Gudazi suddenly fell to the ground. She glanced far away and looked at Gilgamesh with a smile."King of Heroes, let's make a deal! I will help you deal with the Gorgons, and you agree to help." I oversaw the building of that altar"

"……If you can do it."The King of Heroes said in a gentle voice.

"It’s a deal!"Gudazi grinned. She once again activated the terrifying magic power in her body, and the void continued to twist.

She said leisurely,"Take the endless journey! Make the impossible possible, and save the world from destruction! God, please witness my great deeds!"

Gudazi released his Noble Phantasm at this moment. The mental storm distorted the world and turned into an inherent barrier.

This is a strange land.

From the initial burning of Fuyuki City, the Hundred Years War of Evil Dragons, to the Absolute Monster The battle front, even the Crown Time Temple...

Every scene of a singularity can be found on this land...

This is another battlefield that Gudazi has experienced, and it is the journey of salvation she has walked.

"……It’s just a matter of adding the concept of a heroic spirit to the last Master, but he actually turned the great deeds she had not yet experienced into a Noble Phantasm... and it was such a high-level Noble Phantasm! Unbelievable!"

The Hero King's face was cold. He stared at the land of the Absolute Warcraft Front that had been ravaged by the Black Tide... He knew very well in his heart that that was Uruk's original future.

However, the Hero King accepted this calmly.

Because he has known about this for a long time... He just wants Uruk to last longer...

Gudazi tapped his finger gently, and with a crisp buzzing sound, several figures appeared from Nothing came into existence, and slowly condensed into shape.

They were the Gorgon, which was as huge as a mountain...and Ushiwakamaru, Leonidas I and others who were confronting him on the battlefield.


"How could it be...where is this place?"

"yes! A storm of mental images affecting the world? Inherent enchantment? But it also smells like a Noble Phantasm... No, what is that thing in the distance? Is that the land where Uruk was ravaged?"

Musashibo Benkei was shocked... The inherent barrier is the condensed form of what he has experienced. Why is there an inherent barrier with the land of Uruk here?!

It's King Gilgame... No, it can't be him!

Just While everyone was in shock, Gudazi floated directly in front of Gorgon.

She stared at the monster and said in a serious voice,"Gorgon... Surrender! you are no match for me"

"madness!"Gorgon's face suddenly turned cold. Although she was also shocked by the changes in the surrounding environment, this shock had nothing to do with surrender... Immediately, she shot out petrified light.

"Pity."Gudazi sighed.

Originally, she was thinking about whether she could turn Gorgon into a follower of God, but now she saw Gorgon's crazy look... and noticed her violent mental fluctuations......

Gudazi realized clearly that Gorgon in this state can only be used as an enemy.

Of course, Gudazi murmured in his heart, even if it cannot be used as a living sacrifice, can the Gorgon be fully capable of being used as a death sacrifice?

The next moment , Gudazi suddenly raised his palm, and the endless shadows of heroic spirits condensed into shape. The pupils of the King of Heroes, Ushiwakamaru and others suddenly shrank, because they also discovered that there was their own figure among them. With

Guda With a slight tap of his fingers, all those heroic spirits displayed their powerful treasures. The torrent of terror swept through and washed over Gorgon's body, causing her to let out a shrill scream.

Wait until Guda Gudazi put his hand down again, and most of Gorgon's body had disappeared. The aura of the spirit base had also been weakened to the extreme... Now it can only be said to be lingering.

This is because Gudazi was merciful, otherwise in this move Under this...Gorgon will just die on the spot

"So be it. Gudazi had an idea, and she still maintained the existence of the inherent barrier to release the Gorgon who had only one breath left. But at the same time, she put herself and the many followers present back to the real world.

Blinking Blinking their eyes, a group of people found themselves in the collapsed palace of the King of Heroes.

"……King, who was it just now, and who is this one?" Ushiwakamaru stammered, with a look that ranged from shock to disbelief.

Ushiwakamaru is still in a trance... She is sure that she saw herself from the shadow of the servant... But she can't figure out when. He fought side by side with Gudazi... and even achieved a great cause of salvation. He was engraved into the opponent's spiritual base and could be summoned by the opponent's Noble Phantasm to create a phantom.

"Consider them our allies."After the King of Heroes said that, he was silent for a long, long time.

Ushiwakamaru and several other people present, their eyes lit up for a moment. After all, the strength Gudazi showed just now was too strong, such a With the new force joining in, their pressure was reduced countless times in an instant.

Musashibo Benkei frowned slightly and repeatedly looked at the King of Heroes, Gudazi, and the group of terrifying servants behind Gudazi... his eyelids Suddenly it started to beat. He was not the big-hearted Ushiwakamaru. He was keenly aware of the subtleties of the atmosphere.

Rubbing his eyebrows, the Hero King sighed faintly and looked at Gudazi,"Okay, This king agrees to your previous conditions! Let me help you build the altar on the other side.……"

"Many thanks."Gudazi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Then, Gudazi opened the passage again, and at the location of the Crown Time Temple, he took out a large amount of food and stones purchased from other worlds......

Looking at the orderly planning steps of the King of Heroes, gathering the crowd... Gudazi made sure that everything was on the right track, and immediately returned to Uruk City, and then dragged Ishtar up, who was still unconscious and lying on the ground..

Her eyes were focused, and Gudazi's finger gently touched Ishtar's eyebrows. The next moment, Ishtar's body shook slightly, and she opened her eyes in confusion,"'s not night yet, why?" Can...huh? Who are you?"

"First meeting, Miss Ai Lei! Gudazi smiled and stared at the girl in front of him whose hair turned golden,"Let me introduce myself, I am the savior of humanity and the last master, Gudazi!" Just call me Guda"

"Of course, I also have the identity of being the chief believer of the God of Creation in this world... I have a dream, that is, one day, everyone on the earth will be able to bathe in the grace of God! Forge the kingdom of God on earth...and I will also become God’s god on that day"

"??"Ailei became even more confused. What are you talking about? No, why do you look so familiar to me? I don't know you at all!

"I know Miss Ailei loves this world and all the people in the world! But at the same time, the underworld you live in is too boring... leaving you tortured. Gudazi stared seriously into Ailei's eyes and said word by word,"A beautiful person like you will live in hell forever and cannot see flowers!" This is so unfair!"

"……I'm not as good as you said."Ailei was so blown away by Gudazi that she even ignored the fact that she didn't know Gudazi. Her cheeks were flushed and she was quite embarrassed.

"No, the most important thing in this world is fairness! Gudazi held Ai Lei's hand and said softly,"Is Miss Ai Lei interested in believing in the God of Creation that I believe in?""

"As long as you believe in the God of Creation and serve Him willingly! Then, you can enjoy the beauty of the world while upholding your responsibilities! You can use your own eyes to see flowers, plants, trees, and all kinds of magical things."

"Um...well! well?!"Ailei suddenly woke up and stared at Gudazi with dumbfounded eyes.

What on earth is going on with you... She is a god! The real goddess of the underworld!

You actually persuaded a god to believe in another god?!

Tell me! The truth is, if Ai Lei wasn't a good character, if it were replaced by another one, such as her sister Ishtar, it would definitely explode on the spot, then pull out the bow of Venus, and fight to the death with you.

"Don't worry," Gudazi had a smile on her face. She instantly saw Ailei's thoughts and her posture was calm,"Ishtar can't beat me! The reason why you are able to show your body now is precisely because she was knocked unconscious by me."

Ai Lei:"?"

"My current power should be considered top-notch in your pantheon of gods, and may even surpass the main god of your pantheon, right?"Gudazi released her aura.

She persuaded very patiently,"Miss Ai Lei, but I have such terrifying power! Everything is given directly from God’s...You should now realize the difference between the gods I worship and the gods of your pantheon, right?"

"Yes! My God is the God who created the world! Not the mythical gods with human fantasies added to them... nor your gods who are essentially the tentacles of Gaia……"

"He is the real God who created the world and the universe! The Most High God!"

Ai Lei:"!!!"

Gudazi stretched out his hand towards Ailei, stared into her eyes, and said word by word,"Join me! Of course, if you still have doubts...I think the existence of God may be because I deceived you, Please give me some time and let me teach you a sacrificial ritual……"

"By the time you finish reciting that sacrificial text, you will understand everything."

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