Dongfang Guyue was stunned for a moment, and her cheeks clenched together again. I bet you didn't even listen to what he just said.

He let out a long sigh,"I'll say it again... The demon clan and the human clan are in a hostile relationship. And the master of Tushan is the master of the demon clan Tushan! Her strength may not be inferior to mine... Of course, considering the destruction Demon God Fire, fighting with it, I might be able to win. But it's just maybe!"

"However, if the Lord of Tushan comes to attack our Shenhuoshan Villa, then of course it goes without saying... Even if we want to capture him alive, it is not impossible... But, if you attack Tushan alone……"

Dongfang Guyue didn't say it directly, but his meaning was obvious.

Even if Dongfang Huaizhu is not inferior to him in strength now, there is a high probability that he will be killed in Tushan.

"The demon clan force... Tushan?"After Dongfang Huaizhu closed his eyes and thought for a moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Dongfang Guyue,"Since I can't do it alone, then let's just take the entire Shenhuo Villa to Tushan."

Dongfang Guyue:"?"

Dongfang Guyue almost suspected that she heard wrongly. He turned his head and stared at Dongfang Huaizhu's firm face, confirming that she really said that. After a brief silence, he almost squeezed out a few words through his teeth,"You are crazy."……"

"I will not agree," Dongfang Guyue said every word with a very firm attitude,"And the disciples of Shenhuo Manor will not agree to your proposal!"

"You will, they will," Dongfang Huaizhu took a deep look at Dongfang Guyue and said softly,"Call the many disciples from Shenhuo Manor over here! I have something to say to them... wait until I finish speaking, and then you can make a decision."

Dongfang Guyue took a deep look at Dongfang Huaizhu. She did not refuse, but turned around to summon many disciples of the Shenhuoshuo Manor.

As one of the top forces in the current Dao Alliance, the Shenhuo Mansion has more than a thousand disciples. And it is the weakest. They all started with cultivation, and the strongest one, like Jin Renfeng, was the leader of the younger generation.

Dongfang Huaizhu stood at the front of the crowd, calmly staring at the more than a thousand disciples, she spoke,"I Not long ago! She received the divine inspiration from the God of Creation and became a saint of the God of Creation. God has power that cannot be described in words. He loves every believer mercifully and bestows divine grace on every believer."

"I have decided to believe in the God of Creation for the rest of my life! And spread the belief in the God of Creation to every corner of the earth……"

Whispers came from below, and surprise and uncertainty appeared on the faces of the disciples of the Shenhuo Family. Dongfang Guyue had no expression on her face, as if she was just following Dongfang Huaizhu's instructions. Anyway, he didn't agree or object.

"Miss!"Jin Renfeng spoke first. He stared at Dongfang Huaizhu with a somewhat sullen expression,"Why are you telling us this? Do you want us to believe in the God who created the world together? Can you just say no? How can we still disagree? Dongfang

Huaizhu stared at Jin Renfeng calmly, and she said quietly,"But... you don't deserve it.""

"……What?"Jin Renfeng's expression changed instantly.

"You made perfect plans a long time ago! You set your sights on the Eastern Spiritual Blood of my Dongfang family. You pretended to be robbed by bandits, and were rescued by my father and brought into the Shenhuo Manor... Then, you set your sights on Qin Lan and me. You hope to marry us. The two of them obtained the Eastern spiritual blood and blessed their descendants."

Dongfang Huaizhu's words brought a hint of coldness,"But you didn't expect that Qin Lan and I are not easy to deceive. So, you set your sights on your father again! You went to the Leech Demon Village and conspired to defraud the blood exchange method of that lineage.……"

"Have you already made the calculation? When my father was in poor condition, he used the blood exchange method to take away his Eastern spiritual blood. Then he inherited the position of the owner of Shenhuoshan Manor and forcibly married Qin Lan and me...Am I right?"

There was deathly silence. The disciples of Shenhuo Manor were either shocked, horrified, or staring at Jin Renfeng in disbelief... Especially Dongfang Guyue. He suddenly turned his head to look at this eldest disciple he trusted, with an expression on his face. The changes are uncertain.

Jin Renfeng's body was shaken violently, and cold sweat fell on his forehead. After a brief silence, he showed a bright smile,"Miss... I know you can't pursue you because of me!" Feeling disgusted. But... I don't think you and I have any deep hatred, right? As for hurting me like this?"

Dongfang Huaizhu calmly took out a stack of paper from his sleeves. Jin Renfeng looked at the piece of paper, blank at first, then realized something, and his face turned pale... He had already recognized that it was He hid it in his room, and he recorded the blood exchange method...

How could it be... He obviously hid it well! This matter is absolutely foolproof...

And the leech demon... was also killed by him. What happened? Problem!

With six gods and no master, Jin Renfeng gritted his teeth, simply refused to do anything, and rushed towards Dongfang Huaizhu with a swish.

"……Beast, how dare you?!"Dongfang Guyue's eyes widened instantly. Jin Renfeng's attitude has been confirmed! What Dongfang Huaizhu said before is true. At this moment, Dongfang Guyue was so angry that he almost went crazy, and the pure Yang Yan erupted from his body. It burst out. This disciple he valued most, he even regarded him as half a son... But he actually betrayed him! He even wanted to kill him and hurt his daughter...

Dongfang Huaizhu reached out in an understatement. Pure Yang Yan swept out from his own fingers and condensed into nine fire dragons. Suddenly they wrapped around Jin Renfeng's body... In just a few breaths, Jin Renfeng's body was burned to death without any resistance. Ability...

Dongfang Guyue's body stiffened as she rushed towards him at extremely fast speed. He stared blankly at Dongfang Huaizhu. Although he was so angry that he went crazy, he knew very well that Jin Renfeng was very powerful. It was definitely the second best person in Shenhuo Villa currently. He was so strong...

Even if he wanted to win, it would be impossible without hundreds of moves... But his daughter actually killed him in an instant?

How could this mean that he was only between two and two? This was clearly Far superior to him... But how is this possible?

According to the aura that Dongfang Huaizhu burst out before, her strength should be similar to his... And it has already shocked him inexplicably...

It has only been a few days?!

When Cultivation has become such a simple thing? But it’s not right, he is already one of the top strong men in the Tao Alliance... Even if the cultivation is simple, it is impossible to surpass him easily... Dongfang Guyue is messy in the wind.

After a brief silence, the scene was in an uproar. The disciples of Shenhuo Manor were either shocked, worshiped, or stared at Dongfang Huaizhu in fear

"Everyone, I think you are curious about my strength, right? Many people are even thinking, why have I not shown this kind of repressive power in the past? Has the eldest lady of the Dongfang family always been hiding it? Dongfang Huaizhu smiled slightly.

She scanned the crowd and said word by word,"However, I didn't hide it!" In the past, I did only have a certain amount of strength, but the reason why I am so strong now... is just that, as I said before, I have received the grace of the God of Creation!"

"Next, I hope everyone can follow me and recite an article to worship the God of Creation! After reading it you will understand everything……"

"Of course... I also hope that when you recite prayers, you can be as pious as possible."Dongfang Huaizhu spoke softly. But beside her was a golden fire dragon, alive and staring closely at the people present. The terrifying flames burned the void.

The disciples of Shenhuo Manor:"……"

Do they dare to refuse?

Therefore, every time Dongfang Huaizhu uttered a word, everyone at the scene also chanted it.

And when they all finished reciting... they instantly glimpsed the majestic and unpredictable existence... and the scene fell into dead silence again.

Many disciples, as well as Dongfang Guyue, all had the same expressions at this moment...a mixture of shock and excitement, as well as shock, fear and disbelief.

Suddenly, Dongfang Guyue's aura exploded... He broke through!

Not only him, many disciples of Shenhuo Manor who had reached the bottleneck of cultivation also followed closely and broke through one by one. Even those who didn't hit the bottleneck, their spiritual power suddenly became stronger.

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