Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 184 Advanced Magic Scroll! (Fifth Update, Please Subscribe!)

Ye Xiu and the titan players chose the same way.

While the titan players attacked, the future fighters also attacked.

Several titan players didn't react.

He was killed by a headshot by a future soldier!

Their attack method is sniping.

The gunshots from the sniper rifle are very stealthy. When you hear the gunshots, the enemy has already been attacked.

Sniping is very stealthy.

Unlike archers.

Shooting an arrow always has flight time.

Enough for some players to react.

This is why Ye Xiu likes to use future fighters to decapitate so much.

In this wave of sniping, 6 players were directly sniped.

Ye Xiu in order to ensure the success rate.

It is to let 20 future fighters form a group.

A sniper kill on the same target.

It is to ensure that the enemy must die!

"This guy... is really disgusting!"

Giant Spirit God didn't expect Ye Xiu to act so decisively like them.

They failed to pose any threat to Ye Xiu.

But they were killed by Ye Xiu.

This is a huge difference in performance.

"Are you very angry? Later you will envy those 27 guys who died early!"

"Shackles of Reincarnation!"

Ye Xiu directly targeted the two titan players.

The kobold hero here has been completely shot.

The shackles of reincarnation increased the power of reincarnation by 150 points.

The quota for Shackles of Reincarnation is vacant.

Ye Xiu will kill all titan players!

The contradictions between the two parties have long been irreconcilable.

Otherwise, the titan players wouldn't shoot Ye Xiu as soon as they saw Ye Xiu.

How cruel and how come!

"I am locked by the shackles of reincarnation!"

The face of the giant spirit god changed drastically.

He is one of those unlucky ones.

Another titan player also had a tingling scalp: "Me too! The shackles of reincarnation, either you die or I live! We and the reincarnated Shura, only one can survive!"

Ye Xiu looked at them, which is why he said that the rest of the titan players would envy the comrades who were killed in front.

Locked by the shackles of reincarnation, they have the risk of completely falling.

It's so dangerous, that's what titan players didn't expect.

"If you dare to be my enemy, prepare for your complete fall!"

Ye Xiu's attack was ruthless, just to kill the titan player.

After he locked the two of them, Zui Lai Zhan immediately went abroad to form a saint.

The Giant Spirit God still has some tricks!

"Hurry up and protect me! Iron Shield Guard!"

The giant spirit god brought some personal guards.

This type of arms will resist damage for the hero.

If fatal injuries were received, all of them would be transferred to Nanwei.

This is to let the guards die instead of the heroes.

This is the best unit against beheading tactics.

The giant spirit god has never encountered a fatal crisis before.

A team of iron shield personal guards has been useless.

This time it saved his life.

The future soldiers set fire in one round.

The giant spirit god was instantly emptied of blood.

His iron shield personal guards resisted a lot of damage for him.

A team of iron shield guards, all wiped out!

The damage made the Giant Spirit God's scalp tingle.

The defense and blood volume of these iron shield guards are very high.

But it was dried to death in the blink of an eye.

If it is replaced by the giant spirit god himself.

Then he has died several times!

"Do you think you can survive just relying on the bodyguards?"

"Because of the shackles of reincarnation, I want to see how many guards you have to pay for your life!"

Ye Xiu didn't care about the giant spirit god's movements at all.

Another locked player has died.

The giant spirit god can't escape anyway.

Definitely going to be ravaged to death.

"Do you really think we are afraid of you? Let's go together and kill him!"

The giant spirit god gritted his teeth.

He is already in a desperate situation.

If one fails, it will be completely lost!

"That's right! He used the shackles of reincarnation, then he himself will be locked at the resurrection point, and we have a chance to kill him completely!"

Titan players are not trash either.

They have their own means of suppressing the bottom of the box.

The giant spirit god took out a few magic scrolls.

It was a magic scroll drawn by a high-level mage hero.

After activation, it is equivalent to a spell-casting attack by a high-level mage hero.

The profession of a mage.

That is, the more popular it is in the later stage.

Spell damage is exaggerated.

And the giant spirit god can only enjoy the bonus of his own knowledge attribute when using this magic scroll.

It is still incomparable with a real high-level mage.

He tore open the scroll and dropped several high-level spells in succession.

Meteor Shi Tianfall!

Meteor shower!

Lightning storm!

Frost Nova!

4 high-level spells in a row.

They all fell on Ye Xiu's troops.

Still caused a lot of casualties.

What made the Giant Spirit God despair was that the holy priest under Joan of Arc waved his hand.

Resurrection takes effect.

The dead Hurricane Archer and Phantom Archer were resurrected one after another.

The magic of the giant spirit god did not instantly kill these arms.

It was the units in the two spell superposition areas that were instantly killed.

The blood volume and means of Ye Xiu's troops exceeded the expectations of the Giant Spirit God!

"Never mind! Everyone smash him to death with magic scrolls!"

Djinn gods can only inspire other titan players.

Several titan players tore open the magic scrolls in succession.

In their public cities, there are special buildings that sell high-level magic scrolls.

Expert players have money to buy several self-defense.

At this moment, it is natural to use it desperately.

However, Joan was already prepared and asked the holy priests to heal Ye Xiu's units.

At the same time, the troops spread out to reduce the number of hits.

Even if you die, you can be resurrected.

After a wave of magic scroll baptism, 450 Ye Xiu's troops didn't lose much at all!

The titan players were devastated.

Several titan players have been shot.

Only the giant spirit god and another titan player, due to the shackles of reincarnation, were resurrected after death.

"Thank you for coming to send the heads, welcome to come again next time!"

Ye Xiu left a word provocatively.

He shot and killed the two giant spirit gods again.

The giant spirit god looked desperate.

Their methods not only failed to turn defeat into victory.

It couldn't even inflict considerable damage on Ye Xiu.

This is the most depressing!

It shows that the gap between the two sides is too big!

"Aren't you desperate? That's right, you can go on the road!"

Ye Xiu left part of the army Archer Djinn God.

The main force was to kill another kobold hero who was discovered.

Killing these titan players seems to be done easily.

By the way, it's just harvesting a wave of reincarnation power.

The giant spirit god was completely killed by Ye Xiu.

Djinn World, Player - 2.

[Kill 1 enemy hero, the enemy level is higher than your own, and you will get 1 layer of God of War bonus. Permanently kill 1 enemy hero, gain 10 layers of God of War bonus, power of reincarnation +36 points. 】

[Killing 1 enemy hero, according to the level of the enemy, the experience value of the Asura Legion +150 points, and the experience value of the God of War Legion +150 points. 】.

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