Front entrance location.

The whole family stood at the front door waiting to welcome the distinguished guests.

Nan Shihui's hair is slightly gray but is still meticulously combed, and he looks always strong and strong.

Nan Yayan stood aside, like a sick cat next to a tiger, with no trace of his extraordinary third-level strength.

Nan Jiteru's face looked better when he saw Amemiya Mahiru who finally arrived at the front door slowly.

"Just think about it clearly." He said loudly: "As a member of the Nan family, this is your mission. If you dare to be petty and not go out to greet guests, at most you will ruin your own reputation. When the time comes, Entering the Kazama house will make you suffer even more."

The tone of the words was sonorous and powerful, and the implication was very clear, whether she was willing or not, she had to get married.

This is already a certain fact. Whether it's a blind date or an engagement, it's just a formality.

Bai Yu followed Amamiya Mahiru, and no one noticed his existence at all, just like a floating bird.

He met Nan Shihui for the first time. This old man was cut into eighteen pieces in the memory of the heroic spirit. He looked very muscular. I am afraid that his brain was also filled with muscles. At this time, he had to think about how to kill the elders in his family. Pushing a woman to the outside, regardless of how outstanding her talent is, is simply a waste of natural resources.

He couldn't understand it at all, and probably normal people couldn't understand it... there must be some secrets behind this incomprehensibility.

Amemiya Mahiru didn't say anything, she closed her eyes quietly and stood aside waiting.

Her body stood upright, looking dignified and elegant, because there was a knife hidden in her back, quietly pressed against her spine.

Soon, a luxurious-looking black car stopped at the door.

Nan Shihui greeted him, and after the driver opened the door, he enthusiastically held Feng Jianhe's hand.

Kazama River, the second son of the Kazama family, although he is not the eldest son and has no inheritance rights, he took a different path from the Kazama family. Instead, he became a member of parliament and opened up another path different from that of the Wu family and the shogunate. His path was entirely dependent on the popularity gained through his street speeches. At first, the Kazama family did not pay much attention to it. Now, he has almost surpassed the support and influence of the Kazama eldest son. Even if he defeats the superior once, it is not unreasonable. Possibly, primogeniture is not a panacea.

Kazama He is getting older and stronger, and his son Kazama Tetsuya seems to be gentle and gentle. It is said that he received a Western education that is different from Fuso. He has studied in Europe all year round and studied at the Royal Academy of Rome for two years.

For Fuso people, whether it is the Royal Academy of Rome or the Penglai Academy, they are the world's top universities. If you can get in, even if you don't get a diploma or degree, it is still worthy of bragging, just like hairy crabs in other places in Yangcheng Lake. It's like taking a bath, which is equivalent to turning on the light.

The influence of the Kazama family is getting stronger day by day, and the Nan family is in the stage of revival, so Nanji Teru needs to go out to meet Kazama River, who is a generation younger than him.

It's just that there is no dissatisfaction on the old man's expression, only enthusiasm, and there is not much disguise. It can be seen that this superficial skill is becoming more and more proficient.

Bai Yu was amazed when she saw this. This kind of blind date dinner was obviously about interests first, but she had to pretend to be harmonious on the surface.

Ten thousand thoughts, ten thousand fake actions, it looks really disgusting, and I can’t help but want to see it.

Just think of it as fun.

Kazama Tetsu is considered to be a top student. Going abroad has broadened his horizons, and his own conditions are not bad. However, he can't interrupt in this situation. After a brief introduction, he began to get familiar with Amamiya Mahiru.

"What are you interested in?"

"I can illustrate."

"I'm talking about hobbies, not talents."

"I can play the shakuhachi."


The chatter soon ended. Of course, Tetsuya Kazama was very disdainful of this nominally engaged partner. Compared to the passionate girls he met in the West, this kind of traditional Japanese woman was still blind. It really didn't interest him. No matter how beautiful she was, she was not as good as the Roman girl with flowing red hair and the Arab dancer with brown delicate skin.

Amamiya Mahiru couldn't see Tetsuya Kazama either, so it was as if he was out of sight and out of mind.

I checked with my heavenly eye and confirmed that this person was not even a transcendent person... he would probably follow the path of a politician in the future, and he immediately lost interest.

Amamiya Mahiru has not been exposed to many members of the opposite sex over the years, and she cannot say that she has any specific preferences. Due to her own reasons, she dislikes all men born into big families.

These people are profit-oriented at heart. They are either too strong or too weak. The former makes her hate them, while the latter makes her sad.

To say that so far, there are very few men who can not make her feel bored after contact, probably the only one is the mysterious Mr. Destiny.

Both parties know in their hearts that they cannot make the decision on their own lives. They leave everything to their elders to decide. The future path has already been arranged.

At the dinner, everyone arranged a table to serve food.

Amemiya Mahiru sat quietly like a doll. According to the plan, she should have dinner at the same table with her blind date, but she refused because she could not see clearly.

We drank for three rounds in no time.

Kazama He's face was red after drinking a lot, but Nan Shihui didn't look drunk at all.

They kept pushing cups and changing cups, holding hands, as if they were not two young people who were engaged on a blind date.

Bai Yu stood behind Amamiya Mahiru and said, "Do we have to wait any longer? The map of Yan Kingdom is too long."

Amemiya Mahiru picked up the cup and said to herself: "I'm just waiting for my father to get drunk."

"Is it possible for a third-level transcendent to get drunk?"

"My mother said that he has a bad drinking ability, and he was already drunk just now. He went to the toilet several times and will not be back in the next short time."

What Amamiya Mahiru was waiting for was when her father left. She didn't want to fight swords with her biological father yet, so she specially ordered Azi to prepare some high-alcohol wine in the kitchen.

Sure enough, Nan Yayan left the living room again soon. Unlike before, he did not go to the toilet, but went directly to the back hall. There was no possibility of coming back in a short time.

At this time, Nan Shihui stood up funny and raised his glass.

"It seems that the two young people have no objections. It's better to choose a wedding date than to hit it. Let's set the wedding date today. I think next month will be good!"

Kazama He also smiled: "Very good, since Tetsuya also agrees, then of course I will not object."

The two old foxes laughed at each other and were about to clink glasses.

At this time, a crisp sound sounded, like a loud slap, interrupting the harmonious atmosphere.

"I disagree."

Amemiya Mahiru stood up, her voice was clear and resounding.

Kazama Tetsuya on the side looked at the lady who suddenly stood up, and was stunned, and the cup in his hand fell to the ground.

Even a man with a higher education did not dare to stand up. Unexpectedly, this weak-looking little girl dared to object... Didn't she know what she was objecting to? It's not a marriage between two people, it's not something as simple as the happiness of two people, but the combination of interests of two big families!

Why should she object? How dare she object?

Nan Shihui's face immediately turned ugly, but he still managed to smile: "Brother Fengjian, it is normal for a young girl not to want to get married. Please rest assured, I guarantee that she does not have a sweetheart, but is simply too timid. I don’t want to leave home.”

Feng Jianhe also took the step and continued to smile: "It's understandable. After all, I'm still young. It's okay. Relationships can be cultivated and cultivated. You don't have to be so anxious about the wedding. If you come a few more times, it will naturally fall into place."

"I said, I object." Amemiya Mahiru emphasized again: "No matter how many times I come again, I will not agree."

Nan Shihui finally calmed down and ordered to the person next to him: "The eldest lady is drunk, take her back to me!"

A servant came closer and just touched her hand. She didn't know what happened, but her body fell to the carpet.

Feng Jianhe narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this: "Extraordinary...?"

He had heard that Nan's daughter was a good-for-nothing, but... how could a good-for-nothing be extraordinary?

He glanced at Nan Shihui and fell into thinking. He didn't know what the old fox's plan was. Even if he was blind, he could be extraordinary at the age of sixteen. This talent should not be underestimated. He was actually in a hurry to marry her off?

"Stop messing around!" Nan Shihui roared: "How embarrassing can you be! The Nan family has been completely embarrassed by you!"

"Nan's family?"

She asked in a low voice: "Whose Nan family is it?"

"In the past, I thought countless times that as long as I obeyed with peace of mind, you would treat me as a family member; I thought that as long as I received good training and became a lady, I would feel the warmth of the family; I thought As long as I think about my family wholeheartedly, I can reap the same good things..."

"I was wrong!"

"I made the mistake of projecting this expectation on someone as greedy as you."

Amemiya Mahiru said word for word: "This is not my home at all. You have never treated me as a family member from the beginning to the end! Why should I accept your arrangements and become a chess piece and victim?"

She shook her head coldly. Although her eyes were closed, there seemed to be sharp sword energy passing through the air.

"I'm done!"

"Already, completely...enough is enough!"

Amemiya Mahiru took a step forward, and with a ripping sound, the long hem of her kimono was torn, revealing half of her slender and straight thighs.

He took off the decorations on his head and let his long hair fall down. At the same time, he reached out his hand to wipe off the makeup on his face, leaving a red mark on his mouth.

"I've had enough of your hypocrisy, Nanshi Fai."

"I've had enough of this place, it's a prison."

"And I am not your canary!"

She took a step forward and pulled out a knife from the back of her neck with her right hand. The light of the knife was clear, and the aqua-blue blade was like a touch of silver light, and it cut into pieces on the chopping board.

The container used to hold the wine was instantly cut into two pieces, and the wine spilled onto the ground.

And this container was in Nan Shihui's hand.

The sword slashed down without any deviation.

But she clearly had her eyes closed!

Mahiru looked at the broken wine cup. She kicked the table over with her kick, held the knife in both hands, and made a new-in-ryu attack.

"If you still have any dignity as a swordsman, don't use your status and seniority, but let your sword speak -!"

"Nan Shihui, draw your sword!"

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