"I'm actually very curious... to what extent does Su Shen's strength reach? He still seems to be a god, but after understanding that way, his strength seems to have soared to the level of a god king?"

"It’s not something that ordinary god kings can do! After all, there are two perfection-level gods opposite... And the two people behind, I checked, are famous main god-level existences in the West! Being able to kill people in front of the main god-level existence, even if the two main gods were stunned at the time...but, tsk tsk"

"It really made me laugh! The double-standard ugliness of the two Western gods was broadcast to the whole world through their own live broadcast... If it weren't for the fact that the performance was so embarrassing, Einstein would not be so disappointed and went on stage to criticize him in person……"

"really! It’s a fucking new era, but we are still engaging in this kind of persecution of well-known academic gods... What is the difference between this and the Middle Ages?"

"All I'm afraid of now is, as the news next to me said... there's going to be a big war? I'm still a child, and I don't want to live in a war-torn era!"

"Don’t worry, haven’t you seen that the top figures in the major Western pantheon have condemned it before? We can't fight... Besides, let's really fight! It's just the ultimate weapon, grow mushrooms on each other, and then collapse the main world... Let's go wandering in the crystal wall ocean together.……"

"Su Shen, you are the eternal God!"

"Ah, my husband is getting more and more handsome... I really want to have a son with him."

"? ? After seeing this comment, I was angry for a while, until my husband Su Shen held me in his arms and comforted me for half an hour! Only then did I forgive him"

"Why are there people here thinking about shit?"

"There is everything in the dream, I suggest you just go back and dream! Don't daydream on the Internet...this will mainly affect other people's Internet viewing experience"

"There are people everywhere coveting my body……"Su Han sighed,"Obviously I hope they pay more attention to my academic achievements."

Suddenly, Su Han thought of something, and his expression instantly became serious. He turned his palm and took out two books from the God Realm, which were the Avenue of Roots and the Avenue of Heroic Spirits.

"I forgot to give these two books to the old principal."After Su Han thought for a while, he simply opened the window and let his divine power wrap up the two books and shoot them in the direction of the thatched house. For a god of Su Han's level, the distance is thousands of miles. You can reach it by lifting your feet, so passing the letter across this distance is no different from handing it face to face.

After a few breaths, Su Han's phone rang, and he answered it immediately. From the other side came the old principal's somewhat excited voice. The voice said,"Damn it, you actually... you actually sorted out these two books so quickly? Wait, could it be said that you have been condensing the Divine King's Avenue for some time?"

Suddenly realizing something, the old principal's words were filled with shock and astonishment. Finally, he said quietly,"It's really amazing...to have accomplished such an incredible thing! He has been so low-key...until the Eight Heavenly Gods burst into the door, and this is revealed"

"After all, if I had said it earlier, how could those eight guys have died?"Su Han raised his eyebrows

"Hahaha, that’s right."

Su Han casually chatted with the old principal for a few words, and then hung up the phone. He lay directly on the sofa, closed his eyes and entered the chat group


Wallfacer:"We have reached the state of the fifth industrial revolution here, maybe? We are close to the technological level at the last stage of human extinction in the original historical trajectory. The light speed engine is almost built!"

Heir of the Ax Gang:"……"

Immortal Evil King:"Don't look at my envy on the surface. In fact, I am really envious. Scientific and technological civilization... In fact, my world also had the opportunity to follow such a path in the early years... I am another kind of Sui Dynasty Maybe……"

Ye Hei:"???"

Liu Peiqiang:"I feel like you're taking advantage of it and still being obedient! Obviously, the potential of your fantasy version of the Sui Dynasty is terrifyingly high."

Miaomushan Immortal:"Yes, you regret it... Then don't I have to regret it? Died suddenly on the spot?!"

Prince Zhu:"Excuse me.jpg. Compared to Miaomu Mountain, my place is not as good as Miaomu Mountain! At least Miaomu Mountain is in my hometown... However, I feel uncomfortable with the environment here in South Asia no matter how I live there.."

Wall-facer:"@朱家太子. I'm curious, has the country over the prince's side been established?"

Prince Zhu's family:"On the surface, it has been established! But in fact... don't talk about it, I will talk about it. It hurts. There are too many countries in this region! It’s too complicated... I’m now starting to do what Qin Shihuang once did, with cars on the same track and books on the same page!"

Prince Zhu:"Also, I’ve never had any For a moment, I understand like this... The Yanhuang people are the most outstanding people in the world. These people in South Asia are lazy by nature. They will never stand up if they can lie down, and they will never work hard if they can't work! But they are not very good at it. Resistance... Believe that the worse your life is this time, the better your life will be in the next life? And the people here are very disrespectful to women... They just rape women on the street……"

The more Zhu Gaochi spoke, the tighter his brows became. For a person like him who is deeply influenced by Confucian culture, how can he dislike South Asia...

Prince Zhu:"I can only say... that the people in this place are simply not suitable as the foundation of a powerful country! It's too hard for me. (Crying.jpg)"

Gudazi:"At this time, we have to drag Ye Hei out and give him a good scolding."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Yes, it's all his fault!"

Ye Hei:" What's wrong with me? Although the people over there in South Asia are indeed cheats, they themselves believe in gods! You can play Azing's tricks until youChange the teachings of Hinduism and attribute all faith to God! Ye Hei:"

Look, doesn't this just add tens of millions of followers to God?" (Plausible.jpg)"

Chen Xiaoyu:"What you said makes sense, and I can't refute it at all!"

Prince Zhu:"Actually, I'm thinking about whether I should take advantage of the opportunity of traveling on the same track and writing in the same text to forcefully promote Chinese language and Confucian education... and make him a part of my Confucian and Taoist cultural circle! If we can do all this, maybe in just a few generations, this group of people can become my Yanhuang people! But the only problem is... if we really do this, we may have to kill many, many people! Ye Hei:"


The crown prince of the Zhu family:"We still have to do it! Only when we finish it can we make this nation have more potential."

The prince of the Zhu family:"@Liu Peiqiang. I was reading the book you sent me recently. There is a sentence in the book that I am still very interested in. Agreed! Culture determines nationality. (Happy.jpg)"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Although I kill people, set fires, and forcefully promote culture... but am I actually doing it for their own good? This operation... I give full marks!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"……Didn't you, old man, hate Confucianism and Taoism very much before?"

Prince Zhu:"That's true... But during this period of time, I thought about it, and I figured it out. What I hate in essence is only those Donglin people who have failed the country. After all, now even if I want to abandon Confucianism and Taoism, it is impossible! I have received Confucian education since I was a child... My lifelong goal was to become a sage in Confucian culture."

The Prince of the Zhu family:"Even the Yanhuang in the future, doesn't he also have a lot of Confucian and Taoist genes? Confucianism and Taoism are actually very good, but you can’t just use one Confucian to let a hundred flowers bloom. Only in this way can you create a prosperous age! Ye Hei:"

Well said!""

Great Qin Zulong:"I recently read the history of the Ming Dynasty, and then discovered something very interesting. @朱家太子. The decline of the Zhu family began with Tumubao."

Great Qin Zulong:"It's not just that Tumu Bao ruined the generals of the Zhu family... The most important thing is that Zhu Qiyu was captured by the Wala people, and after he returned, he fought for the throne, and then killed the powerful Yu Shaobao and Yu Qian. A loyal minister who protects the country."

Great Qin Zulong:"The death of Yu Qian who sacrificed his life for the Ming Dynasty! Perhaps all the civil servants and loyal ministers in the entire Ming Dynasty could see clearly the true face of the Zhu family... risking their lives for the sake of the Zhu family, but in the end it was just a stroke of the sword... If this is the case, why are you still loyal to the Ming Dynasty? While he was in office, he worked hard to make money and live a good life. Isn't that good?"

Ying Zheng suddenly remembered something and added another sentence.

Da Qin Zulong:"Oh, by the way, the large number of deaths of military generals also caused an imbalance in the power of civil and military forces! This also further led to the expansion of the civil service... Anyway, the responsibility for turning the scholars of the Ming Dynasty into what they were is passed on to your grandson! Most likely right."

Prince Zhu family:"……"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Prince: Stop scolding, stop scolding me! I was dumbfounded by the scolding."

Wall-facer:"However, Ying Zheng is really qualified to say this... After all, he was really Not a single minister was killed. (Can't laugh or cry.jpg)"

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