"The first is the path of chaos."Su Han's body erupted with immeasurable chaotic light, and the god-king-level avenue suddenly expanded. He said calmly,"But I'm afraid it's hard for you to understand what I just said! Let me just take the facts and show their significance."

After the words fell, the Tao of Chaos continued to differentiate, creating more than tens of thousands of Tao. The great world of the auditorium seemed to have turned into the sacred land of Tao at this moment, and all areas within sight were filled with Tao marks and Tao rhymes.


"How on earth...how is this possible?"

"That kind of way! I seem to...see the way forward?!"

The expressions of the students at the rear changed in shock. They stared crazily and obsessively at the roads around them, and quickly found the path they were walking on. The aura on their bodies was constantly circulating. Then, with There was a loud bang! The auras of three or five graduate students at the peak of the middle god actually broke through, and they began to progress to the upper god. The scene was dead silent, and only the sound of the collision of light rang out.

"This kind of thing,His mother?!"The principal of Modu, one of the nine people sitting in the front, turned his head stiffly, feeling the rising of the aura, and cursed.

He picked up his head crazily, and even grabbed a big handful. He didn't care at all, and murmured like a madman,"It's not just the people who are stuck in the peak-peak stage of the middle god, and the people who are stuck in the bottleneck have broken through... Even those ordinary middle gods, the secrets in their bodies are actually constantly increasing. gaze, progress……"

"It's just like...enlightenment."The main god who appeared to be a girl had a trembling voice. She was trembling like never before, and even suspected that she was in a dream at the moment,"But how is this possible? I have never heard that one can achieve a breakthrough in cultivation by looking at other people's paths! This is true even if they are cultivating the same path... If cultivation is so simple, how can it be possible to break through the upper god realm and become a threshold?!"

Old man Li, who was sitting in the second row, had a stiff face and a blank mind.

He sensed the breath of two of the laws of heaven... This time when he participated in the Heroic Spirit Department, there were two students who were transferred from the former Tiandao department. The ones who had cultivated in the past... were the disciples he valued very much!

Originally, he was not willing to let these two disciples switch to the Heroic Spirit Path, because the price was too high. It was very likely that the foundation of the Heavenly Dao that had been laid would be wasted....

In the final analysis, to re-cultivate another path is to start from scratch. It does not mean that you cannot continue to practice the way of heaven, but the energy required to cultivate two paths is doubled... But if you focus your energy on the heroic spirits, then at least It would take ten years to practice the Yingling Dao to the same level as their current Heavenly Dao... It was a waste of too much time!

However, in the end, the two students were determined and convinced him.

The future of the Yingling Dao will definitely be Extremely important...

On the one hand, from the perspective of the divine system, those who first learn the Way of Heroic Spirits must all be top geniuses from major prestigious schools. They also have to abandon their original way... The way of heaven is important, but it is also found in foreign countries. The way of the world is not unique to the East! But heroic spirits are.

The earlier they learn, the earlier they get started, the earlier they can go on the path of heroic spirits and open up new mysteries, the significance to the ancient Eastern countries is greater than that of them specializing in the way of heaven. Much bigger.

On the other hand, from a personal point of view, the heroic spirit is a brand new blue ocean. If you graduate from this practice... you don't need to worry about finding a job in society. No, this is no longer a problem of work. But once you graduate, you will definitely be reused... Even if you are not reused by various companies, you can directly enter the official department.

But now……

"Their destiny is fulfilled!"Old man Li didn't know what kind of expression he should show. He clenched his fists tightly, as if crying and laughing at the same time,"Is this because I plant flowers intentionally, but the flowers don't bloom...Is it because I plant willows unintentionally, and the willows become shaded?!"

According to Old Man Li's understanding of the two, even if they have practiced hard in the Tiandao Academy for ten years, they may not be able to take this step... But after listening to a lecture by Su Han, they directly broke through... This is different from him. The complete opposite of the Heavenly Dao desolation that I was worried about before!

Finally, the auras on the students were all stabilized. These freshly minted high-level gods, after a brief silence, all stood up suddenly, and then faced the people standing on the stage. Su Han bowed deeply.

They did not speak, because no words could express their gratitude to Su Han at this moment.

Suddenly, the old principal applauded, and then led many gods around him, and finally everyone present. The violent applause almost overturned the roof of the auditorium.

Su Han smiled and waited until many people at the scene stopped. He also felt a little subtle in his heart. In fact, those ordinary students can make progress by watching his teachings. He is It's understandable. After all, this is the conclusion he deduced yesterday! As for why this is so, it involves the particularity of Chaos Avenue...

However, he did not expect that these people made such great progress... Breakthrough on the spot! This effect was simply overwhelming on the spot.

Thoughts were flowing in his mind, and Su Han spoke slowly,"This is the first meaning of the Tao of Chaos! By analogy, all-encompassing"

"The emergence of the Dao of Chaos means that we have a deeper understanding of the nature of the various Dao in the world! Especially for me who controls this chaotic path, I can manifest them and make them easier for ordinary people to understand and understand, and they are not so mysterious and profound."

Su Han paused for a moment and continued,"More importantly, the Avenue of Chaos itself contains the concept of the fusion of ten thousand ways."

"Let’s use an analogy! I have an elder named Li, who is the controller of the laws of heaven, and also teaches the students under the law of heaven. However, what he taught was only the basic concepts of the way of heaven... If students want to truly achieve the goal of becoming a higher god, they can only thoroughly understand his knowledge of the way of heaven, and then realize their own content!"

"This is difficult. Basic knowledge is equivalent to giving them a general direction...but how to find the small direction that suits them best among the general directions requires a lot of time. And if you have bad luck, you may fall directly!"

"But the Tao of Chaos is different," Su Han smiled slightly,"because my Tao encompasses everything! They were originally crawling in the dark night... and the emergence of the Chaos Dao is equivalent to the rising of the sun... the enlightenment of the Chaos Dao, the new world revealed by the blending of ten thousand Daos... gave them a clear view of the road ahead! No more confusion"

"And they have used this to determine their own path forward, and they just need to go on firmly! You can break through. There is no need to worry about going in the wrong direction...and there is no need to fumble carefully."

After a long pause, Su Han said word by word,"The dark night is lost, and the white night is coming! The future will inevitably be a prosperous era when the average cultivation level of the gods will increase explosively."

Deafening applause sounded again. Su Han did not elaborate on the basic concepts of the Chaos Dao, but his presentation has told everyone what incredible meaning and charm the Chaos Dao has... The Chaos

Dao at the God King level can Let the group of middle gods accelerate their understanding, and even let the existence of the peak of the middle gods directly break through to the upper gods. So what if this one breaks through to the main god?

Can the existence of the peak of the upper gods directly see the way forward? Thus breaking through the gods in batches!

"horrible!"The principal's hands turned red when he applauded, but he seemed to be unknown, and his voice was high and excited,"I finally understand... why it is said that the Avenue of Chaos is enough to rival the Avenue of Modern Physics."

"yes!"The female main god trembled and nodded, her eyes never leaving the young god standing on the podium. She murmured,"Modern physics has allowed millions more gods to appear in the West, and God Su has grown up! There is no doubt that the Tao of Chaos will also give me a million more gods in the East... or even more!"

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