Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 823 The incurable disease is called

Chapter 823 The name of the incurable disease is...

To talk about the process of Bai Yu and Huang Qixia's escape...

In fact, it was not as urgent as imagined.

They disguised themselves and naturally mixed into the nearby mountaineering tourists after leaving the Great Snow Mountain.

It turned out that this was near Changbai Mountain.

As a top 5A-level scenic spot and one of the ten famous mountains in Daxia, Changbai Mountain has always been famous and has a constant stream of tourists.

Even major events such as the activation of Taiyin Demon Realm, Tai Sui's layout, and the exposure of the female evil identity did not affect the lives of ordinary people at all.

In other words, these things are too big, so big that even if ordinary people know about it, they will not care about it at all. They can't worry about earthquakes or meteors falling from the sky and skip meals today, right?

From Tianchi down.

Bai Yu and Huang Qixia wore masks and hats all the way.

At first he thought he shouldn't wear it, but he still wore it at Huang Qixia's insistence.

Huang Qixia insisted that if Bai Yu walked into the crowd, he would be surrounded in less than a minute and could not move at all. In less than half an hour, the person in charge of the Changbai Mountain Scenic Area would rush over to treat him to a meal and invite him to be the image ambassador of the scenic area.

In fact, Huang Qixia was right.

In the tour group he met on the way, he saw a lot of things related to himself on the road alone.

For example, T-shirts with his cartoon image, mobile phone cases with his profile, and the same clothes he wore during the palace examination...

At this time, he really wanted to turn on his phone to confirm what kind of ecological niche he was in on the Internet.

But he couldn't, because once he turned on the phone, his location would be exposed. His phone had been put away and thrown into his backpack.

This trip was also planned to buy two new phones and apply for two temporary communication cards.

Then the problem came again.

No money.

Bai Yu was a firm supporter of digital convenient payment. He almost never carried cash on his body. He had to turn on the phone to scan the code for payment, which would expose his location; Huang Qixia didn't bring the card this time, and even if she did, she didn't dare to use it.

There was no other way, so Bai Yu could only go to a nearby pawnshop to exchange some pocket money.

Bai Yu stuffed some emergency items in his personal space, including some gold watches, gemstone brooches and other noble suits. He was not willing to part with them, after all, these were gifts customized by Sister Shirley for him, but in an emergency, he could only pawn them temporarily and exchange them for working capital.

He could take them back after the situation calmed down. He was not worried that the other party's pawnshop would close down and run away. Such a large chain pawnshop would not go for a few million.

After Bai Yu got the money, he dressed up the two of them.

It was basically Huang Qixia who was responsible for choosing clothes.

He looked at the young man and woman wearing couple clothes in the mirror, and always wondered if he should pose as a JOJO when the two Qiao sisters were young.

This outfit was undoubtedly a popular style, which did not match his steady personality. It seemed too fashionable, youthful and flashy, but this outfit was matched with a hat, mask and sunglasses, which was indeed very suitable for concealing his identity.

Huang Qixia, who always wore simple and elegant clothes before, changed into a fashionable knee-length skirt, blue and white stockings, and a sleeveless black singlet with bare arms to support her figure, plus a crooked and fluffy jacket. This jacket is quite peculiar, with a diagonal zipper, so when it is opened, it will automatically slide out of the shoulder, forming a slant of a one-shoulder drape. At this time, with a sideways movement supported by one foot, it has a more fashionable sense.

Bai Yu couldn't help but think of the enlightenment anime about the concept of "handsome and fashionable" in his previous life... "Flywheel Boy" and "Heaven and Earth"

Oh, these two are actually old welfare animations, and the female body paintings of Mr. Ogure are quite visually impactful.

Bai Yu was distracted for a few seconds.

The salesperson on the other side immediately came up to say something nice: "The two of you are really well matched."

How can it not match?

The two have good figures and excellent temperaments. They are first-class clothes racks. Even if they wear Northeast flower jackets, they look good. It's all a show of selling.

In the mall, Bai Yu said, "Wait here for a while, I'll go to check out first."

Huang Qixia nodded obediently.

She sat in the store, and the saleswoman next to her was a familiar auntie, talking to her on her own, constantly praising the girl for being so beautiful, your girlfriend is also good-looking, how did you know each other, blah blah blah...

But Huang Qixia didn't listen to a word.

Because after just waiting for a minute, her patience was almost exhausted.

Her toes stepped unconsciously in her shoes.

Another ten seconds passed.

She stood up, interrupting the auntie's words, and then walked straight out of the store and walked towards the cashier.

In ancient times, some people said that a day without seeing each other is like a year, and some people said that after three days without seeing each other, the world is full of cherry blossoms...

She used to think that was an exaggeration.

She was already uneasy after being out of sight for less than two minutes, and her eyes kept bypassing the crowd, looking for each other in the countercurrent crowd.

This shop is located in a shopping mall, and its business is very good. People and tourists come and go like a tide. Even if she stands on tiptoe, she can only see heads.

If Huang Qixia uses her body skills, she can bypass the crowd, but she can't show her skills here. She doesn't want to cause trouble for him, and she can't shout out his name loudly because he is too famous now.

Looking around frequently, all she saw were strange faces and strange sights.

At this moment, Huang Qixia didn't realize that her reaction was just like a little girl who got lost from her family in the crowd, and she looked helpless and pitiful... How could she show her weakness in public? This was the first time.

She seemed to be left alone in the rainstorm, and the noisy sound of people around her was the falling raindrops.

Was she abandoned again?

When she thought of this, her inner panic began to intensify, her heartbeat became more intense, and her heart gradually hurt.

The unbearable loneliness, emptiness and bitterness filled the space around her again, pressing her towards the middle. The pressure of fate made her breathless, as if she had returned to the past in an instant, and she no longer had the courage and tenacity she once had. She began to be afraid, afraid of being alone.

What should I do if I am really abandoned?

She thought of this, and then a strong impulse arose from her fingertips, and then spread to her heart, like a flash of lightning flashing through her mind.

Then take it back.

No matter what, at all costs, take it back... her own peace of mind.

She took a step forward, and even without considering that there were only some people around, she had to forcefully push through the crowd to make way.


"Why are you following me?"

A voice sounded in front of her, and the young man holding the bill asked curiously.

Bai Yu stood in the crowd, like a ray of light that dispelled the dark and invisible things around him, like holding up an umbrella, and holding up a small peaceful area in the noisy world like rain.

Although it was small and could only accommodate two people, when he stood here, the crowd would automatically bypass him, leaving a small space for two people to stop.

After hearing the voice, Huang Qixia suddenly raised her head, and the anxiety and burning in her pounding heart were smoothed out. She looked at him blankly, like a little monster that had just decided to destroy the world and was awakened, with a clear look in her eyes.

Her eyes paused and converged... The disordered thoughts were controlled, and the chaotic thoughts were suppressed. The heartbeat was still noisy, but she was no longer irritable. She raised her chin quietly and became obedient like a doll again.

Then, she took a step closer, gently pressed against Bai Yu's body, and hugged him.

All the reactions of the passers-by around her had nothing to do with her and became an insignificant background.

"I thought you left me behind." She whispered.

"Why would I leave you behind?" Bai Yu was even more puzzled: "I went to pay, it only took three minutes..."

He was a little helpless, and a little happy: "When did you become so clingy?"

Although I can understand Huang Qixia's lack of security, but at this point... hey, it's all their fault.

Bai Yu snorted inwardly.

The good Huang Shouzu was forced to this point by you, which is simply a heinous crime!

He reached out and gently rubbed her cheek, and his fingers gently wiped across her eyebrows: "Okay, you can act coquettishly later, so many people are watching."

Many passers-by were already watching the excitement. Many people secretly smiled and sighed that it was good to be young, and some people gritted their teeth and said things like wise men don't fall in love and goblins don't leave caves.

Bai Yu held Huang Qixia's hand and walked forward, passing through the crowd. The two people wearing couple clothes ran away in the good-natured laughter, feeling a little embarrassed... It's not that they are not used to being paid attention to, but they are worried that they will be recognized and cause a commotion.

He didn't notice that Huang Qixia was pulled by the wrist, and the scenery she saw was different from his, and what she thought in her heart was also completely different.

She just felt that as long as she stayed with Bai Yu, this dull and boring daily life would become vivid and lively.

The two ran in the crowd, and the surrounding lights were shining down. The ordinary scene seemed like a flowing curtain, and the light was connected into lines. The echoing noise was no longer harsh, because she couldn't hear it at all, because the heartbeat was so loud that it couldn't accommodate other sounds.

Just running with her hand in hand, she felt that it would not be bad to run all the way to the end of the world.

The other party was like a ray of light, guiding herself forward, through the long and deep darkness, escaping from the dull and repetitive daily life, and going to a relaxed world without fate.

It must be possible to reach it...

She squeezed his hand a little harder.

It must be possible.


There are certain innate factors in people's personality, but most of them are the result of acquired influences.

Huang Qixia's personality defects are caused by many aspects, and the most intuitive reason is still from her mental imperfections.

Huang Qixia's life is incomplete.

She has the title of Jiaoyang's first seat, but there are few things that actually belong to her.

Her life trajectory is distorted.

Without the care of her parents, she was unfamiliar with the world and had to travel thousands of miles to measure and understand the world.

She should have gradually realized the meaning and value of life in this process.

But she was too strong. Her strong strength allowed her to protect herself, but it also hindered her opportunity to see the world from the perspective of ordinary people.

Before she had time to become an ordinary person, she had already become the leader of Jiaoyang. Without the down-to-earth daily necessities, how could she experience the joys and sorrows of ordinary people?

And what followed was the cruel truth.

She was born as a female evil, destined to become the summoning sacrifice of the Demon Ancestor.

In order to fight this fate, she made a vow.

Whether she chooses to accept or resist, she no longer has time to care about her own pursuits. It is difficult for her to have spare energy to think about what she likes and what she hates.

She did not lose interest in the outside world, but was pressed down by a heavy mountain on her shoulders. How could she have the spare time to think about where to go for fun and outing tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

For more than ten years, she had no life goals of her own, no meaning of her own life, the only thing she had... was the will to fight against fate. Apart from that, she had almost nothing.

So, she would be crazy about the hobbies she could grasp.

Her only hobby was to watch the sea of ​​clouds, so she could watch it continuously for so many years without getting tired of it.

But the sea of ​​clouds was not hers, she could not own it, she could not monopolize it, and it was not enough to completely fill her inner hunger and loneliness.

Many people in real life are like this.

If you lack something, you will seek a misplaced replacement through other means. If you can't get a high-end version, then buy the monkey version.

Just like many two-spined newts, they essentially project their most beloved beautiful hopes and aspirations into their works. They know that they cannot obtain them in reality, but they cannot let go completely. They can only seek comfort in virtual works, and eventually they are deeply trapped in them. This is essentially a compensatory psychology.

This cannot be said to be unhealthy, but a self-protection mechanism.

After all, who can say that paper people are not the beggar version of the perfect wife?

Huang Qixia is also like this, but the threshold of her compensatory mechanism is too high.

Ordinary hobbies are not enough to dispel her heavy pressure. The sword of Damocles hangs over her head all the time. She cannot fill the void in her heart through normal hobbies, and she will soon feel boring or even bored.

Because she knows that those hobbies can't bring her any gains, nor can they make her feel relieved from the heavy pressure of fate.

The premise of compensation is the establishment of substitute literature.

But the proposition that Huang Qixia was carrying was too grand, and she could not gain any sense of accomplishment from any interest at all... Even in popular novels, TV dramas, and movies, there was no room for her, who was born as a villain, to be whitewashed.

For a character like her, either she used the beauty trick of a school girl to make up for her schoolmate, but finally failed in front of the protagonist group who shouted love, justice, friendship, and victory, or she was calculated by the mastermind behind the scenes and became a sacrifice with the title of white lotus. Before she died, she shed two lines of tears to express her sadness and unwillingness, and then ignited the fighting spirit of the protagonist group, and successfully filled the anger tank of the protagonist group before the final boss battle.

It can be said that the sense of substitution is extremely poor.

Therefore, Huang Qixia has been waiting, or looking for... looking for something that can free her from the heavy pressure of fate.

That is not a specific person or thing, perhaps a miracle, or perhaps an opportunity.

She waited and pursued hard, and went down the mountain every year to get a little clue about it.

Helping Bai Yu was also based on this purpose. She traveled thousands of miles to Penglai just to see him and confirm whether he was as she thought.

As long as he could be her antidote, she would burn for him with everything.

Huang Qixia was reserved before, only because she was not sure.

After seeing the miracle with her own eyes, she would hold on to it tightly, even asking for it madly.

From the one who gave and helped to the one who depended on and asked for it.

For Huang Qixia, this miracle was Bai Yu.

Under the combined effect of compensation psychology and compensation psychology.

She had the reaction she has now.

She was almost inseparable, never stopping, and her eyes were always chasing where he was.

If she left for a while, she would immediately feel serious anxiety and depression, like a withdrawal reaction.

If under the guidance of such a serious psychological effect, the magical catalyst called "love" was added... the result of the chemical reaction could no longer be predicted by anyone.

There is no doubt that Huang Qixia is sick.

It is still a very serious disease, almost to the point of being incurable.

Top psychologists would have to shake their heads after seeing this.

Because the name of the disease is...


On the top of Changbai Mountain, in the snowy plain.

"There are traces of a stay here... It's instant noodles, with the flavor of braised beef, and two starch sausages." An archer picked up a plastic box after eating.

Another archer spat: "Damn, you eat better than me. I've been eating fasting pills these two days, and I'm almost constipated."

"Where are they going?"

"The traces have been covered by heavy snow, and it's a bit difficult to continue tracking. The qi-watching technique points to the south, so they want to go to the south of the Yangtze River next."

"Continue the search."

"Are you sure? The brothers haven't closed their eyes for three days and three nights, so they have to take a breath."

"You go down the mountain and find a place to rest, and I'll continue the pursuit."

"Don't be silly! Dijiexing, I know you have a bad temper in your heart, but in your current state, even if you catch up, you can't deal with either Bai Yujing or Huang Qixia."

"I know."

Speaking, the black shadow flashed away.

The other archers all looked helpless and had to grit their teeth and follow.

Di Jiexing was galloping on his horse, with a breath of air and a fire in his heart.

"Bai Yu..."

"You can't escape..."

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