Age of Heroes

Chapter 367: Win the heart (1)

Arial set out from his castle at dawn to Arouen and he rides to the open road leading to the North of his region, expecting favorable response.

Thick forest covered a lot of Arouen area and Arial also spotted some dangerous wild animals on his way to Arouen but none that could harm Arial in any way.

Arial even stop at some villages when he arrived at Arouen. 

Arouen Castle where king Adrian lives is at the most the center of Arouen region and it would take Arial a few weeks to reach it riding horses. 

Arial greeted the farmers and the villagers when he stopped. 

Not many knew that the young man addressing them was the Duke of Arrandy, the feared central Celestial as he in known in the martial art world, but it is clear to them that the young boy is nobility with the way he talks and the way he is dressed. 

Of course Arial did not wear his family famed dragon crest. 

If he did, everyone would have recognized him and would be too fearful to approach him, fearing offending the great lord. 

Arial sometimes spend a few days at some village he found beautiful. 

Arouen and Arrandy is different in this matter. 

While Arrandy is famed for its cities, most notably Acro, Arouen region is famed for their beautiful countryside with thick forest, fresh air and breathtaking scenery.

The lake is beautiful, the rivers are soothing and the forest is idyllic. 

The lives in the village is also fairly stable unlike the turbulent conditions in the city, and of politicians who always seemed to be at war with each other, plots and intrigues and lies by merchants and traders in the marketplace. 

Arial admit that his city is one of the most developed parts of the Human Continent but Arial did not deny that it had its own dark secrets and evil sides.

Human achievement that represent light and darkness live side by side.

Arial then arrived at Revan which is situated at a short distance from Arouen castle. 

It once called Dented Shield castle but it has been named differently after King Adrian take up residence there.

The moment he arrived the guard quickly recognized the young duke for this time Arial had wear his dragon crest on his chest.

And not only that the Duke once led such an army to the north before. 

It is even stranger if the guards who once watch the martial parade of this great commander during the celebration of the King victory does not know him.

Quickly the people of the castle open the castle gate and the servant run up to the castle door and straight up to the tower to announce Arial arrival. 

Firebringer, Arial favorite horse was escorted to the stable while Arial has been escorted to the main hall for an interview with the King.

'Please sit here my lord while the King dresses himself' the attendants said. 

'Thank you. I will wait him here then.' The attendants bowed before he exited the Great hall.

Arial sit down and he sipped the wine that has been prepared for him a moment ago. It staves of his impatience.

Arial had decided to assume a very respectful and deferential air and manner when he is being interviewed by the king later.

King Adrian is a young man, though indecisive and unbelievably kind in an era where such kindness will be looked down upon.

Arial realizes that he is Adrian superior, not only in strength and experience in battle, but in talent and character and in personal renown.

But Arial decided to approach the King with a deferential manner, to watch the respectful observance due from a vassal to his sovereign. 

Arial also intend to make known his plans, and tell all that Aetherland might benefit and asked for Adrian's approbation and aid. 

And then a few moments later the great hall door opens and the crier announced the arrival of the King with all the ceremonies.

'My liege' Arial said kneeling.

'Rise, Prince Arial.�� The King said almost immediately

Arial rise up. And then he greets the King.

'It has been a long time since we meet face to face, your Highness. If my memory serves me right, the last time we met was at my wedding.' Arial said remembering the last time he met with the king

'Yes, true indeed, my lord. I was present at your wedding. It was a celebration worth remembering. A great lord with a great lady'

'HAHAHA' Arial laugh making small talk before getting to the heart of the problem. 

The King takes his seat. 

'So, Prince Arial, why have you come here?' Adrian said his eyes squinting at Arial. 

Both of these personas knows what the other are thinking but Adrian still want to hear it from Arial own lips.

Arial then explained about his matter and venture, of the story of a broken oath, of the insurmountable obstacles in front of him now.

That the south is controlled by Harald and Arial spoke of Adrian cousin who is related to Helia cousin and how their families share the same blood, kinsmen in race and blood, and spoke of the betrothal between his sister and Adrian son, and ask for Adrian aid and the Kingdom army to help Arial cause for the crown of Vangua.

All of this is mentioned for Arial wanted King Adrian to understand and maybe hoping that King Adrian will be more inclined to render his aid.

'I am willing your Highness, if the aid is afforded to me, to hold the Kingdom of Vangua, as I had done the duchy of Arrandy, as a dependency of the Aetherland crown as a sign of my gratitude.'

This is Arial offer. Arial is many things but he did not go back on his word. Arial will still be the King of Vangua but the crown is under Aetherland. 

Arial is still cherishing the relationship he has built with the king and what is land anyway among families? 

This is one act of loyalty he has shown Adrian, a generous act of goodwill. Not to mention this will surely aid his venture if the King helps him with the procurement of the army. 

If what Silas had inferred is correct then Cori is also in cahoots with Harald and that means more manpower on Harald side. 

Arial is confident with his strength right now to defeat maybe ten thousand of them alone but after that, he is not so sure. 

Overwhelmed him with number enough even the Central Celestial would fall. This time, Arial is not sure if Gaveror can help him again.

Arial is not one that would leave things to chance. Always plan to the end but more importantly, plan in such a way that you do not need an alternative plan.

And Arial knows that if he falls, his army would fall. 

If Robert is the pillar of the opposition parties, then he is the pillar of the conquest. If he falls in battle, then morale is destroyed and the sheep will scatter. 

He is the shepherd this time. And his army is his sheep.

However, Arial could see that King Adrian is not at all happy with Arial offer. His expression is hard and there is no smile on his lips. 

His look is a look of an indecisive man, conflicted with many burdens.

'Prince Arial, I could not look this proposition of yours with favor. There are too many factors that needed to be taken into consideration. Who would take care of your duchy while you are running off chasing a kingdom?' 

The King inquires.

'That, Your Highness, is not a subject which you need not concern yourselves!' 

Arial shot back, a little angry at the King lack of enthusiasm on his offer. The king expression hardened and he stares at Arial. 

Arial was about to face the King head on, but calming himself down and taking a deep breath, Arial came to the conclusion that a more respectful answer would be more preferable to diffuse this hostile situation. 

Arial decided to give in.

'Under the circumstances that I am in, I am blessed with a prudent and intelligent wife and loving and loyal subjects and surely I could leave the duchy to them. They surely will keep it safe for me until I return. The regency will fall to my wife and aided by my council.'

Arial reply with the utmost humility and sincerity.

'I am still not confident of this plan of yours, Prince Arial.' King Adrian still opposes this plan of Arial. 

Arial on the other hand begins losing his patience. The King has been given an offer of a lifetime and yet he still wanted to delay giving Arial answer.

Still the King admonished Arial not realizing that Arial is about to burst out of frustration.

'This plan of yours is dangerous and involves too many kingdoms and attracts too many enemies. For both Aetherland and Arrandy. Do you want to destabilize the southern region while giving the north more reason to march into our borders?' 

Adrian lectured clearly not favoring Arial explanation.

'What of the enemies in the north? What if they set their eyes on the Northern Borders while you were gone? I strongly advised you, Prince Arial, to abandon this scheme of yours and be content with what you have. Have I not shower you with titles and glory beyond any man in my lands? These schemes of yours to covet the Vanguan throne would only lead you to terrible ruin. Listen to me, Prince Arial. Be content. Be grateful in what you have achieved.'

'What if I don't want to be content?' Arial said and there is a challenging tone in his words. 

The King feeling that the young lord is beginning to feel angry then raise his hand swiftly to try to diffuse the situation. 

'I will spoke of this with my own council before deciding on this case prince Arial. Do not cast your judgment over me before I give you my sentence.'

Arial snorted. 

'Fine then. I will wait until you finish talking with your council' Arial said all pretense of cordiality abandoned. 

Arial began feeling annoyed at the King lukewarm response. Arial then stormed out of the great hall and spend the night at the guest quarters. 

When Arial stormed out from the hall, Adrian summoned a council of his great nobles and officers of state, and called them to discuss about Arial proposals that night.


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