Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 904 Is this awesome? (7k2)

As soon as these two sentences were asked, everyone present was shocked, and a shocking idea came into their mind.

Before the list of the top ten and the ten fiercest, the top ten martial arts champions were the pinnacle of Daxia's combat power. How many people in the world practiced martial arts day and night, fought life and death, traveled far and wide, and comprehended the world in order to become the top ten champions and become famous all over the world.

To be the top ten champions is equivalent to getting the title of academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the academic world, and it can even be regarded as the title of Nobel Prize winners worldwide, and it is a top big man.

But such a young man raised these two doubts to the sword champion.

How dare he?

The sword champion is not a good-tempered and reasonable person. The only person in the world who can criticize the sword champion in person is Axe Immortal. If the other top ten champions ask this question, it will be a big deal to tear their faces.

Wu Zhengtang swallowed his saliva. He was afraid that a full-scale battle between top masters would start right now. At that time, the aftermath alone would be enough to shock him, a rookie, to death seven or eight times.

The shopkeeper on the second floor was sobered up by the shock and cast a vigilant look at the woman at the same table: "This... lady, why don't you stop it?"

"What is there to stop." Huang Qiyun held up the wine glass with his fingers and took a sip: "He is not wrong. Those who bully others by taking advantage of their power should be prepared to be bullied in return. The dignified sword master has this kind of pattern. It is not worth being vigilant at all."

Zhou's sword master stared at the young man at a close distance with a gloomy face. He was not angry, or he knew he should not be angry yet.

He could not see the origin of this person at all, nor could he figure out the details of his strength... But he dared to provoke him in person. At the worst, he was a saint. Although he looked young, he might be an old monster over a hundred years old.

He was a sword master after all, but he couldn't even sense the slightest breath. It can be seen how restrained the other party's spirit was. If he met him on the street, he would not be able to feel the difference between him and ordinary people. What a terrible control.

"Who are you?" Zhou Kui asked in a deep voice.

"A passerby." Bai Yu said calmly: "By the way, I just can't stand you bullying the younger generation. When did Da Xia become so unruly?"

"Rules? This is a matter between my Zhou family and the Wu family. It's unruly for you to intervene rashly, right?" Zhou Kui said slowly: "If you insist on intervening, I can give you face and let this kid apologize and leave."

"Hehe..." Bai Yu sneered: "What does it have to do with the Wu family? I just don't like you."

Dao Kui narrowed his eyes: "It seems that you must compete with me today. Are you here for the title of Dao Kui?"

"Not really." Bai Yu said something shocking: "Even if I beat you and take this title, there is no sense of accomplishment. Will people feel happy and proud for defeating a rural goose?"

This is already naked contempt.

But even at this point, Dao Kui still did not get angry. He was still restrained and controlled his emotions very well.

Not for anything else, but because... his knife was in Bai Yu's hand.

As the knife leader and a swordsman, his weapon fell into the hands of the opponent at the first time, which means that even if he wanted to draw his knife at this time, he might not have the chance.

Not to mention that Bai Yu was just talking now, even if he really slapped him, Zhou Kui had to be patient and wait for the opportunity to grab the knife.

Bai Yu also noticed Zhou Kui's eyes and small movements.

"I know what you are thinking now: it's all because I just deliberately 'stole' your knife and took the first-hand advantage."

"No matter what I say, you will endure it, although you are not convinced in your heart."

The knife leader did not say anything.

Bai Yu directly turned the 'crossing the river pawn' around and handed the handle to Zhou Kui: "Then I will give you a chance to be convinced."

Zhou Kui stared at the handle handed to him, his eyes became a little more puzzled, and then turned into anger after the next sentence.

Bai Yu, who had always stood sideways, did not even look at the sword master from five hundred years ago, and his tone was flat and almost contemptuous.

"Pull out the sword first and then convince me."

Again and again.

He could not bear the good temper of the clay Buddha, and the sword master Zhou Kui was not a good temper. He was known as the "mad sword" in the world, and his sword skills were fierce and violent, just like his own personality.

If the temper was too good, he would not be able to use such sword skills.

Facing the hilt handed to him, Zhou Kui could not give in. This was related to the reputation of the sword master and his own spirit... Even if he was afraid of this unknown person, he had no chance to retreat now.

Zhou Kui did not hold the hilt, but raised his right hand and controlled the sword with his Qi.

At a distance of about half a foot, he clenched his five fingers suddenly, trying to pull the river-crossing soldier out of the scabbard.

His action did cause the famous sword to tremble. It was about two inches out of the sheath, and a hint of cold light leaked out from the sheath. The blade vibrated and hit the sheath, and a breeze spread between the two of them. The wind blew within three feet nearby, and a layer of white frost condensed on the ground in an instant.

The sword's intention, evil spirit, sword force, and the power of heaven and earth caused this strange phenomenon.

Zhou Kui stared at the trembling blade, his eyes were filled with anger, and his right hand was raised seven inches higher again. His true energy was like countless threads wrapped around the handle of the knife. He wanted to pull it out. With the Qi connected, the Crossing River Soldier was barely able to pull it out three inches long.

The sound of ding-dong-dong came from the inside of the scabbard, the blade was trembling, and sparks flew out from the slightly tilted scabbard.

The Wu family and the Zhou family looked at the scene in front of them without daring to breathe. This was not at the level they could understand at all. They just felt it was incredible, just like a group of high school students watching the mathematicians who won the Schultz Prize writing on the blackboard, with clear confusion and stupidity in their eyes, but this did not prevent them from shouting a few "Fuck" and "Bunker".

Came to the three-inch distance.

The knife leader's breathing became obviously rapid, and his hand-raising movement became slower and more difficult. The more he drew out the knife, the more resistance he encountered inside it increased exponentially. In the extremely slow process of raising his hand, the knife drew out another inch, reaching four inches.

Zhou Kui's forehead was already sweaty.

He quietly brewed a breath in his chest, and a violent tornado suddenly appeared on the blade, forming a circular wind and waves. The blade vibrated at a high frequency, and then drew out another inch, reaching a length of five inches... At the same time, there was a gap on the pillar not far away, and the pillar that one person could hug was cut in half.

At this time, the knife leader was completely unaware that he was sweating profusely, and the sweat slid down his cheeks, and the hair on his forehead was also stained by sweat.

Bai Yu's eyes were calm and expressionless.

This was really a clear difference in the eyes of others.

Everyone knew that it was much more difficult to stop someone from drawing a knife than to draw a knife.

Bai Yu only held the scabbard, but the contemporary sword master still couldn't pull out the sword after spending so much effort. His demeanor of lifting a heavy weight with ease showed that his strength was definitely higher than that of the sword master.

Zhou Kui was in a dilemma.

He had been working hard for several times, but he could only pull out the sword five inches.

He looked sideways and met Bai Yu's calm eyes of "just like this", and he was immediately indignant... In this distracted time, the sword was pushed back a little, from five inches to four and a half inches.


Zhou Kui realized that he was too arrogant. If he continued like this, even if he spent half an hour, he would definitely be the first to run out of strength!

He immediately gave up the idea of ​​controlling the sword with his qi, and grabbed the handle of the sword with his right hand. His five fingers held the weapon, but he did not pull it out. Instead, he turned the handle of the sword violently, and the whole sword and the scabbard spun like a gyroscope.

In this way, he forced Bai Yu to release the scabbard.

Bai Yu did indeed loosen the scabbard, holding his five fingers in a hollow grip, and pulled some distance.

The two exchanged positions, Bai Yu changed from holding to holding in a hollow grip, while Zhou Kui changed from holding in a hollow grip to holding in a solid grip, and took this opportunity to pull out the river crossing soldier to nine inches in one go.

"Good!" Xihai Zhou applauded repeatedly.

Bai Yu suddenly smiled, and then pushed his right hand forward, as if to push the knife back into the scabbard; Zhou Kui's face changed drastically, and he immediately tried to stop him, but he couldn't stop it at all. The speed at which the scabbard closed and the blade was extremely fast, from nine inches to seven inches.

Dao Kui had to change to holding the knife with both hands, and only then did he barely stop Bai Yu's counter-pressure, but he could only barely hold five inches.

Two invisible but substantial forces kept pulling back and forth on the river crossing soldier, sparks mixed with frost flew everywhere, spider-web-like cracks spread from the feet of the two, and the granular objects produced by the breakage were wonderfully suspended again, and all kinds of phenomena were rubbing and generating heat on Newton's coffin board.

At this point, everyone could see that Zhou Kui couldn't pull out his sword.

He used both hands, but he couldn't cover the opponent's one-handed push, like a vassal who was conquered all the way, constantly ceding territory, and finally only three inches of land were left.

Zhou Kui's eyes were red.

He had practiced swordsmanship all his life, how could he accept such an absurd result, facing a strong enemy, but couldn't even pull out his sword.

Seeing that the last three inches of distance were about to be completely lost, he roared in anger and kicked directly at Bai Yu's position.

Bai Yu didn't expect Zhou Kui to kick like this, and opened the holy domain for passive defense. Although he himself did not move, he gave the opponent a chance to withdraw. Dao Kui directly used the force to bounce back several meters away and pulled out the weapon from the scabbard at the same time.

Although the scabbard was still in Bai Yu's hand, at least he finally succeeded in pulling out the sword.

Huang Qiyun couldn't stand it anymore and slammed the table and stood up: "What a shameless guy!"

Zhou Kui was not justified but also very confident: "You didn't say that you can't use your feet!"

No matter what posture he used, at least the knife was drawn out.

The knife leader thought that just drawing the knife was not the end, so he simply took advantage of the situation to pursue.

He was already a little angry now, and many thoughts were thrown out of his mind.

The mad knife rose with the wind.

The cold knife light slashed directly at the vital parts of Bai Yu's torso without any explanation.

The knife leader's move was already the top of the martial arts world.

If we talk about the frontal combat ability, Zhou Kui, the knife leader, is not in vain. His strength is actually at the same level as the spear leader... and those who use knives are usually not as good as those who use guns. From this, we can see that his strength is slightly better than the Wu family spear leader, but because of the problem of weapon compatibility, his knife skills are difficult to exert the strongest power.

This mad knife is indeed the peak of the martial arts world.

But this is only the martial arts world five hundred years ago.

The reason why Bai Yu looks down on Zhou Kui is because compared to Huo Qiushui, the amazing swordsman of later generations, he is far behind in both talent and character.

Although Huo Qiushui had his faults and was a little too protective of Wusheng Pavilion when he got older, he served the country and the people throughout his life, always abided by the rules, and never did anything to strangle the younger generations.

Even though the two sides were hostile at first, he only put a little pressure on Bai Yu and made things difficult. After realizing his talent, he immediately gave up the pressure and turned to support.

In terms of character, Zhou Kui is far inferior to Huo Qiushui.

In terms of strength and talent, Huo Qiushui single-handedly improved Da Xia's sword skills by more than ten feet.

Bai Yu just glanced at Zhou Kui's sword and lost interest.

This sword technique is not as fast as Qianji Rakshasa; it is not as heavy as three swords crossing the river.

Identified as an outdated antique.

Bai Yu's eyes turned cold, and he held the scabbard with his backhand, using it as a weapon, and slashed down with the mighty force of the thunderous sword... The third sword across the river: Overbearing!

The soldier crossing the river faced the scabbard.

What was supposed to be a crushing game ended up being an overwhelming one-sided suppression.

But it was completely different from what he imagined. It was the scabbard that suppressed the crazy sword.

Bai Yu's cultivation level is no longer what it used to be. After many battles, his realm has been completely stabilized. His mastery of the three swords crossing the river has also been integrated into the essence of Qianji Rakshasa's sword skills, and the skills of the two sword saints. With the sword skill in hand, this first strike was a complete understanding for him.

Even if Qianji Rakshasa and Huo Qiushui come here, they will have to lie down obediently when they encounter this knife.

The Crazy Sword could only be said to be too fragile before this sword. It pursued attack power and sharpness too much, and pursued moves too much. It was completely defeated in terms of strength and speed, just like a clothes pole against Mach Three. baseball bat.

Even if the former could really shoot down Feiyan, it would not be able to stop the latter from violently destroying it.

The results are clear.

During the devastating offensive, the soldier crossing the river was pushed back and hit Zhou Kui's chest. He spurted out a mouthful of blood, which steamed into mist. He lost his balance, his body fell all the way back, his chest collapsed, and his hands He pressed on the back of the knife tightly, but he still couldn't stop the powerful force of the knife. He flew out of the restaurant from the side, backed up nearly 500 meters, and finally stopped when his back hit the city wall.

Several eye-catching cracks extend all the way from the wall.

The contemporary swordsman sat down against the city wall, clutching the weapon in his hands with both hands. Whether it was the right hand holding the handle of the sword or the left hand holding the back of the sword, bones could already be seen in the worn areas, and both hands had already break.

After all, the body of the Martial Saint is too fragile and lacks the protection of the holy realm. The result of a head-on confrontation is that the one that is not hard enough turns into a brittle biscuit.

Ta-ta-ta... footsteps fell nearby.

Bai Yu held the scabbard and followed him all the way. Hundreds of melon-eaters had already gathered on both sides of the road.

Although it was getting late at this time, there were many people in Gelu City, and the people in the rivers and lakes were all a group of people with irregular lifestyles. Indispensable, there were many streetwalkers shopping in the streets. Seeing such a big mess, even if they didn't If you dare to go up and join in the fun, you must be there to eat some melon seeds.

Someone took a closer look and exclaimed: "I'll go, isn't that the sword chief of the Zhou family!"

The people eating melons nearby shook their fingers and almost threw the melon rinds out: "You read that right, right?"

"I can't recognize that sword even if I don't recognize it! River Crossing Soldier, one of the top three most famous swords in history, must have been passed down for many generations!"

"It's really... no? That's Dao Kui. How did it become like this?"

"Oh my God, the mighty Martial Saint Wu Kui...could he have offended the Martial Immortal?"

Passers-by around him started talking, and then fell silent.

Because Bai Yu had already approached with the scabbard in hand, looking at Zhou Kui who was already leaning against the wall and trying to stand up, he said calmly: "Are you convinced?"

Although Zhou Kui is an arrogant person, as a martial artist in the martial arts world, he understands the principle of standing firm and taking a beating. If his skills are inferior to others, his skills are inferior to others. The sword that the opponent just used was a shock, but it was enough for him to chase for a lifetime.

"You, ahem, you won..." He said weakly: "From now on, you will be the new sword leader."

"No need." Bai Yu threw the scabbard back: "I said before, I don't like it!"

"Ahem, wait, wait..." Zhou Kui struggled to support his body and stood up: "You, you are Mr. Bai... Mr. Bai?!"


There was a bit of noise in the originally quiet crowd in the arena. Many eyes fell on Bai Yu, and they started talking in low voices when they saw his appearance.

"It really seems like..."

"This young master is exactly like the storyteller in Mr. Storyteller."

"Is there really such a person in the world? Not only is he so handsome, but his cultivation level is better than that of Wu Kui?"

"That's not victory. Look at how Daokui was beaten."

"Why did they have a conflict? Did Dao Kui drink too much and molest that girl Huang?"

Bai Yu also realized that his identity would be recognized, and said calmly: "It's me... If you want to take revenge, I will leave you an address and a note. Even if you come, you can also bring the Spear King of the West Sea with you. I I don’t mind if I beat you both.”

The audience was stunned again, and the people in the world were dazzled.

Saying such domineering words in such a plain tone really makes people's blood boil.

After all, life is so boring, so pretending is a necessity for many people. Watching others pretend can also satisfy their spiritual needs. Talents in the world are so fond of gossip.

"How dare you..." Zhou Kui sighed. Unexpectedly, he had been warned by the leader before, so he turned around and kicked the iron plate.

He looked at the other person's leaving figure bitterly, thinking silently... You really are a Yushu Linfeng, but why don't you wear white clothes, so that I won't recognize the wrong person.

He was looking for a place to heal his wounds when he suddenly saw an ax grazing his scalp and falling to the ground, blocking his way.

Dao Kui broke out in cold sweat, then took a deep breath and looked at the visitor: "Miss Shen San, do you want my life?"

"I didn't rush over when I heard someone was making trouble, but I didn't expect that your majestic sword master was also involved." Shen Xiruo glanced at Zhou Kui, raised an eyebrow and said, "I originally wanted to come over to try to persuade you to have a fight, but I didn't expect you to be involved too." When you are hungry."

"My skills are just inferior to those of others." Zhou Kui said calmly.

"You lost?" Shen Xiruo said in surprise.

"Lost." Dao Kui said: "The rules of the world are that the Zhou family will be responsible for what happened today. I will go to the city lord's mansion to apologize, and I will also ask the younger members of the family to apologize to the Wu family."

"It doesn't look like you to be so bold, doesn't it?" Shen Xiruo raised an eyebrow. In the impression, Zhou Kui was quite arrogant and arrogant, and he looked unconvinced by everyone.

"If everything is okay, Zhou will go back to heal his injuries first."

Zhou Kui clasped his fists, bent over, turned around, grabbed the scabbard, and walked away with a staggering step.

His character is indeed arrogant, but he is not unreasonable. He didn't do this in the past because it was unnecessary; he does it now because he doesn't want to care about it.

Bai Yu's sword strike just now far surpassed all the sword techniques he had ever seen.

Dao Kui thought that he was already standing on the top of the mountain with all the swordsmanship in the world, but he didn't expect that the sky was nine levels high. The scenery after climbing up was presented to him, which would definitely make a swordsman excited.

For a martial arts maniac, nothing is more joyful and joyful than this. He seems to have regained the state of mind he had when he was young when practicing swordsmanship. He has no other distractions and can only think about practicing swordsmanship. Because he has a goal to pursue. Because there is a possibility to go further.

This is a surprisingly good thing.

In comparison, the conflict between the Wu family and the Zhou family was completely worth mentioning. He didn't even bother to pay attention to the trivial matters of family dignity.

Shen Xiruo raised his hand, and the guards from the City Lord's Mansion behind him came closer.

"Don't you have to go to the restaurant?"

"No need." Shen Xiruo shook her head. She guessed who was in the restaurant.

Today is not the right day to meet the other party, otherwise it may arouse suspicion.

And from her position, it was not appropriate to speak out certain things.

Although Shen Xiruo was very curious about where this young man who suddenly appeared came from.

In the restaurant.

Bai Yu returned to his seat.

Huang Qiyun handed over a glass of wine: "Take a sip to moisten your throat. That guy is really annoying. He must have wasted a lot of time."

"It's okay." Bai Yu smiled: "Only after we deal with these troubles can we settle down and eat well."

He said to the embarrassed shopkeeper: "Shopkeeper, don't worry about us. Just go and clean up. I hope it won't affect your future business."

The shopkeeper left gratefully, because Bai Yu was very measured, otherwise with the destructive power of the saint, it would only be a piece of cake to demolish his restaurant.

It's also thanks to Bai Yu's ability to control his soul as a saint, otherwise ordinary martial saints would never be able to compress his sword's power to such a high degree without leaking his power.

Huang Qiyun said quietly: "Are many people going to come looking for you after tonight?"

"Just ignore those uninvited guests. Let's live our lives." Bai Yu had just picked up a piece of deer tripod meat.

Suddenly a gust of cold wind blew, and there was another person beside the table.

The drifting sword energy was cold.

The steaming meat fell into the hot pot, splashing with dark red soup.

A frosty woman stood beside the table, a long hairpin hanging from her waist clanking endlessly.

Huang Qiyun completely ignored the woman beside him as if there was no one around, picked up the piece of meat, dipped it in the sauce and handed it to Bai Yu's mouth, so he opened his mouth: "Ah~"

Bai Yu opened his mouth and swallowed the piece of meat.

"Is it tasty?"

"Although it's a bit overcooked, it has a richer flavor and is a little softer, which is also good."

"I just asked the shopkeeper to add two more dishes. Try this. Do you want me to feed you?"

"Then I'd rather be respectful than obey."

The two showed off their affection unscrupulously.

The indifferent attitude made the eyes of the woman standing next to the dining table become colder and surprised.

"Are you deliberately ignoring me?" Huang Yanxia asked.

"I don't want to pay attention to the uninvited guests." Huang Qiyun raised his lips and smiled: "There are so many empty seats here. If you want to eat and drink, go elsewhere."

"I have something to talk to you about!" Huang Yanxia looked directly at Huang Qiyun.

"Sorry, I don't want to talk to you now." Huang Qiyun put down his chopsticks: "The matter between us will be resolved in time, but not now... Please don't ruin our good mood for traveling, okay? "

Huang Yanxia felt that her sister had changed.

Her tone sounded much calmer now. Although it was a bit sinister, it was far less crazy and hysterical than before.

Before, Huang Qiyun exuded a terrifying aura as if she was cursing the whole world to fall into hell; but now she seemed to have returned to the human world, immersed in the March sunshine, becoming popular and lively.

Is this... really the same person as her sister?

She became more determined in her heart and said seriously: "Qiyun, I really have something to say to you."

"We have nothing to say." Huang Qiyun looked at each other coldly: "I don't really want to lose my temper in front of my husband, you'd better not provoke me."

"Husband?" Huang Yanxia's calm eyes were a little more shocked: "You, you... got married?"

"Is it not okay to get married privately?"

"This is a lifelong event, how can you..."

"When you meet the right person, you naturally have the idea of ​​getting married, why not?" Huang Qiyun said disapprovingly: "Hasn't there been a rumor in the world for a long time? We are a fairy couple, a perfect match."

Huang Yanxia has naturally heard of this rumor. She stared at Bai Yu with a sense of oppression from her mother's family: "Mr. Bai, please answer me, what is the relationship between you and Qiyun? Are you really married?"

"Not yet." Bai Yu raised his eyes: "But it's only a matter of time. She and I are in love, and I hope my sister-in-law can help and bless us."

Huang Yanxia was silent, thinking of their first meeting on the Phoenix Terrace, and said in disbelief: "Are you serious?"

"Shut up!" Huang Qiyun was impatient to begin with, and when she heard this, she stood up abruptly and took a step forward, almost meeting Huang Yanxia's peak. She said with a condescending arrogance: "Sister, you have never had any emotional experience, and you are qualified to teach me here? You are not qualified to question my decision about who I am willing to marry! We are together, and it is not the turn of some older leftover women who can't get married to oppose it."

"I'm just worried that you will be deceived..." Huang Yanxia felt that Bai Yu was too mysterious and could not be seen through at all.

Huang Yanxia, ​​who was relatively slow in emotions, did not realize that since she looked at Bai Yu, Huang Qiyun's hostility had been rising wildly.

"That's not necessary. After all, you are the one who lied to me the most, aren't you, my sister?"

Huang Qiyun sneered at this expression of concern: "Why are you pretending to be kind now?"

Then, she put on a playful look like a little devil, and sneered darkly: "Or are you jealous that I can find such a good husband, and you can't believe that you actually lost to me, your sister?"

"Come to think of it, Mr. Bai was originally going to see you, but I snatched him away~ I don't think you mind, jiejie~"

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