Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 117 The Legend Of The Dark Universe! (Seventh Update, 2.9W Flowers Plus Update!)

In the previous earth, there were no public cities at all during the beta test period.

Naturally, there is no qualification to choose the city projection.

This benefit is only available in land reclamation rewards.

After seizing the public city later, it is no longer possible to project the city.

This makes it impossible for the earth and the dark earth to have the same projected city in the previous life.

Even Ye Xiu didn't know how the situation he imagined would develop in the future.

Earth and Dark Earth are too similar.

The evolution and even the history of both sides are almost exactly the same.

It was not until eighty years ago that another fork in the road.

The countries on the earth are fighting and separatist, and they have been hovering between cooperation and competition and even compatibility.

And the dark earth completed the unification, and a new human was born.

The earth and the dark earth are like the same world in the legendary parallel universe.

At a certain bifurcation point, two completely different earths were born.

In all the small thousand worlds connected by the Eternal Continent.

This is only the case for Earth and Dark Earth.

Ye Xiu had a faint feeling.

The earth and the dark earth are definitely very special!

He thought of the legend about the dark universe that spread in the late game!

In the later period of "The Age of Lords", a large number of powerful enemies from outside the region appeared around the 847 side of the Eternal Continent.

These enemies will invade and destroy all servers.

It will even come to the Eternal Continent.

Want to completely occupy or destroy the Eternal Continent.

They all come from one place: Tianwaitian, also known as Outer Territory!

There are different opinions about where the sky outside the sky is.

Later, a rumor was more accepted.

It is said that Tianwaitian is another universe!

A universe similar to the Eternal Continent.

It's called the Dark Universe.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain that the enemies of the Outer Heavens had the same language and fighting style as the Eternal Continent.

All are led by heroes to fight.

It's just the enemy of Tianwaitian, even the next day!

"The dark universe and the eternal continent, the earth and the dark earth, is there any connection between these two?"

Ye Xiu came up with various ideas.

It gave him a headache.

Even if he returns from rebirth, he doesn't know these secrets.

Perhaps only when he becomes the peerless powerhouse of the Eternal Continent.

Be the overlord.

To know the secrets of this level.

"Wang Wang Wushuang, help me collect information on many public cities on the dark earth, I have a little use for it!"

Ye Xiu plans for a rainy day.

Start to let King Wushuang make arrangements in advance.

"Lord Shura, don't worry! I've been planning this for a long time. This time the internal beta players are coming, and there are also human players coming from the dark earth. They may be able to instigate a rebellion."

"Not only the dark earth, but also small worlds such as the titan world and the elf world, I will also find a way to arrange internal responses."

Wang Wang Wushuang is worthy of being the top ten commanders in his previous life.

Not arranged by Ye Xiu.

He actually also knows the importance of intelligence.

In the previous life, the dark earth also dealt with the earth players in this way.

They arranged a lot of 'ball rape' among the players on Earth.

By promising benefits, let some earth players sell the overall interests of the earth.

These ball traitors lurk in the Earth section of the player forum.

This information should only be known to players on Earth.

Easily grasped by the dark earth.

This is also the reason why the Earth has been suppressed miserably.

Your every move is controlled by powerful enemies.

No matter how you resist, the enemy can easily resolve it!

But this life is different.

The ball now has a huge advantage.

They are the ones arranging the rape!

And the dark earth is not monolithic.

Because new humans have always regarded ordinary humans as slaves.

Among ordinary human beings, there are also many people who want to resist this state.

No one wants to be a slave forever.

Among these ordinary human beings, there were those who took the initiative to help the earth in their previous lives!

Now the earth is dominant, just a little manipulation (chcb).

It can make some disgruntled ordinary human players do ball rape.

Planting spies is easy!

"It's the best! Now the closed beta is in the settlement stage, and the closed beta will start soon. Because of the city's projection, each small world has changed."

"We need to grasp this information as soon as possible!"

The current situation is completely different from the previous life when the beta test ended.

Ye Xiu, the butterfly, had flapped its wings and caused a huge storm.

Ye Xiu also has no way of knowing the current situation.

A lot of information must be collected.

"Master Shura, I will give you the information you want soon!"

King Wushuang is always reassuring.

What Ye Xiu arranges, he can always do it very well!

"Very good, beta players should continue to recruit, this wave has nearly 300W more beta players, there are definitely a lot of geniuses!"

"We have two cities, which can accommodate a lot of confidantes!"

Ye Xiu does not intend to go it alone.

Your own team is very important.

Several of the cities captured by the Earth players later were captured by Ye Xiu's team.

At the same time, there are also many forces among the players on Earth.

They are also recruiting talented players.

Ye Xiu couldn't afford to be careless.

He has to always maintain an advantage.

"I will implement it as soon as possible!"

King Wushuang took another mission.

Ye Xiu started to pay attention to the changes in Destiny City and Miracle City.

The first is the other two legendary buildings in Destiny City!

Great Wall: Legendary building, wall defense and durability +300%. It can isolate the enemy's sneak attack and impact, and the Great Wall can connect the private city owned by the city owner to protect the territory! Additional skills: guard the Great Wall, Beacon Tower, and Great Wall Guardian.

Guard the Great Wall: The private city owned by the city lord and the captured field buildings will be guarded by the Great Wall. With city walls and sentry towers, the Great Wall has the ability to self-repair. The more private cities and field buildings you own, the longer the Great Wall will be.

Beacon Tower: On the Great Wall, every 1000 meters, there will be a Beacon Tower. The Beacon Tower is a high-level sentry tower with a bonus 5 times that of ordinary sentry towers. The Beacon Towers are connected to each other, and the army can go to other areas of the Great Wall through the Beacon Towers. . Currently has 80 beacon towers.

Guardians of the Great Wall: Each Beacon Tower can recruit 3 Guardians of the Great Wall (depending on the city level). The Guardians of the Great Wall are the 10th-rank king's arms, and they can fight at most 5 kilometers away from the Beacon Tower.

After the Great Wall appeared, the walls of Tianming City became the Great Wall.

Every 1000 meters, there is a very strong beacon tower.

The Great Wall is equal to a legendary building that can be shared by private cities!

Even the larger the enclosure, the greater the effect of the Great Wall!

"Boss, the Great Wall seems to connect Destiny City and Miracle City together!".

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