Liu Peiqiang:"It's terrible... I saw what you did after you went back! After thinking about it... I can only taste the taste of pretending."

Wall-facer:"Not going back to pretend to be cool after you are prosperous is different from Jin Yi What's the difference between walking at night? Especially when you're showing off in front of people who once looked down on you, and watching their expressions gradually turn to regret and unwillingness... isn't it more enjoyable?"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"Awesome."

Yuan Dagu:"? Mr. Zhao Gao has completed the sacrifice in his own world?"

I want to do it Zhao Gao:"That's true."

Da Qin Zulong:"I am very curious, what did you sacrifice this time?"

Ying Zheng Weiwei Narrowed his eyes.

The last time Gao Yao said in the chat group that he would not necessarily sacrifice Ying Zheng, after the screenshots were forwarded by the chat group members... After Ying Zheng saw it, he thought about it several times and removed the blocking setting.

In the final analysis, we are both members of the chat group and devout believers in God! As long as the other party doesn't touch his bottom line, he can close his eyes and endure it reluctantly.

I want to be Zhao Gao:"This... the situation is more complicated."

Gao Yao looked weird when he saw Ying Zheng speaking. By the way, didn’t Ying Zheng block him? Now he's not blocked anymore...

Damn it, if Ying Zheng hadn't blocked him at the beginning and had a good relationship with him, he might not have put the Qin Shihuang of his world on the altar.

Gao Yao rubbed his eyebrows in distress, sighed, and simply started breaking the jars. Uploaded the video directly!

I want to be Zhao Gao:"It's very troublesome to talk's all in here. You can see for yourself."

A look of interest appeared on Su Han's face. Gao Yao uploaded two videos this time, namely his own sacrifice video and his original experience that Su Han spread to his mind.

Clicking on the video of the sacrifice, Su Han looked at it with a strange look on his face.

Because he suddenly discovered that Gao Yao was using a two-line narrative this time... one side was the time and space of the Qin Dynasty, and the other side was the modern time and space.

The time and space of the Qin Dynasty is naturally Gao Yao's own experience... As for modern time and space, it may be because Gao Yao was not in modern times at that time. So he just extracted the many comments on the Internet as the real world's reaction when he appeared as a saint...

Ye Hei:"!!!"

Yao Lao:"……"

Liu Peiqiang:"I have a premonition that there will be another bloody storm in the group."

Da Qin Zulong:"I know, do you think I will be angry? Then you will completely become a mortal enemy with Gao Yao, right?"

Taohua Island Young Master Lord:"Isn't it...isn't it?"

Great Qin Zulong:"Of course! If you think about it carefully, even if the other ancestral dragon survives, what does it have to do with me? Even if he also bears the name of Qin Shihuang, he will still be related to me after all. We are all different!"

Great Qin Zulong:"Since they are just different people with the same name, what does it have to do with me whether he dies or not?"

Liu Peiqiang:"His Majesty Zulong is really free and easy.……"

Prince Zhu:"Yeah, anyway, if the emperor of the late Ming Dynasty joins the group, such as that deadbeat Chongzhen... I will definitely teach him how to break the situation! I won't just watch him continue to commit suicide. , and then the entire Ming Dynasty was really ruined."

Ye Hei:"So, you are planning to get along with Zhao Gao normally?"

Qin Zulong:"Of course not! I have blocked him. And this time I decided to , even if you say something outrageous! Show me another shocking video... Even if Gao Yao kneels down and begs for forgiveness, I will not be relieved."

Yuan Dagu:"???"

Oriental Huaizhu:"……"

Wall Facer:"Your saucy operation... I don't even know what to say."

Chen Xiaoyu:"Super vindictive, Qin Shihuang version!" Immortal

Evil King:"Ying Zheng: Although I am not hostile to him! But this has nothing to do with me. Is there any necessary connection between blocking him and being unwilling to talk to him? (Manual funny.jpg)"

Ax Gang heir:"Although Zulong said so... he still didn't give up after all! It's just that you can't interfere in another world, you can only Let's make do."

I want to be Zhao Gao:"It doesn't matter! I never wanted to have a good relationship with Zulong... It's just right that he has blocked me now. I don't want to quarrel in this group! After all, This is the missionary group of God... It really makes the atmosphere very awkward. Will it make God unhappy?"

Chen Xiaoyu:"You are very pious to God.……"

Immortal Evil King:"It's normal! Zhao Gao's situation is different from ours... God can almost be said to have saved his life! Saved everything about him."

Liu Peiqiang:"Who said that? God also said that Saved my life, everything about me! Moreover, everything I said was not referring to everything about myself like Zhao Gao did... I was talking about my children, the country and the earth that I cherish.……"

Wall-facer:"Me too.jpg"

Ye Hei:"I never thought that Gao Yao would make such a choice! Not to be the emperor... or even open up the channel between the two worlds, and choose to let Yan and Huang take over the ancient world. That time and space. Especially the people at the end - long live! It reminded me of a person, and I had the urge to cry for a moment."

Liu Peiqiang:"Yes! That great figure who made the people of Yan and Huang straighten their spines again... He He is not a god. He thinks of himself as a human being, but he has done things that even gods cannot do."

Chen Xiaoyu:"In the history of Yanhuang, there were two beings who reshaped the destiny of Yanhuang... One was Qin Shihuang, and the other was that Already in position……"

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"……Although I didn’t really want to be an emperor at first! But after sitting in this position for a long time... I suddenly felt that I didn't want to move my butt off... Power is indeed an addictive thing. I think the reason why Zhao Gao refused was because he had never been an emperor!"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"Although I have never been an emperor...but during the years when Ying Zheng was about to die, I controlled almost all the rights of the court. Say I'm a shadow emperor! No problem either. So strictly speaking, I have enjoyed the rights of the emperor... That's all, there is no point in saying this! Whatever you think."

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"So that's it! I'm sorry, I underestimated you."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"???"

Liu Peiqiang:"You're talking nonsense. Huang Rong, according to what you said last time, my daily work is to leave most of the things to the people below! At most, I can only approve them myself.……"

Liu Peiqiang:"You work for more than an hour a day, and the rest is for fun. You are really comfortable being the emperor! I am afraid that no emperor in history has been as comfortable as you.……"

Liu Peiqiang:"But the key point is... how can you be a normal emperor? If an ordinary emperor does this, his country will definitely be destroyed soon." The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"I do this! Because I have enough You have so much confidence."

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"I recently thought about the information that Mr. Deputy uploaded in the chat group... I tried to practice it."

The Strongest Man's Deputy:"??? Did you practice successfully? Impossible, Ye Hei vowed at the beginning that if the power system were different! Unless God bestows divine grace, it would be impossible for you to succeed in learning, let alone practice to a high level... Or, what he said at the beginning was actually true. Is it a lie?"

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