Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 886 Time flies, but the hair remains, facing the sunset alone for a thousand years (two in o

I entered this old cafe and chose a seat by the window to sit down.

The vicissitudes of life young man asked calmly: "What would you like to drink?"

"You have no idea what flavor I like?" Bai Yu replied.

"The taste will change... If you drink too much Happy Water, you will get tired of it."

"Ice American style will do." Bai Yu said casually.

"I don't like coffee."

"I don't like it either." Bai Yu said, "But this is a coffee shop."

Two glasses of iced Americano were quickly handed to the table. The clerk didn't seem to notice the two people here who looked very similar. His attention was distracted. After delivering the drinks, he returned to the back of the bar and continued to watch TV. Old cartoons played on.

"Are you thinking about how to speak?" Bai Yu looked at the young man and asked, "I don't intend to waste my precious time drinking coffee with you here."

"Your time is indeed precious, but mine is different." The young man picked up the cup and took a sip of the bitter liquid, staring across the table into the eyes of the young man sitting opposite him: "The rest is just garbage time. "

"You sound so world-weary."

"Everyone grows up like this."

"I feel that I have lived two lifetimes, but I have not become like Huo Qiushui." Bai Yu said, "I didn't expect that this life would be so long, a thousand years."

He looked at the street outside the window: "But what kind of place is this place? Why don't I recognize it at all? Bactria a thousand years later, or Rome and Fuso a thousand years later? It seems that the level of science and technology has not improved much."

"What did you expect to see?"

"Space elevator?" Bai Yu thought for a while and said casually: "Going to the moon with the widow to travel?"

"With your current level of cultivation, it is not difficult to leave the surface of the planet. Why don't you go to the moon and see it?" the young man said.

"Isn't this nonsense? It's not safe in the sky." Bai Yu lamented and sighed: "It's extremely cold at high places."

"It seems you know what's going on."

"No, it's been a thousand years, and the problem of the outer gods hasn't been solved yet?" Bai Yu touched his chin: "We agreed that the future of civilization will be the stars and the sea?"

"You seem to have been certain that a thousand years will definitely bring about progress and development." The young man stared into Bai Yu's eyes and asked calmly: "Why can't it be decadence and regression?"

Bai Yu was stumped by this question. Then he leaned on the back of the seat, licked his lips, and then faced the other person's questioning gaze and said, "Aren't you still alive? What abilities do we have? You It’s obviously very clear.”

With ten consecutive guaranteed superpowers, as long as there is enough time and enough fault tolerance, it is definitely not difficult to develop civilization and revolutionary technology.

"You think too highly of yourself."

"I never think highly of myself, unless it's the truth." When Bai Yu said this, he didn't have the slightest bit of pride. He could not believe in his own abilities, but he had to believe in his own superpowers.

The young man continued to take a sip of coffee, and his voice became a bit dry: "Maybe... but I don't have that thought and energy now. I have spent a lot of energy just to maintain this place. Where can I have the extra energy? Do something else."

Bai Yu said in a low voice: "I always feel like there is a sad thick barrier between us. We are obviously communicating but don't speak the same language as the horse. You seem to know a lot, but you are not willing to mention it to me at all. Shouldn't you Let’s have a frank chat?”

The young man asked calmly: "What you want to talk about is nothing more than what happened in the past thousand years, what I have experienced, and what things I can tell you in advance as a warning."

Bai Yu nodded: "That's why I chose to finish the spoiler."

"But why did I tell you?" The young man stared at Bai Yu calmly: "Why do you think you will get help from me as a matter of course?"

"..." Bai Yu was stunned. He really hadn't thought about this problem.

"I helped you, I can help you avoid it, but what about me? What can I get?" The young man asked calmly, just like a businessman in a shopping mall asking what he can get from his partner. Such interests have no human touch at all in business.

Bai Yu shook his head, saying that he couldn't think of it for the time being.

People in the upper reaches of the timeline can change the direction of the future if they get information, but young people in the lower reaches of the timeline cannot get help from the past.

Unless this timeline is unique, there are no more branches.

But after all, both parties are the same person.

"Are you expressing envy, jealousy, and hatred towards me?" Bai Yu pointed out directly: "Because I can't change the past history, I hope that you and I will walk on the same path and repeat the same mistakes... This is just venting anger."

"It's just to vent your anger." The young man also admitted: "It's also jealousy. I admit all of this... After all, everyone doesn't like their past self, and I believe you are the same."

"That's true." Bai Yu touched his cheek: "I don't know how many times I want to go back to the past and give myself a big mouth... And if I could really go back to the past, I swear I would do the same, but I hate going back. Hateful, the reason why I want to give my past self a slap in the face is that I hope he can change for the better, live an easier life, and not repeat the same mistakes and experience unnecessary pain. "

The young man said nothing, looked at the table, and added a spoonful of sugar to his coffee.

"The pain you have experienced has shaped you now, but if you hope that I can taste the pain you have experienced twice, and be tortured into a more cold-blooded monster than you, that can only be said to be a distortion, and what are you doing? Neither can be obtained.”

"It's not that I won't get anything." The young man showed a cruel smile: "At least I can feel a little comfort, because I am not the only one who fell into hell."

Boiling malice boils.

Maybe this is blackening?

Bai Yu thought to herself that this was the first time he had seen himself so completely black. He really didn't know what he had gone through in the future timeline to force a sunny and cheerful boy to look like this.

"I'm very curious." Bai Yu suddenly asked an irrelevant question: "Did you get the ending spoiler back then? If you get it, but are rejected by yourself a thousand years later, then I won't What else will you ask? This is obviously a cycle of cause and effect."

The young man obviously didn't want to answer this question, and his movements of stirring the coffee became sluggish, just like the game was stuck and read when loading.


He replied: "I didn't get a finale spoiler, never."

"That's good." Bai Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "This at least proves that you and I are not on the same timeline. Maybe the future will be roughly similar, but at least I still have the opportunity to tamper with the future."

"What if I answer yes?"

"That's even better."

"Why is it better?"

"Since you and I are on the same timeline, then maybe you are me in the future, and now will be your only chance to change the past... Are you still here arguing with me because of personal emotional issues?"

Bai Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at the young man as if he were a fool.

"So, do you want to continue to talk nonsense with me here, or do you want to gamble that the possibility is only 1 in 10,000? If I can rewrite the past, maybe I can drag you out of hell."

The young man was speechless after saying this. He actually started to think about this possibility.

The previous answer may not be the truth. He may have really gotten the ending spoilers, but he may not have gotten the results he wanted from the ending spoilers, or he may have gotten the spoilers but still not have the ability to rewrite the future direction.

Bai Yu also knows that it is difficult to convince someone. In fact, what he wants to convince is not others, but to give himself a step down... As long as the young man can get over this hurdle in his heart, he does not need to resist himself. and concealment.

Finally, after thirty seconds of contemplation, the young man drank the black coffee in his hand and raised his hand to order two iced Cokes.

I put a different drink in front of me.

Bai Yu stretched out his hand to take it, but couldn't touch it, so he felt lonely... On the contrary, he was just a projection here, and he couldn't drink water at all, so he could only stare blankly.

"You must have a lot to ask."

"Let's put it bluntly..."

"This is neither Daxia, nor Fusang, nor Rome... but the new world a thousand years from now."

As soon as the young man opened his mouth, he revealed important information that made Bai Yu hold his thighs with both hands.

"New world?"

"The New World refers to this place... This small world is only one-fifth of the area of ​​the American continent. There are about 30 million people living here. This is the limit. The resources can only support so many people."

"Furthermore, the technological level here is low, resource output is limited, and the extraordinary system cannot rise above the third level."

"There are five numbered areas in total. You and I are in area number 3."

Bai Yu frowned: "It's not that I don't understand, but I just can't figure it out... What kind of new world is this? Isn't this just..."

"Do you want to say lingering?" The young man stared at the busy traffic outside the window and snapped his fingers. In an instant, the whole world fell into a stagnant gray-white state: "You are right, this world is an ark I expanded, carrying The last spark of Earth Star civilization... I have said before that a thousand years may not bring about progress, but it is also very likely to be a regression. The era after a thousand years will be the post-apocalyptic era. "

Bai Yu said: "Since there is a new world, then there is also an old world?"

"The old world is the old world that you and I know...and it's been destroyed."

"What?!" Bai Yu stood up suddenly.

"There is nothing surprising... You have actually known for a long time that the entire world is in the stage of gradual collapse... The shadow world is a accumulation of past history. Sooner or later, it will swallow up the entire world, whether it is Daxia or Rome. , They are all trying their best to delay time.”

"The expansion speed of the shadow world cannot engulf the entire world within a thousand years." Bai Yu shook his head: "And with the throne anchored, the shadow world cannot form a flooding undercurrent."

"It was originally good, but have you forgotten that not everyone is so patient." The young man said calmly: "There are many powerful beings waiting for the moment when the Earth Star is swallowed up by the Shadow World. They will Accelerating this process, starting from the time when the dead tide blocked the ocean and isolated the countries... Many of the major changes in history were scripted by their own hands. "

"Outer God?" Bai Yu's memory was clear. The Outer God had directly attacked Scathach. Because the owner of the throne was immortal and the throne was not destroyed, there would be no undercurrent in the shadow world.

"It is one of them, and there is a similar one in Daxia."


"Demon Ancestor."

"Why are they so obsessed with destroying the Earth Star?"

"Destruction is not the goal, the goal is to restart and reconstruct the world. The stars in the sky are waiting for this moment."

Bai Yu suppressed his voice and asked slowly: "Did they succeed?"

"I succeeded here."

"Then they created this new world that can only accommodate 30 million people?" Bai Yu was furious.

"You misunderstood." The young man shook his head and said, "This is not a new world... The new world is still in the process of being conceived and has not yet been completed. Calculating the time, it will take about 99,000 years for the world to be completely reborn?"

"What about this new world?"

"I created it." The young man said.

"Are you a seeker?" Bai Yu was stunned: "No."

"It's a long story."

The conversation paused here, like a halftime break, and like a foreshadowing for the follow-up.

Bai Yu had a premonition that the next words were the key, and the young man also needed some time to control his emotions and organize his words.

Time in the coffee shop was stilled, without affecting the hustle and bustle outside the window. Everything in the shop was gray and white. In the dead silence, only the happy water was still bubbling.

"I messed up..."

Accompanied by a dull sigh of self-reflection, the conversation entered the key topic.

"The Demon Ancestor revived, the Outer God descended, and the defenses of the two major countries in the East and the West were destroyed in just one day. With the death of the two throne masters, the anchor point was pulled out, and the nail that finally controlled the dark tide disappeared. In just less than two months, the world was declared dead."

He spoke quickly and generally.

It was so general that Bai Yu could not feel the truth of these words.

But soon he realized it.

"Both throne masters died in battle?"


"Bai Potian and Scathach...are both dead?"

"Dead, died heroically." The young man touched his forehead and recalled: "Bai Potian lifted Penglai Island to the sky, along with the throne, and crashed into the Demon Ancestor, dying heroically, with no intact body, delaying it for an hour, but only an hour."

"The Demon Ancestor has revived, how did he..." Bai Yu opened his mouth, and at this time he thought of two people, one was Luo Hou, and the other was Huang Qixia, but he didn't know whether he should ask, but it was definitely not as expected.

"In the battle against the Demon Ancestor, Luohou was at the forefront. He was the first to die because the Jidu arrows were no longer useful... After the soul of the evil woman experienced reincarnation, she was no longer afraid of the Jidu arrows." The young man said: "Once the Demon Ancestor is resurrected, Luohou will not be able to stop him."

"How did Scathach die in the battle?"

"She died at the hands of the Outer Gods... The battlefield was on the moon. The battle was very exciting. She deserved to lose. Unfortunately, no one could pick up her body."

Bai Yu's fingers tapped the table lightly. He didn't want to continue asking many questions.

The young man said slowly: "If you don't want to ask, then don't ask."

Some things don't need to be said too clearly.

What else should I say?

Talk about those who didn't come back alive together?

That Bei Mingque didn't succeed in being canonized as a saint in the end, and was buried in the first wave of dark tides like Lin Haiya?

That Hua Sheng and Yan Wuji carried two mountains together to stop the Demon Ancestor and stayed behind to cover the retreat, and even the bodies were buried in the mountains and couldn't be dug out?

Did Ren Nanbei have a flash of life when he blocked the dark tide, broke through the realm of sainthood, and lasted for three more days before dying?

Or did he say that the day before the end of the world, Sister Daxia held her hand, smiled, closed her eyes, and fell asleep humming a ballad.

"You are the only one who has survived until now?" Bai Yu asked.

"...Yes, only me." The young man replied.

He is the only one who is alive, and everyone else is dead.


"Why are you still alive?" Bai Yu asked again.

He was not making a personal attack, but a question.

Since everyone else is dead, why are you still alive?

Just reincarnate directly, is it that difficult?

The young man raised his eyes, looked at Bai Yu quietly, and then answered: "Because I can't die. If I die, the 30 million people here will not survive."

"The Ark Project is the last plan to survive in despair."

"After the arrival of the Demon Ancestor and the Outer Gods to destroy the two major countries, everyone knew that there was no possibility of defeating the powerful enemy. The final decision made after the meeting was that I would take out all the canonized interiors and piece them together into a small world."

"The small world is the Ark, which will accommodate 30 million people and carry them to the new world 100,000 years later."

"I am the navigator, the only navigator."

The young man spoke in a low voice, and the positions of the two people were exchanged at this moment. Bai Yu became tense, like an angry lion; the young man acted calmly, as if he was talking about someone else's business.

The reason why the former acted very calm was that he had long passed the emotional stage.

He experienced life and death fights again and again, and experienced countless losses. What continued the fire of civilization was courage and strategy, sacrifice and abandonment.

Then, bearing all the pain and scars brought by the loss, with 30 million survivors and the fire of Earth civilization, he waited alone for a thousand years.

Just hearing and seeing it is shocking.

And this is the future that Bai Yu will arrive at sooner or later.

Every friend, every relative, every loved one is rushing to death, but he is powerless, and in the end they are all lost, and none of them can be saved.

But he couldn't die yet, couldn't go to reincarnation and reunite with them, he could only move forward alone, leaving the past in the past.

What is engraved in the soul must be the pain, despair and unwillingness that wakes up even in dreams.

The most cruel thing... is the one hundred thousand years of waiting.

He must shoulder the mission of sending 30 million survivors to the new world. No one can complete it except him. Therefore, for life after life, forever and ever, he will have to carry this ark made of countless bones and corpses. , waiting here together until he decays... Even if thousands of dead souls are lingering, even if countless curses are lingering, and a heavy burden is on his shoulders, it can't make his spine bend even half a minute, and it can't make his heart soften even half a minute.

We have made countless huge sacrifices to get to where we are today...and we are now thousands of years old.

It's impossible for him to have no regrets, but now he doesn't even have the qualifications to regret it.

The most despairing fact is that even if he has the energy to change his destiny, he cannot prevent the doomed destruction. With all his efforts, he can no longer see the familiar smile, and can no longer embrace the warm body temperature.

At this moment, Bai Yu suddenly wanted to escape from here, wanted to leave this place, wanted to return to her lovers, embrace them, and escape the cold future filled with cruel loneliness and despair.

He somewhat understood why the young man said those words before.

"How cruel." Bai Yu whispered: "You actually showed me such a future..."

"But we all have no choice." The young man said, "Don't tell me that you are afraid."

"Who is not afraid? Scared to death, right?" Bai Yu laughed at himself: "I may not be afraid of life and death, but instead of waiting alone for a hundred thousand years, I might as well enter reincarnation early and pray to see you again in the next life."

"That won't work." The young man shook his head and said, "I've told you the facts, so you can't look away from it. The best way to overcome fear is to face it head-on. It's a foregone conclusion for me, but for me It hasn’t come yet for you.”

"Hiss... fu!" Bai Yu took a deep breath to adjust his mood: "What should I do? You should already have the answer, right?"

After a thousand years, Bai Yu didn't believe that he hadn't reviewed all the changes of that year, let alone that he hadn't thought of ways to change the past.

In front of me, he should be the person who knows the best way to solve the problem.

Bai Yu didn't have time to worry about this slowly.

What he needs is an answer, an accurate and standard correct answer.

The young man also bluntly said: "The key point is the alien gods and demon ancestors...their appearance is fatal. It is impossible for you to defeat the alien gods and demon ancestors at this stage, but the arrival of the alien gods will take time." , Demon Ancestor also needs a resurrection ritual."

"Tai Sui will definitely join forces with the lackeys of the Outer God. Once the Demon Ancestor revives, the Outer God will have a chance to come."

"So the most critical person among them is..."

Bai Yu has already thought of: "Huang Qixia."

"You have two choices next." The young man raised his index finger: "Kill Huang Qixia and send Nuxie to reincarnation. This will change the future and delay another five hundred years."

Bai Yu said: "I can't do it."

"I think so." The young man raised his middle finger: "Then you can only choose the second method... I personally recommend you to use this method, because although it is a big gamble, it may also be the way for us to win everything. The only chance."

"What do you mean?" Bai Yu didn't understand.

"Huang Qixia is not a female evil spirit." The young man said slowly, "So, you want the female evil spirit to become Huang Qixia."

"..." Bai Yu thought thoughtfully. This was not a riddle, and the meaning was not difficult to understand.

"This is your only chance." The young man said, "Once the female evil invades Huang Qixia's consciousness, she will no longer be her."

Bai Yu wanted to ask more questions, but saw something thrown by the young man, and he subconsciously caught it.

There is an object lying in the palm of the hand.

【Reincarnation Card】

"What is this?" Bai Yu was quite surprised: "How come you have such a card?"

"I didn't upgrade to finish the spoiler. This is the thing I regret the most."

The young man sighed faintly: "If I chose to upgrade to the final spoiler, would the ending be different now?"

"I have no use for this card anymore. I give it to you. I hope you can make good use of it."

"If it really comes to the point of no return, use this card to send Huang Qixia to reincarnation."

Bai Yu put the card away, nodded and said, "I'll remember it, thank you."

"Your time is almost up." The young man saw a faint white light emitting from Bai Yu's body.

"By the way, I have one more thing." Bai Yu suddenly remembered that there was another important thing to ask: "The Chronicle of Heroes..."

"Do you still need to ask?" The young man shook his head and watched calmly as the other party disappeared.

He picked up another cup and drank the happy water in one gulp.

The ears of the young man sitting quietly in the coffee shop echoed with a sound that had not been heard for thousands of years.

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