As soon as they landed in the villa, waves rippled in the void, and a brilliant silver brilliance appeared instantly. Floating in front of Su Han

"Is this...a message sent by spiritual thoughts?"Su Han thoughtfully accepted the ray of light.

Generally, when gods send messages, they use divine mobile phones to send them... However, if they encounter some kind of emergency, they will also consume hundreds or even thousands of faith power to condense their souls. Of course... the power of hundreds of thousands of faiths is only a guarantee, and the farther the distance

, the greater the consumption. However, using divine thoughts to transmit messages can at least ensure safety... without the danger of leaking intelligence.

Fuse them , Su Han understood something immediately,"Has the West already agreed? The date of the fight is three days later? That's fine."

Of course this news was sent by the old principal!

Su Han smiled hoarsely. If before, he had to consider triggering a ten thousand times increase in power to defeat the eight gods reliably... then now, he only needs to release his God's Way. , those eight will definitely die...

Sitting casually on the sofa, Su Han took out his mobile phone. Then he discovered that the news that he had accepted the challenge had already washed away the hot list.

On the entire list, except for the hot spots where Su Han agreed to take the challenge...The rest is the previous news about Xixi's challenge to Su Han... Yes, these news that were originally harmonized were released again.

Su Han glanced at it casually, and then his expression changed slightly.

《How big is the gap between Su Shen and the Western Eight Heavenly Gods?》

《Which one is more valuable, Heroic Spirit Technology or Crystal Wall System Shenzhou?》

《Strongly urge Su Shen to refuse this challenge!"

After thinking for a moment, Su Han clicked on the first hot news item, and then looked at the many comments below.

"Damn it, what happened to Su Shen? Accepted this challenge! Damn it, was it some beast who forced Su Shen to accept the challenge?"

"It shouldn’t be...the official attitude was very obvious! I don’t want Su Shen to get involved in this... But now, he has agreed to the challenge inexplicably... I always feel that something is wrong with this situation! Is it Su Shen's own wish?"

"With all due respect, Su Shen is indeed the best genius in the world! But he really expanded this time... I have no doubt that at the same age, he would be invincible, but the eighty-year-old god opposite... is really fucking stupid"

"This time, although Su Shen agreed to the challenge! But he shouldn't be fighting alone... The official has just announced the information about the five young gods. They are all under seventy years old, and one of them is a strong man at the peak of the realm of gods... Although it is not directly stated, but according to the official words, there is a high probability that the five strong gods and Su Shen will form a team to communicate with each other."

"comminicate? How come I heard that the West is proposing a life and death war? hehe!"

"Oh okay! That's much better than I thought... As we all know, the training of the young generation in the ancient Eastern countries is beyond imagination."

"It’s beyond imagination, you hammer. A hundred years ago, there were millions less powerful gods in the ancient Eastern countries than in the West... More than a hundred years later, there is still at least a gap between the powerful gods in the ancient Eastern countries and the West. Millions... You must know that the number of gods in the ancient Eastern countries is higher than that in the entire Western world! But there are so many less gods...the gap is too big"

"Isn’t this almost catching up? It’s already very good at narrowing the gap! This shows that we are reviving, we are catching up, and we are narrowing the gap."

"Alas, a young genius is so important!"

"Yes, a hundred years ago, those great beings re-established the ancient country, and then... that old god who returned from the west paid an unimaginable price to serve the country, gather the faith of billions of gods, and gather endless years. The fate of the country raised his own realm to a realm that surpassed that of the ancestral gods... As a price, he lost his self-consciousness forever. But He allowed the East to control the deterrent power, no longer needing to worry about Western invasion……"

"Sigh... If the situation wasn't so tense at the time, trouble! That old god didn't need to take that step at all."

"Yes, if that old god continues to develop step by step... and spends another thousand years, he may really be able to surpass the ancestor god... Damn it! So abominable. It’s too humiliating and unwilling! The current peace was created by the gods of the older generation who paid an unimaginable price."

"Su Shen's talent in cultivation is unparalleled in ancient and modern times... It is entirely possible for him to spend thousands of years to continue on the path that the old god has not taken... If he can really surpass the ancestor god, I will have no worries in the East!"

"Although the ultimate weapon, the National Destiny Avenue, is a power that surpasses the ancestor gods and can deter the West...but it is the remnant of the dead after all. It has no will of its own. It is just the ultimate means of hurting both sides, rather than making the Eastern God System truly The means to reach the top?……"

"That’s why the West went crazy and wanted to kill Su Shen! His importance is too great, his meaning is no longer just as simple as a young god... but the hope of Eastern revival."

"do not talk! I'm going to go next door to stop Su Shen from participating in the challenge and continue checking in."

"You have a hammer to punch in! The higher ups don’t listen at all.……"

"I now crossed over to the external network and found that there was a carnival outside! It’s as if the heroic spirit technology has been put into the palm of your hand! It seems that Su Shen will definitely die this time"

"These beasts got their wish! This is a conspiracy... No, this is a fucking conspiracy!"

"Believe in the official... There must be a reason for the official to do this. It's just that because we are standing too low, the news we get is different from the old gods at the top... Just keep waiting! I believe the official will not let us down"

"Sure enough... no one thinks highly of me," Su Han rubbed his brows,"Although it's normal."

Su Han was not surprised by this. If it weren't for the fact that he had just beaten Zhang Qianwen at the old principal's side, the old principal would not have agreed easily.

Who would have imagined that a person less than twenty years old had just made a breakthrough? A strong man in the Celestial Realm! Can he defeat the veteran giants of the Western Celestial Realm?

What’s even more frightening is that he is going to fight not one, but eight... It is no exaggeration to say that the West’s calculations are really calculated to the core.! Carefully closed all possible loopholes. Unfortunately... Su Han happened to be the cheater who overturned the table.

Shaking his head, Su Han exited and started to read the second news headline. About comparing the skills of heroic spirits and The crystal wall system is of Shenzhou value!

"Although I really want to inspire everyone's patriotic feelings, strictly speaking... the value of heroic spirit technology is not as good as the crystal wall Shenzhou for the time being! The West has indeed spent a lot of money this time"

"Of course, the value is not as good as it is! But in terms of importance, the technology of heroic spirits actually surpasses the crystal wall type Shenzhou... Maybe many people are confused? Is there a difference between value and importance? In fact, there is a big difference!"

"A very simple truth... the skills of heroic spirits are of course a way for the gods in the world to reopen! It is possible for everyone to obtain a weakened version of the Holy Spirit in the future... However, after all, this road has just been opened, and the person who opened it is only in the realm of gods!"

"And what about the crystal wall Shenzhou? There are a large number of god kings in the West, a small number of main gods, and even strong men in the ancestral god realm! It took hundreds of years and a little bit of tempering to create. This is an extremely powerful divine war system! No matter how overestimated it is, it cannot be overestimated."

"Therefore, if the heroic spirit technology takes another hundred years... it will also be deduced to an incredible level by countless gods, kings, gods, and even ancestor gods! Its importance must surpass that of the Crystal Wall Shenzhou... But at least for now, the gap in value between the two sides is still huge."

"Of course, we all know that the West is never willing to suffer losses! They can make this bet... From this, you can imagine how eager they are for Su Shen to participate in this battle!"

"What the enemy agrees with and wants to achieve is what we reject! Therefore, I once again implore everyone to leave a message under the official announcement of Su Shen’s challenge and refuse Su Shen’s participation in the competition!"

"……How wonderful."The corner of Su Han's mouth curled up slightly. When he was sure to win, the higher the price of the Shenzhou, the better.

As for the people in the row below who refused Su Shen to play! Su Han rolled his eyes, although he was a little moved in his heart. But he still ignored it...

No matter what he said now, it would only make things more chaotic.

It was better to wait until three days later to solve the enemy, and the network trend would reverse.

After turning off the phone, Su Han came slowly When he got to the study, he picked up the pen with an incomprehensible expression,"But if they didn't remind me... I almost forgot! I can propose a further theory of English, as well as a root theory to go with it."

After all, Su Han's Avenue of Heroic Spirits and Avenue of Origin... also sublimated along with his Avenue of Chaos, rising to the realm of the God King.

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