Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 208 Upgrade The Platform! (Ninth Change, 7W Flowers Plus More!)

The dark lord's avatar sneered: "Did you see that! As a demon hunter, he has an endless relationship with us!"

"Brothers don't hold back, go together and drown him!"

After the dark lord finished speaking, other demon lords responded one after another.

The consensus on dealing with demon hunters has not changed.

But Ye Xiu also noticed some void demons looming among the dark lord's troops.

The number and level of void fiends has increased.

During this time, more void demons descended through the gates of hell.

This is an action against Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu had previously disrupted the void demons' operations.

The void demons already see Ye Xiu as a thorn in their side.

Naturally, they will not let go of every opportunity.

Ye Xiu was not surprised.

Fighting wits and courage with the void demons is the main theme of the closed beta.

On the contrary, Ye Xiu confirmed what he thought in his own mind at the "September 10th".

The void fiends are up to something.

Maybe it's time to investigate the situation in the depths of the gate of hell later!

Thinking of this, Ye Xiu prepared to quickly end this battle.

And so do the demon lords.

The demon lords launched a fierce offensive.

Under the command of professionals.

Various siege weapons began to roar.

All kinds of demon arms also began to attack the destruction fortress.

The magic cannon and the magic crossbow began to show their power.

The two sides enter the consumption stage.

The magic cannon can focus on hitting the enemy's siege weapons.

By the way, kill the enemy.

The magic crossbow is an incarnation machine gun.

Form a terrifying firepower network.

This is the most effective combat power for killing demon arms.

Previously, Ye Xiu had received a large wave of bounties.

Ye Xiu immediately threw himself into the weapon loading platform.

Thousands of magic crossbows were loaded again.

The weapon loading platform turns Doom Fortress into a steel monster.

The enemy is paying a heavy price.

At the same time, the dark lord hid at the back, observing the situation of the destruction fortress.

"This alien hero is really difficult to deal with. He quietly created such a mobile warfare fortress, and he wants to pull out all the demonic fortresses guarding hell!"

"We must not let him do what he wants, otherwise the gate of hell will not be protected, and we will not be able to build a void passage at the gate of hell!"

As Ye Xiu expected.

Darklords have been transformed into voidfiends.

The treacherous, cunning demon lord.

After being approached by void demons.

I have spotted the powerful forces of the void demons.

The first to surrender.

The Dark Lord was originally a native demon race.

Void demons belong to the alien race.

In a sense.

The ordinary demon race, and the void demons belong to two races.

This is the difference between the dragon clan and the undead dragon clan.

Some things have changed in nature.

Demon lords, you haven't been very fond of void demons before.

After the dark lord took refuge in the void demon.

Get immediate help from the Voidfiend.

Not only has the strength of his subordinates increased greatly.

It also has many powerful treasures.

His mission is also to deal with Ye Xiu.

Organize the advance of this Inhuman hero.

If there is an opportunity, kill it even more!

The coalition forces against Ye Xiu this time is the plot of the dark lord.

The Void Demon also sent forces to support it.

"If the Mobile War Fortress of the reincarnated Shura can be obtained, it will be extremely beneficial to our plan!"

"We can use this fortress as a core fortress to conquer the entire galaxy continent!"

The dark lord is accompanied by some void demons.

Those were all level 89 void demon heroes.

All of them are the best among mid-level heroes.

Great help from the Dark Lord.

"I will find a way to take down Mobile War Fortress!"

"We are currently in the stage of attrition. The reincarnated Shura has not suffered any losses. Please help us capture this fortress."

The Dark Lord showed a greedy expression.

Someone among the void demons immediately nodded.

"Then we will take action! Destruction Fortress must be taken down!"

The void demons dispersed immediately.

In the army attacking the destruction fortress, the figure of the void demon appeared.

The number of armies they lead is extremely large, and the combat power of their arms is generally higher.

Ye Xiu remembered that the void demons all had an elite demon talent.

It can improve the basic attributes of the demons under his command. Among every 10 demons, a certain percentage of demons can become elite demons.

This is one point where they are stronger than ordinary demon heroes.

The stronger the void demon, the higher the ratio of elite demons.

Ye Xiu saw a Void Demon with elite demons in his previous life...

This kind of talent is like the advantage of new humans over human players.

The advantages are too obvious.

No wonder some players in the previous life suspected that the relationship between the dark earth and the earth is like the relationship between the dark universe and this universe.

Ye Xiu chuckled: "When my destruction war platform is upgraded, you will all die!"

Ye Xiu has been paying attention to the situation of the destruction war platform.

His destruction war platform can be upgraded soon.

In the case of full production of the platform.

The armor of the king's arms first exceeded 1,000.

The armor production platform has been upgraded to level 2.

All of Ye Xiu's marksman units also have the Cannon King Armor.

The firepower is more powerful.

Just waiting for the puppet production platform to upgrade.

Destruction war platform can also be upgraded!

"Master Shura, many elite demons have been added to the enemy's army. They are very strong. It is difficult for our firepower to kill them instantly!"

It's a little surprised.

Before that, his gunnery bonus was lower.

Demon arms are instantly killed.

But now the void demons join in.

Their elite demon army makes it difficult to kill instantly.

Unable to kill in seconds, the impact of the enemy has become much stronger.

A big shot is a bit of a headache.

"Don't worry, we will fight back soon!"

Ye Xiu looked at Mo Lu.

"Lu Zai, how is the puppet production going? My 5,000 seventh-order puppet will be the main force in this battle!"

Ye Xiu3.5 urged.

The puppet making platform has the slowest progress.

That's because Ye Xiu is spending huge sums of money building an army of golems.

Golems are the only troop that can move around on several platforms.

Ye Xiu is planning to make the puppet army his main force.

Naturally, elites have been built from the very beginning.

For this reason, Ye Xiu has prepared a lot of resources and money to create clockwork dolls crazily!

This kind of "battle mage" can also get Ye Xiu's knowledge attribute bonus.

Ye Xiu spared no expense on this!

The clockwork puppet mainly consumes iron ore and black iron ore.

Ye Xiu got a lot of resources from Charlotte Ke.

Enough to build 5000 wind-up golems.

Now, it's time for the Clockwork Puppet to be released!

"Axiu, don't worry, I've been watching!"

"The clockwork puppet you want is ready now!".

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