After being silent for a long time, Master Gu Yi took a deep look at Ye Hei and said,"Can I still refuse now?"

Gu Yi knew the importance of strength very well. Now that she has failed, what else can she do besides obeying all the words of the other party?!

"So please, can someone recite a sutra with me?"Ye Hei smiled dumbly, and began to recite the sacrificial poem with a serious look.

"……This is?"Gu's eyelids twitched a few times, looking at the strong man in front of her who had the power to destroy galaxies, with such a pious face. She even had the illusion that she was dreaming, and she saw not far away, Odin's family, too. Reciting with piety on her face. The subtle feeling in her heart became heavier.

After thinking for a moment, Gu Yi smiled bitterly and started to recite.

Just like what she said before... After losing, she faced the winner and said She was not qualified to say anything. She could only listen to the other party's words, and then silently pray for mercy from the other party in her heart.

Finally, the last word was spoken, and Master Gu Yi was shocked. At this moment, she saw a statue that could not be described in words. The great existence... woke up suddenly, and Master Gu Yi felt that cold sweat soaked her body. Immediately, she realized something again, and reached out to touch her forehead with some horror,"The power of the dark dimension... How could it be?"!"

At this time, Master Gu Yi felt more relaxed than ever before. The power of the dark dimension no longer corroded her body, making her feel that life was worse than death... You must know that since she accommodated the power of the dark dimension, she has been sinking - She was hovering on the edge of collapse.

Even though her will was as hard as iron and her cultivation was very strong, she was also tired of living... She had even chosen her successor not long ago... She looked deeply at the person in front of her. Ye Hei glanced at Master Gu Yi and said softly,"Great power! Great existence...Thank you and thank God for giving me relief"

"No need to thank me! Ye Hei looked calm,"It is my responsibility to spread faith... By the way, since you have felt the power of God, you should be able to hand over the infinite gems to me now, right?""

There was a brief silence, a trace of reluctance flashed in Master Gu Yi's eyes, but he still sighed and gently drew a palm-sized circle in the void with his palm. Then he put his palm into it and took out Eye of Agamotto

"……you! I will definitely treat it properly."There was a hint of prayer in Master Gu Yi's words.

"Don't worry, you won't insult him."Ye Hei took it off seriously, then turned his head and stared at Thor,"Next, I will take you to make contact with Western countries... Thor, I will leave it to you to spread the faith in the Western world. After everything is over, I will go over to Dongfang again!"

"Do not worry!"Thor straightened his chest and was full of confidence. After his father agreed to move, he never worried that the earth would refuse... Although Odin couldn't defeat Ye Hei, he could still easily destroy the earth by launching the Eternal Spear with all his strength. , even the sun.

Smiling noncommittally, Ye Hei suddenly stepped out, and the endless brilliance of the avenue emerged, forming a avenue to the sky. He motioned for Thor and the others to follow, and then stepped on it.

This Along the way, dragons roared and phoenixes roared, and the divine light soared into the sky. This avenue leads directly from the Himalayas to New York!

The three Thors only felt that they had walked a few steps before they crossed the endless distance and reached their destination.

Let the three of them Staying, Ye Hei smiled dumbly, and then took another step forward, carrying endless brilliant brilliance, and went directly to Kyoto...

Thor and his son looked at each other on the spot. In the end, Odin sighed quietly,"Creation The God of the World...what an awe-inspiring existence."

The location of the three Thors is exactly in the center of Times Square in New York. However, because the noise of Ye Hei's arrival was too great, everyone in the square had almost fled...

Even if there were a few , Those who had not escaped wanted money rather than their lives. At this moment, they tremblingly took out their mobile phones and kept taking pictures, hoping to send them online to earn traffic...

Of course, it was just taking pictures...

They did not dare to rush up and fight with this person. The three people in strange clothes talked to each other.

The sound of breaking through the air sounded loudly, and the golden and red armor suddenly appeared, floating in the air,"Oh... let me see! What is all this? Filmmaker? Or an actor on stage? This armor and stomach...huh? Looks like a Viking Age warrior outfit. Can you please explain what happened before?"

Tony Stark's voice was soft. He slowly raised his palm, and energy beams were constantly converging in his palm.

Thor's eyelids beat a few times, and he sighed inwardly... Although Tony is indeed cold-hearted. Hot guy...but it's really hard for people who meet him for the first time to have a good impression of Tony.

"Get out of here!"Odin's voice was cold. The next moment, Iron Man suddenly felt that his body was countless times heavier in an instant, and even his internal organs ached.

Jarvis's heavy voice sounded,"Mr. Stark! The gravity technology your armor withstands has undergone tremendous changes... At the moment the white-bearded old man spoke, the gravity you endured increased to ten times the normal... We must make an emergency landing, otherwise, even if the Iron Man armor can Your body can't handle this kind of weight."

Like a meteor, the Iron Man armor lay on the ground with a bang.

Thor came to Tony expressionlessly, hit the hammer with a gentle wave of his hand, and the bright thunder suddenly burst out, hitting the Iron Man armor with a bang. With a crisp sound of stabbing, green smoke came out from the joints of the armor, and it actually disintegrated automatically. He barely broke free and crawled out of the abandoned steel armor., Tony grinned,"Okay... an actor in Viking costume! I admit that you are not only an actor... but also a very capable actor. Are you a superpower? By the way, are you interested in becoming mine? Bodyguard? Annual salary starts at one million yuan? In addition, if you think the price is not good, you can continue to negotiate!"

"Tony Stark, I'm afraid you are not qualified to hire these people!"A low voice suddenly sounded. Nick Fury contacted Coulson and others and walked out slowly from the corner.

"Huo, who are you? Wait a minute, you're not that one……"Tony stared closely at Coulson behind Nick Fury, realized something, and stared at Nick Fury thoughtfully,"Is that a big shot of some kind of national security?"

"It's the country... forget it," Colson stepped forward to help Tony Stark, who was somewhat unsteady on his feet, and sighed,"Now we are internally considering changing the name! Although it hasn’t changed yet, it’s okay for you to call us SHIELD now. This is our director!"

"Prince of Asgard!"Nick Fury looked at the three of them seriously, and finally his eyes fell on Thor,"Dare I ask who these are!"

"My father...and my mother."Thor's words were concise and to the point.

"Uh-huh?!"Nick Fury's pupils shrank, and there was a huge wave in his heart. Aren't the prince's parents the king and queen? Considering Thor's identity……

"……God King Odin?"Nick Fury uttered four words with a stiff expression.

He knew in his heart that something big had happened... He had gotten a lot of information out of Thor's mouth last time. He knew that the earth was one of the nine realms. First, it is the protected place of Asgard...

In other words, maybe the earth does not recognize it... but in the eyes of many alien forces, this god-king... is the co-owner of the earth!

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