"Needless to say? It must be the way of God, it is very powerful! It fully demonstrated the talent of my male god... Before matching with my male god, he also understood the Tao of Chaos, and the West felt a profound threat! So even at the cost of war, I want to take my male god to the West and then destroy him!"

"Haha, the comments above fully reflect the shallowness of her knowledge. All her words reveal speculation and doubt... Although I am also shocked by the attitude of the West, I must say that the worst possible scenario is that the East cannot protect Su Shen! Then it is impossible for Su Shen to suffer any bad treatment when he goes to the West! In fact, Su Shen may be treated even better in the West than in the East."

"? ? ? What's the joke upstairs? Beyond the East, do you know what kind of treatment Su Shen enjoys in the East? The old god above personally stood up and recognized him as the leader of the young generation! He is worshiped by hundreds of millions of students from the ancient Eastern countries and regarded as their idol... Almost all the people from the ancient Eastern countries who know him do not doubt that he can become the ancestral god as long as he lives! How can the West surpass this kind of treatment?"

"It really can! Let me just say this... As long as Su Shen passes by and proves that he really controls the way of God, he will definitely become the Holy Son of the Unique Religion. Let’s enjoy the worship of one billion Western believers together! Even some fanatics would willingly become Su Shen's followers... yes, that kind of god. The kind that gives everything! And the number will not be small"

"Yes, no matter how much Dongfang worships God Su! It is impossible to willingly become the god of Su Shen... On the one hand, Eastern people are arrogant. Even if they know that they are inferior, they will not put everything on Su Shen! On the other hand, it is also not allowed by law"

"Damn it, what the hell? Isn’t the West a beacon of civilization? Tell me, is it still possible for the West to practice this godly thing now?!"

Su Han can understand the collapse of the three views of this group of people. After all, in the previous life, the gods were servants at best, slaves at worst... because the Lord God treats his own gods, it is true. Let him die.

In the previous life, if you heard about the beacon of Western civilization and the blatant existence of slaves in the country... you would also feel that this world is too ridiculous.

"God forbids the existence of law! In the fourteenth year of the new century, it has just passed through the Citizen God System... Yes, before the fourteenth year of the new century, gods were allowed to exist in some of the sacred lands of the Citi God System. You know, the Citizen God System has implemented self-governance in various places, and their divine laws are completely different in each place."

"Yes, and even if it is clearly stipulated now...if the people below are willing to do it, the top will turn a blind eye!"

"Damn it, this treatment is so horrible... If it were me... I would definitely pass without saying anything."

"Wait a minute, what I said before is that this is the minimum? Damn it, what would the highest level be like? Don't scare me"

"The highest point is that the Unitarian Religion has regained the glory it has lost since the Middle Ages and holds high the banner of the Son of God! Commanding the entire Western world under the banner of the One God...the Pope controls the power of the One God, and as for God Su...it has become the spiritual symbol of one billion gods in the West. Become the uncrowned king! The status is equal to that of the masters of the major gods! Even surpassing them...one word can determine the heart failure of a small country……"

"Of course, this highest level is not as simple as it seems on the surface... It requires the Unitarian Religion to compete with the major gods... But having said that, even if it fails, it is the Pope who is in trouble. God Su is in an invincible position."

"Your mother, the more you talk, the more outrageous you are! If this God's Word is really so terrifying, then I have to work hard to understand it. I am not as important as Su Shen, who is indispensable to the East! I just slapped my ass and went to the West to enjoy the blessings... Oh no, I was ravaged by the West's decadent capitalist system!"

"Haha, you don’t think God’s way is easy to understand, do you? Let me put it this way, the God Way and the Chaos Way are on the same level... No, actually I don’t know if they are on the same level! But the most critical problem is that the way of God is the same as the way of chaos. Before Su Shen understood it, the whole world didn't even know whether he existed."

"Yes, Schrödinger falsified the non-existence of God a hundred years ago and directly kicked the One Theism off the altar! But now, it turns out that Schrödinger was wrong...the Word of God exists! Even if it is not clear whether God really exists...if God Su becomes the ancestral god in the West, he can call himself God. If he can take this path and surpass the ancestor gods, he will be God!"

"Stop talking, I just saw the news from next door! Countless priests went to the Twitter account where Schrodinger had not spoken for ten years and cursed him like crazy. He was accused of fabricating such lies for a purpose that could not be told by outsiders, thus leading to the decline of the only theistic religion in the West."

"Damn, Schrödinger was unlucky too! He is a good academic god... he just introduced an academic theory. As a result, a hundred years ago, the rulers of the Western pantheon at the time took advantage of him and gave the Unitarian Cult a hard blow. As a result, now, after it was proven to be false, the blame is firmly placed on his back."

"I suspect that there may be terrorists attacking Xue Ding'e next."

"I remember that Xue Ding'e seemed to have been the main god for many years, right? With his level of cultivation, he is unlikely to die even if he is attacked."

"What if an ancestor god comes and beats him?"


"What kind of stuff? Ancestor God, are you kidding me? In the past thirty years, there has been no news about the ancestor god! Just to beat up Schrödinger, how could an ancestral god appear?"

"It's really possible... Don't forget that the One God Religion also has ancestor gods. It was an academic theory at the beginning, coupled with the support of the major Western gods, coupled with the decline in the momentum of the Unitarian Religion... the ancestor gods can't touch Xue Ding'e! Otherwise the price would be too high... But now"

"It's too awful! No god of the gods will protect Xue Ding'e... Because if you protect Xue Ding'e, you will take the blame on your own head! For those who advocate public elections... this is equivalent to putting a lifetime of rights and futures on the line... and the golden statue created by academics has also proven to be false and broken.……"

"Should we now be like Schrödinger and extend an invitation? I remember this was a very powerful scientific research god! Seems to be comparable to Einstein"

"It doesn’t work now… it’s dropped down a notch! Yes, Su Shen did it"

"groove! I suddenly thought of a very serious question... Damn it, for God Su, there will be an ancestor god of the only pantheon to attack Schrödinger. Then maybe this ancestor god will not come to God Su?"


"This is not a question of whether it will happen... it is a question of 100% certainty!"

"The thirty-year period has arrived! The Ancestral God paid homage to the Holy Son and asked the Holy Son to return to the throne of the One God and command one billion believers in the West!√"

"groove! The crooked-mouthed dragon god...has an internal odor"

"What dragon god? This is obviously the Holy Spirit, right?"

"Alas, it is no exaggeration to say...if an ordinary person can understand the way of God, then he can reach heaven in one step. Become a brilliant figure in this era who is not inferior to Su Shen!"

"Oh my god, that means... half of Su Shen's achievements will be divided! Can it also create a world number one?"

"Scared the shit out of me! I always knew that Su Shen's achievements were very impressive, but I really didn't expect that he would be so humble to such an inhumane level."

"In this era, Su Shen is like a sun! No matter how dazzling your achievements are, at most you can only become the moon that is not covered by the sun... and there are more powerful scientific research gods and academic gods who can leave their names in history. Just like the stars in the sky... they are clear and dazzling when there is no sun, but once the sun appears, their brilliance will naturally dim and be completely covered up."

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