Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 111 Mythical Arms! (The First Update, Please Subscribe!)

Start with the sixth-tier stone titan.

Seventh-order mountain trolls and cave trolls.

Seventh-tier elite arms, gray-skinned giant monster, and beast-blood giant monster.

The eighth-tier military unit Wushou titan.

There are even titan players who have obtained the ninth-level gray-eyed titan and the tenth-level hybrid titan and tree titan.

Any such unit with a little bit of titan blood is what titan players dream of.

After these titan arms are blessed by titan players, their combat power is extremely strong.

Ye Xiu's army of immortal battle spirits was struggling a bit.

"Give me command of all the titan arms, and I will have a higher bonus!"

Mother Earth spoke.

She can also really improve the combat power of titan units.

After the mother of the earth mobilized the titan player's desire to fight.

The titan players who share the same hatred have handed over the titan arms to the command of the mother of the earth.

With the blessing of special talents, the commanding power of the mother of the earth commander titan arms is very small!

She brought thousands of Titan troops alone.

This is an extremely elite army!

If the son of the titan is not dead, then this army should be led by him.

At that time, it will be the Son of Titan who will take the lead!

Mother Earth's army of titans set out to repel Ye Xiu's army of immortal spirits.

Ye Xiu had expected it.

Among titan players, there are always strong players.

Of course, it is not that easy to capture City 008.

But Ye Xiu also has a trump card.

He looked at the time: "If you count the time, it should be here!"

Ye Xiu just finished speaking.

[Destiny City has been upgraded to a level 3 city, the city level has been increased, the number of players on Earth has been increased, and 200,000 internal beta players will be released in advance!】

[The player reincarnated Shura owns the first level 3 private city, and rewards 5 level 10 legendary units!]

Ye Xiu counted the time well.

His Destiny City and other buildings have met the requirements, and even exceeded the requirements to upgrade to level 3 or 4.

There is only one administrative hall, and it needs to be upgraded to level 3 or above to upgrade the Destiny City to level 3.

The previous upgrade of the administrative hall will be successful before the end of the seal and test land reclamation.

At that time, Destiny City can be upgraded to level 3.

It can be said that Ye Xiu can count the time for the upgrade of Destiny City.

This is destined to be the first level 3 private city on the Galaxy server.

After all, Ye Xiu used the 100-fold increase to harvest more than a dozen level 3 buildings.

Greatly shortened the time to upgrade cities.

Other players don't have this ability.

And the first level 3 city will definitely have rewards.

Ye Xiu imagined that this reward must be exaggerated given the 100-fold increase.

Destiny City has been upgraded to level 3, and a level 3 private city will reward 400,000 players.

Since 20W has been cashed out before, the follow-up supplement is also the 20W internal test player quota.

Same goes for cashing in advance!

Another 200,000 Earth players came to Galaxy City.

More importantly, the rewards for the first Tier 3 city have also been released!

[Special rewards have been increased by a hundred times, and 5 rank 10 mythical units have been obtained! 】

This reward is awesome!

Ye Xiu saw the gap.

Legendary arms, mythical arms after a hundred times increase!

This shows the gap between mythical arms and it.

And the birth of mythical arms is also very exciting and shocking!

I saw bright rays of light being released from the stars one after another, shining large spots of light on the ground.

The ground on the light spot bulges rapidly, forming huge figures one by one!

Ye Xiu instantly knew their names.

Mythic Troops - Founding Titan!

Founding Titan: The tenth-tier mythical unit.


Defense: 120

Damage: 1200-2000 (range 300 yards)

HP: 2.4W

Occupation: Mage/Shooter.


Thunderbolt Control: Founding Titan can control Thunderbolt, causing single or group thunderbolt attack on the enemy, causing 5000 points of lightning damage. Enemies who die in the thunderstorm will increase the thunderbolt damage.

Thunder Armor: Founding Titan is protected by armor woven with lightning, its defense is doubled, and the enemy will receive 2000 points of lightning damage in rebound when attacking, the damage is chain lightning damage.

Titan bloodline: Founding Titan has the infinite power of the titan family. When crushing an enemy, it will cause extra absolute damage according to its size, at least 100%. It also has a powerful destructive effect on buildings.

Ancestor of titan: Founding Titan's bloodline, countless subsequent titans were born, and the titan bloodline born from Founding Titan will be commanded and controlled by the ancestor of titan. The more titan arms in the teammate, the higher the bonus of their own attributes, and the bigger the body size. Currently: 50% blessing.

Power of Titan: The ancestor of titan possesses unparalleled power, which can make all allies within 1000 yards gain the power of Titan, and generate 100% extra electricity damage when attacking. The lightning damage received by titan units is doubled.

Awakening of Divine Power: Founding Titan absorbs divine power to awaken more powerful power. Absorbing 10 points of divine power can awaken it to the eleventh level.

Founding Titan, is the first titan unit to appear.

After they grew up, they were called Titans!

As mythical arms, they have the characteristics of mythical arms.

God Awakens!

Absorb divine power and become stronger!

If the Founding Titan continues to grow, it will eventually become a titan!

That is the real top class of arms.

Created the myth of the titans.

Founding Titan is just a titan that has not fully grown up yet!

When they appeared, Mother Earth shook her head.

"This is... Founding Titan? How is it possible! How can a human player own Founding Titan``!"

Mother Earth's mentality is broken!

Founding Titan, one of the strongest titan units she knows.

It can be said to be the ultimate dream of all titan players!

(Good money) If there is a Founding Titan, the mother of the earth can wake up with a smile in her dreams!

But now, the Founding Titan actually appeared under the command of a human player.

It was as if his goddess was taken away by a little yellow-haired man whom he looked down upon.

No one can bear the thought of the goddess being exported wantonly by the little yellow hair!

Mother Earth and many titan players belong to the current situation.

"Impossible! Why would a human player get the Founding Titan first! I don't agree!"

"Is this a joke from the heavens? Our enemies have gained powerful titan units?"

"If we have Founding Titan as a subordinate, we will win!"

The titan players cursed wildly.

Can't wait to replace it.

Ye Xiu also smiled: "I'm sorry, I seem to have got the unit you've been dreaming of.

"This kind of arms seems to be your ancestor! I am commanding your ancestor to fight!"

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