After crying for a while, Gao Yao finally calmed down reluctantly. Later, he noticed other changes in his body

"……This is?"After hesitating for a while, Gao Yao came to a palace in Xianyang Palace and tentatively lifted the giant cauldron placed in the center of the palace...

Then, he suddenly found that he could lift it easily. stand up

"Such power! Gao Yao was stunned,"The Overlord lifts the cauldron... The Overlord lifts the cauldron!" I actually have Xiang Yu's power now?!"

Who is Xiang Yu? The Overlord of Western Chu! The ancients said: Yu's bravery is unparalleled throughout the ages.

This shows that the ancients recognized that the force value of the Overlord of Western Chu ranked first in history... Of course, taking a step back, even Xiang Yu Not to mention his combat prowess, which ranks first in history, but in the late Qin and early Han dynasties, he was absolutely invincible.

"How generous God is."Gao Yao looked at the gods in the chat group member list, with excitement and fanaticism in his eyes.

I want to be Zhao Gao:"@Great God, I have received favor from you! From today on, I am your lackey...I am willing to do anything for you! Whether good or evil."

I want to be Zhao Gao:"Because of your will, I will transform into an angel or a devil and walk around the world."

The strongest man's deputy:"!!!"

Ye Hei:"Hey, hey, are you exaggerating? God is not the kind of God who wants his followers to belong to him wholeheartedly, and even kills their nature.……"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"I know that if God were like that, it would be impossible for him to bestow such immeasurable grace! However, this is the only valuable thing left in my body, and I can only use it." This is to repay the favor of God."

I want to be Zhao Gao:"Of course, I also hope... God can send me back to the future one day. However, before that, let me repay the favor... Let I dedicate this era, let me dedicate this world, to the God I am pious to."

Ax Gang heir:"……Is it really appropriate to say what you said in front of Ying Zheng?"

Wall-Facing Man:"Ying Zheng is furious! What about the one who said he was loyal to Da Qin before? That's it?"

Great Qin Zulong:"It's boring!"

Great Qin Zulong:"Although I have some turmoil in my heart, that's all. Whether the newcomer is willing to be loyal to the Great Qin in another world, or to overthrow it, it doesn't matter to me...or, even if it does, it is of no use."

Ye Hei:"……Although these words were cruel, Zulong's brain was very clear. He was right!"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"So, Zhao Gao is ready to destroy Qin?!"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"I'm going to start by chanting the sacrificial words continuously! Obtain divine grace and continue to become stronger. When I feel that my strength is enough, then I will set up an altar in Xianyang Palace! Then he gathered all the civil and military officials of Great Qin in one place... and killed them all, including the emperor and the royal family! Then the senior officials of Great Qin, as well as the national destiny of the entire Great Qin, were sacrificed to the gods!". I want:"After completing all this, I will use a miracle to create the position of pope! Unify China and the country as quickly as possible...and then launch the largest westward expansion in reach Lao Europe"..Gao:"I want this Eurasian place to spread its glory and belief in God everywhere!!"

Heir of the Ax Gang:"……"

Immortal Evil King:"I have heard that eunuchs are usually more twisted and vicious because they have been cut. I used to be hesitant about this matter, thinking that it was inevitably extreme, just like people have good and bad qualities. Eunuchs should also be divided into cruel and gentle people... But now, I believe it."

Shi Zhixuan looked confused. Of course, as the evil king of the Demon Sect, he would naturally not be in awe or fear because of other people's brutal actions...

Or on the contrary, he was very optimistic about this guy named Gao Yao.

Such unscrupulous means, cold and determined character, coupled with devotion to God... will almost certainly lead to a great cause.

Prince Zhu:"I would like to ask... about the psychological shadow of His Majesty Zu Long now."

Liu Peiqiang:"Zu Long said he didn't want to talk, and threw a fairy Great Wall towards Zhao Gao."

Ye Hei:"Looking at the other one The world's own, the entire clan with the surname Ying, as well as the national destiny of the Qin Dynasty and the civil and military officials were sacrificed with blood... Tsk, this is exciting."

Great Qin Zulong:"Zhao Gao, you are going too far!"

Ying Zheng's face was cold, he Not only did he speak in the chat group, but he also roared in the real world.

His inner strength, which was terrifying to the extreme, burst out with the majesty of the emperor enveloping him. All the civil and military officials on the scene were so frightened that they fell to their knees!

Li Si leaned over and kowtowed, his body trembling and he was complaining in his heart.

What did that guy Zhao Gao do? It was just that he was sent to the borderlands of China to supervise the construction of the Great Wall. Now that he has been gone for a while, he can still have the First Emperor pronounce his name. It still contains murderous intent, and I can't let it go for a long time.

Could it be...that guy poisoned His Majesty and was discovered? Now His Majesty is furious because he drank tea and thought about what Zhao Gao did...

It's not like that! The last time he encountered an assassination, Ying Zheng responded with the same calmness... Your Majesty is as angry now as if Zhao Gao dug up his ancestral grave.……

"His Majesty!" Donghuang Taiyi also leaned forward, his voice was cold,"If you give the order... I will make Zhao Gao live no longer than three days, and let him taste all the pain in the world before he dies!"

"……"Ying Zheng glanced at Donghuang Taiyi expressionlessly, and his breath returned to normal. He said calmly,"Nothing, you can continue to discuss the previous issues of the construction of the Great Wall of China! There is no need to pay attention to other aspects, everyone has their own concerns."

Reluctantly. After Ying Zheng calmed down, he glanced at the chat group and almost failed again.

I want to be Zhao Gao:"So what if you bully others too much? It's not you I'm bullying! Besides, why are you hurting yourself with anger? After all, you can't come to my world... Haha, as for your wanton Insult me, call me a slave, call me a doesn't matter!"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"This is like what I said before...Now I just want to offer sacrifices to God. I can give him the best! As for morality, or other things... these are too luxurious for me."

Su Han stared at Gao Yao's words, with many thoughts in his heart, and finally said in the chat group 850 words have been sent.

God:"Those who spread faith for me should be my Holy Spirit in the world! Do not commit blasphemy! Do not insult fellow believers without reason! No taboos."

I want to be Zhao Gao:"Respect the decree of God!""

Great Qin Zulong:"God has said so! That's all... Some time ago, I found a blacklist function... Let's use it on you first."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"It's too scary. The harmonious atmosphere in the chat group has disappeared. (In deep thought.jpg)"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"You can pull me down... The members of the chat group come from different worlds, have different backgrounds, and different personalities! Except for us We also believe in God and are devoted to God. In terms of compatibility in other aspects... it's really not that good." The

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"To be honest, only now are group members having conflicts and conflicts breaking out... I'm quite okay with it. Surprised."

Ye Hei:"Let me tell you! Indeed... I always thought that a conflict would break out between Mr. Marco and the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, and the scale of the conflict would not be small."

Ye Hei:"But I never expected that after the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult offered sacrifices, they would actually let go of each other.……"

Chen Xiaoyu:"But it doesn't matter. They can't fight across the world anyway!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"In other words, even if the chat group has this function in the future, there is a commandment that believers of God cannot kill each other. There won't be any big casualties either. So we just watch the fun! (Chigua.jpg)"_

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