"Old thing... The Warring States Period didn't mean that thing was a ban within a ban! Is it absolutely impossible to touch it?"He frowned and glanced at Garp

"The ban on farts," Garp sneered,"That god is destined to become the master of the future. Even I can become stronger by reading it. What does this mean... Crane, you are a smart person, you should be able to understand"

"Believe me... although you are very strict in prohibiting it! But there are still a large number of people in the navy who chant every day," Garp said boldly,"and even devoutly believe in that god... As far as I know, there are a few among the top brass."

Hearing this, Aoki's legs trembled, and he looked into the distance as if unintentionally. Kizaru calmly wiped his forehead with cold sweat.

"?"Fujitora's smile reached its climax. He instantly noticed something was wrong with the two generals. He suddenly turned his head and combined with Garp's words... his expression became weird.

No way? Is Karp talking about you?!

Kapu plus the two of you... at least half of the top brass in the navy believe in that god? This is a hammer!

Crane's lips twitched, and finally he sighed. She knows why Garp believes that the World Government will be destroyed, but there is a high probability that nothing will happen to the Navy...

Damn it, his two grandsons are now in the Whitebeard Pirates, and they are in the world with the God of Creation. The relationship between gods and envoys is very good.

Needless to say, Ace is a close friend with Marco.

Even Luffy...according to their intelligence, he is currently the only terrifying figure in the Whitebeard Pirates who dares to kill Marco so casually and still survive...

For Garp's sake, as long as the navy doesn't resist harshly, , it’s not a big problem... Not to mention, even without those two people, based on Whitebeard’s actions to preserve the strength of the navy last time... we can also judge that there is a high probability of a near miss this time.……

"The enemy is coming!"Gang Gukong suddenly spoke.

The old man holding the sword of Five Old Stars sneered,"Finally here!"

Another Five Old Stars spoke up, his face full of confidence,"Today, we have summoned the kings of all the world government countries from all over the world to come! That supreme lord has now begun to activate the Heavenly King... Under the power of the Heavenly King, the Whitebeard Pirates will surely perish! Marco must die"

"Not only them, but also the revolutionary army and the four emperors with red hair."The plump Five Old Stars spoke,"We deliberately released the news that we are going to fight the Whitebeard Pirates, and relaxed the entry standards for the Holy Land Mariejoia... We used this as bait to make them feel that the World Government has reached its most dangerous point. At that time, it will attract all the forces that are hostile to our world government!"

"But they didn't expect that this was a trap set by us!"Wulao Xing, who had a long white beard, smiled,"Under the King of Heaven, everyone must die... After destroying so many enemies, even if the King of Heaven is used this time, we will not lose anything!"

Zeng Guo's face was expressionless. Seriously, he really wants to cut open the brains of these idiot executives to see what's inside... and call all the fucking enemies here? Think about it first. After today, can the world government still exist? Damn it!

In fact, Sengoku knows why the guys like Wulaoxing don't believe the navy's report... He himself knows that the matter is unbelievable. In addition, the god at that time was so powerful. , stunned all the phone bugs at the scene, leaving no images...

But even if you don't believe their navy, you think they are shirking their responsibilities because of the strength of their opponents... You have to believe the news at least, right? Marco He defeated the two Yonko with an understatement... This is what was written on paper.

Well... Sengoku thought, maybe they thought that the so-called king could easily kill the four emperors in an instant. So they also felt sorry for Marco, who had done all this wrong. With a contemptuous attitude?!

But it doesn't matter... The Warring States Period has already become a Buddhist. This time, he didn't even come here for this world government that will inevitably be destroyed... He came because he once valued himself and had such a great promotion for himself. The steel frame is invited by Kong Kong……

"Commander-in-Chief," Warring States stared at Cyborg Kong and said suddenly,"The enemy is really strong...stronger than imagined! This time I will fight to the death... However, I have told the people below that if ordinary soldiers do not want to die, they can surrender to the other side... Please forgive me!"

"Warring States," Kong looked at Warring States deeply and said softly,"You don't understand the King of Heaven! After today, you will know how strong the foundation of our world government is, and you will understand why the Celestial Dragons have been able to remain the kings of the world for so many years."

"……"Zeng Guo's expression remained calm and he didn't even bother to reply. He may not know how powerful the King of Heaven is, but he is very sure... Commander, you also don't know how powerful that god is...

The next moment, a sense of terror and intimidation that is difficult to describe in words burst out, as if the air was This moment condensed into substance! It makes people unable to move. This is an overbearing color... and this overbearing color is so strong that it is difficult to describe it in words... It is even okay to say that it is unprecedented and unprecedented.

"……So strong!"Cyborg Kong's expression changed for the first time.

Almost all the ordinary people at the scene, whether it was the residents of Liqiaoya, ordinary soldiers, the Mariejoia guards... all of them were unconscious for the first time.

The clouds were It was torn apart... Moby Dick, wrapped in blue-white flame wings, suddenly fell from the sky.

Yu Lai……"Although Wu Laoxing was also shocked by the strength of such a woman, he couldn't escape even if he wanted to. So Wu Laoxing, who was holding a sword, pulled out the sword from his waist. But before he could finish speaking, a stream of blue light suddenly fell from the sky!

"It's great. All the enemies have been gathered together... After I deal with you, I can unify this world and dedicate it to God."

That stream of light was too fast. Almost in an instant, Wulaoxing, Sengoku, Cyborg Kong, and the strong men of CP0 were all severely injured.

"How can this be? Such speed and power!"Gang Gukong knelt on the ground, coughing up blood, with shock and fear on his face. He seemed to have suddenly grasped some straw, and roared,"We still have... God, the King of Heaven!"

Above the sky, there were dense clouds, lightning and thunder. The endless thunder crashed down at this moment, as if it was going to destroy everything in the world.

Marco's expression was calm, and the blue-white wings behind him suddenly extended. came, covering half of the sky, and there was a faint layer of armed domineering on his wings. The terrifying thunder fell down, but it could not even penetrate the seemingly shallow blue-white wings.

"Everyone! Follow the tips I've given and go get all the Draco! Catch it back. Marco said slowly,"And dad, please go find the kings of those countries in the world who are in the hall of the world government... and make them loyal to us!" transfer power to us"

"We are already the kings of the new world, we just need to gain their recognition! Then, we are the worthy masters of the world! At that time, I will be able to launch a national sacrifice to God in the name of the only king in this world!"

The next moment, a large amount of coordinate information appeared in the minds of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates. This was what Marco passed on...

After possessing thousands of years of knowledge, he has developed too many incredible things. ability

"no problem! captain marco"

"Hahaha, for our great God of Creation!"

"Yes, only by dedicating the world can we express our gratitude to the God of Creation!"

The arrogant pirates rushed into the holy land of Mariejoia. No one stopped them... Ordinary people and ordinary soldiers were stunned by the domineering force. All the remaining strong men on the scene were instantly killed by Marco Overlord... The only one The only thing that can stop them is the navy in the distance.

But at this moment, the group of admiral-level warriors all raised their hands obediently... to express that they had no intention of fighting. After the last fight, they suffered too much loss. Big! They are not goldfish without memory... They will not die without a chance of victory.

"I bet on a piece of senbei!"Garp picked his nose,"Marco didn't do anything, it must be because he realized that we are believers of the God of Creation."

"That’s it!"Kizaru nodded repeatedly, convinced,"We are obviously our own people!"

Fujitora smiled and turned red with anger at this group of unsatisfied people. Is this the navy? He wanted to say something, but when he saw the group in the distance, the world's top powerhouse was killed instantly, he was half-kneeling on the ground. Sengoku coughed up blood... All the words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't speak...

Yes, the navy just knew the result a long time ago, and they wanted to survive... What's wrong with them? Fujitora smiled and fell silent..

Soon, a large number of unconscious Celestial Dragons were dragged out. The kings of the world government's participating countries were also awakened by Whitebeard and walked out at this moment. Although the smiles on their faces were uglier than crying, they were all Agreed, transition of power to Marco……

"everything's ready!"Marco calmed down his mood, and then said loudly,"Make an altar!"

Many pirates took out the precious materials of gold and white jade from the Moby Dick, and then began to build it. Soon they built an altar that was as tall as one person.

"Bring the sacrifice!"One after another, the Celestial Dragons were dragged up, and then their heads were cut off, and the whole altar was covered with blood...

The Five Old Stars were also dragged up! Finally, Akainu was also dragged out... and then , it's Kaido, it's Big Mom, the pirate who has been confirmed to be the most evil among the two big pirate groups...

Marco is very talented. For example, Katakuri, the deputy of the Big Mom pirate group, is confirming that the other party is indeed He was a heroic man. He didn't usually cause trouble to ordinary civilians, so he didn't kill him. He was imprisoned together with several of his brothers and sisters who had not committed any crimes. Let's see if we can convince them, and if they are really willing to join the Creation in the future. The World God Sect only has important responsibilities...

But those who commit heinous crimes and destroy cities and massacres must die... There is no room for maneuver.

Even if anyone in the Whitebeard Pirates does such a thing, he will not kill him. Wrong! After the battle on the top, he told the ugly words to many crew members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Because even those civilians who do not control the slightest power will be believers of God in the future, and God The generosity towards believers... is known to everyone in the chat group.

Be kind to them, this is true devotion to God!

"That king of the Celestial Dragons! Still not coming out? Marco frowned and looked at the thunder that was still dense in the sky. He hesitated for a moment and sighed,"I can't detect her whereabouts with my knowledge!" It won't work for ten thousand years... What a monster. Forget it, most of the goals have been achieved, let’s get started."........0

He turned his head to look at Moby Dick and said loudly,"Girls... can come out now."

After a few breaths, Empress Hancock, Guang Riyuehe in costume, and extremely tall figures The huge mermaid princess Shirahoshi... all appeared. But soon, Marco's expression became strange, because he discovered that these three were followed by others, namely Nami, the little cat thief of the Straw Hat Pirates, and Robin... Luffy was sitting on Moby Dick The ship wailed loudly,"Wow... don't leave! I thought you were joking before... how did you make it real?"

Nami looked confused for a moment, wanting to say something, and finally sighed. tone

"……You are?"Marco flew over, a little confused.

"Feel sorry! We also want to follow them to heaven... We are causing you trouble."Nami looked a little embarrassed.

"It’s my concubine," Hiyori Kozuki smiled sheepishly,"I introduced my supreme master to them, but I didn’t expect to bring them in too! Then, inexplicably, he also believed in it... and then, he also wanted to ascend to heaven with us and serve God... That? May I?"

"……May I know the reason?"Marco frowned. Because his sense of knowledge was very powerful, he was able to detect the strong friendship among the Straw Hat Pirates. It was really hard for him to imagine that these two people would break away from the Straw Hat Pirates and become gods. Realm...

Even if you ascend to the divine realm, you may be able to live forever, which is everyone’s dream……

"Because I have someone I want to resurrect! So, I feel sorry for everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates."Nami bit her lower lip tightly.

"My words...actually I don’t have much feelings for the Straw Hat Pirates now. I just needed a place to stay, so I joined the Straw Hat Pirates." Robin seemed much more free and easy,"I want to find an absolute safe place……"

"Although the world government has been destroyed, it is unlikely that anyone will hurt me again in the future...but I still want to find it! Robin suddenly remembered something and clenched his fists,"In this world... no one is more powerful than that god, and no one can protect me better than that god..."

"……Is that so?"Marco took a deep look at the two. Then he confirmed that the two did have devout faith in God, and immediately said nothing more. As long as they have faith... Anyway, these two people do. Two people carrying luck, right?!

Marco waved his hand and motioned for the women to stand at the corner of the altar that had been deliberately left unstained by blood.

Taking a deep breath, Marco began to recite the sacrifice loudly. Not only him, but all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates are reciting it at the moment, and even the entire New World is reciting it at the same time... This is the order Marco gave to the countries of the New World when he set off. order.

From the beginning, he never imagined how difficult it would be to deal with the enemy... And the facts proved that he was right!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!

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