At this moment, Odin's tiger eyes were glaring, his beard hair was straight, and he looked like he wanted to eat people.

As for Frigga, she was looking at Odin now, her face equally cold and angry.

However, they had a very tacit understanding. When they noticed that Thor had woken up, their expressions returned to calmness.

Odin put his hands behind his back, calm and serious.

Frigga quickly rushed up, touched Thor's forehead, and asked warmly,"Where else are you uncomfortable in your body? What happened before... was it too much pressure? The old thing is just In this way, I have already scolded him for you! If you can't do it in the future, take a rest for a while... Why are you crying?"

Thor held Frigga's palm tightly and held it on his forehead. He choked up, and gradually, he burst into tears.

At this moment, let alone Frigga. Even Odin's expression changed.

A son is better than a father. Odin knows very well how hard his son is...

Unless someone really close to him dies, otherwise even if he loses the battle in the outside world, he will only become more willing to fight afterwards. , hurriedly said that he wanted to fight back, it was impossible to be so sad.

"Did something happen to Loki?"Odin's voice was a little low.

Thinking about it carefully, Frigga and he are at the scene now, and Thor's friends are all in Asgard now... He did not get the report of the death of those people. He None of them got it. Even if something happened to those people... there is no reason why Thor would know earlier than him.

After careful calculation, the only one who meets the conditions is the one who has left Asgard and ran away to who knows where. Loki

"not yet! However, I have seen death...I have seen a future like that. Father, mother, Loki...and everyone else will die...Thanos!"The last three words, Thor almost squeezed them out from between his teeth.

"……Thanos?"Odin's eyes narrowed slightly. He has heard of the name of this cosmic overlord... How should I put it? There is no doubt that this is a rising star in the current universe.

Although Odin is absolutely sure that when fighting with him, he will He is even better! But the key problem is that he is already too old, and Thanos, as a descendant of the Titans... will undoubtedly survive for a very, very long time, even longer than his son.

Frigga does not While talking, she just hugged Thor and patted his back gently to tell Thor that she was still there.

After a full stick of incense, Thor barely stabilized his mood.

And when he tidied up After healing his stomach, he stood in front of Odin again...Odin's eyes lit up.

Because Odin suddenly realized that Thor was no longer as high-spirited as before, but became calm, and his eyes were very He is restrained and calm, but there is a deep, iron-like will hidden in it.

"You look so much like you now."Odin's words were filled with relief.

After a brief silence, Thor suddenly knelt on the ground. His voice was calm and sincere,"Father God, and Queen Mother... I want to ask you something! Please listen to me... a very long story"

"……good."Odin realized something. He nodded slightly, and then reached out to ask the doctors and attendants around him to step back.

Frigga did not speak, she just stared at Thor gently.

Next, Thor's voice was low. began to narrate the experiences that appeared inexplicably in his mind.

From the time he arrived on Earth in the future, and then discovered that Loki had become Thanos's messenger... to the emergence of the dark elves and the Reality Stone! Frigga's death, Austrian... Din's death, Hela's appearance, Ragnarok, the destruction of Asgard, Thanos killing Loki for gems, killing Asgard's descendants... and then he kills half of the creatures in the universe in Thanos After that, he cooperated with his partners on the earth. Finally, he traveled through the past and changed history... too much.

Odin looked a little stunned at first, and gradually became serious. In the end, he had a look of understanding on his face. with anger

"Thanos! Thanos...well, he is indeed the overlord of the universe."

Odin said one word, he gently opened his palm, and with a crisp buzz, the Eternal Spear was instantly held in his palm.

Odin did not doubt the truth of what Thor said. Sex... the reason is very simple. For example, Hela, or the inside story of Ragnarok...only he and Frigga know these things.

Moreover, Thor also told many things he didn't know, such as reality The gems are on the earth now... How to exchange the mind gems... You can also cross into the past through that strange earth technology...

If he hadn't seen the future, Thor wouldn't have said such a bunch of things.

"You should calm down a bit! Frigga glared at Odin fiercely and said coldly,"And you're talking about Thor!" You are quite old...don't you look like this?"

With a cold snort, Odin's fighting spirit slowly subsided, but his eyes were still cold.

"Well, where did you get this information? Or is it simply seeing the future? Frigga turned her head and stared at Thor, frowning slightly,"I'm not questioning... I also believe what you are telling the truth now!" After all, I am a witch... I can tell"

"However, it's not normal for you to know that this is happening. I have to consider the possibility of someone behind the scenes."

"It can't be false! There is no reason for that person to lay out the plan……"Thor shook his head calmly. After thinking for a while, he said cautiously,"Let's do this...I will tell you a sacrificial language! After you finish reciting it, you will be able to know it naturally."

Odin became interested. , but when he heard what Thor read, the corners of his mouth twitched crazily, and he even had the urge to pick up the eternal spear in his hand and stab Thor to death.

Damn it, you are the future God-King of Asgard!

Are you actually reciting a ritual in honor of another god now? Do you still want to save some face?

Moreover, you actually want your father and mother to recite it together. Is it because he has not embarrassed himself enough... dragging the entire Asgardian pantheon with him?!

However, before he could curse, he saw Frigga glare at him again. Then, she followed Thor and started chanting very seriously.

His expression changed several times, and Odin began to chant with a stiff face. What else can be done? Now there are only three of them in the room, and the shame has been left at home... Of course, if after reciting, Odin discovers that Thor was joking! Needless to say, he would let Thor feel the long-lost father's love.

No one can stop him!

After spitting out the last word, the expressions of Odin and Frigga changed drastically. At this moment, they saw a majestic existence that could not be described in words...

Finally, Frigga woke up, with a look of horror on her face."The God of Creation...the original God who created the world and the universe? But why is this different from the creation epic I it the original record, is it wrong?!" He scratched his cheek, Thor didn't answer Frigga's words. He looked at Odin strangely, who still hadn't come back to his senses... What's going on?

His mother has already woken up... Why is my father still immersed in it?

Then, Thor noticed that his father's face suddenly turned pale, and his body swayed in place for a moment.

Suddenly understanding something, Thor rushed forward, supported Odin, and dragged him to the bed.

"……what happened? how so? Obviously everything was normal when I chanted before?! Frigga's face was filled with astonishment. She hurriedly picked up a clean wet wipe on the table next to her and wiped the cold sweat from Odin's forehead.

"My father should be just like me! He was very dissatisfied with that god, and even committed blasphemous acts, right? Thor sighed,"The reason why I was unconscious before... was because I was in that illusory space!" Resurrection after death, rebirth after death... died more than eighty times……"

"From the looks of it, I can hold on a little longer!"

Odin suddenly spoke, and he said expressionlessly,"I died nine hundred and twelve times this time."

【PS: Recommend a friend’s book: Spiritual Energy Recovery: Can you please stop teaming up with me?]

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