Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 101 Listening to Songs and Recognizing Music

The heroic spirit projection of Wu Minggui does not pay attention to the degree of compatibility.

While possessing Bai Yu, you can exert your full power.

Moreover, both sides have just broken through to the extraordinary realm, and their strength seems to be very different.

In terms of actual combat experience, Bai Yu has more abundant experience, so the combat experience provided by Amemiya Mahiru can be ignored, but her talent and extraordinary skills are really useful.

Although the level is lower than that of the other projection, Wu Minggui has a great advantage in close combat.

With intuition and clairvoyance, in close combat, as long as there is not a huge disparity in strength, it is almost impossible to lose.

Neither party has any nonsense ideas.

Zhou Youyi noticed the sword in Bai Yu's hand. Its shape didn't look like a mortal thing.

All he can rely on is his body of steel and iron, but if this knife cuts iron like mud...

"Be careful."

Bai Yu said: "I'm going to draw my sword."

He deliberately said a reminder, and at the same time clasped the handle of the knife, pushed the tangent of the knife with his thumb, and with a crisp 'clang', a flash of aqua blue split the darkness of the night.

At this time, their battlefield was far away from the previous flames, surrounded by only the light of street lamps and the not-so-bright moonlight.

The famous sword was quickly unsheathed, and the cold light of the night turned into a sword.

Not only was the knife fast, his knife was swung from the side and behind.

The moment the sword was released, Yue Yin stepped out and moved the blade with his body. The attack of this sword seemed to disappear before his eyes.


The knife hit Zhou Youyi's back, but it made a sound of rebounding, as if it hit the Mingguang Armor, and the force of the rebound was heard.

Zhou Youyi took a breath and held it in. There was a white mark on his back, and the broken skin was vaguely visible.

Extraordinary Skill·Copper Skin and Iron Bone

This move is a defensive skill, but it is by no means invincible, nor can it be continuously effective. By converting a part of the true energy in the body into acquired Gangqi and storing it, it will be actively stimulated when attacked, causing the whole body to Muscle stiffening, through tight muscles, stiffens the entire body to support the attack.

It can be understood that it is a shield.

Since it is a shield, it will not automatically regenerate once it is consumed.

If the shield is broken, he will also be cut and injured.

He did not see the knife strike just now, but when he was struck, he immediately recovered and punched from the bottom up, bringing out a violent wind.

Bai Yu raised the knife and stepped back to avoid the punch. At the same time, he swung the knife and slashed back. The movement of turning his wrist was a standard cassock slash.

The so-called cassock slash is a slashing attack in which the knife is hidden under the cassock. By adjusting the movement of the wrist, people cannot detect where the knife will come out. Its angle is changeable, so it is often used for assassinations.

The cassock is the clothing of monks, so the cassock chop is also the assassination knife of monks.

It just needs a heavy coat like a cassock as a cover to be able to exert its surprise, such as the kimono furisode worn by Mahiru Amamiya.

The Kasaya Slash swung in front of his face was just an ordinary slash.

However, the subtlety of this knife is that the sky is dark and Baiyu is standing against the light. When he turns his wrist, the blade changes from a reflective horizontal position to a horizontal position. That is, when you look at it, it will no longer reflect light, but will look like With a thin slice, it is natural that the cutting direction of the blade cannot be detected.

It is impossible for Bai Yu to have such an exquisite reaction with his shallow experience with swords. This is purely due to the "intuition" of the ignorant ghost, who can subconsciously find the best answer in the battle.

With this knife, Bai Yu slashed towards the opponent's eyelids. No matter how strong the defense was, there was one place that he absolutely couldn't guard against, and that was the position of the three eyes.

This knife was very ferocious. If it took away his eyesight, he would be almost half disabled... Even if he didn't kill him, it would be fine, and if his eyes were broken, they could be cured with the medical technology of this world.

However, when the knife was struck, Bai Yu suddenly felt a chill. He also closed his eyes at this time. His eyes were working and he noticed a secret attack. He gave up the attack and leaned back suddenly.

Gunshots were heard from behind, and Bai Yu avoided two bullets. While rolling on the spot, he picked up the glass fragments on the ground and threw them away.


The glass hit a hand sticking out of the window, the gun fell to the ground, Zhuang Dao covered his bloody palm and screamed.

"Sit down and I'll kill you later."

Bai Yu snorted. If the knife hit him just now, there would be no need to waste time anymore.

At this time Zhou Youyi had already pounced on him, this time he ignored defense and only focused on attacking.

He is an underground boxer, and he doesn't care about good looks. He cares about blood and practicality, and it is best to win with one blow.

Therefore, fists are basically aimed at the vital points of the human body. The temples, neck, and chest are all attack points for continuous punches.

But most of his punches were in vain, and Bai Yu would not let him go. He struck directly with the knife, hitting the blade with several consecutive punches. Zhou Youyi's hands were already torn and bloody.

No matter how hard the armor is, no matter how thick the cocoon on the fist is, it can't be as sharp as this famous sword Kuaiyu.

His hands were almost so numb that he couldn't hold his fists... The cocoons on his fists that had been in place for decades were cracked, and bright red blood flowed out.

This knife was sharper than the two front claws of the second-level disaster beast Blade Mantis that he had fought to the death in the underground black boxing ring before.

When low-level supernatural beings fight, one piece of equipment is enough to fill the strength gap between the two sides. The other side's advantage relies on that knife.

Zhou Youyi also knows that if you want to win, you must try to disarm, but it is not easy for even a martial artist to disarm another ordinary person. He has to take advantage of him, or use Master Chen's irregular fighting skills. Both parties are extraordinary. Or, it is almost impossible to disarm with empty hands.

Even so, he had to take a gamble. As long as he could successfully disarm, he would have a chance to turn defeat into victory.

He wanted to give it a try.

Then he lowered his raised hands and his fighting posture began to change.

Bai Yu couldn't judge the opponent's path, so he just focused on his legs.

He opened his eyes and no longer observed with his heavenly eyes, but activated his extraordinary skill... He named this skill 'Recognizing Music by Listening to Songs'.

What you see and hear is the rhythm of the other person. This step can be called "listening to the song", and the step of reproducing it is to repeat or synchronize, which is to "recognize the song."

It's a pity that listening to the music and playing the song are not easy. It is very difficult to achieve a perfect reproduction. It is difficult to achieve the same spirit as before.

But it's more than enough just for observation.

Just by looking at it, Bai Yu immediately judged that Zhou Youyi planned to use the self-sacrifice technique.

He was anxious to determine the winner.

Just delay.

Bai Yu thought this, but put an end to the thought. Instead, she sheathed the sword, took a few steps back slightly, opened a long enough distance, and assumed a posture of facing him head-on.

Both sides had the idea of ​​ending it within one move, and they had the same idea of ​​not wanting to drag it out any longer.

Zhou Youyi took a deep breath and channeled all his energy into his hands and feet. He made a plan, rushed in, got close, and then used his shock foot desperately. The road here was already quite soft, and this foot was enough. Destroy the opponent's footing and balance, and then rush forward to fight for the knife at close range. Even if you get a knife, you are betting that the knife will not hit the vital point.

The idea was completed. He bent down slightly, his muscles tightened, and huge strength began to accumulate. His whole body was like a compressed spring.

Then, just as he thought, he rushed in and got close to him, shaking his feet and destroying his balance.

He waited for the moment when the opponent drew his sword, and the target was his wrist.

But Bai Yu didn't draw the sword for a long time, missed the best opportunity, and reached the distance where he could no longer draw the sword.

...He hesitated?

……good chance!

Zhou Youyi couldn't think any more, he only wanted to seize the knife.

At this time, he saw Bai Yu raise his head and throw the knife in his hand directly over.

Zhou Youyi's CPU burned immediately... His goal was to seize the knife, but the other party just lost the knife?

This kind of preemptive feeding operation made his offensive intentions uncoordinated, and his thinking could not keep up with the speed.

How to attack next?

Is the target the wrist, ankle, or face?

He thought quickly, but he couldn't move faster than his own body, and he didn't even catch the knife. The contradiction in his thinking made him unable to coordinate his body well.

He was hit on the nose by the scabbard and blinked subconsciously.

This time he blinked and completely lost the opportunity to attack.

A palm pressed down on his shoulder, and the gentle pressure caused him to lose his balance and lean forward.

What followed was a fierce knee strike. The kinetic energy of his forward leaning and the force of his downward pressure made this knee strike particularly heavy.

The force of the collision went straight to Tianling Gai through his chin, and the impact caused his brain to turn upside down.

The series of actions looked like Zhou Youyi rushed forward to take the knee collision.

This was naturally not his original intention, but was predicted in advance.

The bald man fell to the ground and passed out. The severe concussion may also be accompanied by brain stem damage. Even an extraordinary person would never wake up in a short time.

Bai Yu was about to turn around when he suddenly felt a pulling sensation on his ankle.

His orifices were bleeding, but he still opened his mouth to make a sound.

Bai Yu bent down and picked up the famous sword Kuaiyu, pulled out the safety catch of a fragmentation grenade and placed it next to him.

"I wanted to let you go, but..."

He said expressionlessly: "Ask for mercy and you will get mercy. You asked for it."

An explosion came from behind.

The fire lit up, and the human body was submerged in the explosion. Many pieces of flesh and blood were splashed around and smeared on the ground, which was extremely desolate and tragic.

Bai Yu put away the knife, put away the gun, and walked towards the silent luxury car unarmed.

The car door was closed tightly and the car window was raised. A fat humanoid silhouette was vaguely visible in the translucent black window.

He stretched out his hand and patted the car door, knocked on the car window, and said hello in a relaxed tone.

"Hey, Mr. Zhuang."

"We've arrived at the food market."

"You, it's time to get off the car..."

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