Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 188 Reincarnation Domain! (Ninth Change, 6W Flowers Plus More!)

Ye Xiu got the legendary shackles of reincarnation.

His plans are even better!

This time, the titan players must pay a heavy price!

Ye Xiu appeared near Tianlong City with infinite evil spirit.

This is a Void Anchor location set by Ye Xiu.

After returning here, Ye Xiu asked the knights to start collecting information on titan players.

Soon, he found a team of about 20 titan players.

They are the players who are responsible for cleaning up the dragonblood kobolds on the periphery.

They are weaker than the players who went in to hunt down Ye Xiu.

When the titan players were chasing and killing Ye Xiu, they started to develop the Dragon Kingdom by the way.

Many players were mobilized to clean up on the periphery.

Slowly occupy this area.

In the future, more titan players will be able to brush dragon blood kobolds.

And these players don't know.

A terrifying killing god has appeared behind them!" "Qi Ba San" "You should pay for your arrogant attitude..."

Ye Xiu looked at the group of players coldly.

After he confirmed that the large forces surrounded the enemy, he launched a surprise attack.

Reincarnation field!

The shackles of reincarnation in Ye Xiu's hands turned into a sky.

Cover this area.

In the field of reincarnation, dead heroes will be resurrected quickly.

This is simply the rhythm of a battle to the death.

However, the field of reincarnation itself did not form an obstacle.

The hero can escape by escaping from its enveloping range.

Unlike the shackles of reincarnation skills.

Enemies that are locked cannot escape from a certain area.

That's called immortality.

In the field of reincarnation, the enemy needs to be surrounded to death!

This wave of Ye Xiu is to confirm that the enemy is surrounded before suddenly attacking!

The phantoms of the phantom shooters disappear, and their real bodies appear.

Countless arrows rained down from the sky.

The titan players who hadn't figured out the situation were hit hard.

Ye Xiu's champion knight cooperated with the ghost knight and rushed out.

There are also phantom knights in the air for riding and shooting sprints.

The terrifying firepower overwhelmed the titan players.

These titan players are not masters.

There were heavy casualties at once.

Especially for the future fighters, the results are quite fruitful!

Players who are killed will be revived immediately!

All of a sudden, the titan players were stunned!

"It's the reincarnated Shura! How could he appear here! We are surrounded!"

"What's the situation? Why did I come back to life so soon after I died? I'm not locked by the shackles of reincarnation!"

"Look at our state. We are in the realm of reincarnation. If we are killed, we will be resurrected quickly! This is to drive us to extinction!"

The titan players were extremely flustered.

Ye Xiu struck too hard.

If the reincarnation field is created, the players will be miserable.

Legendary shackles of reincarnation.

The additional deduction for lifespan has also been increased.

This part of the life of the additional deduction.

It is transformed into the power of reincarnation.

In other words, if Titan players die once, the price they pay will be heavier.

Ye Xiu takes less time to permanently kill a hero!

"Call for reinforcements! The reincarnated Shura has appeared in our rear, come and kill him!"

"Fight with him! We can't sit still!"

These titan players were caught off guard.

It fell into an extremely unfavorable state at once.

They can only tear the magic scroll.

Want to cause damage to Ye Xiu.

Available under Grandmaster level magic resistance.

These advanced magic scrolls are like scratching an itch.

Some troop classes don't even break their magic shields!

This is called incomprehension!

Ye Xiu crazily harvested the power of God of War.

Players present are revived repeatedly.

Half of the players offer him the power of God of War.

It can make him happy!

The first unlucky player appeared.

He was shot 9 times in a row and died when his lifespan was exhausted!

Today's players have not been promoted to intermediate titles.

After being promoted to an intermediate professional title, the player will get some increase in lifespan.

In the future, some lifespan will be added for each level.

Players with intermediate professional titles have a longer lifespan.

Players at this stage generally have a short lifespan, so it is naturally much easier to kill them!

[Kill 1 enemy hero, the enemy level is higher than your own, and you will get 1 layer of God of War bonus. Permanently kill 1 enemy hero, gain 10 layers of God of War bonus, power of reincarnation +72 points. 】

[Killing 1 enemy hero, according to the enemy's level, the experience value of Shura Legion + 72 points, the experience value of God of War Legion + 2 points. 】

Harvest 19 points of God of War power in one wave.

Ye Xiu soars up!

The field of reincarnation is much more efficient than using the shackles of reincarnation alone.

If Ye Xiu used the shackles of reincarnation.

Only a maximum of 4 players can remain.

But now he has kept all 20 players!

"You're all going to die!"

Ye Xiu is inspired by the power of God of War......

He speeds things up.

Founding Titan and Hundred Eyes titan also entered the venue.

Players die faster.

In less than 5 minutes, all the players present were killed!

[Kill 1 enemy hero, the enemy level is higher than your own, and you will get 1 layer of God of War bonus. Permanently kill 1 enemy hero, gain 10 layers of God of War bonus, power of reincarnation +70 points. 】

[Killing 1 enemy hero, according to the level of the enemy, the experience value of the Asura Legion +70 points, and the experience value of the God of War Legion +70 points. 】

And there are 6 players with higher level than Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu gained 114 points of God of War power in one wave!

However, after forging 10 layers of God of War, and then forging the body of God of War, the required power of God of War reached 200 points.

Every time the God of War body is forged, the improved attributes also increase.

This is a new level and a new challenge.

Ye Xiu is not in a hurry either.

With so many titan players, he can harvest a lot of the power of God of War!

"Next time, find someone with a higher average grade!"

Ye Xiu didn't even clean the battlefield, and withdrew with his troops.

Has the ability to march rapidly.

His troops come and go without a trace!

It was like a divine soldier descending from heaven.

It's confusing.

Half an hour after Ye Xiu disappeared, some titan players arrived on the scene.

"It's really the reincarnated Shura! How did he do it? He escaped from the siege of Lord Red Eye."

"It can still appear here like a ghost in 5.9, intercepting and killing our players! This ability is too scary!"

Titan players feel palpitations.

Ye Xiu's killing was too ruthless.

The players were shocked.

Before they had time to sigh, they found a distress post appeared on the giant spirit board and the titan board!

"Help! We are surrounded by the reincarnated Shura more than 100 kilometers away from Tianlong City! He has a special method that can revive us immediately, and we are almost unable to hold on!"

This post simply detonated the forum of titan players.

There were 20 titan players before, who were completely killed by Ye Xiu.

Titan players have a permanent -20.

This has caused a huge stir.

Now Ye Xiu strikes again.

This is to kill all!

"Quick! Let's go to the rescue! Don't let the titan players lose again!".

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