Seeing that Gao Yao was determined to take action, the civil and military officials on the scene naturally had no idea of ​​surrendering.

However, thanks to the grace of God, every soldier on the scene had a terrifying power comparable to that of an overlord... They were all easily suppressed.

Then, Gao Yao waved his hand and asked two eunuchs to drag out the unconscious Ying Zheng.

Finally, Gao Yao strode toward the harem.

In the central square of the harem, there is a huge altar. This was established by Gao Yao with the help of the Imperial Guards of Xianyang Palace that he controlled during this period.

"……Offer sacrifices."Gao Yao stood on the main altar, his face was cold and there was no emotion at all.

Immediately, the civil and military generals who were unwilling to join the Creation God Cult were dragged up. Then, Yan Hong was chopped off with a swish sound. The blood of the people was scattered all around.

This scene frightened many civil and military officials of the Qin Dynasty. They had only thought that the sacrifice Gao wanted to say was just to scare them, but they never thought... It had been abolished long ago. The sacrifice of human beings as sacrifices!

"What are you doing?"Yi Xiaochuan finally couldn't help it anymore, and he roared angrily,"You will only make history a mess! Everything we hold dear in the parents, and your sister, they will all die! You are a sinner."

Meng Tian, ​​who had regained his breath at this moment, suddenly shrank, and he turned his head and stared at Yi Xiaochuan in disbelief. In fact, not only him, but also the expressions of many other people at the scene also changed.

Meng Yi should be impossible It's only right to cooperate with Zhao Gao...especially at this critical moment of life and death. So, is all this true? They really come from the future more than two thousand years later! This kind of thing...

Fusu was shocked, although he tried his best He didn't believe in the control of the Second Emperor of Qin. But when he thought of the death of the Second Emperor of the Qin Dynasty... Suddenly, Fusu smiled bitterly. Is it meaningful to think about the death of the Second Emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty now?

Under the ravages of the dead eunuch Zhao Gao, the Great Qin Dynasty today Will...can it really exist after that? Fusu is very pessimistic.

"……You hypocrite has no right to say such things."Gao Yao glanced at Yi Xiaochuan contemptuously and continued to wave his hands. Another group of civil and military officials were dragged up and continued to be killed.

After confirming that he had no way to survive, many generals who had been appointed began to struggle and resist again. There were also some civil and military officials who knew that they could not defeat these imperial guards, so they simply sat on the ground and cursed at Gao Yao.

Gao Yao also ignored them. Why did he care about the dead?!

Finally, hundreds of people All the famous civil servants and generals of the Qin Dynasty were killed. The blood even dyed the entire altar red...

No one scolded Gao Yao anymore, because all those who scolded Gao Yao were dead.

"Next, it’s the main course. Gao Yao showed a ferocious smile to Yi Xiaochuan and said softly,"Enjoy your last and desperate life... proceed as planned.""

"Follow the orders of the Lord!"A deafening sound suddenly came from the mouths of the imperial guards all around.

Rows of people walked out from them. They were either escorting Yi Xiaochuan, some were escorting Liu Bang, and some were compressing Fusu. A nobleman named Hu Hai with the surname Ying of Great Qin. Of course, Ying Zheng, who was already unconscious, was also carried up

"I, I was wrong! Liu Bang howled like a slaughtered pig. He knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing to Gao Yao,"Spare my life... don't kill me!" I am willing to be your slave...Well, am I not the Emperor of Han Dynasty? Think about it, how proud is it to have a future emperor be your slave?!"

Fusu bit his lower lip. Although he was a little scared, he finally straightened his spine. Even if he died, he was not willing to lose the prestige of the descendants of the surname Ying. As for Hu Hai and several other younger The young master was lying on the ground and crying loudly.

Yi Xiaochuan stared at Liu Bang closely, his brows twitching. He only felt one thing now...shameful!

He recognized this brother, whether it was his courage or anything else. In terms of performance, he was far behind his other eldest brother...

However, although Yi Xiaochuan was a little disappointed, a lot of thoughts were flashing in his mind. He was trying his best to think about how he could change Gao Yao's situation. The idea... no matter what, at least let Liu Bang survive...

But before he could come up with a reason, Gao Yao waved his palm lightly.

Immediately, many soldiers executed, and these people also died.

Avenged A trace of joy appeared on Gao Yao's face with deep hatred. Then, he patted his cheek to regain his composure. He clasped his palms together and piety appeared on his face,"Great Lord! Thank you for changing my sad destiny...and I also dedicate this old era to you! I hope you are satisfied with this offering"

"If you are not satisfied, you can tell me directly! No matter what kind of sacrifice you want, I will do my best to get it for you."After taking a long breath, Gao Yao's expression returned to clarity, and then he recited the sacrificial text loudly.


The world of gods.

After watching the whole process, Su Han's expression became extremely wonderful at this moment.

"Gao Yao, this guy, really doesn't know what to say."Su Han sighed with emotion, took a step forward, and entered directly into the Central Heavenly Palace. He sat on the throne.

Su Han had always thought that although Gao Yao always provoked Ying Zheng in the group with his mouth, in fact, he was very hostile to Ying Zheng in his heart. There is still quite a deep recognition. Even in the mythical world, he is more likely to wait until Ying Zheng's death before liquidating the entire Great Qin Empire.

Facts have proved that Su Han guessed wrong

"However, thinking about what he once said, it seems thatunderstand."Su Han's eyes flickered. Gao Yao, perhaps simply wanted to give Su Han what he thought was the best... the future Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, the current Ying Zheng, the Second Emperor of Qin... including those of the same era as him Yes, Yi Xiaochuan, who was suspected of being the protagonist of destiny... was the best sacrifice in Gao Yao's eyes.

The next moment, a crisp prompt sounded suddenly in Su Han's ears.

"Ding! It has been detected that the mythical world has begun to perform sacrifices……"

"Ding! A ray of faith has been detected"

"Ding! The national destiny of the Qin Dynasty has been detected, blood sacrifices to civil and military officials have been detected, blood sacrifices to Qin Shihuang have been detected, blood sacrifices to the protagonist Yi Xiaochuan of Destiny have been detected, and relatives of the Ying clan have been detected……"

"Ding! Congratulations on successfully triggering a 10,000-fold increase! Because the sacrifices are accompanied by the national fortune of the Qin Dynasty, this sacrifice is on par with the national sacrifices! Congratulations on getting an additional ten times critical hit"

"Ding! Congratulations on successfully obtaining one hundred thousand rays of original power. Congratulations on your success in obtaining the body-protecting and national luck Golden Dragon. Qin, congratulations on your success in obtaining 50,000 points of source power, and congratulations on your success in obtaining the purple-level destiny.……"

Continuous beeps sounded in Su Han's ears, causing his expression to change slightly,"It's not a national sacrifice... but is it comparable to a national sacrifice? Although it's understandable."

"But what the hell is this body-protecting golden dragon of national luck? Could it be similar to the golden dragon of luck that Huang Rong obtained when she sacrificed the Emperor of the Zhao family last time?"Su Han fell into thinking.

But at the moment when he was confused, the power of God came into play, and naturally connected with the golden dragon that already belonged to him to protect the national luck, letting him know its function...

Suddenly, Su Han took a breath of cold air,"Fuck...this golden dragon that protects the body and national luck is a divine dragon that transforms a country's luck! There is a big difference between the Luck Golden Dragon transformed by a single emperor...because the ordinary emperor is just a part of the country! And Qin Shihuang and his descendants surnamed Ying can be equal to the entire Great Qin Kingdom"

"This golden dragon that protects the body and national luck merges with me... can it have an effect similar to the world of gods and the national luck of a country? If I encounter an attack, the body-protecting golden dragon of national luck can help me resist.……"

"Moreover, if an extremely large amount of luck power is consumed, it can also produce an effect similar to the ultimate weapon... Although according to the hundreds of thousands of purple luck I have now, I can only produce an extremely weakened version?!"

Su Han was completely confused.

The ultimate weapon... this thing's status in the world of gods is unquestionable. If its status is comparable to Su Han's previous life... it would be a nuclear bomb!

This is a weapon that can directly target an entire god. The system of nations launches an attack! It may even cause a terrorist attack that could lead to a crisis of national subjugation.

Even looking at the entire world of gods, there are only five powerful gods and kingdoms that have controlled this technology.

And now, Su Han also controls it. Although it is an extremely weakened version. But this is also the case... Sometimes, there is a huge difference between being in control and not being in control!

To put it bluntly, Su Han will leave the main plane alone in the future and go to the crystal wall system, and encounter someone who wants to assassinate him. A strong person... Even if the opponent is a strong person at the level of the main god, he only needs to show off his body-protecting Golden Dragon of National Fortune and show that he can deal the ultimate weapon's damage... The opponent's first reaction will definitely be to run away!

Even if it is the ultimate The weakened version is also aimed at the tactical nuclear bomb of the previous life. It is smaller in scale, but it is also an unimaginable killing weapon...

Even if Su Han uses all the purple luck he has obtained They all rushed forward and fought to the death... The destructive power that could be unleashed would make the ancestors terrified... If they were hit head-on, they would not die but would be half disabled...

This was the first time that Su Han had experienced this since he came to this world. If you hold it, it can threaten the power of the ancestral god... even if it may not be fatal to the ancestral god, it is enough for Su Han.

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