Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 140 Lucky Son And Ambassador! (Fifth Update, Please Subscribe!)

Seeing Lina's high spirits, Ye Xiu also leaned over.

This treasure chest merchant is indeed selling treasure chests.

The kind of unopened treasure chest.

Ye Xiu is familiar with this event!

Several players gathered there, hesitating whether to buy a treasure chest.

The Chest Vendor now sells up to Silver Chests.

There are also black iron treasure chests and bronze treasure chests for sale.

Because the treasure chest has a chance to open gold coins.

The price of treasure chests sold by treasure chest merchants is relatively high.

The black iron treasure chest sells for 1,200 gold coins, and the maximum price is 500 gold coins.

Bronze Treasure Chest, the price is 2500 gold coins, and the highest price is 1000 gold coins.

Silver Treasure Chest, priced at 6000 gold coins, with a maximum of 2000 gold coins.

Players certainly didn't go purely for gold coins.

There is a chance to find resources, arms, treasures and even skills in the treasure chest.

If you open treasures or skills.

That's blood money!

The treasure chest merchant earns some by opening resources and arms.

This is the legendary gambling treasure chest!

This Ye Xiu is familiar!

He also gambled on the treasure chest several times in his previous life.

But there are winners and losers.

Overall, the Chest Merchant is a winner for sure.

But some lucky players can also open up good things against the sky.

And the players who want to gamble on the treasure chest are almost all players who think their luck is against the sky.

It belongs to the wave of people who believe that they are definitely making money.

"Boss, I bought a silver treasure chest, and I gambled all my wealth!"

A player viciously slapped the money to the treasure chest merchant.

As soon as he came, he gambled on the silver treasure chest.

What a waste of money.

Ye Xiu noticed the other party's ID.

Bon Voyage!

This is an old acquaintance!

Bon voyage, whose real name is Mo Lu.

It is Ye Xiu's best friend in reality.

Previous Life Bon Voyage was a game that was only entered during the public beta period.

He has a very special double talent.

They are Lucky Son and Diplomatic Ambassador.

Relying on this pair of talents, Mo Lu developed very well in the early stage.

When Ye Xiu was very unlucky, he helped Ye Xiu a lot.

At that time, Ye Xiu was arguably the worst batch of beta testers.

Has been repeatedly targeted by the dark earth.

He also suffered a lot in the Eternal Night Demon Tide.

The mix is ​​not even much better than the later public beta players.

ridiculed by many people.

Not only did Mo Lu not laugh at Ye Xiu, but he also formed a team with Ye Xiu.

The two teamed up and used Molu's talent as a diplomatic ambassador to escalate their diplomatic difficulties crazily.

Use the characteristics of diplomacy to increase your strength crazily.

This made both of them grow up quickly, and Ye Xiu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At that time, Molu's talent as a diplomatic ambassador was the core.

But half of the troops he conquered diplomatically will be given to Ye Xiu.

This kind of brother really has nothing to say!

It's a pity that Molu's diplomatic ambassador talent was leaked later.

He became the target of the Dark Earth hunt.

Top 100 on the hunt list.

After many targeted actions, Molu's lifespan was exhausted, and he fell forever before fully exerting his ability as a diplomatic ambassador.

For this reason, Ye Xiu crazily took revenge on the Dark Earth.

However, due to the large gap in strength, it is impossible to shake the forces of the dark earth.

That was the thing Ye Xiu regretted the most.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xiu now has the opportunity to see Mo Lu again!

It seems that history has been changed because of Ye Xiu.

Earth's closed beta player quota has tripled.

Mo Lu also unexpectedly came to "The Age of Lords" as an internal beta player.

"Bon voyage, you are so brave! How dare you bet on the silver treasure chest directly? Are you sure you can bet on diplomacy[?"

The players next to Mo Lu were also intimidated by the boldness of this beta player.

6000 gold coins is really his entire net worth.

Molu did this to gamble on diplomacy.

If it doesn't work out, it's really a loss!

"I was very lucky. I picked up an unowned treasure chest in the wild at the beginning, and got the initial unit."

"With the help of the initial units, I developed very quickly. If I lose money this time, I can make money after a while. Gambling on diplomacy is the key!"

The reason why Mo Lu is so eager to practice diplomacy is to give full play to the talent of the diplomatic ambassador.

He didn't learn diplomacy, so naturally he couldn't get Tianzhucheng.

Diplomatic ambassador, but the guarantee for his rapid growth!

"Bon voyage, didn't you say that Shura God of War is your brother! Then you go to him and ask him to help you get diplomacy!"

"Master Shura God of War has great military exploits, and he owns two private cities. It's too easy to use diplomacy!"

There are players who hang out with Molu to confuse him.

They just heard that Shura God of War is a good brother with a smooth journey.

They just wanted to see if it was true.

But after waiting for nearly three days, I didn't see a smooth journey to find Shura God of War.

They have run out of patience.

"What do you know, Ah Xiu is my brother, at least I have to look like a human being to appear in front of him!"

"..."I can't rely on him for food, my brother should help him, not drag him down!"

Mo Lu's words warmed Ye Xiu's heart.

Ye Xiu in his previous life received a lot of help from Mo Lu.

Now Mo Lu should have met Ye Xiu in the live video.

Knowing that he is his brother Ye Xiu in reality.

In this situation, Mo Lu did not go to Ye Xiu.

Let Ye Xiu take him to level up or something.

Mo Lu knew that Ye Xiu must be very busy now.

It's no fun dragging down brothers.

If Mo Lu wants to meet Ye Xiu, he also needs to enter the two major legions through formal channels to show his strength!

"I'm afraid you are bragging! With such an awesome brother, are you still here as a diplomatic gambler?"

"You are either stupid, or you deliberately lied to us! I won't play with you anymore!"

Several players around Molu were cursing.

They have said it many times.

Ask Molu to find Ye Xiu.

But this guy is stubborn and just won't fuck me.

From this point of view, if he wants (money? Zhao), he is either bragging, or he is hopelessly stupid!

"You all followed me because of Axiu, you can get lost."

Bon voyage looked at this group of people coldly.

He has no sympathy for these people with ulterior motives.

Just as these players were about to leave, a voice sounded.

"Lu Zai, you entered "The Age of Lords", how dare you come to your father and me!"

Ye Xiu's words shocked Mo Lu!

Other players also looked at Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu had been watching the cabinet from the sidelines.

Now that he appeared, the player who was attracted by the treasure chest merchant saw Ye Xiu.

"It's really Lord Shura God of War! He appeared here, and he called out so affectionately for Bon voyage. Could it be that they are really brothers?"

"Fuck me? No way! This idiot actually has an inseparable relationship with Master Shura God of War! This is too unscientific!"

"Bon voyage didn't brag! Can you believe it!".

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