Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 179: Kingdom Of Dragons

Ye Xiu was in high spirits.

He completes the deal with Charlotte G.

Seeing that the time was right, Ye Xiu said, "Your Excellency Charlotte, I heard that you were a goblin treasure hunter before, so you should have a lot of treasures on hand..."

"I'm also very interested in your treasures, can you sell me some treasures..."

Charlotte was taken aback by Ye Xiu's words.

He immediately tightened the gorgeous robe on his body, and his tone became angry: "I used to own a lot of treasures, and in various forbidden places, it was as if no one was there, and I don't know how many treasures I have found!

Charlotte kicked up.

Ye Xiu still pretended to be listening.

Anyway, I, who cooperated with your performance, turned a blind eye.

"Later, I harvested too many treasures, and was targeted by the hateful dragon clan! Once I went to the Dragon Kingdom to hunt for treasure, and was besieged by hundreds of ancient dragons."

"I'm not the opponent of so many despicable dragons. They robbed me of my treasures and robbed me in the wild many times! I can't even be a treasure hunter!"

Ye Xiu wanted to laugh when he heard that.

It seems that Charlotte is going to the Dragon Kingdom to do something.

Instead, he was robbed by the Dragon Clan.

He couldn't think about it either.

Actually playing the idea of ​​the Dragon Kingdom.

Surrounded by hundreds of ancient dragons.

27 It is not realistic to think about it.

In the Kingdom of Dragons, there are many ordinary giant dragons.

But there are not so many ancient dragons.

The ancient giant dragons are all legendary creatures that have broken through the fifteenth order.

Far more fierce than the fourteenth-order giant dragons of various colors.

But when Ye Xiu listened, he felt something was wrong.

If Charlotte hadn't stolen anything special, she probably wouldn't have been targeted by the Dragon Clan like this.

He dared not even leave the city.

What treasure was stolen from the Dragon Kingdom?

Ye Xiu couldn't help but be careful.

Players in the previous life only know that Charlotte can receive special missions for rewarding resources.

Haven't dug deep into this NPC yet.

Ye Xiu thinks there is definitely something special about it.

It seems that Mr. Lemon, a tool man, will come out again.

"The Dragon Clan is so hateful? Then Charlotte, do you want me to help you teach the despicable Dragon Clan a lesson?"

Ye Xiu strikes while the iron is hot.

You can hand over the task of mining Charlotte to Lemon to do it slowly.

"You want to help me take revenge on the Dragon Clan? Are you not afraid of being targeted by the Dragon Clan?"

Ye Xiu summoned the Dragon Hunter Crossbowmen.

"Look at the units under my command, they are experts in hunting dragons!"

The dragon hunting crossbowman had a grim expression.

He glanced at Charlotte lightly.

Just turn your head away.

"It's actually a dragon-hunting crossbowman! This kind of arms must have hunted and killed the dragon to advance and become a legendary alien. It seems that you are really a professional!"

"Then please help me avenge the Dragon Clan, as long as there is a bastard with Dragon Clan blood, if you can kill me, I will pay you!"

Charlotte gritted her teeth at the dragon.

He immediately issued a mission to Ye Xiu to hunt down the dragons!

Hunting and killing dragons: long-term mission, task requirements: kill arms and heroes with dragon blood.

Mission rewards: According to the quantity and quality of kills, reward a certain amount of resources and gold coins of various colors (killing mid-level units rewards low-level resources, killing high-level units rewards mid-level resources, and so on).

Ye Xiu looked at this mission of hunting dragons.

It's similar to the bounty rewards of the demon hunter.

Depending on the number of kills, return to Charlotte to deliver the quest.

You can get rewards.

The more dragons you kill, the higher the level.

The rewards the better.

Charlotte is really fighting the Dragon Clan!

Anyway, Ye Xiu was going to take the Dragon Clan under his knife.

That's exactly what he wanted!

"Well, just wait for my good news!"

Ye Xiu accepted the task with a smile.

Through this task, he can obtain various resources stably.

Other missions have limited mission objectives.

It takes a lot of time just to lead the task.

It's not like the task of Charlotte Ke, simple and rude, one step to the stomach.

"Young man, fuck those nasty dragons hard for me!"

Charlotte looked expectant.

Ye Xiu greeted him and left with Teacher Lemon.

"Boss Shura, you are still the best, to be able to accept such a long-term mission."

"You speculated that there is such a mission here through a rumor? It's really invincible!"

Teacher Lemon looked at Ye Xiu with admiration.

Thought Ye Xiu was through Charlotte Ke was the treasure hunter's clue.

It is speculated that Charlotte may have a mission.

In the eyes of Teacher Lemon, this is simply the god of digging tasks!

This also opened the door to a new world for Teacher Lemon.

There are also many NPCs who hide their identities in Galaxy City.

Maybe they also have stories and missions?

Teacher Lemon has some ideas.

Maybe she can go to other NPCs to try.

See if you can dig out similar tasks.

""The Age of Lords" is a real world, and the NPCs in it also have love and hatred. If you find their needs, you can get a lot of tasks."

"Little Lemon, you still have a lot to learn!"

Ye Xiu scratched Teacher Lemon's nose.

Teacher Lemon rolled her eyes: "He is not small at all..."

Her voice is small.

Ye Xiu still glanced at her.

Just looking at it, it is not small.

You have to experience it yourself to prove it!

"Then where do we go next? Is there really a place where you can find a lot of dragon blood kobolds?"

Dragon blood kobolds are also made of dragons.

Counts towards Charlotte's Dragon Hunt quest objective.

Ye Xiu has his own plan.

"Go to Twilight Tavern to recruit some beautiful heroes..."

Ye Xiu asked Teacher Lemon to wait for him in Galaxy City first.

Ye Xiu went straight to the Twilight Tavern in Destiny City.

This tavern is full of beautiful heroes.

Sometimes, special heroes of the elves such as night hunters can be recruited.

With 3000 more leader points, Ye Xiu can bring more secondary heroes.

These sub-heroes will split the experience points for him.

Help him card level.

At the same time, you can bring more troops.

When Ye Xiu entered the Twilight Tavern, he found that there were many beautiful heroes of heroic quality and even elite quality.

Among them, the elves are the main ones.

Ye Xiu didn't dislike it either, and immediately recruited 20 beautiful heroes.

Generally are shooter 810 professional.

They were only level 10 when they joined Ye Xiu's command.

After the level rises, you will be able to take the phantom shooter.

Ye Xiu's army was enriched at once.

The number of secondary heroes has reached 46!

Ye Xiu's leading force actually already has 4020 points.

Enough to make these secondary heroes rise to level 40 or above.

After returning to Galaxy City, Ye Xiu looked at Teacher Lemon.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the legendary Kingdom of Dragons to see and see!"

"That place is full of treasures, we can develop it well!"

Ye Xiu set off with the curious teacher Lemon.

He went to the Kingdom of Dragons located in the Eternal Continent.

Maybe it's also the kingdom of dragons that Charlotte once visited.

It is about 12,000 kilometers away from Galaxy City.

At present, few players know the location of Dragon Kingdom.

At the same time, the sphere of influence of Dragon Kingdom is also huge.

Enough to have a country!

Ye Xiu is testing the waters first.

In fact, in the Milky Way Continent, there is also the Kingdom of Dragons.

That's where the dragons themselves live together.

The Kingdom of Dragons in the Milky Way Continent is still in the development stage.

It's just that Ye Xiu can't go there temporarily because of the special location.

Coming to the Kingdom of Dragons in the Eternal Continent, Ye Xiu could only wander around the periphery.

And a certain Dragon Country in the Milky Way Continent.

It is Ye Xiu's future goal.

If you can take down the entire kingdom of dragons.

Then make a lot of money!

"Dragon Kingdom? It turns out that the target of Master Shura is there!"

"If it's in the Dragon Kingdom, there are indeed a lot of dragon blood kobolds!".

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