China at an unimaginable speed... This is not because Su Han used the power of faith to show his holiness, but because the concentration of spiritual energy in the divine world is too high...

Just like water flowing downwards, Su Han opened a hole , then naturally a flood poured down...

Almost every martial arts practitioner felt a sense of suffocation at this moment. Even if they were not in a state of cultivation at this moment, their cultivation level naturally improved by leaps and bounds. The void was twisted, with countless Tens of thousands of streams of light fell... This time, Su Han directly transplanted tens of thousands of towering trees from his own divine realm.

After sublimating into the divine realm, Su Han suddenly discovered that even the ordinary trees in his own divine realm were now sublimated. It has reached the point where it is enough to serve as a spiritual energy node.

Yes, this time he does not need to spend a lot of faith to transform the native tree species in the chat group world. Just move it directly from the God Realm... Anyway, he is a god There aren't many other things in the world, and it's scary to have so many trees...

To be honest, Su Han himself was shocked by this, because according to his seems like the trees in the God King's world can't do this kind of thing.. If you want to get spiritual power nodes and lead the world to upgrade, you still have to spend the power of faith to change it, or use your own divine power to slowly cultivate it...

Otherwise, how can the course of world transformation become a specialized subject... Even It is a popular major in the entire ancient Eastern country!

Of course, this time he threw tens of thousands of missiles with a height of tens of thousands of feet.Wood. At the same time, thirty spiritual power mines were evenly thrown across China...

These were pulled directly from his own God Realm and thrown there without spending any money. As for how many spiritual power mines there are in the God Realm... Su Han There are too many to count, maybe a little less than the hundreds of millions of spiritual lakes, right?!

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Su Han's voice remained calm...

In the ears of the world, He spoke the last words,"I say, people in this world! You should practice the methods of the upper world! Everyone is a dragon, everyone becomes an immortal!"

The world trembled at this moment. The Heavenly Sound of the Great Dao resounded throughout the entire land of China at this moment. Endless Dao marks appeared on every inch of the world at this moment.

Those warriors were stunned at first, and then their eyes suddenly expanded, with shock and enthusiasm that were difficult to describe in words....

Because they suddenly found that they were listening to the sound of the avenue, watching the traces of the avenue, and inexplicably realized many, many things.

As long as they think about it, they can easily modify the techniques in their minds... allowing them to continuously improve.

Ning Daoqi was so mesmerized that he drew pictures in the void with his palms, and suddenly his body shook. There was actually a lavender brilliance rising from his lower abdomen, and then the Sea of ​​Bitterness opened up.

The sea of ​​suffering surged, illuminating the surroundings. In just an instant, a divine bridge crossed Wang Yang's sea of ​​suffering. He broke through the confusion... and entered the Tao Palace directly!

"Hahahaha, I have become it, I have attained enlightenment." Ning Daoqi burst into tears at this moment. He kept kowtowing to the heaven in the sky,"Thank you, God, for giving me good fortune. Thank you, God, for allowing me to open up my Dantian and contain the divine being! Embark on the path of immortality."

The four holy monks remained silent, because they also realized a lot at this moment. The Buddhist scriptures in their minds were constantly changed by them. With just a few breaths, some shadows of the previous ones could be seen in addition to the sentence format... The essence of these exercises has been sublimated to a level that ordinary people can't imagine...

Perhaps, the exercises they newly deduced can only be regarded as cultivation methods in the Tao Palace and the Four Extremes realm when placed in a world that covers the sky with one hand. , let those people in that world truly embark on the path of cultivation sneer...

But in this world, it is really a supreme method beyond their imagination, a magical skill that only immortals can cultivate.

Shi Zhixuan let out a breath, and he was also transforming His own Immortal Seal, when he suddenly woke up... He found that even he himself could not recognize the newly modified Immortal Seal. Moreover

, he also naturally opened up the sea of ​​suffering, and the sea of ​​suffering was turbulent. If It's not because he tried his best to contain it. I'm afraid the whole of Chang'an was covered by his black and white sea of ​​suffering...

Ten thousand years of immortal power was continuously transformed, helping him to make continuous breakthroughs. By the time he stabilized his base in 5.1, he was already done A saint-level existence that covers the sky with one hand.

Divine thoughts spread in all directions. Shi Zhixuan felt Chang'an, the entire Longxi, and even things in a larger area...

He saw the plants that were tens of thousands of feet high and exuding surging immortal energy. The sacred trees continuously release immortal power... together with the spiritual power mines that emit spiritual energy, they work together to transform the vast China...

He looked at the land of China... transforming from the mortal world to the fairy land!

"God has mercy! The God of Creation is merciful!"Shi Zhixuan took a deep breath, and kowtowed deeply again, with a pious voice that was trembling with excitement.

The disciples of the Demon Sect and the disciples of Cihang Jingzhai were all completely crazy at this moment.

Even if they didn't have Shi Zhixuan, This Holy Lord-level power can easily peek into the outside world... But what they have gained and the changes they have seen in the area... make them crazy... At this moment, even Yang Guang, who had doubted his life before, , and the four holy monks who were always hesitating, all knelt on the ground...Kowtowing crazily and piously, shouting God's mercy with a fanatical look..._

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