Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 299 The same type of substitute as me

After looking at the other person's outstretched palm, Elise hesitated for a few seconds and did not take the initiative to hold it. Instead, she asked: "Why do you close your eyes?"

Amamiya Mahiru stroked her eyes, opened them and said, "Because I can't see."

"Are you blind?" Elise's eyes suddenly became complicated. In order to hide her identity, she had been crawling at the bottom of society for several years. Naturally, she knew how hard the life of the disabled was.

"Please don't sympathize with me." Amemiya Mahiru kindly reminded: "Otherwise, even I will feel angry - although my eyes are invisible, I still have a third eye that can see you."

Elysee found that the other party was surprisingly easy to talk to, so she stretched out her hand and gently held the other party's hand: "Then, please give me some advice."

Amemiya Mahiru found that Elise's hands were actually rougher than her own, like a girl who had often done manual labor since she was a child.

Bai Yu said at this time: "Do you need to talk? We still have a lot of time, so there is no need to rush."

Elise raised her hand proactively: "Can I ask, how long have you... known each other?"

Amamiya Mahiru thought for a moment and then replied: "For me, a full ten months have passed."

Bai Yu said calmly: "Three months."

Elise tilted her head: "?"

"We are not in the same time period." Bai Yu explained in simple words: "If you regard time as a line and people as a point, that is to say, our time point at this moment is not the same. Coincidence, in other words...the perception of time spans is also not the same.”

"So the editor's uncle really rewrote destiny by interfering with time and space." Elise murmured. She looked at the scene around her and said in disbelief: "It's really unbelievable."

"It is indeed incredible." Amemiya Mahiru lifted up a piece of hair and smiled gently: "So I have always been grateful to be chosen by Mr. Destiny. If it weren't for him, I would have... and it would be impossible to achieve what I am today."

Elise nodded, and then immediately realized that Amemiya Mahiru was trying to increase the favorability of the editor's uncle, and immediately followed him unwilling to admit defeat: "Of course I am also very grateful to the editor's uncle for taking care of me!"

She then raised her head and said, "Miss Wuming, you have known him for nearly a year, but I have known my uncle for nearly ten years!"

This time it was Amamiya Mahiru's turn to be surprised. She blinked and even opened her eyes subconsciously.

——Mr. Destiny actually...

"Don't be so weird, I just went there when she was a child." Bai Yu had to explain stiffly in order to keep her reputation clean: "I am not a pervert who raised a lolita."

Then he spoke again, with a serious and affirmative tone: "To me, you are all equally important contractors."

"Therefore, in future explorations, I hope you can work together... As long as the three of us join forces, the efficiency of conquering the dungeon and the Dragon Vein Realm will be greatly improved."

Being able to get along well is the best thing.

But if we can't get along's not really a big deal.

It is impossible to directly expect them to put aside their prejudices and not-so-good first impressions of each other.

To put it bluntly, in the dungeon, all Bai Yu needs is their fighting power.

Since you won't die here no matter what, then as long as you get to know each other for a while, the relationship will naturally get better.

It would be a strange thing if they could not become best friends despite experiencing life and death together.

Even if he falls into the Shura field, he is still as stable as an old dog. After all, triangle is the most stable shape.

Bai Yu feels it is necessary to emphasize KPIs and performance rewards.

"Wu Ming Gui and I have known each other for ten months, and we have fought side by side about..."

"Sixty-seven times." She accurately reported: "This time is the sixty-eighth time."

6...Bai Yu thought.

Bai Yu began to take out the data and tell the truth: "A total of sixty-seven battles made her jump from an ordinary person to a mid-second-order swordsman. This was still due to the lack of local resource supply, so she had to When hiding from XZ and it is difficult to advance to Yingzhou Swordsman."

"So it only took you ten months to become a mid-level second-level magician?" Elise looked at Amamiya Mahiru. She had to feel envious because it took her three years to reach the late-level first-level magician.

"It's not my fault." Amamiya Mahiru gently stroked the Kaiyu sword, and she answered truthfully: "Everything about me was given by your husband, whether it's this sword, the swordsmanship, the clothes, or these... …”

"Cough cough cough!"

"In short, there are many benefits." Miss Wuminggui began to cooperate with Baiyu Huabing in a tacit understanding: "The efficiency of the two of them working together is already very high. If the three of them work together, the efficiency will be 50% more than now, and they will get More trophies, I believe Miss Witch will be aware of them soon."

Elise's breathing quickened slightly, who wouldn't like being able to level up quickly.

Even if there is only a small half of the actual effect, it is far more efficient than the improvement efficiency of her own reading and meditation practice.

She had an extraordinary obsession with the editor uncle entirely due to emotional dependence. Coupled with this layer of interest binding...

She couldn't even think about it.

Bai Yu was even more blunt: "I can guarantee that the shackles of the realm below the fifth level are almost non-existent. I am sure that you will become a fifth-level holy magician before you graduate."

Elise's eyes widened... She still didn't know that her potential in the future would be enough to reach the fifth level.

"All three of us are." Bai Yu added, this sentence is very necessary.

Elise was completely inspired.

She likes this very much.

In other words, as long as there are extraordinary people, there will be no one who will not accept this trick.

Even if it's Frey or Angelica, they're already on fire, boss, who do you want to kill?

Bai Yu is not worried about the conflicts between the two girls due to the distribution of interests. The distribution rights are all in his hands.

Even if they don't give anything, they won't know what they got.

He was worried that they would be unhappy with each other, so they started to work hard, which was not good for the team, so he drew a pie to encourage them.

Whether it is Amemiya Mahiru or Elysee, their pursuit of power is driven by existence, for self-protection and revenge.

As long as there is a common desire to 'become stronger', the two of them will not have too many differences or conflicts. As for any minor problems in the team, Bai Yu can only rely on himself to deal with and adjust them accordingly. The team Management is a separate discipline.

Everyone has their own little Jiujiu, and there is no problem with that, but don’t think that you are the only one who is selfish, and everyone else must selflessly accommodate... When Bai Yu sees this kind of person, he will just kick him out, this kind of fairy He can't wait for you.

As long as Bai Yu firmly grasps the principle of "getting stronger together and eating meat together" in his hand and does not waver, then there will be no big problem.

There isn't much wrong with his idea.

At least this method is effective for both Elyse and Amamiya Mahiru at this time.

Elise realized her situation very clearly.

She came later.

Emotionally, there is a first-come-first-served basis, and it is difficult for latecomers to shake the status of first-comers.

Although the editor's uncle speaks every word to himself, he is always paying attention to the attitude and reaction of the ignorant ghost.

They have also been getting along longer and have a better understanding. They can know each other's thoughts with just one glance. She is more than ten years behind on this point. Of course she is unwilling to do so, but she has no choice but to agree with herself on this point. fail.

Wu Ming Gui's embrace of the editor as soon as she came up must be a bit of deliberate showing off. She probably wanted to show off her sovereignty.

Although Elise didn't want to think too sinisterly about the other party, she knew very well that she would do the same thing in her place.

If she could simply give up the editor uncle, she would be able to live in an easy situation, but she knew that she could not give up.

She had nothing left, so of course she had to do her best to hold on to the few remaining supports and pillars.

She thought to herself that maybe it was the same for Mahiru Amamiya.

The good news is that neither party has come into contact with the real editor of destiny in reality, so they can still endure it for a while.

Otherwise, you will have no chance of winning!

So the conclusion is...

Falling behind, but still having a chance to catch up.

They are not lovers.

Thinking of this, Elise suddenly felt much more relaxed. She regarded the editor as her uncle, but she didn't want to call her an ignorant little mother.

After this beautiful girl from Fuso appeared, the vague emotion suddenly became so intense that she couldn't tell what kind of emotion was urging her to do something.

After thinking about it clearly, Elise regained her composure, sorted out her chaotic thoughts, and her snake hair became long and straight black. She took the initiative to reach out to the two of them.

"The Gorgon is new here, please take good care of her!"

Look at each other's refreshing smile.

Amemiya Mahiru held the other person's palm, smiled and said, "Please give me some advice," and thought silently... It seems that there are girls of the same type as me. They seem simple, but they are not simple at all on the inside... Humph, Scheming bitch!

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