The Jinling Assembly Hall was already packed with people. Everyone here has a very high status in the academic circles of Jinling and even the ancient Eastern countries.

The group of people sitting at the front were all presidents of major universities in Jinling or national scholars.……

"Old principal, what exactly is Su Tiancai going to talk about this time? I heard from you that he seems to have realized the way of heaven, and it is a different way of heaven... Do you think he can talk about this?"Old man Li turned his head and stared at Xue Minggui, with a little excitement on his face.

Xue Minggui shook his head after a brief silence,"I don't know... but I think it's not the law of heaven! What he said at the time was revolutionary and very down-to-earth, and could affect the people of the entire ancient Eastern country... I don't think the laws of heaven can be universalized to everyone."

"What the hell? you do not know?"Xun Xun, the leader of the Demon City Academy, glanced at Xue Minggui with a strange expression and spat,"You old guy, I heard you say that your genius from Jinling made the"650" great discovery that shook the world, so I rushed to Come here... I'm very busy!"

"Don’t worry, this is what classmate Su said personally. Xue Minggui said calmly,"I believe him... Of course, if he feels that something is wrong this time. What I said is not shocking to the world...I will personally apologize to you when the time comes."

The other big shots in the first row also had their own opinions. But when they heard what Xue Minggui said, all their words got stuck in their throats!

This powerful figure in Jinling made it clear that he wanted to force his student...

In this situation, what else can they do? After all...they have come here!

Of course, they actually also have the love of their elders for their descendants. Otherwise, it would not be possible for Xue Minggui to roar and come here in a hurry......

If something goes wrong at the speech, they may put some pressure on the young man, but they won't put it too much... This kind of move is more to make this new peerless genius from the ancient eastern country. Calm down your mind and don't be too frivolous...

Finally, it's time to give a speech.

The side door of the podium was opened, and Su Han, dressed in black, walked to the podium calmly.

After looking around, he said straightforwardly He said,"Good evening everyone! You all know me, so introducing yourself shouldn't be necessary...and I know you're all busy, so let's get right to the point."

The corners of Zhang Xun's mouth raised slightly, and he whispered,"Let's put aside what to say for now... I like this guy's character!"

"What I am going to talk about today is called the Theory of Heroic Spirits! This is a theory derived from a law called the Heroic Spirit that I have understood."Su Han's words were simple and clear. He raised his palm, and there was a gorgeous light of the avenue lingering. He was showing his heroic law to everyone. At the same time, he projected a gorgeous image of brilliance... That was death The heroic figure, the power of the belief in the spiritual world, combined with the principles of the heroic spirit law, gradually condensed into a soul, but a life completely different from the soul..."Heroic Spirit, you can think of it as a low-end version! However, his advantage is that a person with a great fortune in the world, or a person who has made great achievements, or a turning point in the era... is eligible to succeed!"."Basically, the emperor of every world, the great master who established a sect, the great philosopher of a certain academic path, the great scientist of the technological plane... all of them are acceptable!"

Su Han paused for a moment. He swept across the crowd with sharp eyes and said word by word,"Yes, heroic spirits are weaker than the Holy Spirit, but the number of people who can become heroic spirits in one era is dozens of times that of the Holy Spirit. Hundreds of people can become heroic spirits. Times...or even more!"

"Even, if we need it... we can lead some people in a civilization to make achievements, and then we can shape them into a heroic spirit! Yes, heroic spirits can even be created deliberately by our gods!"

"This is what it means to be beyond the Holy Spirit! They are replicable! They can become huge, large-scale, popular... and develop to the top. Even the middle god of every ancient Eastern country can have his own heroic spirit.……"

"And a sufficient number of heroic spirits can make up for the lack of the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit can help us understand the secrets, and so can heroic spirits! The development of the Holy Spirit can help us fight, and the same can be done with heroic spirits.……"

Su Han's words gradually became louder,"They may be weaker than the Holy Spirit, but even if they are weak... so what! Everyone knows the gap between God with the Holy Spirit and God without the Holy Spirit... With and without the Holy Spirit, it can already make a world-shaking difference. the gap"

"They can also be like the Holy Spirit and a part of us! Be with us."

When Su Han uttered the last word... the scene fell into a dead silence.

The gods professors who picked up the notes seriously paused, and there was no word on the notes.

After a brief silence, they suddenly looked up, Either in shock or in disbelief, they stared at the serious-looking young man on the stage.

No one raised any questions... It wasn't that they completely believed it! It was just that the amount of information was so overwhelming that their brains were confused.

Something big has happened! Something really big has happened. Zhang Xun's waist was straight and his expression was extremely serious.....He and the other people sitting in the first row looked at each other and found that they had the same expression...

They came here either to save face for Xue Minggui, or because they wanted to support the younger generation... But they really didn't expect that there was really a person this time. A theory that shook the world was born.

But who could really think of this?!

When Einstein first proposed his theory, it was just like that... He later grew up little by little and continued to fill it in. Only then did he reveal the significance of that theory, and then shocked the world... He had just entered the

Celestial God. , it is too difficult to change the world... Especially in this era of modern physics, which has been developed for hundreds of years... An era in which most of the roads that can be taken have already been passed...

Su Han did not wait for the scene After everyone came to their senses, he continued to speak,"Starting from the position of god, you are qualified to start gathering great talents from many planes! They have been trained... However, heroic spirits also have flaws!"

"First, it is difficult to grow! In other words, if you want them to grow... you need to match it with another law."

Su Han suddenly raised his hand, and three thousand avenues of light suddenly burst out, but most of the brilliance slowly extinguished... There was only one, lasting for a long time, containing an aura that seemed to be the root of the world and the essence of all things....

Someone finally came to his was Old Man Li, who exclaimed uncontrollably,"This guy...he actually!"

But soon, Old Man Li realized how inappropriate it was to scream in this kind of explanation meeting. He took a deep breath and calmed down his mood. His voice was extremely low, with a vibrato in it,"He He didn't deliberately understand the laws of heaven...0.2...He did it for the Law of Heroic Spirits! In order to maximize it, I realized it!"

Old man Li felt dizzy. He was so stimulated... Although he had tried his best to overestimate Su Han, at this moment, he still found that he had underestimated this transfer student.

That is the law of heaven! And it is still new. The law of heaven... is undoubtedly the top law in the world.

No matter which country or which god system, those who possess this law in their youth are the focus of the country... because they will almost certainly become god kings when they grow up.! There is even a chance of touching a higher level and becoming the foundation of the divine system.

This kind of law that makes mortal gods unobtainable no matter how they pursue it... For that young man, he just realized it casually and then regarded it as verification. It's just an auxiliary prop for his true purpose...

No wonder he can understand the Three Thousand Laws... For this kind of monster, realizing one is probably as simple as eating and drinking._Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading -Collect, recommend, and share!

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