After a long silence, the old principal nodded stiffly,"So that's it... No wonder no one has ever figured out the answers to the ten questions of the gods before you."

In fact, after Su Han said this, the old principal The principal is very sure... It is almost impossible for a second person in this world to create the Avenue of Chaos. Even if Su Han reveals the method of creating the Avenue of Chaos to the outside world, the same will be true.

Even for those talented people, their life goal is only to understand a top path.

All avenues? Let alone comprehend this... No matter how brilliant a genius is, he may not even be able to have this idea, or he may not dare to raise it...

After swallowing, the old military god changed the subject,"By the way, I'm a little curious......What level of strength have you reached now? The skill you showed just now...can probably compete with other powerful God Kings, right?"

The old principal nodded with deep understanding, and finally thought of Su Han's last sudden outburst. The energy scale increased ten thousand times... his eyelids suddenly jumped. Wait, before Su HanIt's like he didn't use the move last time...

If the power he used before was increased by ten thousand times... the old principal suddenly took a breath of cold air and began to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

"……What’s wrong with you?"The old military god glanced at the old principal with some confusion. He found that the old principal just shook his head reluctantly. Knowing that he didn't want to answer, he didn't say much. Most of his attention was now on Su Han.

"The God King should be fine!"Su Han touched his nose and smiled bitterly,"Actually, I was still thinking about what if one day I had the strength of a god king. I can consider leaving Aungling... But seeing the fierce reactions of those guys, I might as well forget it! I will continue to stay here at Jinling University for a while"

"Yes!"The old military god nodded in agreement, and added,"Even if you are tired of staying at Jinling Academy and want to leave, just tell us directly. Our Military God Department is willing to receive you! The Ministry of Military God is also absolutely safe.……"

"What does it mean to be bored? Our Jinling world covers an area of ​​hundreds of millions of square kilometers! It's so vast...all kinds of rare treasures and sights are there, it's impossible to get bored."The old principal jumped. Although he didn't want to offend the Military God Department, he couldn't just watch the Military God Department poach people.

Su Han looked helplessly at the two people who had already quarreled in front of him, shook his head, and quietly He stepped aside and took out his mobile phone. After browsing for a while, his expression became strange.

The mobile phone signal has undoubtedly been cut off! In other words, even if it is connected now, it can only connect to the local area network in the school.

"Is this also the impact of the border closure?"Su Han said to himself in his heart, his eyes flashed. Yes, if the signal can be connected, then the West can completely use the signal to lock the location of the Aurous World... In the final analysis, cut off the connection with the main world... It just cuts off the possibility of the other party attacking the main world and affecting the Jinling World...

This does not mean that the Jinling World has completely disappeared from the world. It still exists...

Then, Su Han closed his door again He opened his eyes and realized that the chat group still existed. However, before he could enter the chat group to kill time, he heard the somewhat astonished words of the old military god,"Is this?" Damn it, those guys in the West gave in so quickly?!"

Su Han suddenly opened his eyes, and then found that the old military god was reading the information in this light. This was undoubtedly a message from the soul.

"what happened?"The old principal frowned. The world of Jinling is closed. Even if he wants to contact the main world, he can only leave the world first, then trace the coordinates and return... It is impossible to contact through the Internet.

At the scene, Or the entire Aurous World... now only the Old Army God controls the channels of communication with the outside world.

"Huh," the old military god let out a long breath. After pacing repeatedly on the spot, he said seriously,"Now you can consider reconnecting the two worlds."

"???"The old principal looked confused. What the hell are you doing? He originally thought that sealing the border this time would take at least a few months, or at most a few years... In the end, this is it? He has not closed the world for half an hour!

It was you who wanted to separate before, but now it’s you who want to connect again! Do you want to divide and connect the world for free? Not to mention the amount of divine power spent in this coming and going, the power of faith simply consumed is as high as hundreds of billions... No matter how rich you are, you can't withstand such a creation.

"So what, your consumption this time! Our Military God Department will foot the bill."The old military god looked calm and waved boldly.

"??"The old principal was confused for the second time. He hadn't always heard that the Military God Department was famous for being stingy. What happens this time?!

Su Han suddenly remembered something and said with a strange look,"Are you... are the West willing to transfer Shenzhou technology? Are you not planning to do any other tricks?"

"That’s right! But it’s not just that…how should I put it? We sealed the border. Although it didn't take long, there were a lot of things happening in the world of gods."The old military god shook his head and didn't say much.

Then, he signaled to the old principal to take action together to reconnect with the world.

Seeing the two old men leaving the thatched hut, Su Han thought for a while and simply returned to himself. In the villa. After waiting for another half an hour, finally, the big world of Jinling returned to the real world.

Su Han didn't hesitate at all, turned on his phone directly, and then searched for hot news

《Shock! Less than a month after breaking through to the gods, he actually stepped into the realm of the God King?!》

《The world-famous Eight Heavenly God Challenge event has come to an end! This result ended with the defeat of the Eight Heavenly Gods... The time between the two sides was less than ten seconds!》

《Killing eight gods in one instant, what is the limit of Su Shen's strength?!》

《Congratulations to God Su, for successfully solving the Ten Questions of the Gods, and for making great contributions to the world of gods to further control the truth of the crystal wall system!》

《The prelude to the third divine war between East and West? The death world of the Eight Heavenly Gods may become the trigger!》

"Sure enough, the heat is extremely high. But... these are not what he said before!"

Su Han frowned slightly. These are normal world reactions... not what he wanted the old military god to say before... There is no dangerous answer to reconnecting the world...

After thinking about it, Su Han He refreshed it again, and then his expression became weird. A piece of news landed at the top of the hot list! This news had exactly the answer he wanted.

《Einstein publicly criticized what the Western pantheon had done! Said: Such persecution of a scholar who has paved the way for gods and made great contributions, no less than Newton! It was something that made him feel extremely ashamed and angry."

Su Han clicked into it and glanced at the news roughly. I found that the content was not much different from the title...

At most, I added a sentence at the end. Nearly a thousand famous academic gods and scientific research gods in the Western pantheon all issued articles supporting Einstein.

Due to numerous top-notch academic scientific research and pressure from public opinion... the Western Gods have already issued a negotiation application to the ancient Eastern country on the transfer of system knowledge of the Crystal Wall Shenzhou...

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