Of course, the strength is actually not bad... Unless the Holy Body is completed, otherwise it will be nothing to the Supremes...

But the key problem is! That breath of life.

At this moment, Ye Hei is like a great medicine from heaven and earth... Many supreme beings have a feeling that if they swallow Ye Hei, they can stay in the human world at their peak state for millions of years.……

"Ye Hei! You are very good...the future Emperor of Heaven, or even the Immortal Emperor! It's a pity... You are close to such a future, but also far away... Please remember your faith and help you!"

The existence deep in the heaven seemed to stand up slowly at this moment, and he raised a palm. That palm seemed to be pressing down on the world. The vast universe was wailing, and all the ways were trembling - Shake. All the thousand avenues have manifested... This is the way of all the supreme beings, deities, and emperors throughout the ages...

At this moment, they have all manifested. Even if that palm is strictly speaking at this moment, it is still in another world. , but across the world, they couldn't bear it anymore...

In the divine world, with an understatement of the manifested palm, all the other avenues disappeared, leaving only the Amitabha Emperor's path.

Then, Amitabha Buddha's imperial path suddenly erupted with immeasurable immortality...

He sublimated... In just one breath, he directly sublimated from the imperial path to the immortal path!

"I say, the younger generation of strong men can challenge Ye Hei, and if they win, they will gain immeasurable blessings! Anyone who is strong enough from the older generation to take action should be killed by the Immortal Dao!"

Following the words, Amitabha Buddha's Immortal Way suddenly blessed Ye Hei.

Amitabha Buddha said that this had been possessed by Su Han as early as when Ye Hei offered sacrifices for the first time. Su Han at that time, even if he was only in the middle Divine Realm 337. But if he comes to the world that covers the sky with one hand, he can perfectly activate the way of Emperor Amitabha...

Just like Yan Ruyu at this moment...

In that state, he is equivalent to Emperor Amitabha reappearing in the world!

Now, he has succeeded Breaking through to the realm of gods. The auxiliary path he possessed naturally sublimated into the immortal path...

Because this world itself was engraved with the path of Amitabha, Su Han sublimated it and blessed Ye Hei......As a back-up man.

Anyway, this Tao itself is a Tao that can cover the sky with one hand, and his sublimation is easy... and after sublimation, it has little to do with him, and he does not need any additional energy...

However, Su Han did it lightly, and everyone saw that Everyone who saw this scene was shocked. To sublimate the emperor into an immortal... what a limitless means is this?

Doesn't this mean that as long as that incredible existence is willing... he can create an immortal at will in an understatement?

But when These strong men thought of the Chaos Green Lotus and the Demon Emperor's Heart, and suddenly felt that this matter was a matter of course... For that kind of incredible existence, what is impossible?

With that big hand closing After returning, Yan Ruyu, Chaos Qinglian and other beings seemed to sense something.

They suddenly took off towards the sky. With just a few breaths, these extremely terrifying beings left this world...

The divine light gathered, and the pure land disappeared. Evaporated. In just a few breaths, the vast mythical scene dissipated into nothingness, leaving only the bright clear sky.

However, the great sages and several quasi-emperors at the scene all fell into silence. It was very clear that the situation was different from before. Completely different.

Suddenly, a great sage from the ancient tribe turned his head and stared at Ye Hei closely. There was a crazy tangle on his face, sometimes hesitant, but also uneasy...

Finally, he made up his mind and took action suddenly. Fo Guang A bright, ray of light flashed across, and the body of the ancient great sage instantly shattered.

All the great sages:"!!!"

A few quasi-emperors:"?!"

They were stunned for a moment, and then suddenly thought of the words of that being that was so great that even the world could not bear it... The strong men of the same generation would challenge him, and if he won, he would gain great fortune. The older generation of masters should be killed if they take action!

The man before was obviously blinded by greed and chose to take a gamble... And he proved with his life that the supreme existence was really not just talk...

At this moment, several forbidden areas erupted into extremely brilliant colors. of brilliance. One after another, terrifyingly powerful beings emerged from the forbidden areas.……

"……Damn it!"The God of the Void Mirror realized something was wrong in an instant. Without any hesitation, he came to the top of Ye Hei's head in an instant, blooming endless fairy brilliance, and used the Law of the Void to take him away from here.

Even if Ye Hei He had a huge conflict with the Ji clan before, but Ye Hei is the young genius of this era after all, and he belongs to the human race after all... He must not allow those beings in the forbidden area to do anything to Ye Hei... Even if the extremely majestic statue God said it, but it is risky after all, isn't it?

He will never underestimate the methods of those supremes. Who knows what methods they will use to bypass the words of the supreme god... So it is best to go directly Leave!

But... its action was too late after all.

Nearly ten supreme beings descended suddenly, each of them carrying the power of the avenue, and each of them trampled the world under their feet...

Even if they kill themselves, but in this emperor In this era, they are invincible! They are undefeated!

Time and space have been completely frozen. The Void Mirror cannot escape... In other words, even if the Void Emperor survives, facing this situation, he will still do it. It was powerless.

The remaining three ancient imperial weapons revived at this moment. They all projected most of their protective power on Ye Hei, and only a small part of their power was projected on their own clansmen and forces.

Obviously They didn't communicate, but they had already realized. Even thoughEven if his body is broken, he must keep what this god said he would be, the future Emperor of Heaven...even the Immortal Emperor!

"Immortal Mountain, Taichu Old Mine...enough!"The Void Mirror erupted with immeasurable light, and the gods inside were roaring, shaking the Three Thousand Realms,"Are you really going to attack him? Do you really want to offend that supreme god? I advise you not to make the mistake of yourselves! Don't seek death"

"it's not true."The Holy Stone Emperor of the Immortal Mountain of Immortality spoke, and his voice was like thunder. His face, as stiff as a dead man, managed to squeeze out a friendly smile at this moment.

He said to Ye Hei gently,"Little Emperor of Heaven , are you interested in becoming my disciple? In the future, Immortal Mountain will become your strongest supporter!"

"snort! Shameless old thief."Taichu's Ji-Ji Cun was filled with the light of the beginning. He flicked his sleeves, and several Taichu sacred stones suddenly appeared and floated in front of Ye Hei."I don't want you to become a disciple. If you have any problems in the future, you can come to Taichu to find them. I! No matter when, I will give you the answer... If there is a supreme-level powerhouse plotting against you behind your back, I will try my best to stop it!"

"But I hope that if you one day come into contact with the magic of immortality! You can think about aging."

Void Mirror God:"???"

The gods of the emperor’s weapons:"!!!"

Grass! Is this still possible?

The gods were all stunned... They were different from the ancient emperors. Because they were weapons, they could exist in the world for a long time... and therefore they were well-informed! It can even be said that they are more knowledgeable than the ancient emperors...

However, they really did not expect that the taboos in those forbidden areas are the roots of the dark turmoil that are cruel and violent and feed on living beings....There is actually such a side?

But if you think about it carefully, this is natural... After all, they cut off their own avenue, in the final analysis, isn't it for immortality? But now, as long as they hold Ye Hei's big butt and wait for him to mature, it seems that they can have access to the opportunity of immortality...

Shi Shenghuang's expression was extremely ugly. He coldly turned away from everyone present, He said solemnly,"……Destroy my good deeds!"

He is confident that if he is the only one facing Ye Hei, he will most likely be able to successfully deceive him... and turn him into his disciple. That's all... Since the first plan doesn't work, he can only follow the trend...

With a faint sigh, Shi Shenghuang waved his sleeves and gave out a piece of dragon-patterned black gold. He reluctantly encouraged Ye Hei, and then left suddenly...

Many of the supreme beings present sent words of encouragement one by one, and then Like elders, they treated Ye Hei magnanimously and kindly, claiming that they could come to them if they had anything to do, and gave him divine objects... After completing all this, they left without any hesitation...

Of course, the last one was an ancient Xuanwu form. The Emperor, who also came from the Immortal Mountain, gave Ye Hei a complete Xuanwu magic medicine. He hesitated for a moment and spoke softly,"Little Emperor of Heaven, don't treat the existence from the forbidden land because of our attitude." Have a good impression! There is absolutely nothing wrong with you having murderous intentions towards other people."

"Except for us who showed up this time, the rest of the supreme beings... are mostly trying to take advantage of you! Don’t forget the words of the supreme god……"

"Strong men of the same generation, if they defeat you, they will gain great fortune!"

After the earnest words fell, Emperor Xuanwu disappeared, leaving only Ye Hei looking incomprehensible and silent for a long time._

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