Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 213 The Statue Of The God Of War (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe!)

[Capture the level 3 fortress of the neutral force, and get 72000 points of military merit. 】

[Obtain 7 private cities (fortresses), meet the conditions for a lord's sub-job, and the sub-job - lord (low-level title) is promoted to a mid-level title. 】

[The player becomes the first mid-level lord player on the Galaxy server, and will be rewarded with 20 points of lord force, one top-level building, and one top-level lord talent. 】

[The reward for the first show has been increased by a hundred times, and you will get 2000 points of lordship, an epic building-the God of War statue, and an epic lord talent-the Lord of Heroes!】

Ye Xiuyi occupies the Dark Fortress.

His information swiped like swiping the screen.

Ye Xiu received a lot of benefits.

The first is that he thus occupied 7 cities or fortresses.

The upgrade conditions for the deputy position of the lord were met in one fell swoop.

Upgrade from a low-level title to a mid-level title!

This kind of deputy will not be upgraded with the "three three zero" level of the person.

Rather, special requirements must be met.

The same goes for subclasses such as Demon Hunter.

Lord (intermediate professional title): every level up, all attributes + 2 points, free attribute points + 2 points, leader power + 20 points, leadership growth + 100 points, skill points + 2, experience points required for upgrading + 100% . If you meet the conditions, you can be promoted to a senior professional title. Promotion conditions: you have 15 private cities, and one of them has a city level not lower than level 5.

Mid-level lords have much higher attribute growth.

20 leadership points per level is already exaggerated.

However, the 2000-point leader that Ye Xiu received as a reward is also very powerful.

He can recruit more secondary heroes.

It means that his force can be expanded again!

In addition, mid-level lords can improve a large number of attributes.

One deputy position is worth the growth of several deputy positions.

This profession is really fierce.

However, the conditions for an intermediate lord to be promoted to a senior lord are much more difficult.

Whether it is 15 cities or fortresses.

Or at least one Tier 5 city.

It's all ridiculously difficult.

Ye Xiu's Destiny City has not yet been promoted to a Tier 4 city.

Ye Xiu estimated that it would take him at least half a month to upgrade Destiny City to level 4.

On the contrary, it is easier for Miracle City to reach level 3.

After all, Miracle City has the title of Miracle City.

Construction is much faster.

"Intermediate lord, many players in the previous life were promoted in the later stages."

"I was promoted to a mid-level lord in the early stage, and I will be promoted to one level in the future, which is equivalent to other people's promotion to three or four levels!"

Ye Xiu smiled slightly.

He is now prolific and explosive.

He is suppressing his level.

If he waits for his level to rise.

Compared with the same level, no player can compare with him.

At that time, the offensive and defensive attributes will be crushed.

Even if the enemy is stronger than him, he is not his opponent.

If you want to fight many with one, you must have a crushing advantage in attributes.

Ye Xiu currently has such an advantage.

"Master Shura, at some point in our Fortress of Destruction, there was an extra statue!"

"This statue is so domineering! It looks awesome!"

The exclamation of a big shot came to Ye Xiu's ears.

Ye Xiu turned his head and saw a statue of God of War that was not taller than the city.

Its height is more than 100 meters.

Like a skyscraper.

The face of this statue is Ye Xiu himself!

And the name of the statue is the God of War Statue!

This is because Ye Xiu has the title of Shura God of War, an epic building specially rewarded!

Corresponds to Ye Xiu's identity as the Shura God of War.

It can also enhance the strength of the God of War Legion!

God of War Statue: Epic-level building, the exclusive building of the God of War Legion, the level is related to the level of the God of War Legion, currently it is level 2. It can increase the output of all resources and arms within the fortress range by 200%, and increase the number of members of the God of War Legion by 100% and attribute bonuses by 30%. Additional skills: Believers of God of War, Body of God of War, Looting of War, Messenger of God of War.

Believers of the God of War: All members of the God of War Legion will become believers of the God of War Shura, and provide more power of faith for the God of War Shura (the power of faith is extremely pure, and the number of generated is 200 times that of the normal situation). The power of faith can be transformed into divine power. The more power of faith, the stronger the resistance to mysterious power.

Body of the God of War: The higher the number of layers of the body of the God of War [the higher the bonus obtained for all the groups of the God of War Legion. (You can get an additional bonus of 1/10 of the body of Shura God of War).

War looting: After the God of War Legion permanently kills a hero, it can loot primary skills (the number is related to the hero's level) or skill points (the number is related to the hero's level) that it does not have from the hero.

God of War Emissary: ​​All members of the God of War Legion can have the sub-job of God of War Emissary, which can train God of War Emissary (heroic quality arms). Each God of War Emissary trains 100 corresponding arms, and Shura God of War will receive 1 arm reward... …

Remarks: The God of War statue is the exclusive statue of Shura God of War, which can condense the power of faith and generate divine power!

The God of War Statue is an exclusive epic building.

Its image is Ye Xiu himself.

This is simply outrageous!

With the statue, Ye Xiu is simply treated like a god.

At the same time, the statue of the God of War is also closely related to the Legion of the God of War.

Ares Legion is currently a Tier 2 Legion.

The God of War Statue is a level 2 building.

If the God of War Legion is upgraded.

This building must also be upgraded.

Relatively speaking, this is the easiest epic building Ye Xiu has ever seen!

After all, the platform upgrade of Destruction War requires many platforms to be upgraded.

Resource consumption is horrific.

Legendary buildings in Destiny City and Miracle City.

You also need to upgrade the city level.

In this way, Ye Xiu only needs to increase the level of the God of War Legion.

Much less difficult!

At least just kill kill kill.

Enemy heroes killed will provide legion experience points.

Legion members can also increase the legion experience through killing.

At present, both the God of War Legion and the Shura Legion are not far from the third-level legion.

Maybe Ye Xiu will be able to see the level 3 God of War statue soon!

After 2.8, the members of the God of War Legion will be able to exert their strength.

The number of them reached 200, and together, the experience points of the legion were still more than Ye Xiu's.

Now that the number of members of the God of War Legion has increased to 400, it will help Ye Xiu even more!

God of War Legion (God-level Legion): Level 2 legion, all members' defense + (2*level) points, command power + (100*level) points, commander's unit HP +80%, has exclusive god-level characteristics: unparalleled God of War. Possess legion skills: the body of the god of war, the art of commander.

Number of legion members: 200/400.

Legion experience required for legion upgrade: 45000/50000 points.

Commander's Art: Low-level, legion members' offensive and defensive attributes +8%, units' HP +10%. This skill can be upgraded.

"Wushuang, the God of War Legion will expand its enrollment immediately. I remember that many players are waiting in line to join the God of War Legion!".

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