Su Han was silent for a long time, the expression on his face was extremely complicated.

In the end, he sighed,"It's really...the chat group and the amplification system surprise me all the time."

Before, Su Han was still worried, but the gap between Taiyin and Sun had widened. Will this bring hidden worries to his future... And the next moment, the lunar sun and the lunar sun merge into one!

Su Han can activate the Avenue of Chaos, but if he wants to, he can also divide the Avenue of Chaos into the Taiyin Sun, or the Avenue of Light, or other more ways... What's even more terrifying is that even if it is differentiated After this Tao emerged, the level of this Tao is now also the God-King level.

Yes, Su Han can now claim without humility that he controls tens of thousands of god-king-level avenues!

Su Han can almost bet that what happened to him has never happened in the world of gods.

"It's also normal. How could one person learn all the Tao in this world! Moreover, it is possible to maintain these Taoisms at the lowest level of the upper god realm, and even many Taoisms have been promoted to the realm of gods."

Su Han was filled with emotion. This time's fusion has made up for a huge flaw for him! That is the problem that the Tao is too complicated...

More importantly, he does not need to work hard to improve the extremely complicated Tao in the future. After practicing, he only needs to practice the Chaos Dao!

To what level can the Chaos Dao be upgraded, other Dao derived from the Chaos Dao can be upgraded to what level

"Wait a minute! Su Han suddenly realized a very serious question,"Hey, my current state, doesn't it mean that the role of the Holy Spirit on me has been reduced to the extreme?""

In the final analysis, the greatest role of the Holy Spirit is to help the gods to practice their laws... and Su Han only needs to practice one now!

Rubbing his chin, Su Han thought for a while and put the matter behind him.

Maybe he started Raising the Holy Spirit, he still had the mentality of raising a wage earner, but now, after experiencing so much, he has the same mentality towards the Holy Spirit and Godliness as he treats his wife...

Besides, although it can't help him practice the law! But these holy spirits and gods can completely help him manage the vast divine world... Moreover, with their presence in heaven, it will not look deserted.……

"My realm is still in the middle stage of being a god! But I possess the Tao of the God King in advance...and it is an extraordinary avenue like the Chaos Tao. I feel like, even if it’s cheating without relying on the system’s 10,000-fold increase! Now if I have a fight with that guy Zhang Qianwen, I can win."

Su Han was thinking in his mind. As for the all-out explosion, after the ten thousand times increase... I dare not say that the God King is invincible, but when faced with the arm wrestling of the God King in the later stage, if you can't beat it, then run away... There is no problem, right

?"How long did it take for me to break through?" Su Han remembered that his previous state of having no concept of time had slightly changed. He quickly took out his hand and after calculating, he breathed a sigh of relief,"It turned out to be only ten minutes! Really... I almost thought a few years had passed."..In order to break through the realm, one realizes that it can take several decades or hundreds of years to retreat... This is all normal.

But Su Han couldn't imagine... what would happen to the situation in the chat group if he had been in seclusion for a few years? At the very least, he will definitely not respond to the believers who have offered sacrifices to him in the past few years...

Of course, because he recited the high-grade sacrificial method, he has set up automatic rebates... It should still be useful... But if you do it like this, It severely dampens the enthusiasm of my own believers to perform sacrifices!

"Although even if such a thing really happened, I would have a reason to answer them." Su Han sighed with emotion. If he really has been enlightened for so long, he must be telling the truth! He just said that he accidentally took a nap... The god took a nap for several years, do the believers dare to say anything?!

Sigh Shrugging his shoulders, Su Han glanced at the world again.

Although he opened the Avenue of Chaos, his own combat power increased by leaps and bounds! However, the God Realm seemed calm... It does not mean that it has no impact on the God Realm! The birth of the Avenue of Chaos made Su Han's spirit in the God Realm The potential soared rapidly... But potential is something that always takes time to be realized...

With a dumb smile, Su Han sat back on the throne again, closed his eyes and entered the chat group


Yuan Dagu:"I have mixed feelings!"

The heir of the Ax Gang:"? What happened? Another monster invaded your world?"

Yuan Dagu:"How is this possible... ahem, it's a problem of other parallel worlds."

Yuan Dagu:"You should know that I have a good friend named Asuka Shin, right?"

Wall-facer:"Yes, he is one of your two good friends... Ultraman Dyna!"

Yuan Dagu:"But you may not know...the parallel world of Tiga that I can connect to has Yuan Dagu. And the parallel world that Asukaxin connects to, in addition to another Asukaxin, there is also Yuandagu! Moreover! It’s Yuan Dagu who has lost the ability to transform into Diga."

The Immortal Evil King said:"???"

Gudazi:"Wait a minute... what you said is a little confusing! Let me explain it."

Yuan Dagu:"To put it simply, the Ultraman Dyna world that Asuka Shin can connect to is roughly equivalent to the world of Ultraman Dyna. A few years after Ultraman Ga's world... Yes, the plot of Ultraman Ga's that world has passed. (Suspicious Life.jpg)"


Chen Xiaoyu:"Hiss!"

Liu Peiqiang:"This parallel world... is so beautiful."

Ye Hei:"Yes, I strongly suspect that there are other Yuandagu in other worlds."

Ye Hei:"Dagu Sir, why don't you work hard, search more, and gather more together! Try to gather together an eight-man Yuan Dagu team! Then transform into eight Tiga, and fight monsters in groups, wouldn't it?Enjoyable?

Yao Lao:"!"!! I can't imagine it, that picture is so wonderful.

Liu Peiqiang:"Monster: Ultraman Tiga doesn't respect martial ethics!" Eight of them come together to bully me, an old monster who is thousands of years old. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Chen Xiaoyu:"(Wang Hao) Ultraman Tiga said that he is 30 million years old. You are an old monster with a hammer!"

Heir of the Ax Gang:"Too real."

I want to be Zhao Gao:"Huh, the emperor of the ages, although great... But when it comes to the matter of immortality, my IQ will drop crazily. I only need a few casual words to fool him around."

I want to be Zhao Gao:"? Ying Zheng actually didn’t scold me. It seems like he really blocked me this time! This is the right thing. The Emperor of the Ages is what he says and he does it. Like the last time he talked about shielding, but I would pull it out from time to time... It is too inconsistent with Ying Zheng's style. Man."

The Immortal Evil King:"……?"

Miaomushan Immortal:"With all due respect, you really deserve a beating."

Gudazi:"Mr. Gao... what grudges do you have with Qin Shihuang?"

Ye Hei:"Maybe he just wants to mess with Qin Shihuang. Well...I heard that eunuchs...cough cough, nothing, nothing."_

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