Wanjie chat group.

Ye Hei:"Dragon race! Mixed race! There is also a world where ordinary people are intertwined."

Ye Hei:"It's amazing.……@Great Qin Zulong. see it? Your Majesty, you are an S-class super hybrid in that world. (Manual funny.jpg)"

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"It can only be said that with the background of the earth and the world view of extraordinary power... His Majesty Ying Zheng is most likely not a weakling... In other words, even if he is not strong, his The presence is also terrifying! Yao

Lao:"Then the question is, has Ye Hei figured out what kind of strength Ying Zheng is in his world?" Are you still alive now?

Ye Hei:" ?" ? I've asked about it, but I haven't heard anything. Having said that, I'm in Beidou now... and I can't get any information about Ying Zheng. Is that normal?"

Yue Worshiping Leader:"Am I the only one paying attention to the world of Pokémon Master? Incredibly, that world was filled with monsters all over the mountains and plains."

Moon Worshiping Cult Leader:"Doesn't this mean that he can hold super large sacrifices casually? No one like me... has to work hard to capture demons and gods! envious.

Pokémon Master:"Monster?" What monster?! Pokémon are not monsters, okay? You are the monster, and your whole family is a monster."

Pokémon Master:"Pokémon are our family and friends who accompany us when we travel! And that sacrifice... I've already seen it, and I definitely don't know how to perform it! Wouldn't that be abandoning the Pokémon?"

Yuan Dagu:"??"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"You... who asked you to sacrifice your own Pokémon! Won't you go outside to catch it? Anyway, the Pokémon in your world are all over the mountains and plains."

I want to be Zhao Gao:" You said in the video that your goal is to become a Pokémon master in that world! That is, the top trainer?"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"Believe me, as long as you devoutly believe in God, I will let you Pokémon also worship God devoutly! Then there will be another wave of sacrifices, and you might be able to become a Pokémon Master on the spot……"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"No, with the grace of God...he should be able to far surpass Pokémon Master! Become an immortal myth." The heir of the Ax Gang:"Indeed."

Pokémon Master:"Really?...Well, even so, I won't agree! What's the difference between this and those elf hunters? This is a crime!"

Pokémon Master:"Hmph! I won't communicate with you criminals... No, I won't join this group again! You bastards.'

Su Han's brows twitched a few times. He had thought before that Xiaozhi might be repelled by sacrifice. But he never thought about Xiaozhi's reaction. so intense

"Should I say that I am worthy of being a child?"Su Han sighed with emotion, and his expression returned to calm. He was not in a hurry. Even though Xiaozhi was so excited now, he would definitely not join this group again as he said!

At most, it would be normal. Diving and peeping. After all, this thing has always been in your mind! You can't escape even if you want to... And which human being is not curious? The chat group is so mysterious and connects all worlds. Who doesn't want to see what is happening in other worlds?

And he only needs to be caught once and recite the sacrificial poem out of curiosity. Then Su Han will naturally obtain his world...

At that time, whether it is to guide Xiaozhi casually, or to encourage him It would be no problem for people like Boss Banmu of that world to start offering sacrifices... There are as many methods as you need.

Yuan Dagu:?"

Wall-Facing Man:"……"

Gudazi:"I'm very confused right now!"

Liu Peiqiang:"I feel like my whole body is about to burst."

Gudazi:"To be honest, after seeing the Pokémon in Xiaozhi's world, I remembered He sacrificed the servants of my world... just like I sacrificed Black Arthur! He can choose the evil type of Pokémon, or the criminal type, and then sacrifice it. Gudazi:"

Or, he can spread the gospel of God in that world! Spread the high-grade sacrificial method... and then ask those Pokémon who have joined the religion if they are willing to ascend to heaven to serve God? If so, then Pull them to the altar."

Gudazi:"I really don't understand his current operation... and, has he already fallen out with everyone in the chat group?"

Liu Peiqiang:"It's impossible to talk about it. Let's have a falling out! After all, he's just a child. I'm not angry with a ten-year-old child... I just feel a little bit confused about whether to laugh or cry."

Ye Hei:"I told you a long time ago, that guy's brain is stupid! In the end, it's so big There's something wrong with the probability... You don't believe me, are you okay now? Everything is as I expected."

The strongest man's deputy:"……"

Wall-facer:"But, everyone before has integrated into the chat group normally! You said that the child was difficult to integrate, and then they really fell out... Doesn't this only mean that you are a crow's mouth? ?"

Luo Ji fell into deep thought.

The heir of the Ax Gang:"It's reasonable! I'm convinced."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Sure enough, Ye Hei is a scammer."

Ye Hei:"Wait a minute! Why is this blame put on my head for no reason? ? Rub! What is a crow's mouth? This is a very reasonable inference based on the current information!"

Angers:"Everyone, before I flattered God's favor and obtained blood purification... I have successfully become The hybrid dragon king. Even if I rely on my own strength in the future, I will still have a certain degree of confidence in burying the entire dragon clan... Not to mention, there is a god standing behind me!"

Angers:"In the ceremony of sacrifice I already have several guesses for the Daughters of Destiny mentioned in the novel...but I am not sure! Well, is there any good way to verify their true identities?"

Chen Xiaoyu:"!??"

Wallfacer:"Damn it, it's okay to become the Dragon King directly."

Ax Gang successor:"God! Omnipotent! God! Eternal God."

Liu Peiqiang:"Crooked Mouth Dragon King.jpg"

Yuan Dagu:" You can always believe in the God of Creation."

The heir of the Ax Gang:"Wait a minute...you already have a few candidates? How do you have them!"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"When you say that, I think so too It's strange... For example, in those fantasy fairy worlds, or even in the pirate world... the Daughter of Destiny can use inference methods to guess!"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"Those daughters of ancient emperors and descendants of the great emperors in fantasy, There is a high probability that... the most beautiful woman in the world in the pirate world is also very likely to be... But, how can you find the daughter of destiny in the modern world?!"

Prince Zhu Family:"I in the Ming Dynasty are also very aware of this. Curious. But speaking of the most beautiful women in the world...should I go back to the Ming Dynasty to hold a talent show in a while? (In deep thought.jpg)"

Da Qin Zulong:"……"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"The draft is not bad! If you put it that way, I can also do it here."

Angers:"Because my place is not a normal modern world at all! For example, if I select a candidate, The underworld princess of the Sheqi Ba family of the island country...Of course, you can also think that she is the shadow emperor of the island country? That's probably the case."

Angers:"The other one is simply the Dragon King of our world! Well...not me This kind of mixed-blood dragon king who is promoted the day after tomorrow is a pure-blood dragon king who is born with it." Angers:"Of course, I am just guessing, so why don't you come to the group to see if you (Zhao) have any verification methods?"

Yuan Dagu:"That's it."

I want to be Zhao Gao:"Disappointed."

Wall-faced Man:"As of now! Apart from practicing the destiny magician... there is no other way. But in the end, you are not innocent. In order to find the daughter of destiny, I trained as a destiny magician... because other alchemist professions, or occult magician professions, are all super powerful."

Gudazi:"The profession and power system gifted by God ? Are there any weak? Or even if you are weak, I think it is your own waste."

Chen Xiaoyu:"……Heartbroken.

Liu Peiqiang:"Well, actually, if you really want to find the girl of destiny!" I can provide some trivial help here."

No one in the chat group spoke for a while.

Leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"??"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Wait a minute...can you find the Daughter of Destiny? Yes, you can see Destiny...That's not right. Now the chat group does not have the function of crossing the world! Could it be that your ability can still cross the world? Divination of the world?"

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"Although your profession is a gift from God, but to do such a thing... is still too exaggerated?!"_

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