Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 216 The High Elf Realm (Seventh Update, 7.5W Flowers Added!)

The earth in the previous life was weak.

Ranked bottom in all Xiaoqian worlds.

Due to being often 'bullied' by other Xiaoqian worlds

Many Earth players tried their best to change their situation.

Some of these players thought of a way to transform their race.

Through various channels, they have been transformed into elves, titans, orcs and even enemy-like new humans!

After transforming the race, they will claim to be players of that race.

That is the legendary ball rape.

It's similar to the second devil when Huaxia was invaded by the Japanese devils.

They will seek benefits for their masters.

Do all sorts of incredible things.

Everything is to obtain a higher status and treatment from his master.

These players are scornfully called mixed-race players.

There are also players who like to call them mixed-breed bastards.

Is the elf a thing in the pool? It is obviously a mixed-race player transformed into an elf player.

Even the mentality is considered to be an elf.

The elves are the dominant race in the elves world.

It is inextricably linked with the high elf world.

This is the same as the relationship between the titan world and the giant spirit world!

The Milky Way Continent in the previous life was actually a situation where the high elves and giant spirits were fighting for hegemony!

Now for the time being, they are also the most powerful in the two Great Thousand Worlds! 787 As an elf family, how can elves pose extremely high.

Looking at Ye Xiu, there is also a condescending taste!

He is an elf race, a real superior race!

"Where did you come from, the idlers, etc., pointing fingers in front of me!"

Ye Xiu stared.

Don't be rude to people who don't recognize themselves like this!

Even real elf players dare not be so presumptuous in front of him.

A half-breed bastard actually bossed him around!

Simply do not know what to say.

It's not up to other people to point out what Ye Xiu does.

Even if the high elf players come.

He didn't dare to talk nonsense to Ye Xiu like that.

This mixed-breed bastard has nothing else to learn.

Instead, he learned the talent of the elves with their noses turned upside down.

Still green out of blue and better than blue!

"Hmph, the titan players are determined to take down all your private cities and kill you!"

"How dare you insult me! Do you know that I am an envoy sent by the high elf world!"

Speaking of which, the elves are extremely proud and complacent.

The world of high elves is now faintly the number one world.

Because the titan world was targeted by Ye Xiu.

The players in the giant spirit world were also taught a lesson by Ye Xiu.

The giant spirit world is a bit battered.

Prestige, in particular, took a major hit.

Other players subconsciously think that the world of high elves seems to be stronger than the world of giant spirits.

This caused countless awe-inspiring gazes when the elves went out.

These gazes are extremely useful to the elves.

Unknowingly, he had a mentality that was even more arrogant than the high elves.

No one looks down on it.

Doesn't care about anyone.

Of course, if he met a real high elf, he would definitely wag his tail like a pug.

He's not even qualified to be a pug.

"My lord from the High Elf World asked me to give you a sentence!"

"As long as you become a vassal of our elves, and take the earth players to be a vassal of the high elves, we will help you through the crisis!"

How can the elves pretend to be as noble as the high elves?

But it only made Ye Xiu think of the idiom "Dong Shi Xiao Yan".

Is the elf a thing in the pool but doesn't know it yet.

He had a tone that Ye Xiu would definitely agree.

"From now on, you can also follow our elves!"

"That's your pleasure!"

Is the elf looking at Ye Xiu condescendingly?

Waiting for Ye Xiu's reply.

Ye Xiu looked at him like he was looking at a pen.

"We are elves? You are a mixed-race player, and you also call yourself an elf? You remind me of those yellow-skinned and white-hearted banana people..."

Ye Xiu saw that the elves were things in the pool, and they should have been Chinese before.

This guy, maybe in reality, is a banana man.

After entering "The Age of Lords", there is (chac) a bigger goal.

The elves became his new masters.

Let him pay a huge price and become an elf.

In reality, Ye Xiu has seen many such ridiculous people.

I didn't expect to see it again in "The Age of Lords".

Obviously in this life, Ye Xiu has pushed the earth to the number one position in Xiaoqian world.

Ye Xiu himself never thought of bowing his head to the great world.

He still has great pride, and wants to compete with the great world for the position of supremacy.

To dominate the galaxy continent!

But even when the earth is number one in the small thousand world.

Some people go to lick other great worlds!

Before the fight started, I knelt down first!

Ye Xiu naturally doesn't have a good attitude towards this kind of guy!

"Talking about the high elves you speak of, do you want me to be their vassal? Be their dog?"

"They're trying to eat farts! I've never had the habit of treating people like dogs!"

Ye Xiu was not polite.

Titan players are used to domineering.

Elf players are not much better either.

The elves are extremely proud and treat the races in the small thousand world.

They are all superior.

In their eyes, other small thousand world players are dogs.

That gesture alone is disgusting enough.

Ye Xiu is disgusted now.

Ye Xiu is almost already the strongest and most prestigious player at present.

The high elf world actually wanted him to be a dog.

In their eyes, with so many achievements, Ye Xiu is just a special dog.

It's still the same call to come and go.

They should be obeyed.

"You are too arrogant! We elves have given you such a good opportunity, how dare you refuse?"

"That's your only chance!"

Is the elf an angry anomaly?

Ye Xiu scolding the high elves made him feel worse than scolding him.

This is the normal mentality of mixed race players.

"The only chance? My chance, I made it with my own hands!"

"Go away, I don't talk to dogs!"

Ye Xiu directly issued an order to evict the guest.

If it wasn't for being in the City of Destiny, Ye Xiu wouldn't bother to get his hands dirty.

He might kill this arrogant guy!

"Okay! Very good, I want to see how you are going to perish!"

"Now the weak players on Earth are being crushed and beaten, this is your future!"

Is the elf just a thing in the pool?

He seemed overjoyed to see the Earth players at a disadvantage.

Ye Xiu sneered: "The players on Earth were crushed and beaten? You open your eyes and take a good look?"

Is the elf a thing in the pool? Hearing this, he looked at the record post and live post in the player forum.

In a battlefield live broadcast, ten players from the God of War Legion took action, and twenty Titan players fled in embarrassment!

"What's the situation? How could a titan player be killed like this!".

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