World of Gods

"It turned out to be kung fu...and it happened to be during the darkest time."Su Han rubbed his eyebrows, and his expression was a little cold.

But then, Su Han noticed something was wrong and frowned

"Wait a minute, Ah Xing became a grand master in the original time period... almost one person can rival an entire army. That is not an ordinary world without extraordinary power, but a world with terrifying masters."

To be honest, with extraordinary power, and the extraordinary power is so powerful, it is outrageous that Yanhuang, a five-thousand-year-old country, can develop to that situation... To put it in the simplest terms, if Su Han is in the situation of Ah Xing situation, and has the power of Ah Xing... Then he will go directly to the island country and take the blame for the top brass...

Then, he will tell the next top brass that if they do not withdraw their troops, continue to kill! Kill until the entire top brass is completely gone. Su

Han believes that the people of the island nation will make the right decision in the end. The reason why the island nation surrendered so cleanly after Citi launched the final weapon is because the ultimate weapon of humanity was enough to threaten those in the rear. The high-level person who gave the order?

"Unless, the invader of that world,"277", also has powerful power."Su Han looked confused.

Chat group.

Ye Hei:"Stop talking! Ax Gang, please go to the group folder first... Well, first download the file with the word"sacrifice"... and then download the history of Yanhuang. If you have a lot of free time, you can also watch more videos uploaded by group members.

Ye Hei:"You should be able to understand it after reading it!""

Ye Hei:"Our group is a Ten Thousand Realms Group, with top bosses from all worlds in it, from the science and technology side, from the mythology side, from the fairy side, from the fantasy side, from the martial arts side... Of course, there are no exceptions. , all the world is shrouded in the glory of God! Time passes, but God is eternal!"

The heir of the Ax Gang:"The god you are talking about... is that, Buddha?"

Wutian Buddha:"???"

Buddha Wutian:"I have no enmity with you, why do you want to harm me?"

Wall-Facing Man:"Pfft... I really don't want to laugh, I really didn't laugh. (Hahahaha.jpg)"

Ye Hei:" You've obviously been laughing and haven't stopped at all!"

The heir of the Ax Gang said:"!!!"

Wall-Facing Man:"He is the God who is number one in this group's rankings! God benefits all living beings and is so majestic... It's really hard for me to describe my respect and love for Him in words. So, you'd better understand it yourself.!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Ah this……"

Prince Zhu:"Yes... It's too difficult to explain God's power with words. It's better to give up the struggle."

Axing was a little confused, but after hesitating, he did as everyone said.

He had vaguely sensed that these were not ghosts and were trying to harm him. However, this group of characters should not be simple characters either... maybe they are some kind of immortals or super devils... He would not dare to offend these big shots.

Then, he looked at the history, looking a little confused... Isn't this the most ordinary history book? Although he didn't go to school much, he still knew the history...

But when he saw the stage of the twentieth century, his expression finally changed... Yes, in 1940, this was not this Yanhuang book The end of the history books...but a brand new beginning!

Ah Xing's heart was shaken. He was horrified and excited as he watched the new Yanhuang be established, rising like a big sun, shining on the whole world. Then it developed rapidly and became a well-deserved world power! The most powerful industrial country!

There will be no more wars when he comes!

He looks at the future where he will have something to support his old age. Everyone can study, everyone has a house to live in, and no one has to worry about not having enough to eat.…….What a prosperous time!.Beyond all recorded eras in the present. Even those ghost guys from Ashimi... No! Even the country of those ghost guys now cannot be as great and glorious as the Yanhuang in the future!

"Why? Why?"A Xing suddenly fell on the table and burst into tears. Why... why was the Yanhuang Age nearly a hundred years later?!

Why did he want to live in this sad and dark era! Why?!

"……Old, boss?"Fat Zaicong opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but nothing came out. It was the first time he saw Ah Xing cry so uncontrollably. And... the emotions mixed in it were very complicated. It seemed. It seems to be joy, it seems to be melancholy, and it seems to be sadness and unwillingness... but it seems to be nothing. He is just simply wronged, so he wants to cry.……

"sorry!"Fat Zaicong lowered his head. He seemed to have figured out something and was quite at a loss."I shouldn't eat your noodles! You must be hungry... If I go out to beg for food, I will definitely be able to get enough money for you to eat a bowl of noodles.……"

"……It has nothing to do with that."Axing wiped away his tears, but they still couldn't stop flowing. He put his face on the table, his voice choked,"Let me be quiet...let me be quiet."

Taking a deep breath, Ah Xing calmed down his mood and continued to speak.

The heir of the Ax Gang:"It's really unexpected... A little gangster like me can actually see the future... How can I be so virtuous and capable?."

Heir of the Ax Gang:"No, that kind of future must be realized... I'm going to find that group of people, and I'm going to tell them the history of the future. Maybe my power is not worth mentioning, but if it is them, if it is them who have created impossible will definitely work!"

The heir of the Ax Gang:"There must be no problem. Even if I just finish it a little earlier... I'll die with no regrets!"

Ye Hei:"……I didn’t expect that a guy like you who grabs lollipops could be so caring about family and country?!"

Ye Hei was shocked.

The prince of the Zhu family said:"Every time you slaughter more dogs with justice,……"

Chen Xiaoyu:"? Although I agree with this, Prince, is it really appropriate for you to say it?"

Great Qin Zulong:"The Confucian Sage warns!"

Liu Peiqiang:"Go to them, there is indeed no problem with this. But I don't think telling them history is helping them.……"

Liu Peiqiang:"If we want to create that kind of future, the most important thing is industry! It’s technology! It’s all kinds of equipment! It’s talent.……"

Liu Peiqiang:"None of these existed in that era. And it is impossible for any of the world's powerful countries to give these things to Yanhuang! I will help Yanhuang grow wholeheartedly."

Liu Peiqiang took a deep breath, his expression was very solemn.....

Liu Peiqiang:"But I can do it! I can give it. Whatever you want... If you don't have talent, I will give you a complete set of highly intelligent industrial equipment! As long as you throw the raw materials in and have hands, you can produce what you want." Everything."

Liu Peiqiang:"I can also give you knowledge! I will directly give you the most advanced version of the textbook... Let the Yanhuang students in your world start learning, that is your world... All the powerful countries will unite all the professors, and An unreachable end point."

Prince Zhu:"??"

Chen Xiaoyu:"This cheater... is simply crazy."

Wall-facer:"@六平. I'd rather support you, my side is more futuristic... The knowledge I control should be beyond your time, right?"

Ye Hei:"You can pull me down! In the era you were in, technology was locked up by Sophon, and it even surpassed... Um, that's not right. Under the grace of God, your side is the foundation of great civilization. Ah! Hiss."

Liu Peiqiang:"Okay, then the knowledge architecture system, you will provide it... I will provide the industrial equipment! In the final analysis, workers still need to be trained little by little... It is this kind of training that can make people The country has truly become an industrial country and has undergone a complete transformation. In this situation that needs to be cultivated, those who are a little behind here will be useful."

Liu Peiqiang:"If you support me wholeheartedly, without going through hard work... it will be nothing more than a show. It's just an excellent vase! Maybe it will break when touched."

Chen Xiaoyu:"!!!According to the theory that the more backward you are, the more you should provide... Then my side is the most backward? Shouldn't I be the one who provides industrial equipment?"

Bye Leader of the Moon Worship:"That seems to make sense..."

Leader of the Moon Worship:"But isn't it a free gift? Are you so excited for a free gift?"

Ye Hei:"It really is... if it weren't for the fact that I'm not on Earth. Come on! I will give a big contribution now... It doesn’t matter whether it’s money or not, the main thing is to let the country rise in advance."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"With all due respect… it’s no longer a matter of you rising in advance! Are you trying to unify the world in advance?3.6..."

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"At the beginning of the 21st century, the war situation has already changed in advance! Not to mention, all of you are either in the late 21st century or the early 23rd century."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"The equipment you provided used to... deal with the invaders of that era! What the hell is the difference between this and Three-Body Dimensionality reduction to hit the earth?"

Huang Rong's expression was very exciting.

She could already imagine how the powerful countries in that world would look at Yanhuang after a while... It must be more fearful and panicful than Mongolia looking at the rapidly developing new dynasty...

What? You ask about the Kingdom of Jin?

The Kingdom of Jin was destroyed not long ago! The entire royal family was slaughtered completely...

Under the cold weather of Mongolia, they even sent a group of iron cavalry to support... But for Huang Rong and Xin Chao, it was just a matter of running over. , just guys lining up to be shot...

Ye Hei:"It seems so... but it doesn't matter, I just like this! Hang up, the more you open it, the better it feels."

Liu Peiqiang:"Let's put it this way...I think my cheating is not excessive enough! Well, it seems it’s time for me to apply for a big Yi-wan from above...I’ll end the fight early."_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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