Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 19 Karma Red Lotus! (Seventh Update, 500 Evaluation Votes Plus Update!)

Ye Xiu never expected that he would be high on the threat list of the Human Federation.

Ye Xiu from the previous life was targeted very badly.

Naturally, it can't be on the list.

In this life, I only came into contact with new human players once.

But it has already been listed as a major threat.

Ye Xiu also reminded Teacher Lemon.

The reality is that his threat level is higher than that of Mr. Lemon.

Ye Xiu led the team to the destination, but was dumped by new human players halfway!

"Master Shura, there are some malicious heroes approaching ahead..."

The Hurricane shooter has a long range and a long field of view.

They spotted the enemy from afar.

Ye Xiu also found out who they were through the small map.


Earl of Blood!

Decepticons are 'old friends'.

The Earl of Blood is exactly what Ye Xiu wants to grab the adventure.

Unexpectedly, this time the enemy's road is narrow.

Met on the way.

"Oh, there are a lot of people! Am I being targeted?"

Ye Xiu couldn't help but laugh.

I didn't expect him to be taken care of.

As soon as he went out, more than 20 new human players surrounded him.

This is also thanks to the Human Federation.

Now there are only 10,000 new human players in total.

The Human Federation actually mobilized so many people to encircle and suppress Ye Xiu.

This is a big fight!

If an ordinary player encountered so many heroes, he would definitely kneel down.

Follow Ye Xiu's previous lineup.

If there are only 4 stormtroopers, they might have to kneel.

After all, stormtroopers are melee units.

The Earl of Blood has a second-tier longbowman under his command.

The others block the stormtroopers for a while.

A few longbowmen can still kill a stormtrooper.

"Reincarnated Shura, I finally caught you!"

The Overlord appeared with a sneer on his face.

He was still bitter about being tortured and killed by Ye Xiu last time.

This time there is a chance for revenge.

Ye Xiu is strong in the king's arms.

Now if you kill his king's arms.

Ye Xiu must have suffered a huge loss!

It might kill Ye Xiu's momentum.

Let him down.

"Batian Zhe, it's you again, you little bastard, are you here to give away the head again?"

"It seems that your life is worthless!"

Ye Xiu made a joke.

When the player dies, life will be deducted according to the enemy's attack.

If the death is tragic, a large amount of life span will be deducted.

The last time the Decepticon died at the hands of the Stormtroopers, 5 years of life were deducted.

There are very few ways to increase lifespan.

Every player cherishes his life.

"I still have 180 years to live, 5 years is nothing!"

"This time I want you to pay the price, and I will kill you every time you go out in the future!"

Decepticons are spoken of where it hurts.

He cursed.

However, the lifespan of new humans is indeed far longer than that of ordinary humans.

Their life expectancy reaches 200 years.

Almost twice as many as humans.

It has been 50 years since the birth of new humans.

A new human being who has not yet died of old age.

Even the oldest new humans still look young!

This is also the gap between human players and new humans.

The difference in lifespan is large, and new human players can die a few more times.

Light consumption can kill human players!

"180 years of life? Then you come to give it a few more times, I don't mind..."

Ye Xiu said inappropriate words.

It is to make the Tyrant jump his feet in anger.

Ye Xiu just likes the feeling that the enemy doesn't like him, but they can't kill him.

"Batian, don't be carried away by anger!"

"His strength is more than expected. According to the original plan, we will deal with his king's troops first!"

The Blood Earl reminded the Tyrant.

He is very calm.

I saw hundreds of troops of various types under Ye Xiu's command.

His expression is very dignified.

Fortunately, enough players were summoned this time.

After a day of development, the strength of many players has also increased.

Among the new human players, there are more than 6 troops on average.

Levels are also above level 3.

This means that they have learned some skills.

The skill level has also been raised to at least the intermediate level.

"Others assign troops to Iron Shield to command, and let his defensive skills provide bonuses!"

"Iron Shield, lead your troops to the top and give me a chance to output!"

The Blood Earl looked at a new human player.

The opponent mainly learns defensive skills.

Due to the completion of a special task.

His defense has reached an advanced level.

Cooperate with the main point defense attribute.

Iron Shield becomes the main force to lead troops, and its troops will be very strong!

New human players are very capable of execution.

The blood earl who was in charge of the operation ordered, and the other players followed suit immediately.

Ye Xiu smiled and watched the opponent dispatch troops.

The iron shield led the soldiers up, and when they entered the attack range, Ye Xiu looked at Lina.

"Advanced defense, Lina, you can figure it out..."

Lina's reply was also very simple, she raised her hand.

The red lotus mages cast spells immediately!

Karma red lotus!

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