Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 915: The first in the history will never be seen again, Ji Du sent a letter when he left (8k

Infinite wilderness.

This is a subsidence area. Although it is a subsidence area, the shadow world here has formed a relatively solid scenery.

If you enter it by mistake, you might think it is some kind of beautiful peach blossom land, with delicious grass and colorful fallen flowers. There are a large number of waterfalls scattered around. There is a lake in the center, surrounded by wetlands, and some islands scattered in the middle. There is water vapor all year round. The animal ecology is also quite rich, including white cranes, sand gulls, and flying birds.

If someone comes here, they may think that if this place becomes a resort, it will definitely attract a large number of tourists.

However, this place is also an outright dangerous place.

Once you step into the Infinite Wilderness, it means you have entered the deepest level of the shadow world. The space here is completely disconnected from the outside world. It is like a bubble sinking into the deep sea. The slightest wind or rain will bring it down. In danger of overthrow.

After Luo Hu walked to Wuliangye, it took him three full days to get here, and no one behind him could keep up.

At some point, everyone else had fallen behind, disappeared into the infinite wilderness, or died in huge dangers midway.

Luo Hu was slightly touched and regretful about this, but that was all. His mood remained calm from beginning to end. His eyes swept around and stopped at the central island.

Tai Sui sat on the cliff at the edge of the island, like a dead tree or a stubborn stone. His aura was completely restrained, almost completely integrated with the surrounding environment. No one knew how long he had been sitting here.

If Rahu rushed to the appointment in a hurry, then Tai Sui was waiting for work.

From a military point of view, Tai Sui has already beaten Luo Hu.

But this is just an ordinary military perspective.

Luo Hu is different from others. Even if he comes all the way, eating in the wind, drinking dew, and wearing the stars and the moon, it can't affect his state even a little bit. He has been preparing for this battle for a thousand years, and he has already tempered himself to perfection. the point.

Therefore, he does not need to wait for work, nor does he need to prepare. His long life is a protracted preparation for war.

No one values ​​the outcome of this battle more than Luo Hu.

The same was true for Tai Sui. It was precisely because he feared the existence of Luo Hu more than anyone else that he spent so long waiting for Wu Penglai to die from serious injuries and plotted to obtain Wu Penglai's body.

The emotions of both sides are also completely different.

Luo Hu stared at the old enemy he had been looking for for thousands of years, his eyes showing a little deep concentration: "It seems that you have almost completely controlled Wu Penglai's body. You want to make preparations that are far more than just taking the physical body. Very good. I don’t have to wait another five hundred years.”

Tai Sui suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were filled with light, and his heartbeat was beating strongly under his chest. At this moment, he looked no different from Wu Penglai himself.

"It took me a thousand years. In the past, you were the one chasing me, but now...the roles have been reversed."

There was a bit of fanaticism in Tai Sui's tone.

Luo Hu had no expression on his face and pulled out a black bow from his back, but the bow was not yet strung.

"Before you die, what big words are you talking about? If you want to take action, do it. Don't say human-like words, you damn demon!"

Tai Sui roared angrily.

The figure disappeared in place, and the entire island sank a full ten meters below him. The water waves rolled, and a ray of residual light exploded in the center of the lake.

He had taken over the body of the witch clan, so naturally he had to fight in close quarters, but Luo Hu didn't immediately distance himself, but directly raised the black bow and drew it.

The two sides exchanged hundreds of moves in the blink of an eye, and the roaring explosions were like continuous explosions of mines. The entire lake was violently shaken, and water columns filled the sky.

The aftermath alone would have no problem injuring an ordinary martial saint. Even the Saint can't intervene at all in this level of confrontation. Even watching the battle may be life-threatening, like an ant watching two people at close range. Adults wrestling.

However, this kind of confrontation was just a warm-up for Tai Sui and Luo Hu, and both sides were far from serious.

They all wanted to kill their opponents quickly, but deep down in their hearts, they subconsciously believed that this battle should not be ended so hastily.

Luo Hu has been waiting for this decisive battle for a thousand years; Tai Sui has been planning for this battle for a thousand years... If it ends hastily, it will not be beautiful.

This has nothing to do with who the opponent is. They all need to give themselves an explanation. Therefore, even if they are as eager as a glutton in their hearts and want to sleep on their skin and eat their flesh, they still maintain restraint and slowly finish this life and death battle. fight.

However, close combat has an end.

With the fighting spirit aroused to the extreme, both sides ushered in the first change of tactics.

Tai Sui's knees sank after being hit by Luo Hu. He thrust his left hand into the lake water, and then lifted it up with his bare hands. The entire lake was raised more than ten meters, and he grabbed half of the lake with his bare hands. The lake seemed to be lifted by It was like jelly tearing a gap, and a million tons of weight hit the roof of Luohu.

This is not only physical strength, but also the ability of the innate witch clan to master the elements with their bare hands.

Tai Sui's behavior of grabbing the lake with his bare hands was even more exaggerated than Wu Lianyue's behavior of holding the Sky Thunder Python with his bare hands.

The heavy water of the lake came with force.


Amidst the deafening sound, the lake water that was divided into two halves came into contact with each other again, and the pressure of a million tons of weight fell firmly on Luo Hu. Such a blow, even the indestructible body of the King Kong, would be destroyed. Turn into golden cakes.


A hand suddenly stretched out from the superimposed lake, grabbed Tai Sui's wrist, and dragged him into the lake water block that was stacked to twice its original height.

Luo Hou seemed to be unaffected and still moved freely. The terrifying water pressure and weight were easily pushed away.

As the first person in the history who mastered the time sequence, he would naturally not be afraid of a little flowing water. He even used the quality of the flowing water itself.

Although Tai Sui, who was brought into the water, could control the flowing water elements at will, he could not resist the chaotic time sequence mixed in it.

Water is unpredictable, but it generally flows to the lower place, but what if it can be made to flow to the higher place?

Luo Hou could not make time go back completely, but it was not difficult to just control the flowing water to return to its original position.

Tai Sui soon realized that he had put shackles on himself by doing this, so he directly dissolved the solidified water elements, and the lake water that was superimposed to twice its height completely collapsed from the semi-solid state, like a dam that collapsed.

The raging water waves crashed into the mountains and forests around Wuliangye, and the islands in the water were submerged one after another.

In the ebb and flow of the tide, Tai Sui pulled himself out. Just as his feet landed, his heartbeat was only twice, and suddenly he heard a light "clang" sound.

His heartbeat slowed down by half a beat, and then his heart beat like a war drum. His muscles tensed up, and he felt the subtle murderous intent and chill in the air. Goose bumps appeared on his skin, and his scalp was so tight that his hair stood up. His eyes kept patrolling around, trying to find the source of the sound.

Tai Sui's reaction was so strong because he heard Luo Hou bow, which was the crisp sound of the bowstring after being tied.

So far, the test was over.

Every second after that could become a moment to decide life and death.


Thunderbolt string shock!

An arrow flew out from a cloud of mist. Tai Sui raised his eyes, locked his gaze on the source of the sound, stepped forward, and punched the flying black arrow. When the two touched, it was the arrow that was broken instead of the fist.

After Tai Sui broke Luo Hou's arrow with his bare hands, it was as if he had broken some kind of inner demon, and sneered loudly: "That's it!"

Luo Hou didn't care, and plucked the bowstring in the air, and then... the black arrow that was shot out shook in the air, and instantly split into more than a dozen residual lights, and shot towards Tai Sui again along different trajectories.

Tai Sui punched again to intercept, and his fists were surrounded by water waves and thunder, and more than a dozen arrows couldn't hurt him at all.

But there was another sound of plucking the bowstring, and more than a dozen arrows began to multiply again.

It was so complicated. After only three times, the number of arrows reached thousands. They rushed across the border like countless black locusts, sweeping away everything that could be devoured. When they whizzed past, it made people's scalps numb. With dense firepower, they completely covered every corner of the target and penetrated every hole.

Tai Sui widened his eyes, thinking that this was the first time he had seen this arrow trick. What kind of archery was this? Didn't Luo Hou only have two arrows!

Did he let Bai Yujing go before? !

Tai Sui took it for granted and underestimated Luo Hou... How could he have only prepared two arrows for thousands of years?

Those two arrows were just pure archery.

But what Luo Hou used just now was a special arrow.

The black bows used by the Black Evil Archers were all imitations of Luo Hou's bows. Only the archers at the level of canonization were qualified to get the bows made by Luo Hou himself... This actually revealed one thing long ago, Luo Hou himself was a master of refining.

Arrows are consumables, so every archer must know how to make arrows.

The arrow Luohou used just now... is not some divine archery, but a special arrow.

This special arrow is extremely time-consuming and energy-consuming to make, and it is a consumable and can only be used once.

This is the munitions reserve that Luohou prepared specifically for the decisive battle. It has never been shown to anyone for thousands of years. Today, it is shown to you for the first time and also the last time.

"This arrow is called 'Locust' and was made eight hundred years ago."

He did not say it to the other party, but to himself.

"That year, the locust demon was born and ate two million people. The land of the state was emptied and no one was seen for three thousand miles."

"After I personally wiped out the 'Locust Demon', I refined this arrow with its demon heart and spine."

"Once this arrow is shot, it is like a locust passing through, swallowing the sky and the earth, killing it endlessly and endlessly."

Tai Sui supported himself among the arrows as numerous as locusts.

Although he seemed to be suppressed and couldn't raise his head, he was not afraid, because the locust's attack power was too weak to hurt his roots.

Raising his hand, he could roll up a hundred-foot-high tidal wave, and countless arrows were swept into it in the rolling tide. Arrows could multiply infinitely, but the surging waves could also stop locusts. No matter how many locusts there were, they could not fill this lake, let alone the shadow of the entire ocean.

Luohou took out the second arrow slowly, put the arrow on the bowstring, and released it in the air.


When this arrow was shot out, a bright stream of fire burned in the sky, like a meteor falling to the ground.

The place where the flame touched immediately turned into a scorched earth, and the earth became barren.

Seeing this scene, Tai Sui planned to use the same trick again, and mobilized the infinite power of water elements to suppress the meteor rocket, but the thousands of acres of flowing water evaporated directly in the blink of an eye after touching it!

He had to hold his arms to resist this arrow.

"This arrow is called 'Drought' and was made six hundred years ago."

"Six hundred years ago, the drought demon was born. The land was barren for thousands of miles, the rivers dried up, and there was a severe drought. People dug three feet underground to find food, dug up grass roots and cut tree bark, and even exchanged their own children for food."

"I shot it on the bank of the Red River, took its eyes as the arrowhead, and refined this arrow."

"Where it passes, no water remains, and humans and demons that touch it die and their blood dries up."

Sentence by sentence, each arrow is made from materials taken from killing demons, each of which is a great demon that was once feared by everyone, and each arrow hides the howling and bloody tears of countless wronged souls.

What Luohou shot was not only an arrow, but also the grief and revenge of innocent people who died in thousands of years of history.

This heavy arrow pressed Tai Sui so hard that he almost felt that the blood in his body was evaporating rapidly.

Tai Sui let go of his hand and let the arrow go. As a price, the entire lake under his feet was pierced by the arrow.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, from the point where the arrow landed, the lake began to dry up and evaporate rapidly. The Wuliangye, which was originally full of water vapor like a fairyland on earth, quickly turned into a dry and dead place. There was no water mist floating in the air, but turned into yellow sand.

The lush trees were drained of vitality, their leaves withered and yellowed, and the flying birds fell to the ground and turned into dry bones.

In a few minutes, this place turned into a barren land, without a drop of running water.

Tai Sui was injured by this arrow, and stared at Luo Hou with a lot of fear... Although he had expected that Luo Hou must have other territories, he didn't expect that he had so many cards.

Luo Hou didn't look at Tai Sui at all, but drew out the third arrow. This arrow showed a deep blue, like a sapphire on the seabed, rippling with water-colored ripples, almost sticky and unable to dissolve.


He must not let him shoot the third arrow!

Tai Sui made a prompt decision, flashed through the air, broke through the space, and absorbed the strong wind with his bare hands. His body expanded to a huge size in the air, turning into a small giant more than ten feet tall. This was not the law of heaven and earth, but the true form of the witch clan.

The Wu clan is the descendant of the great god Pangu. By activating the power of their bloodline, they can theoretically grow to be as tall as a mountain.

The power of the giant body also increased by the same amount, and the distance between the two sides was instantly shortened to within three steps.

Tai Sui's judgment was very accurate, because the arrows made by Luo Hou himself were destined to be better than one arrow.

But his choice was wrong, because no one in the world could stop Luo Hou from shooting arrows.

Luo Hou drew his bow calmly and shot the third arrow.

When it left the bowstring, the arrow dissipated like a bubble.

The next moment, a huge wave came in front of him, and the moves that Tai Sui had used before were now used to counter his body.

The arrow shot by Luo Hou did not look like an arrow at all, but a river, a surging Yangtze River!

Heavy rain fell from the dim sky, and the rain fell all over the sky, and a dark vortex appeared in the sky.

The river shot out from the bow and hung across the sky. This scene was unheard of, unseen, and extremely magnificent.

"This arrow is called 'Lao' and was made three hundred years ago."

"Lao Mo has the ability to control rivers and can even affect the rise and fall of tides, causing heavy rains for days, causing the Yellow River to overflow and change its course, flooding many cities, and the number of dead... is countless."

This time, Luo Hou was unable to give a more specific number, because there were too many dead people to count.

"I shot and killed Lao Mo at the bottom of the Yellow River, and took its essence to refine this arrow."

"The arrow can be transformed into invisible, commanding the water vapor of heaven and earth to condense into river water, and the river will flow endlessly."

Luo Hou's explanation was easy, and Tai Sui was like a stubborn stone in the river, with his hands raised, resisting the endless impact.

He planned to resist this blow with the body of the Wu clan, relying on the strength of his body to resist the surging waves, like a naughty child trying to block the faucet with his fingers. This confrontation between the body and the river seemed to have no end in sight.

However, no matter how powerful this arrow is, it is only a consumable. What supports its power is the spirit of the flood demon in the arrow. Once the spirit power is exhausted, the power of this arrow will come to an end.

The same is true for the previous two arrows.

The reason why consumables are consumables is that the materials for making them will no longer be available.

Luohou, who has been exorcising demons for thousands of years, has shot countless demons, but the three demons he can remember are only the three mentioned just now.

Luohou seems to be relaxed, but in fact he is also consuming a huge amount of soul power to control this arrow, concentrating all the power on one point and not letting it disperse.

In fact, the competition is still the will of both sides.

Tai Sui is struggling to hold on, unable to move forward, like sailing against the current, if you don't move forward, you will retreat... He suddenly retracted his strength and retreated, trying to avoid the attack distance, but he didn't expect that this "flood" arrow was waiting for this moment. If you don't retreat, it's fine. If you retreat, it will surge and flood, and it will be out of control.

Water can penetrate everywhere!

If you were in the middle of it to fight against this move, you would know how dangerous it is. If you make a wrong move, you will be doomed.

Tai Sui took a deep breath, changed his move again, and showed his trump card. Facing the rising arrow of river water, he grabbed with five fingers, and purple air rippled around him, summoning a weapon, which was a stick, or in other words, an axe without an axe blade.

The Wu clan has a strong body, can call the wind and rain, and can change the world, but this does not mean that they will not use weapons.

After Tai Sui showed this unknown stick, he stabbed the weapon into the river water, twisted it vigorously, and his already huge body was even more arrogant. He raised the stick to hit the water, and smashed the flying river water to the ground.

It was like a white python being hit by a seven-inch arrow, and the middle body fell to the ground. When it tried to raise its head, it was stepped on the head again, and it fell completely into the dry and yellow earth, exploding into a ball of scattered water.

Taisui stood with a stick in his hand, staring at Luohou behind the falling waves of the river, and said in a low voice: "Refined arrows are ultimately external forces, and are made of clay chickens and pottery dogs, and are vulnerable to attack."

Luohou said indifferently: "Sure enough, Wu Penglai's stick still fell into your hands. I told him that it would be best to destroy it, but he didn't listen."

"The God-Slaying Stick is one of the treasures of the Wu clan, so he naturally didn't want to throw it into the deep sea." Taisui said indifferently: "It finally fell into my hands. From now on, I want to kill you... just one blow!"

In this era when the innate treasures no longer exist, the God-Slaying Stick is almost invincible, and nothing can resist its attack.

However, it is not an easy thing for Taisui to use it, otherwise he would just take it out at the beginning, and activating it requires the consumption of the essence and blood of the Wu clan.

Therefore, when it appears, this battle will be further accelerated.

Before he is completely exhausted, the winner must be decided.

Taisui seems relaxed, but he is also talking hard.

It is true that Luohou shot three arrows, but each arrow did not consume his own strength, which were all consumables.

Now Tai Sui was forced to take out the God-killing Stick.

But Luohou still had the Ketu Arrow that had not been used yet.

Tai Sui was not afraid of the Ketu Arrow, because the arrow that killed the Yuanshen had no effect on it.

But Luohou could not have been unaware of this. Since he came, it meant that he had a way to deal with it.

Both sides had their last trump card.

It was time to reveal it.

Luohou moved his fingers slightly, pulled out a pitch-black arrow, put it on the bowstring, and then drew the bow.

A black light was aimed at Tai Sui.

The arrow was shot.

Nothing special.

Tai Sui was sure in his heart that, as expected, this was Luohou's first arrow!

What was Luohou's first arrow like? In fact, Tai Sui had not known for a long time. Although it was not afraid of the Ketu Arrow, it was very afraid of this first arrow... because it could not figure out its principle, and everyone who had seen it died.

Therefore, the battle between Bai Yu and Luo Hou in the East China Sea was extremely crucial.

Because Bai Yu saw through the essence of Luo Hou's first arrow... It was fast, and extremely fast. Every moment was faster than the previous moment. In the end, it was so fast that it could even break through the constraints of space. Once an arrow was released, it would not stop tracking until it shot the enemy.

This arrow circled the earth and hit the enemy. In Luo Hou's hands, it was not a joke, but a fact.

What's more terrifying is that at such a high speed, Luo Hou can still accurately grasp the direction of this arrow. In the ever-increasing speed, his arrow will never miss. This is the absolute control that only people with time abilities can achieve.

If there is no time ability, then this arrow cannot be controlled after it is released.

And with the time ability loaded, this arrow can be accurately guided infinitely until it catches up with the light.

Fast, accurate... This is Luo Hou's first arrow.

If you want to crack this arrow, the only way... is to control it before its speed increases!

Bai Yu has practiced it personally.

This also allowed Tai Sui to find the flaw in this arrow, so he was absolutely sure that he could break Luo Hou's first arrow.

The opportunity only came at the beginning.

At the same time that Luo Hou released this arrow, Tai Sui did not retreat but advanced, intending to clamp this arrow and then smash it with the Zhu Shen Stick.

Because the flight trajectory of the arrow had long been determined, his counterattack would definitely not fail.

But unexpected scenes always come unexpectedly.

Tai Sui's hands grabbed nothing.

The arrow that was originally expected did not come.

Or, the arrow disappeared directly after leaving the bowstring, like a drop of water melting into the heavy rain, like a sigh disappearing in the wind.

... What happened?

Tai Sui couldn't understand it for a while, and suddenly, his intuition came, he subconsciously tilted his head, almost forcibly pried his body apart, and a sharp pain came from his shoulder. The wound that penetrated tore off half of his shoulder's flesh and blood. Just a little bit, his neck would be directly pierced and torn apart by this arrow.

Even if the witch clan is strong, they can't withstand fatal injuries!

But where did the arrow just now come from!

Tai Sui couldn't figure it out, so he could only smash the Zhushen stick in his hand and hit the space around him, tearing up and smashing the space within a hundred feet, just like smashing all the mirrors in a room full of mirrors, and then occasionally seeing the afterimages rushing by in the broken mirrors.

That was indeed Luo Hou's arrow.

But it was not the first arrow!

It was not the Jidu Reincarnation Arrow!

But... the third arrow that was two arrows combined into one!

The Jidu Arrow can ignore the distance and directly hit the opponent's Yuanshen, forcing it into reincarnation, because after this arrow is shot, the process of its flight to hit is erased, that is, time is deleted, which has nothing to do with speed, and it will hit.

But for enemies without Yuanshen, even if the Jidu Arrow hits, it will not cause fatal injuries.

So Luo Hou made a simple decision. He didn't plan to shoot two arrows, but only one arrow.

Two arrows combined into one!

This arrow is not only fast, but also a sure hit.

It is natural that Tai Sui cannot catch it, because it has no time to fly. From the moment it leaves the bowstring, it has already accelerated.

The disappearing arrow will only show its trace when it hits.

However, this arrow is not invincible.

The fact that Tai Sui avoided a fatal injury proves this.

If it was a Ketu arrow, it would directly penetrate the soul, leaving no room for dodging;

But since this arrow has a physical body, it will be considered a hit the moment it touches the target.

For example, a locked skill is guaranteed to hit once launched; while a flying skill released close to the face can be avoided by flashing.

Tai Sui avoided fatal injuries because this arrow could not lock on to his vitals. Even if it locked on, his intuition could still help avoid fatal injuries. As long as the intuition was strong enough, he could even avoid the direct death thorn spear of cause and effect.

But how many times can intuition save someone?

And Rahu's arrows never stop until they take the enemy's life.

He had closed his eyes, because there was Jidu on the arrow at this time, which was Rahu's soul itself.

Use your soul as a flying arrow to kill the demons without regret.

If he wins this time, Demon Ancestor will no longer have a heart, and naturally there will be no possibility of recovery. The Outer God's plan to destroy the world will be postponed indefinitely, and the future foreseen by Bai Yu will not come.

Luo Hu himself didn't think much about this, but his obsession to kill the demons had already penetrated deep into his soul, and he definitely would not stop at this moment.

The endless stream of arrows had penetrated Tai Sui's body several times in just a few seconds, causing blood to spurt out and scars everywhere.

Wu Penglai's body was covered with bruises, and even his arms were torn apart by Jidu's arrows, revealing the stark white bones.

A crimson heart was revealed in the damaged body!

This is the heart!

It is the true body of Tai Sui!

Destroy it!

Shoot it through!

Luo Hu's Tao and power exist for this moment. He has been waiting for this opportunity for thousands of years, waiting for this moment to tear apart the possibility of the Demon Ancestor's resurrection!

At this moment...the sky and the earth almost turned into black and white.

In the sudden expansion of Luo Hu's spiritual realm and soul perception, only pure black and white remained. The sky and earth were completely white, the arrow was the black line, and the heart was the only red dot.

His eyes were fixed on the only bright red spot.

Go ahead——!

Luo Hu drove the arrow forward and saw it sinking into the bright red with his own eyes. The arrow penetrated the heart, and the violent power rushed past. Even the heart could not bear the power at all and exploded into a bloody mist.

At this moment, Luo Hu felt that his thousand-year mission had come to an end, and his tense heart seemed to relax and hang in the air.

Easier than ever.

Likewise, unprecedented emptiness.

No, that's not's not emptiness, it's...

Really empty.

Luo Hu lowered his head, his heart was penetrated, and a gap was left in his chest. The Jidu arrow had returned to his hand, lying quietly in his palm, stained with bright red blood and full of cracks.

Even if he is the first person in all eternity, he will not survive.

Because the body has been fatally wounded, the soul has also been burned excessively.

Luo Hu opened his eyes slightly, as if he didn't quite understand... He had obviously successfully defeated Tai Sui, but why was his own heart the one that was shot through?

And Tai Sui is still alive?

He was still alive. Although he looked miserable, with arrow wounds all over his body, his heart was intact.

Tai Sui held the God-killing Stick and looked at Luo Hu without saying a word. Only his eyes revealed the unique pride and arrogance of a winner... In the end, I won.

Luo Hu lowered his head and said nothing.

He is thinking.

He deeply understood the fact that he was about to die, but he had no time to reflect on it.

Rahu exists to eliminate demons. He failed, but died a worthy death.

But he couldn't close his eyes yet.

Because he knows... what his death means.

Luo Hu turned around and left.

The footsteps are scarlet step by step.

Dragging his shattered soul and empty body, he couldn't go very far.

Moreover, this is Wuliangye. Once you come in, how easy is it to go back?

Tai Sui wanted to chase him, but he had no energy to chase him. He could only watch Luo Hu staggering and dragging his body away step by step. It was clear that there was no way forward, but he was still so stubborn. Where did he want to go? ? Heading to tomorrow when spring flowers bloom?

Tai Sui showed sarcasm and ridicule, but wanted to appreciate how ugly Luo Hu would be before his death.

Luohu suddenly stopped and opened his bowstring.

Tai Sui's expression suddenly changed at this time.

Because this arrow is not aimed at him at all!

He rushed forward regardless of the injury, trying to stop the arrow from being shot.

But it was too late.

No one could stop Rahu from shooting this arrow.

Facing the sky, Luo Hu fired the last arrow of his life.

This arrow has no name and no damage, because it does not bring death, but a message.

Who would have thought... The first among the ten evils, the first person throughout the ages, with mixed praise, admiration and fear - such a person, before the end of his life, he did not look back and fight to the death, but chose to live An arrow book came out.

Because he knew that he could not kill Tai Sui.

Because he knew that someone should finish the unfinished business for him.

So when Luo Hu closed his eyes, he didn't feel so unwilling or sad, but just a little tired and regretful.

He did everything he could, and Tai Sui's tricks to kill him were all in the Arrow Book.

And next...

"I'll leave it to you..."

Luo Hu said tiredly.

He closed his eyes.

A breeze flows through the infinite wilderness.

The first of the ten evils, Rahu, died at the bottom of the abyss.

At the same time as Luo Hou's death was confirmed, the Taiyin Demon Realm experienced the biggest change in history. The excited howling from the depths of the Demon Realm spread throughout the sky and even all over Daxia, as if announcing the fall of the Watcher.

One step closer to the demise of the era.

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