Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 114: Sealed Test Settlement! (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe!)

The vigorous sealing and testing land reclamation stage is over!

All beta testers have been waiting for this moment.

Some are cleaning wild monsters.

Some are attacking each other's cities.

Some are chatting with their favorite hero in a tavern.

After the server announcement sounded, almost all players subconsciously ended the battle.

They all stopped and returned to a safe position.

Waiting for this critical moment.

In the Galaxy server, various information began to be settled.

[In the settlement of the number of closed beta players in each world, the number of closed beta players will be settled according to the number and level of the captured public cities!】

Neutral cities that came down due to attack.

Its internal beta player quota was issued early.

This time, the settlement does not need to be included in the calculation.

Like Earth, it has a level 3 neutral city and a level 2 neutral city.

Level 3 neutral city is the 40W "May 13" closed beta player quota.

The level 2 neutral city is the quota for 20M closed beta players.

Add up to 600,000 internal beta players.

This is almost comparable to the basic quota for each Little Thousand World.

And these places are issued in advance.

These lucky ones have already entered the "Era of Lords" and started the official road of Lords.

This is also all thanks to Ye Xiu!

In addition, the earth still has a basic quota of 100W.

That is regardless of whether the public city is occupied or not, it will be issued.

Then there is the internal test quota calculated according to the public city.

On this side of the earth, there are currently 176 public cities in total.

100 seats were there before.

There are 76 seats that the players took down.

Ye Xiu handled half of them by himself.

The remaining half was fought by hundreds of thousands of players.

This record is even stronger than the Dark Earth in the previous life!

This also makes the earth have an extra 176W internal beta player quota.

Adding up all the quotas, there will be a total of 336W internal beta players on Earth!

This number is astonishing.

Ye Xiu calculated that with so many players, it was enough to dominate Xiaoqian World.

Like the titan world, no neutral city was captured.

It owns only 108 public cities.

A total of 208W internal beta players.

Only two-thirds of the earth!

The number of beta players is extremely important.

The more players there are, the more obvious the number advantage will be in the battle.

Moreover, the more internal beta players, the sooner talented players can enter the "Age of Lords".

In the previous life, the Earth players counted.

At least half of the talented players entered the "Era of Lords" during the public beta.

They lose their optimal developmental time.

Due to joining the game too late.

Even if the talents and specialties are very strong.

But in the end, it is difficult to catch up with the pace of the pioneers.

Ye Xiu has seen this happen a lot.

Today, the number of beta players on Earth is more than twice that of the previous life!

There must be some talented players who can enter the game early.

Achieve greater achievements than previous lives!

When the quota is determined, countless beams of light will appear to select targets on the earth.

"Age of Lords" selects closed beta players and closed beta players.

Priority is given to players who are young, talented or special.

However, due to special considerations, people who have achieved fame or relatively successful on Earth will also be given priority as players.

Although these people may not have any talents or specialties, they have a successful experience.

It is also an advantage when choosing a target.

In this case, people on the earth continue to disappear.

After entering the "Age of Lords", they can no longer return to Earth.

Until the earth merges with the Eternal Continent!

This is a real game.

It's not a virtual game.

But there is no such thing as going offline and returning to reality.

[The cities captured in each world start to connect with the corresponding world, gain the power of city projection, and choose cities with high levels first!】

Ye Xiu's eyes lit up.

Here comes what he was looking forward to!

A city occupied by players in the open beta test.

You will get the projection power of a city in the world when you settle.

For example, if a certain public city on the earth can obtain the projection power of New York, the economic capital on the earth.

Its daily gold coin output will be greatly increased.

The power of projection will enable the city to obtain some landmark buildings of the projected city.

Every time you level up, you can get a special building!

In the previous life, the earth did not have any public cities.

Did not get this benefit at all.

Unlike the Dark Earth, which has a large number of cities, it occupies all the projections of the economic capital, the capital of the Holy See, religious holy places, etc...

their public cities.

All have great development advantages.

Every time you level up, you can get some bonuses.

Those familiar cities seem to reappear in these public cities.

This benefit is extremely important for the future development of various public cities.

Today's public cities on Earth can also enjoy benefits!

[Destiny City is a level 3 city, and has the right to choose first, please select the city projection for Destiny City!]

A choice appeared in front of Ye Xiu.

All the well-known cities on the earth appeared in front of him.

Level 3 Destiny City is the highest level existence among the cities on Earth.

It is also a private city belonging to Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu has absolute control and choice!

"The country of America, the country of eagles, the country of Dongying, and our favorite cities can all be chosen. This is really cool!"

Ye Xiu is the only authority.

All cities, the choice is yours.

After he finishes his selection, it will be his turn to go to other cities.

Ye Xiu thought about it, and he still likes to enter the domestic cities.

That is the pride he has in his heart no matter what the situation is!

"Then choose the imperial capital! I have 5,000 years of history, and the imperial capital has carried a lot!"

Ye Xiu thought about it and made a choice.

[Destiny City chooses the imperial capital as the city projection, and the earth city can no longer choose this city as the city projection. 】

[The City of Destiny has been awarded the title bonus of the imperial capital, and has been awarded the titles: Millennium Ancient Capital, Ancient Cultural City, and Super City. 】

[The Destiny City is a level 3 city 3.3, and you can get 3 special buildings: the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, and the Old Summer Palace. 】

There are actually three titles!

The emperor deserves to be the political center of **!

Ye Xiu remembers the general city projection, which is just a title to indicate its level.

Such as third-tier cities, second-tier cities, first-tier cities and super cities.

Other titles are not so easy to obtain.

Like a thousand-year-old capital, it must have a thousand-year history as an emperor.

In addition, an ancient cultural city must also have a very deep heritage.

Either one is extremely difficult to obtain.

Like the title of economic center.

At least the city needs to rank among the top economic strengths in the world.

Many first-tier cities can become economic centers.

The emperor has three titles, that's quite powerful!.

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