Ye Hei:"Martial spirit world? Titled Douluo? Is this the power system of your world? (Interest.jpg)"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Welcome to our big family! Also, don't search for us in vain There are no traces... We can't find them, we are all in other worlds! In addition, there are many emperors in the group, and the same is true if the little girl is not talented."

Liu Peiqiang:"The emperor and the little girl These two words are stacked looks awkward no matter how you look at it."

Yao Lao:"Be a little more tolerant. After all, Miss Huang Rong is less than twenty years old now!"

The Pope of Wuhun Palace:"?? Different worlds, you guys Is it a god from the divine realm? Impossible. Since ancient times, once a god ascends to the divine realm, he is relatively isolated from the human world! Apart from the inheritance of the gods... I have never seen any trace of the real gods."

Yuan Dagu :"???"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"What the hell...gods in the divine world? Are there gods in your world? No, even if there are in your world, they must all be false gods!"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"In thousands of worlds Among them, the only true God is our Lord and Father! The God of Creation, the Lord of Creation." The heir of the Ax Gang:"The God of Creation is eternal!"

The Wall-Facing Man:"God is above! Your light is like As eternal as the stars... No, your light is as eternal as the universe! It still seems wrong... The universe was created by God. It is really difficult for me to use adjectives to describe His existence. He is so sublime!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Too real!"

Gudazi:"Wait a minute...the Pope of Wuhun Palace? In other words, what palace are you the Pope of? You also lead the mission! Do you also believe in gods?"

Worshiping the Moon Leader:"Huh? Having said that, I suddenly felt that this problem was a bit serious... The newcomer was actually the pope over there, which means that she is very pious to the false god on the other side... Well, having said that, I said The god on the other side is a false god. Will he be beaten by the newcomer?……"

Ye Hei:"Of course not! If he is hostile to you, we will beat him up. (Serious face.jpg)"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Believers of the Alien God Cult, all come to our God of Creation Cult group The wild man is here! Is this okay? Just fight and it’s over!"

The Pope of Wuhun Palace said:"……The Wuhun Palace indeed has a god of light whom it believes in! But being pious or anything like that doesn’t count. After all, it’s a new era now! The concept of Wuhun has been analyzed, and the only thing Wuhun Temple admires is Wuhun! Just getting stronger."

Wall-Facing Man:"That's it... This is barely acceptable. Gudazi:"

I have vaguely figured out why there were always fights when people had faith in ancient times!" Because if the beliefs are not unified, the problem is really big! (Sigh.jpg)"

Dongfang Huaizhu:"No, I think they really should fight! Instead of believing in the God who created everything, do you believe in those false gods? What is the difference between this and an ungrateful white-eyed wolf? Dongfang

Huaizhu:"Especially those false gods who claim to create the world themselves!" This is simply stealing the glory of God... It is unforgivable and only death can atone for it."

Wall-faced man:"yysy, indeed!"

The deputy of the strongest man:"Speaking of this moment, I silently glanced at the name of the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult. His name is the same as the Pope of Wuhun Palace! There are different approaches but the same effect."

Oriental Huaizhu:"!!!"

The heir of the Ax Gang:"Ah!"

The Wall-facer:"One leader and one pope, but that's okay!"

Leader of the Moon Worshipers:"……?"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult was furious.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"I have devoutly believed in gods! Even now I am the leader of the Cult of Creation... Last time I planned to change my name to the Cult of Creation, but everyone is the leader and pope. You guys If you don't like it, I haven't changed it! You won't trouble me because of this, right?"

Chen Xiaoyu:"I personally have no objection...but Mr. Leader...I always feel that Mr. Deputy has some special feelings for you."

Miaomushan Immortal:"??"

Liu Peiqiang:"Why did Mao say he was so gay... The essence of this matter is that the two of them had conflicts in the early days and later eased them, but they were still a little embarrassed when they met each other, and they just pricked each other from time to time!"

Yao Lao :"You covered the extremely complicated relationship between the two of them in a very brief statement."

Ye Hei:"@武hundian pope. Newcomer, please follow the introduction of the chat group and complete the group membership procedures! Yes! Don't forget to also upload an introduction to your world and your identity."

Wall-facer:"The procedures for joining the group are okay! Do you need to apply for another ID card? (Manual Funny.jpg)"

Pope of Wuhun Palace:"???"

Pope Bi frowned. After chatting for a while, although she understood a lot of things, she also became more confused.

"These guys! He keeps saying that he has no connection with the gods of the divine world, but he can prevent me from detecting the slightest clue... Apart from the gods of the divine world, what other possibilities are there? Moreover, who can connect many worlds except God?"

"But if they were, they might veto my guess out of ridicule! But it is absolutely impossible to regard those gods in the divine world as false gods... so."

Plotting all the situations together, a flash of realization flashed in Pope Bi's eyes.

"So that's it... this creation called Qun is no weaker than the God Realm, and may even surpass the God Realm... Is it a creation created by another force from the God Realm?"

After Pope Bi pondered for a moment, he went to look for the introduction. After all, as she said, she has no piety towards the world of gods in their world, and she even wants to become a god herself.

As long as it can give her strength, give She has the power to realize her ideals! Who cares, that's all. Believe it or not.

Then... she entered the file section through the introduction and saw a series of videos that made her view collapse.

"This, what are these?!"

Pope Bi opened her eyes with a dull expression. She subconsciously reached out and pinched herself hard. Feeling the pain, the corners of her mouth twitched several times. Then her expression became sober again.

She recalled what she had seen before. Here comes the scene where the supreme god who claims to have opened up thousands of worlds manifests his divine grace... No, it's not what he claims. If all those videos are real, then that god must be the supreme one! He may have really created something in the past. Endless world!

Although the god did not say it directly...but he showed it explicitly or covertly.

For example, in the video uploaded by Dongfang Huaizhu, the holy god was clearly opening up the universe... and For example, the video uploaded by Zhao Gao... that god's simple words caused different time and space to turn into two worlds! How unbelievable is this? It is easy for such a powerful force to open up the world, right?

"Those gods in the God Realm... no, the gap between them is unreasonable! Comparing them with God is simply a form of blasphemy against God."

Thinking about it, fanaticism flashed across Pope Bi's eyes, especially when he thought of the previous scenes of people offering sacrifices to God and God bestowing immeasurable grace...

If that God could also love like this She, her ideal... may be easily realized. No, this is no longer a question of ideals. She will have unlimited possibilities in the future.

Even if one day in the future, she will be able to surpass the situation she is in with the power of the Pope alone. The entire world of gods is not impossible.

"However, there is still a possibility that those videos are fake! So, the final verification……"

Taking a deep breath, Pope Bi tried his best to think about all the horrific scenes before, and gradually became more pious to God in his heart.

Then, she began to recite the sacrificial article seriously.

Immediately, the body of the Pope was shaken violently, and she saw an unimaginable existence... Just staring at the existence worshiped by endless gods, she felt the energy in her body was restless, and it increased wildly... It seemed that it was just pure Just by looking at Him, you can understand the most ultimate mystery in the world! Then make your own cultivation improve by leaps and bounds.

Watching infatuatedly, Pope Bi's pupils suddenly shrank, because she suddenly discovered that she seemed to be more closely connected with her own world at this moment... In the dark, she saw the center of this world, that The child named Tang Xiaosan who was favored by destiny... was the son of Haotian Douluo!

He embarked on the same old path as his father. In the future, he fell in love with a hundred thousand year old soul beast that took the form of a human, thus embarking on the road of hostility to the Wuhun Palace... In the end,

Tang Xiaosan became a god... In the end, Tang Xiaosan became a god... In the decisive battle, he defeated and killed Pope Bi, who had become the Rakshasa God at that time...

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