The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"It's not to say that I've let it down! God's attitude in this regard should be very casual... In other words, he gave you the right to choose." The

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"You can choose, Pray to the gods sincerely! Let the gods send down their grace, and you will become stronger while lying down...or, God will show his power and help you eradicate the enemies you face.……"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"But you can also choose... to pray, and then absorb the divine grace given by God into your own system. Instead of relying entirely on divine grace, you can become stronger on your own!" Ye

Hei:"Yes, The most vivid example is me... Although I am devout to God and I am serious about spreading my faith. But I become stronger mainly through my own efforts! By fighting and tempering... Although I know that I often sacrifice, Bathing in the grace of God, my cultivation will improve much faster than my hard training."

Leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"You can pull me down! If it weren't for the grace given by God... Thank God that you can open up the sea of ​​suffering now.."

Liu Peiqiang:"Ahem, I have one thing to say, indeed... Of course, what Xiao Yezi said is not entirely wrong. After all, he has indeed reached the level of a sage in his cultivation. Completed self-destruction!"

Liu Peiqiang:"From his actions, I can really see that he not only wants to rely on God, but also wants to become stronger himself."

Wall Facer:"Let his believers have the right to choose...Which other god has such courage? Only God is like this!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"I feel very comfortable! I used to look at the guys in the clock tower... I didn't like it. Now I look at them. The way you look at licking a feel happy!"

Gudazi:"?Licking a dog? Who taught you this word? (Shocked.jpg)" The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"It's most likely Ye Hei! That guy's head turned when he spoke , just have no scruples, and don’t even care about the fact that there are young people in the chat group! Take me for example, I’m not even twenty now, and I’m still a child! It’s all his fault for leading me astray. (It doesn’t make sense. The energy is also strong.jpg)"

Ye Hei:"?? What the hell am I doing?……"

Thor:"Gods? Beliefs? What are you talking about...Wait a minute, what is going on with this interface that suddenly appeared in my mind?"

Thor:"Loki...are you a bastard? I advise you You show up now and apologize to me! Otherwise, when I catch you, I will hit your head hard with a hammer."

Yuan Dagu:"???"

Oriental Huaizhu:"……"

Wallfacer:"Loki...Thor? Hiss, are you Thor, the God of Thunder in the Nordic system?"

Gudazi:"Wait a minute, do Thor and Loki have such a good relationship? Didn't I remember, Loki? It seems to be Thor's uncle's generation?"

Chen Xiaoyu:"……I looked up the myth and it was an uncle! Loki is Odin's adopted brother."

Thor:"? What? Loki is my uncle? What nonsense are you talking about? Loki, do you really want to die? You are my brother! When you say this, aren't you afraid that your father will hear you and then be pushed to the ground and blasted with a hammer?"

Thor God:"Let me explain in advance... My father takes the issue of seniority very seriously! When he gets the upper hand, even his mother may not be able to stop him."

Su Han's eyes lit up for a moment, and he understood something,"Loki is the younger brother... So, it is most likely from the Marvel world? marvelous."

Su Han was pleasantly surprised beyond imagination... After all, it goes without saying that the Marvel world is in modern time and space! It is also in the era of the universe... There are countless civilizations and countless creatures in the universe.

Su Han even felt that believers in the Marvel universe The potential is not necessarily worse than Ye Hei's.

"However, in the Marvel world, the water is also very deep."Su Han rubbed his eyebrows and murmured,"But it doesn't matter! Unless it’s oaa! Otherwise, even if there are strong people who can cross the parallel world, I can still do it... Again, I will not come directly to the Marvel world. Is it possible that the strong people over there can still kill the world of gods? ?"

Although he has a deep understanding of the Marvel world and knows how terrifying the peak powerhouse of the multiverse system is... But Su Han also has enough confidence in the world of gods.

Wutian Buddha:"?! I think you seem to have misunderstood something. Please go take a look at the chat group profile first!"

Thor:" Huh? Buddha... I seem to have heard my father say that this seems to be the title that the ruler of the Buddhist God System can only hold... Although the Buddhist God System is very low-key in this universe, its hidden power is very impressive and should not be underestimated... …There’s even a powerful bald mage on Earth! Forehead……"

Thor:"……Aren't you Loki?!"

Thor suddenly woke up at this moment, and there was a huge wave in his heart.

Loki has been fond of doing evil things since he was a child, and all kinds of conspiracies... to harm his brother.

However, Loki also knows the importance, or He is smart enough.

Compared to Thor, Loki has a very clear understanding of all forces in the universe... At the same time, he longs for his father's approval.

In this case, even if he lies to him... it is impossible. Talking nonsense about another powerful pantheon and making fun of the leader of that pantheon! It is impossible to risk Odin's anger by forcibly raising his seniority...

After a brief silence, Thor entered the introduction column seriously, and He glanced briefly, and his eyes lit up for a moment.

Thor:"Wow, the existence of different worlds! This is awesome too. I have heard my mother say before that there are infinite parallel worlds in this world...but this is my first time coming into contact with them."

Thunder God:"But that's all I need to believe in God! You must be from Earth, right? I have also been to Earth... I even have some information about the Norse mythology system on Earth!"

Thor God:"In fact, although we have divine power in our bodies, we are essentially just a higher civilization than you humans... To use the words of someone from a certain bureaucracy, well, we are an alien civilization? Probably so."

Thor God:"So, don't believe in any gods! I still believe that God can become stronger. Are you kidding me? How can God have such ability... Believe in yourself honestly and work hard to become stronger, which is better than anything else.

Ye Hei:" ?" When I put a question mark, it's not that I'm confused, but that I think you have a problem."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Originally, I was still thinking, could there be a super boss coming? Then I saw what you said... I don't know if you are a big shot, but you are indeed very self-righteous!"

Yue Worshiping Leader:"Yes, as the saying goes, there is no practice and no right to speak... You think God is false and deceptive. But have you ever recited sacrificial texts to God? (Picture.jpg)"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult directly posted the screenshot of the sacrificial text and spoke in the chat group with sharp language.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"You definitely don't have it! You haven't done anything! I just relied on my past experience... and said these blasphemous words without thinking. Seriously, it would be unintentional if you didn't take it into consideration! In addition, I firmly believe that you will believe in God in the future, so I will send out an invitation to fight now... until you accumulate enough points in the future, you can invite me to your world for a fight."

Yao Lao:"?!"

Miaomushan Immortal:"……Something seems not quite right."

Liu Peiqiang:"You are an empty-handed white rely on your dexterity. Prince Zhu:"

Yes... I saw the newcomer's words before. Although I was a little angry, I didn't think it was blasphemous. I was still ashamed. My belief in God is not as good as yours... Then, let's see Go to the next wave of operations behind you."

I want to be Zhao Gao:"I strongly suspect that the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult wants to see if the newcomer's world is suitable for preaching. If possible, he will steal the newcomer's followers... However, he is afraid of spending points, so explain……"

Immortal Evil King:"……"

Wall Facer:"The show makes my scalp numb."

Ye Hei:"In terms of intrigues and tricks, the Moon Worshiping Cult Master has never let me down."

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