Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 163 The Mobile Fortress That Sweeps Everything (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe!)

Open the show operation of the weapon loading system.

It really encourages players to buy or rent magic cannons.

The price of renting the magic cannon is calculated by the minute.

The magic cannon can attack 10 times a minute.

With a little calculation, you can earn a lot of experience points and reward mission progress by bombarding the enemy reasonably.

The same goes for buying magic cannons.

They work together to buy a small magic cannon, and they can use it to continuously harvest the life points of the demons.

The Fortress of Doom is located near the Gates of Hell.

There is no shortage of demons to attack!

Ye Xiu also offered conditions.

If the players no longer want to own the Magic Cannon, Ye Xiu will buy it back with 80% of the price.

Ye Xiu won't lose too much.

It would be nice to seize the opportunity of the 'monster siege' now and harvest a wave.

There are even players who are more flamboyant than Ye Xiu. "Six Nine Three"

After purchasing the magic weapon, rent it to other players.

Weapon loading system, instantly become popular!

Players give full play to the characteristics of unlimited imagination.

Attack the invading army of demons with the help of magic cannons.

The number of magic cannons on the Ruin Fortress rose rapidly.

Breaking through 1000 doors in no time!

Even if most of them are small magic cannons purchased by players, it is still amazing.

The demon lord who came to attack the destruction fortress was stunned.

"When did the blood fortress change drastically!"

"This alien hero has conjured up so many weapons of war! My loss is too great!"

The players worked together to buy a large number of magic cannons.

It made the demon lord doubt his life.

At the same time, the demons killed by players using magical weapons will also be included in Ye Xiu's hunting bounty.

After all, they also used the magic weapon provided by Ye Xiu.

Also received Ye Xiu's attribute bonus.

This is also prostitution!

Ye Xiu is a whore for nothing!

[Kill 1,000 flame demons (tier 5 arms), according to the level and quality of the demons, you will get rewards: 1W gold coins, 2 musketeers. 】

[Reward rewards get a 100-fold increase, get 100W gold coins, and 2 future fighters. 】

Reminders of rewards kept ringing in Ye Xiu's ears.

His small treasury, which was about to be depleted, was filled up in an instant.

Ye Xiu was not polite.

Made 10 giant magic cannons again.

Every giant magic cannon is an existence that makes the enemy tremble.

The dreadlord responsible for the siege has regretted it!

"I'm so crazy, come to attack such a fortress, retreat quickly! Withdraw for me!"

The dreadlord regretted it.

He suffered heavy casualties, but he didn't even touch the walls of the Fortress of Destruction.

It's a shame!

But he can't help it.

If you continue to attack.

Then he might be completely wiped out!

He was unwilling to accept such a tragic end.

Originally thought that the blood fortress was defeated by the enemy.

If the enemy is not strong, he can seize the Blood Fortress.

Unexpectedly, it was a hedgehog that he pounced on and grabbed!

The Lord of Dread was beaten in a daze!

That's a miserable one!

The dread lord screamed as he was beaten.

had to retreat.

Ye Xiu let the phantom knights chase and kill them for a while, and they didn't stop until the enemy withdrew from the attack distance of the magic cannon.

Unexpectedly, a very dangerous siege battle was resolved so easily.

Ye Xiu was very satisfied with the defensive capabilities of the Ruin Fortress.

The current protection ability of this Level 3 fortress may surpass that of Destiny City and Miracle City!

In fact, its characteristics are simply born for war.

Destroy the war platform.

Plus the features of Mobile War Fortress!

"These demons are too cowardly, why don't they just withdraw? I haven't had enough yet!"

"Hey, didn't you come to attack the city? That's it? I only had 10 shots!"

"You still had 10 shots, I only had 8 shots!"

The players were very angry.

Say good siege.

The Lord of Dread has just tasted it!

This is simply a disgrace to the demon lord world!

The players haven't killed it yet!

Watch the players get angry.

Naturally, Ye Xiu wants to make decisions for them!

"Aren't you happy? Then I will satisfy you soon! Let's kill!"

Ye Xiu stood on the wall and raised his arms and shouted.

The players are full of expectations, is this going to take them out of the city?

Master Shura God of War, is this going against the heavens?

Ye Xiu came to the base camp of the Fortress of Destruction.

This has been turned into a control hub..

You can control the movement of Doom Fortress!

That's right, after acquiring the Mobile Fortress feature.

The Doom Fortress has been transformed into an integrated mobile fortress.

There are a large number of operating devices below it.

Allows the entire fortress to move at a slow speed.

Ye Xiu decisively locked the Dread Lord's territory.

Fortress of Fear.

This is the closest fortress to the Blood Fortress.

Its distance is about 72 kilometers.

For a demon lord, that's pretty close.

Dreadlords also often battle Bloodlords.

The grievances between the two parties are very deep.

Some demon heroes under the command of the blood lord.

After leaving the Blood Lord, he defected to the Fear Lord.

Ye Xiu felt that the Dread Fortress was a good target to attack.

The strength is not very strong, and the distance is not very far!

Destroy the fortress, you can directly rush to ride the face!

"Start! Mobile Fortress!"

Ye Xiu activates the Fortress of Destruction.

I saw that the Fortress of Destruction began to shake slightly.

It is like an extremely huge chariot.

Slowly but firmly kill towards the direction of the Fortress of Fear.

All the small obstacles in front of the destruction fortress were leveled.

Players also noticed some changes.

"Look, everyone! The Fortress of Destruction is moving!"

Some players keenly noticed something was wrong.

When they came to the city wall, they could see the objects in front of the Fortress of Destruction slowly getting closer.

Many 4.2 demon wild monsters ran away in fright.

Some resource points or unit buildings that cannot be left are crushed by the destruction fortress!

However, the mobile fortress feature of the destruction fortress will not destroy these resource points and buildings.

Instead, devour it.

Turn it into a part of the Doom Fortress.

Mobile Fortress is so awesome!

Doom Fort quickly passed a level 1 iron ore.

After it was crushed, a Level 1 iron mine appeared in the Fortress of Destruction.

The destruction fortress moved together with the large area below it.

Level 1 iron ore becomes part of the destruction fortress.

Let the size of the destruction fortress increase slightly.

Destroy the fortress, this is to sweep everything away!

"I'll go up and have a look!".

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