Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 880: Inside and outside the courtyard, family hatred and national hatred (two-in-one 7K2)

In front of the Penglai throne, the two groups met unexpectedly.

This really cannot be regarded as a coincidence, but the probability of it happening is not 100% inevitable.

There is an element of fate and there is also human calculation.

No matter which party was present, the moment they saw each other, the originally confident situation became ups and downs.

If this were a stage play, then the scene taking place in front of the throne would undoubtedly be the prelude to the climax before the end.

Bai Potian and Zhen Shifang knew each other and had conflicts many years ago.

If Bai Potian was the only one, the Overlord would not panic, but the problem was... there were two helpers behind Bai Potian. Although his whole body was filled with a strange smell, that smell could not cover up the fact that he was the one who belonged to Feng alone. Saint level potential.

The tyrant's face was as sinking as water.

He was chased and beaten by three saints outside the Tibetan Patio. He finally escaped and distanced himself. Less than a minute had passed. As soon as he arrived in front of the throne, another Bai Potian suddenly appeared with an opponent saint.

Damn...did I stab the canonization den today?

When did canonization become so worthless? When one group is beaten, another group pops up?


Zhen Shifang started to curse in his heart, but he had to maintain a calm and stable attitude on the outside.

The opponent has a total of three saints, but they don't seem to be in good condition. They have experienced many hard battles before.

Similarly, the situation here is not good either.

The Overlord maintained a basically intact battle, but Tai Sui's fighting power seemed to be running low... This may have been a facade of his. No one could guess what cards the old monster that had lived for thousands of years had hidden behind him.

If it wasn't necessary, he really didn't want to have a conflict with Bai Potian and was thinking about how to get them to leave.

"There is no mistake, this is the throne..." Augustus spoke in Roman, and he said with some excitement: "We have found the throne of the Lord of Penglai Island!"

The old monk looked at the decaying corpse on the throne and said, "The one on the throne is the owner of Penglai Island? That is just a lifeless corpse."

"It looks like he has been dead for many years." Bai Potian thought: "He specially called us here. It seems that this is the limit. No wonder he has not come forward or revealed the news for so long. It turns out that is the case."

Augustus thought about getting closer to the throne to take a look, but he was stopped as soon as he took half a step forward.

"Stop!" The Tyrant shouted loudly: "Once you approach rashly, it will be regarded as a signal to start war!"

The Roman emperor who was scolded frowned in displeasure: "What are they from?"

"The Ten Fierce People of Great Xia." Bai Potian said, "They are ranked higher than me."

"So he's better than you?"

"You are crueler than me... There is a saying in Daxia that third-class meritorious service is received by standing, second-class meritorious service is received by lying down, and first-class meritorious service is received by family members." Bai Potian joked: "I am at most a walking second-class meritorious person. , and he is a special meritorious person... How about you consider killing him? Daxia will give you an International Honorary Friends Medal."

Augustus said calmly: "I am a scholar and don't like to fight and kill. The emperor is sitting on the empire, so why does he care about medals of honor? I usually give them to others."

"But it seems that these two comers are not well-intentioned. They don't seem to intend to do research here for you." Bai Potian stared at the tyrant: "So what are you doing here? The Penglai Throne is not something that any cat or dog can do. Got in."

"You are self-aware." Zhen Shifang stood in front of the throne and sneered.

"Don't tell me that you are coveting the throne." Bai Potian touched his chin: "Even if the Penglai Island Master has been hiccupping for a long time, it is not difficult to take you away before leaving."

"I'm not interested in the throne." Zhen Shifang glanced at the corpse on the throne and said half truthfully: "But the owner of Penglai Island is the last witch clan in the world... His bloodline is useful to me, so I came ”

"You have such a strong taste in being interested in corpses." Bai Potian vomited.

"I can't compare to you... your habit of butterfly swimming in the cesspit is also unflattering." Zhen Shifang pinched his nose.

The two started fighting again without saying a few words.

The ascetic monk said strangely: "So, they came in through the main entrance? But this is impossible. The Penglai throne is located in the hidden courtyard, and there must be people guarding the throne outside the throne of the Penglai island master. With their strength It’s impossible to break in so easily.”

Augustus said: "But Scathach has no retinue to guard the throne."

"The situation is different." The ascetic monk said: "The Kingdom of Shadows where Scathach is located has seven walls, which are inherently isolated from outside objects... No one can enter the Kingdom of Shadows without her consent. It is inherently impregnable, and she herself He is the guardian of the throne, so he naturally does not need followers, but the situation here is different. "

Bai Potian asked directly: "Don't beat around the bush, monk, what exactly do you want to say?"

"There must be big changes outside!" the ascetic monk said concisely.

"Oh..." Bai Potian responded and then shouted to Zhen Shifang: "Ba Zhan, you have been beaten a lot outside, right? Tell everyone what you are unhappy about."

"I think you ate too much shit and blocked the blood vessels in your brain." The tyrant immediately said something elegant and easy-going.

Tai Sui, who was listening, rolled his eyes and then retracted into his sockets. He frowned and took the initiative to talk: "You guys know a lot... but you seem to have arrived here by accident? "

"Which cookie are you?" Bai Potian crossed his arms.

Tai Sui revealed his identity: "I am the King of Xiling."

Bai Potian listened to him and frowned: "Why did the top ten get involved with the top ten?"

Tai Sui smiled in his heart. Sure enough, these three people had encountered some changes. Bai Potian had no idea about everything that happened in Daxia. He knew that King Xiling had turned evil, so he could take advantage of this.

"There are huge variables in Penglai, so we have to temporarily cooperate." Tai Sui said: "There are no permanent enemies, only common interests."

"What is your common appeal? He wants to plot something against the body of the Penglai Island Master. Are you also a death museum enthusiast in this regard?" Bai Potian grinned.

"If I said that I wanted to sit on the throne, would you believe me?" Tai Sui said bluntly: "I want to change my ways to be a king."

This is of course a lie.

Once you become the king, you cannot leave the throne too far. You become the master of Penglai Island and the prisoner of Penglai Island.

If Tai Sui did this, the Demon Ancestor would never be able to revive again in this life. He would just run away from home and settle down somewhere else. How could this Demon Ancestor be resurrected to start a trade fair?

But Bai Potian and the other three didn't know anything about it, so this answer was indeed very convincing.

"You actually agreed?" Bai Potian glanced at Zhen Shifang and felt a little suspicious.

"I don't intend to give up my freedom." The Tyrant showed disdain in unison: "And as long as I get the Witch Clan bloodline and I have achieved the perfect innate spiritual bloodline, why should I stick to a mere throne?"

Augustus touched his chin: "That does make sense."

Tai Sui struck while the iron was hot: "It took me a lot of effort to get here. Since several of you also arrived here by chance, can you not compete with me for the Penglai throne?"

Bai Potian touched his chin and did not answer.

He personally told the throne that he had no idea, but it was a lie, but his son was not found, and his grandson's condition was unknown. Being trapped on Penglai Island was not his original wish.

The same goes for contemporary Augustus. Besides, he is a Roman emperor. How could he be willing to be trapped on Penglai Island in the east?

He is also a scholar, with profound research in this field, and he knows very well that once he takes over the throne, he will face huge risks.

This is not some unseasonable fruit that can bring eternal life, but a gold mine that will bring endless disasters.

As for the ascetic monk, he is a true meditator. He practices Mahayana Buddhism. He takes a completely different route from Longxiang Temple. Instead, he imitates Master Xuanzang and travels all the way west to seek Buddha and scriptures, subdue the mental ape, and restrain himself. Yima, the canonization was achieved after traveling thousands of miles in the world.

This kind of meditation will never covet the throne. Once he stays here, his life-long cultivation will be hindered, because preserving the king's way and pursuing the Zen way run counter to each other.

Therefore, none of the three of them have any need for the throne.

Augustus just wanted to study it; Bai Potian just wanted to get out; and the old monk was walking on the path of seeking the Tao.

Tai Sui was able to directly explain the pros and cons to three strangers, which was also an element of luck in gambling, but he won the bet.

At least the two sides are no longer so tense.

They are all canonized, so fighting would hurt harmony.

And if there is no blood feud, most people will not kill them.

Bai Potian had ten thousand reasons to kill Tai Sui on the spot. Unfortunately, he was completely unaware of what was going on in the outside world. Moreover, he was tired of soaking in the cesspool for so many days. He felt very unlucky when he met Zhen Shifang just after leaving the house. , at this time, I also had the idea of ​​​​leaving, thinking of going out directly to see how Daxia and Penglai were doing.

"The poor monk has no objection." The ascetic monk was the first to speak.

"I want to study the throne." Augustus said, "I am a scholar, do you mind if I make a record and witness?"

"Of course." Tai Sui smiled sincerely.

Several people looked at Bai Potian again... The old man didn't even show his green dragon claw, which proved that he had no murderous intention or intention, and said calmly: "Before I answer, tell me what happened outside. "

Zhen Shifang just shut up. He didn't even think about how to fabricate what happened outside... As soon as Su Ruoli came forward, Bai Potian would immediately turn to his wife's side, and the lie would be exposed immediately.

Tai Sui had already prepared a plan for this, and he said: "Actually, besides me, there is another person who covets this throne."

"Oh? Who is it?"

"The well keeper of the hidden courtyard, Wu Lianyue." Tai Sui directly sold the well keeper outside the door: "He is the well keeper left by the Penglai Island owner, but he also covets the position of the throne... because the Penglai Island owner is dead. , but has been reluctant to hand over the throne. For many years, he has been deliberately trying to seize the throne, waiting for the last thought of Penglai Island Master to dissipate, so that he can occupy the throne. "

"Isn't this theft?" The ascetic monk was shocked.

"This Wu Lianyue sounds familiar..." Bai Potian always felt that he had heard it somewhere.

"He is the second among the ten most evil." Zhen Shifang said calmly, "He was on the list five hundred years ago and then disappeared."

"Such a vicious person, the Penglai Island owner actually keeps him in Penglai?"

"As long as the island owner is still alive, he can't make any waves and must guard the hidden courtyard. But as long as the Penglai Island owner's thoughts dissipate, he will no longer have any shackles." Tai Sui said with a serious expression: "The Penglai Island owner founded Penglai Academy just to find The person to inherit the throne, but for so many years, I have never found a suitable candidate... Even if there is a suitable candidate, I am afraid that he will be harmed by Wu Lianyue. "

To incite others, what you say must be true and false. Everything Tai Sui said was true, except for his own position... And because of the identity of King Xiling as a cover, no one suspected that he was fighting for the throne with Wu Lianyue. Come.

Hearing this, Bai Potian took the bait and asked, "Who has Wu Lianyue harmed all this time?"

He had to make associations.

...I knew you would ask this!

Tai Sui glanced at Bai Potian, and sighed vividly: "I know who you want to ask...and I can tell you that it is indeed as you thought, Bai Xinghe's disappearance has a huge connection with Wu Lianyue , he himself was Bai Xinghe’s mentor back then.”

"Wu Lianyue...Wu that right?"

Bai Potian clenched his fists instantly, his hair almost standing on end, as if he immediately entered an angry super match state.

It's really hard to find anywhere, and it takes no effort to get it. The enemy I have been looking for for so many years is actually hiding in Penglai Island!

It turned out that the plan was to divert trouble to the east.

Zhen Shifang understood clearly.

Wu Lianyue indeed had a deep hatred for the Bai family. As long as Bai Potian was lured out of the hidden courtyard, the next initiative would still be on his side.

But counting the three saints outside and the three saints inside, there are six saints working together to deal with Wu Lianyue alone. Even if he is the second most evil person in the ten, it will be too much for him, right?

The Overlord glanced at Tai Sui and thought to himself that he was really a thousand-year-old monster. He would sell his teammates if he said he wanted to. Making a deal with him was no less than seeking the skin of a tiger... After acquiring the bloodline of the Wu clan, it would be best to evacuate Penglai and stay in Penglai for more time. Anyone here might be kidnapped and lose their lives.

"Then Wu Lianyue is outside the hidden courtyard?" Bai Potian held the green dragon claw and frowned with a Sichuan pattern on his eyebrows.

"Exactly...but he can't come in because the body of Penglai Island Master is still here." Tai Sui continued: "You guys can go out and join forces to stop Wu Lianyue and buy time for me to inherit the throne."

"You're not polite at all." Bai Potian glanced at Tai Sui.

"Help each other and benefit from each other." Tai Sui extended his hand: "Happy cooperation."

Bai Potian walked past Tai Sui and headed towards the exit.

When they passed each other, Tai Sui was determined. He knew that Bai Potian would never stay here, and once he left the Tiangtianjing, it would be impossible for him to stop his plan in time.

Although there were some changes, luck was still on his side in the end.

Tai Sui's smile remained unchanged, and the corners of his mouth even became higher and higher.

At this moment, a series of prompts suddenly sounded.


A buzzer sounded, and information floated in like snowflakes. The source of the sound came from Bai Potian.

The old man reached into the lining and took out a large summer-style mobile phone.

This is Penglai, which belongs to the territory of Daxia. Although it is in the hidden courtyard and in front of the throne, as Bai Potian walked a certain distance and came to the area covered by the signal, naturally all kinds of accumulated news came flooding in.

The many missed calls and unread messages displayed on the phone screen made Bai Potian stop.

Because these news come from Baiyu.

If Bai Yu is not in Daxia, then these messages will definitely not be sent out, and he is destined not to receive them.

So Bai Yu must have returned to Daxia from Rome...

Bai Potian moved his finger and clicked on the screen. A random message was opened, and the long text came into view.

Feng Sheng's reading speed is very fast, and the speed of receiving information is equally astonishingly fast.

Scroll the screen quickly and it doesn't take long to read these messages, just ten seconds or so.

"Donor Bai?" the ascetic asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Bai Potian silently put his cell phone back into the lining pocket of his jacket, and immediately grinned, revealing his white teeth.

"Damn it! Fuck! I really... almost got deceived by giving these two pieces of shit!"

At this moment, Tai Sui deeply realized that something was wrong.

The result of the hard-fought deception became futile before the message that had been sent out in advance.

He looked towards Zhen Shifang and shouted loudly: "Move-hand-!"

At the same time, Bai Potian turned around, murderous intent burst out, pointing directly at the two of them.

"You are asking for death!"

The green dragon claws fly across the sky! Speak with anger!

The Shusheng's supersonic blow instantly penetrated the head of Tai Sui's incarnation!

At the same time, the Overlord grasped the hilt of the Star Meteor Iron Sword on the throne and drew it forcefully.

The cracks in the throne burst out with rainbow light.

Zangtianjing ushered in a violent earthquake.

Over Penglai Island.

The flames spread across the sky, like an extremely gorgeous crimson carpet, and the flames flowed downwards into the sea, just like the angel of death spreading his crimson wings and overlooking everything on the earth.

After the knight's armor was removed, the young man dropped his hands flatly and looked at the figure directly in front of the hidden patio.

【Wu Lianyue】

[Second of the ten evils]

[Danger level: 70]

[Remarks: Warning from powerful enemies, warning from the dead]

Bai Yu thought: "So it's you..."

The well guard turned sideways and turned his gaze to Bai Yu. He was also sizing up this young man who was not yet twenty years old, and could sense the astonishing fighting spirit released from the other man's body.

However, the well guard did not show hostility at the first moment, but a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes, as if he was seeing an old friend from long ago.

"About nineteen years ago..." Wu Lianyue said, "There is also a young man who looks like you standing here. His name is Bai Xinghe."

Bai Yu said expressionlessly: "Then what?"

"He was defeated, completely defeated." Wu Lianyue said calmly: "I warned him not to enter Penglai again, but it's a pity that he didn't listen. Sometimes the teacher said that the disciple should not disobey, otherwise he will have to pay the price."

"The same goes for you, Bai Yujing... You are better than your father and your grandfather, but you also don't know how to assess the situation."

"I have refused you entry to Penglai Island once, but you still want to break in."

"Sorry, I didn't see the 'no entry' sign hanging on it when I came in." Bai Yu apologized without sincerity: "So is Bai Xinghe dead?"

"He's not dead." Wu Lianyue said, "He is my most outstanding student, so naturally he will not lose his life here in vain."

"It seems that your strength is not very good either." Bai Yu said calmly: "Since we regard him as a serious problem, we should eradicate him."

Wu Lianyue shook his head and said: "I just don't expect to get to that point. You have been on Penglai Island for so long, haven't I ever made a move on you? As long as you are honest, I won't make a move on you."

"It's better to say it than to sing it." Bai Yu revealed: "It's obviously because the master of Penglai Island tied a chain around your neck, so you couldn't kill him."

"But now this chain is no longer there." Wu Lianyue raised her hand and touched her neck: "You know this, but you still dare to come?"

"Bai Xinghe is Bai Xinghe, I am me, we are not the same person, and I don't believe in any nonsense about repeating my father's mistakes." Bai Yu moved his wrist: "I have never been defeated since my debut."

"Rahu's time doesn't count?"

"You will be successful if you deceive Luo Hu." Bai Yu said, "The conditions for victory are different."

"Haha, okay... So how do you plan to unilaterally declare victory this time? Take your people away from Penglai Island, or prevent me from ascending to the throne?" Wu Lianyue raised his hand, as if his palm wanted to hide the courtyard far away Holding it in his hand: "The former is still possible, the latter is a fantasy."

"I don't have that plan." Bai Yu said briskly: "Everyone in the Xia Dynasty knows that I am a person who enjoys grudges and revenge, and revenge does not have to stay overnight."

"It's easy to say. If you want to take revenge, I, as an elder, will naturally give you this opportunity."

"You'd better put away your alms-giving tone, Wu Lianyue, you hooked up with Tai Sui's incarnation and Zhen Shifang, led them into Penglai Island, and attempted to murder the owner of Penglai Island and replace him, which is a heinous crime." Bai Yu said coldly: "You Betrayed the people of Daxia, CNM.”

"Then it's a matter of life and death." Wu Lianyue laughed happily under her hazy features, as if she was amused: "Okay, great! You are much more arrogant than Bai Xinghe and Bai Potian put together. "

"I have always been humble." Bai Yu pinched his fingers, and the joints made a clear echo: "Because everything I say will become the truth."

Both of them stopped communicating at the same time and stopped talking.

Different road non-phase plan.

This is enough.

What Bai Xinghe couldn't finish, Bai Yu came to take over his unfinished business nineteen years later.

Wu Lianyue is both the enemy of the Bai family and the enemy of Daxia. If such a person takes the position of the master of Penglai Island, Daxia is destined to be in trouble in the future.

This is a family hatred and a national hatred.

So that's it for now, let the rest of my men see the truth.

Both parties pause for ten seconds.


Bai Yu was the first to take action, clenching his five fingers, and thousands of magic spears grew out of the void, biting the prey like a blood basin full of fangs.

But Wu Lianyue's figure only swayed slightly, and he flashed out from the strangulation of thousands of magic spears as if he had broken through a pile of fragile sand.

His explosive power is extremely strong and his speed is extremely fast, far surpassing that of any Martial Saint.

Even if Hua Splash's speed was doubled, he still couldn't catch up with the exhaust gas produced when he moved.

And this collision hit directly in front of Bai Yu.

The Holy Domain erupted, taking on a spherical shape, instantly encompassing a hundred feet in radius. The laws of heaven and earth in the covered space were rewritten, and the space was highly compressed and concentrated. If it was only air that was blocked before, then it was now highly compressed steel.

Wu Lianyue dropped a palm from the air, and in an instant the entire space collapsed into the shape of his palm. It was not some brilliant space control, but pure power.

With just such a palm, clear five-finger marks were made on the spherical sanctuary. When the fingers were tightened, Bai Yu was trapped in the ground.

He took back his right hand and then added a sweeping kick.

The air waves formed by the aftermath of the sweeping kick are extremely exaggerated. This attack is completely enough to form a small-scale tsunami!

Penglai Island.

The three people who were planning to rush forward to help with the fist attack stopped involuntarily.

"Going up is just adding to the chaos..." Amemiya Mahiru pressed the hilt of the knife: "We have to wait for the opportunity."

"What kind of monster is this?" Nan Shizhi couldn't understand: "Is it just the power of the body?"

"Innate creatures..." Tao Rusu concluded: "It is impossible for non-innate creatures to have such a physique. This is the true innate divine power."

"Just like you?"

"Different races." Tao Rusu pursed her lips: "I can't tell what type of innate creature it is. Judging from the surname alone, it is very likely that he... is from the Wu clan."

In Eastern mythology, the witch tribe was transformed from part of the essence and blood in the body of the great god Pangu after he created the world, so they are innate beings.

The Wu Clan is characterized by having no soul but a very strong physique, and the body is strong enough to control wind, rain, thunder, and move mountains and fill the sea.

If Wu Lianyue is really of the Wu Clan bloodline... then it would be too easy to kill a few martial saints with a casual wave of his hand.

After all, the gap between innate creatures and acquired creatures is too huge.

Nan Shizhi was stunned after hearing this, and she couldn't help asking: "Can the sir win? Isn't he now equivalent to fighting with the real gods?"

Tao Rusu adjusted his breath and said: "The Wu Clan is not a god clan... Although it is extremely strong, it is not without weaknesses, and..."

Although Wu Lianyue is a congenital creature with a physique canonized, Bai Yu is also the only one who has been canonized as a soul in the past thousand years.

Wu Lianyue is only the second of the Ten Evils. The recognized first person who is truly invincible in the past thousand years is Luo Hou, who was canonized as a soul!

The ripples of the space vibration dissipated.

Wu Lianyue raised his hand, and then put it down, because he just made a swift move, but he didn't have a sense of implementation.

The next moment, a crisis flashed through his mind.

Wu Lianyue turned his head and saw a dazzling blade light falling from the sky. He put his hands into the white blade and clasped his palms to receive the blade light that was slashing towards his back. His body was pressed down ten feet. He clenched his five fingers, held the blade with his left hand, and smashed it with his right elbow. At the same time, he stepped into the air to chase, and his fists once again struck out with the power to shake the world. The piercing cold was intertwined in the wind. The frost special effects and the hurricane special effects made a layer of snow fall from the top of Penglai Island.

But there was still no sense of solidity!

Bai Yu disappeared again, like a ghost, floating like a phantom.

When Wu Lianyue held Bai Yu's blade for the third time, his shoulder was cut by the weapon, and a piece of his sleeve fell with blood, and then burned to ashes in mid-air.

"What kind of canonization are you!" Wu Lianyue asked with a gloomy face: "What tricks did you use!"

"It's all taught by Luohou... Why don't you go ask him?" Bai Yu asked jokingly.

Inside and outside the Zangtianjing, two fierce battles were going on.

Obviously, both battles were a blessing in disguise, and the tilt of the balance on one side would lead to changes in the outcome of the other side.

This battle was obviously destined to not end easily in a short period of time.

The fragile balance was established, and it would be quickly broken until the first casualty appeared.

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